Knights of the Old Republic: Rise of the Reavers

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Post by Hotfoot »

Zyke shrugged, "Well, it's a start. I'll see if I can't help on the selling of the shuttle, get you some more for it than it's likely worth. Past that, we'll see what needs done on the ship." After all, sometimes repairs needed to be done, and sometimes Zyke and Trys were preoccupied. Having help outside of Ermey would certainly be useful.
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Post by LadyTevar »

"Then it's settled," Trys beamed, raising her glass. "To our new crewmember, then."

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Kel smiled, raising his own glass. "To the Sunrise." He said.
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Zyke nodded and followed suit. "To hyperdrives, good times, and getting out alive."
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Post by LadyTevar »

"See? I'll turn him into a Corellian yet," Trys teased Zyke, winking to Kelran before taking a huge draft from her glass. Setting it down, she chuckled. "Now, we just have to let Dewaddik know, before he thinks you're an intruder and tears your arms off."

A sudden thought, and a sheepish look to Kelran. "Uhh... you do understand Shyriiwook, right?"

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Kel nodded. "Yeah. CorSec offered a bunch of language courses, so I took that one, and Selonian. I can also speak Huttese." He said, leaning back. "So, a Zabrak, a droid, a Wookie, and two Corellians. This'll be a fun ship."
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Post by LadyTevar »

"Now that Marcus is gone, we will actually have a sense of Humor..." Trys quipped. Marcus was far too serious.

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Try's communicator beeped. The signal was from her "uncle" Sylvero Dell.
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Post by LadyTevar »

"Pardon me, gentlemen, I have to take this," Trys said after looking at her communicator. She rose and walked away from the table to get a little bit of privacy. "Hello Uncle... you won't believe who I've just signed as crew."

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Post by Charon »

Riv perked an eyebrow at Asarak as though he had heard the name before, then looked over at Master Brianna.

"Well, the Force works in mysterious ways." Riv looked back to Asarak. "Master Brianna was just mentioning you to me. I am to be a tutor of sorts for you."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"You would be surprised at what I can imagine, my dear," replied the rich tones of Neilus Stravus. "Would we be discussing a formerly upright young man of your acquaintance?" He laughed.

"Anyway, I want to talk to you and your rake hell partners about a job. Interested? The pay is triple the last one."
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Asarak raised his own eyebrow in a combination of curiosity and thankfullness. He would definitely need the help of a peer if he was going to get back into the swing of things, as well as unlearn bad habits.

"I am not sure in this case the phrase applies. However it is a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to working with you."
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by LadyTevar »

"i would be interested in discussing this offer more," Trys replied, even as her mind jumped to calculating the profit margins v/s risk. "When would be a good time to discuss the matter, Uncle?"

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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Sooner is better, my dear. Would you and your companions do me the honour of joining me at the the Silverspire Dining Palace and discussing the offer? My treat, of course."
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Post by LadyTevar »

"Of course, Uncle. I'll need a little time to get the crew together. Say.. one hour?" That would be just enough time to take a fast shower and put on her best outfit, as well as get Zyke, Dewaddik, and Kelran cleaned and presentable.

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"Make it two my dear," her 'uncle' replied. "It's a little early for dinner yet, even if one eats like a Wookie."
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Post by LadyTevar »

"Good idea, Uncle," Trys answered. "We'll meet you then." Politely she ended the conversation and went back to the table with Zyke and Kelran.

"Well, we've been invited to the Silverspire Dining Palace in two hours for dinner with Uncle Neilus." She looked to Kelran and asked seriously. "Will that give you time to get your belongings over to the Sunrise and get dressed for dinner?" She actually hoped that Kelran would even HAVE a nice outfit for such a lofty dining experience... and then she had to wonder about Dewaddik.

"Zyke...? Should we let Dewaddik know, or just let him have his fun elsewhere?"

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Post by Agent Fisher »

Kel blinked. "Silverspire? Oh wow." He nodded. "Yeah, I can get my kit from my shuttle. I don't have a whole lot of stuff to transfer. I can rent a hoversled, load it up and get it to the Sunrise."

He tapped the table lightly with his fake hand. "But yes, Mom, I'll have enough time to get dressed." He teased.
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Zyke...? Should we let Dewaddik know, or just let him have his fun elsewhere?"
Wookies were a rare sight in the galaxy at this time and enslaved Wookies were still held in numbers. This led to... misunderstandings at time.

Such as a pair of bully boys thinking that catching the "escaped wookie" would be easy money.

The first bully boy was head first in a table sure to regret his mistakes when he awoke. The second bully boy was being used as an improvised weapon in a general bar brawl.

It wasn't Dewaddik's first choice of evening actitives, but it was good enough! With a roar he slammed the vaguely humanish bully through a trio of green skinned warty aliens pounding them with his living screaming weapon a few more times for good measure. Standing on the twitching pile Dewaddik looked around at the scene of chaos...

Yeah someone was gonna call the cops. Best book it. With a sigh Dewaddik considered the frailties of the alien psyche. Seems no one in the galaxy could let people enjoy themselves without calling in the law.

He swung through the crowd slamming his way through as only a full grown combat trained male wookie could, grabbing a pair of booze bottles on his way out the back.

He was sure he would find something else to do.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Hotfoot »

"I get the feeling Dewaddik needs to have some fun. As long as one of us is with Kelran, there shouldn't be a problem, and we can fill him in on the contract later. I'll let Ermey know though, just in case." A short comlink conversation later, Zyke returned his attention to the two Corellians.
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Post by LadyTevar »

"Good, then it's settled," Trys stated, taking charge. "We've a hoversled on the Sunrise, so you can borrow that to get your things while I get cleaned up and dressed for the meeting." She gave Zyke a sly grin. "I think I'll wear that dress you like seeing on the floor, Zyke."

Leaving Zyke to think on that happy image, Trys starts walking towards the exit. "I'll try to reach Dewaddik and tell him we'll be in a meeting with Uncle Neilus, and unless he hears from us he's still on shoreleave." She pauses, looking back to the two men. "Well? Are you coming?"

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Post by Agent Fisher »

Kel nodded, standing. "Lead the way, little cousin." He said, adjusting the holster on his thigh.


Two hours later, Kel stood near the ramp of the Sunrise, adjust his suit jacket. All his clothes, supplies, weapons, had been stripped out of his shuttle and were now loaded onto ship. He had told the Duros berth owner to see if there was anyone looking to buy a G-Type.

Kel looked down the hall, waiting for the Zabrak and Trys.
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Post by LadyTevar »

First thing Trys had done when she got onboard was call Dewaddik and let him know about the meeting, and warn him about the new crewmember. She also warned him not to get into a fight, as the Coruscant security forces viewed that poorly. She did not ask why Dewaddik started laughing at that point.

Signing off, Trys did the fastest shower and dress she could; her hair and makeup took up most of the time, but it took time to look like she was naturally this beautiful every day. Besides, how often did she really get to wear The Dress?

It was classical elegance -- the bodice fitted close to her curves and shadows, but from her hips down it was a flowing shimmery soft indigo satin that wavered between purple and royal blue with the lighting. Her shoulders were bare, but the loose fabric was caught at her elbow and wrist, giving glimpses of her bare arm as the fabric moved.

One last look in the mirror and Trys walked out of the medical bay where she'd retreated to get ready. She'd heard Kelran and Zyke move his stuff aboard, stowing it in the portside barracks. Now, she just had to see if the boys had managed to look presentable.

"Zyke? Kelran? I'm ready to go."

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Post by Hotfoot »

Zyke's process for getting ready was, by it's very nature, more simple than Trys's. Once she was done with the shower, he took a similarly short one, identified the outfit he was going to wear, and slipped it on, all very quickly. The outfit was a fine muted red with orange stripes going down, starting at the shoulders and going down the sleeves, with similar stripes down the pants. A fine white shirt stood out under the jacket, with pants matching the jacket. Polished black books finished the outfit, and Zyke tested the suit for how much agility it allowed. He never liked formal clothes, they were always so easy to mess up and didn't allow much in the way of mobility should something happen. Still, this was for Trys, and her uncle would be there, so he endured.

When he saw Trys in her dress, he couldn't help but smile, his eyes wandering over each line and curve. "You know, I never get tired of seeing that..." He let his sentence trail off, letting her imagination fill in the rest. "You do look wonderful, I'm sure wherever we go will not be worthy of your presence."
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Post by LadyTevar »

"Flirt," Trys teased, the dress making her seem to glide as she crossed over to his side. "And I was right to buy that suit.. it looks very good on you. Now, if you or Kelran remembered to contact a skycab, we should be going."

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