Wrath of the Fallen (D&D or Arcana Evolved Campaign)

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#1 Wrath of the Fallen (D&D or Arcana Evolved Campaign)

Post by Cynical Cat »

When the Great Horde erupted out of the Pamaj Peninsula two decades ago, no one was alarmed or surprised. The orc race was hardy and warlike and it was inevitable that another warlord would arise among them, unite several clans, and attack Dolmea. That Dolmea's tough borderers failed to stop them and that it's border keeps and castles were thrown down was a surprise. The defeat of King Rajket III at the Battle of Weeping Fields and the breaking of his army was a surprise, but still no one truly understood that this time the enemy was different.

Duke Thanged of Meria lead his armies across the border to defeat the orc scum and seize new lands. His defeat, while surprising, did not dismiss old prejudices. When the rest of Olnstongard's armies massed to face the horde, everyone was expecting Olnstongard to be victorious. Orcs could not withstand heavy horse nor did they have magic nor were their archers of note. They would be beaten.

The orcs had dark magics of their own and they were formidable. They had light horse archers. Their heavy infantry had great spears with which to repel cavalry and axes to hack down enemy foot. Ogre and giant clans were with them and they smashed both cavalry and foot formations. And they were seemingly endless in number and ruled by the iron fist of a brilliant warlord. Finally, it was understood what had happened. The Ilghazul had swept all of the tribes of the Pamaj together and reformed them into an army with which to throw down the lands of men.

It took six months for Olnstongard to fall. Six months of sieges and defeats and sackings. Refugees spread to other lands and they learned of the size of the horde and the uncanny brilliance of it's leader and the cunning of his subcommanders.

Winter had come and the nations of the west exchanged messengers and promises while they prepared for a spring campaign. The Ilghazul marched, not against men, but against the elves. A legion of the walking dead was the spearhead of his army. By the time the nations of men knew of the elves's plight, it was too late. The survivors said it was the Winter of Sorrow, the last age of the elves.

In the spring the nations of the west rallied behind the banners of High Chessenta and the glorious King Ellaseer. They lost at the Battle of Bloody Crossing, but retreated in good order. The Field of Swords was a bloody stalemate. Terrana was besieged, but still held. Hope lived.

Mulhane and his Bloody Five Thousand attacked deep into the Horde's rear. He wrecked great havoc, but was opposed by the cunning and ruthless Ghazul Raric Bloodeye. He lured Mulhane and his famed band into battle at Merioc and slaughtered them all.

Dark magics claimed Ellaseer and the Horde won the Battle of Broken Dreams. High Chessentia teetered. The hundred temples of Terrana were despoiled. The Great Library of Neholic fell. The flower of Chessentian chivalry was slaughtered. As went Chessentia, so went the west.

The Ilghazul ignored the small northern realm of Balamor and turned his attention to the Great Peaks. Seven years he besieged them and seven years he failed. For the last three years he has maintained his siege lines, but the Horde has not attacked. Clearly the Ilghazul will soon begin on another campaign. May all the gods and powers save the east and the south from the horrors of the horde.

-Nagada Sematal, tutor to Prince Rothen
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So that's the background to recent events. The players will have spent the last decade or so growing up in a refugee camp near the Great Peaks under the protection of Margrave of Snake Pass. The community mostly works as tenant farmers in the margrave's fields or doing hard labour improving the fortifications. The refugees are poor, but moderately comfortable. They are keenly aware that when the orcs move east and south, they are likely to lose their new homes. The valley also serves as a base for the Rangers, a surviving fragment of High Chessentia and the leaders of a quiet war against the orcs.

Races available will be

+2 to one stat of their choice
-bonus feat.
-4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra point every level after that.
-One cross class skill is treated as a class skill

-+2 to Constitution and Wisdom
- -2 Charisma
-base move is 20 feet
-low light vision
-+2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against giants and all creatures size Huge or larger.
-+4 stability bonus
-Dwarven War Axes and Urgoshes are treated as martial weapons
-+2 bonus on Appraise, Perception, and Craft checks related to metal and stonework.
-+1 bonus on saves versus spells, spell like effects, and poison.
-Giant killer: +1 to hit and damage versus giants

Half Elves
-+2 to Wisdom, Charisma, Intelligence or Dexterity
-low light vision
-+1 to all Perception rolls
-Elven blood
-+2 to Diplomacy and Gather Information rolls
-Bonus feat

Riven Elves
+2 to Dexterity and Intelligence
-2 to Constitution
-low light vision
-+2 to Perception, Knowledge: Arcana, and Spellcraft rolls
-proficient in all bows and long sword
-Arcane Heritage: Riven elves may use their Intelligence as their spell casting attribute for classes that normally use either Charisma or Wisdom.

Windstrider Elves
+2 to Dexterity and Wisdom
-2 to Constitution
-low light vision
-+2 to Perception, Profession (sailor), Survival, and Swim rolls
-proficient in all bows, spears, and long sword
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

We can use Arcana Evolved Classes? Won't that be a bit unbalanced?

Also what's a Riven Elf or a Windstrider Elf?
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote:We can use Arcana Evolved Classes? Won't that be a bit unbalanced?

Also what's a Riven Elf or a Windstrider Elf?
Arcana Evolved classes require more xp to level. People have mixed and matched (I'm looking at you Magister) successfully, but that's not what I'm doing. The game will be played using either D&D or Arcana Evolved rules. Haven't settled on them yet.

Racial details coming soon.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

An important point to keep in mind is that every character is from a refugee family and has lost the majority of their extended family to the orcs, who are likely to enslave or wipe out the rest of their friends and family in the near future.


In places where they aren't the majority (most places) skin colour tends to be a little lighter and they speak the local languages with an identifiable accent. Customs are different as well. They stand out, alienated from society and bearing the stigma of defeat.

The north and west have always had good relations with elves and dwarves and their people have enjoyed many advantages from that ancient friendship. High Chessentia was the greatest power in the land, it's people proud, prosperous, and free.

Now it is thrown down to the dust and its people killed or enslaves and with it have fallen all the great kingdoms of the north. If the great nations of the free people could not stop the orcs, what chance does the rest of the world have?

Riven Elves

A generation ago, they were known as high elves and formed the majority of the elven race. Now they are the minority. The survivors of the ancient elven kingdoms are all scattered and diffused. Their culture is dying and even instant and total victory will not change that. Many have succumbed to a grim fatalism. The Winter of Sorrow is upon them and the elven race has been broken. Death for the survivors will come soon and is inevitable.

The other major ideological camp, if such a term can be applied to such small scattered groups, are those that have embraced the death of their cities, nations, and culture without giving into despair. What is lost is gone, but a new future can be made. There can be a spring that brings change and renewal. They will spill an ocean of orc blood to see it happen.

Windstrider Elves

Not all elves were content to live in forests and cities of their heartlands. Some went out and explored the world and, in some cases, found small communities. This slow but steady diaspora sowed a scattering of small elven settlements throughout the lands, mostly in the eat and south. Windstrider elves are known as travellers, explorers, ship builders, and sailors. They still love the forests and produced skilled magicians, but the rivers and seas are their homes as well.

The few Windstrider communities in the north and west fell, with the exception of the one in Balamor. The bulk of their people reside in small communities in the south and west and so they survive as a people and culture despite a genocide that has exterminated their race over half a continent, including their ancestral homelands.

Less grim and damaged than their Riven kin, the Windstriders are not fools. Ships have sailed to find new homes on islands and distant shores while others have taken up arms and magic to join the Rangers and take the war to the enemy.

Windstrider elves greatly resemble their Riven kin. Both tend to be slender of build and are roughly the same height as humans. Windstriders tend to have darker skin than the Riven.


Great Peaks endure. Besieged and bloodied, surrounded by an enemy who will kill them with blades or starvation, the Great Peaks endure. Most minor holds have fallen, but heart of the race lives. For now.

While besieged no food can be grown on the mountain slopes and no herds raised. The storehouses of the Great Peaks are vast, some food can be raised underground, and the Rangers bring in food when they can, but the dwarves cannot hold on forever. The elves have fallen. The great kingdoms of men have fallen. The enemy waxes in strength. Time is short.
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Consider me interested in an AE game :smile:
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I'll finangle something when I get home

I call True Neutral Dwarf Cleric.
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I'm partial to a Mageblade or Magister Riven Elf...
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Post by frigidmagi »

I'm feeling AE. Champion or Totem Warrior maybe (HEAR ME WOLF!)
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Post by Cynical Cat »

This was to the be one of the two campaigns I was going to present to my players as a choice of which D&Dish campaign to do. Given the enthusiasm of the response, I think they'll probably do this one as Arcana Evolved.

Of course, I'm quite willing to run it here as well. Please feel free to critique or ask questions.

There's a few house rules for this campaign that I'll post soon.
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House Rules and Modification

Listen, Spot, and Search are gone. Every class gets Perception as a class skill.

The racial spell templates such as dragon and litorian are mostly unchanged. They still exist, but instead of being racial magics they are spells associated with old magical orders and paths of development.

Litorian=Lodge of the Panther
Sibeccai=Lodge of the Wolf

New Feat

Ranger Trained [General]
Requirements: Int 11+, Wisdom 11+, Accepted as a prospect by the Rangers and trained by them.
Benefits: +2 to Survival and Knowledge (Nature) and the benefits of the Track feat.

Devanian gear exists, but is called Chessentian.

Elfblade: This trait can be applied to any sword. The cost is double that of a masterwork weapon and the DC to construct is five points higher. The weapon gains the light property.
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Most human nations use a monetary system similar to High Chessentia's, which is based around the silver dask.

1 Centum (large gold coin)=100 gp
1 Dask(thin silver coin)=1 D&D gp.
20 Denari(small brass coin)=1 gp.

Dwarven Currency

Gold (large, rectangular, gold coin)=200 gp
Great Silver (large, rectangular silver coin)=10 gp
Silver (small, square silver coin)=1 gp
20 Copper (small, round copper coin)=1gp

Elvish Currency

Sun (large, thick gold coin)=100gp
Moon (large silver)=5 gp
2 Stars (small silver)=1 gp

Orc Currency

Not accepted anywhere else in the known world. Orcs do a lot of barter with loot and precious metals, but have their own coin system.

1 Zarkel (2"x3" engraved and magical iron plaque)=1,000 gp
1 Kramak (square iron coin)=1 gp
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Post by frigidmagi »

Why are Orcs using Iron for money? That's a waste of the metal, it's better used to make tools or weapons. One would think Orcs would want iron to be used for swords and armor.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote:Why are Orcs using Iron for money? That's a waste of the metal, it's better used to make tools or weapons. One would think Orcs would want iron to be used for swords and armor.
They have plenty of iron and they don't use much of it for coin. Most of their currency is loot. The iron currency is issued by the Ilghazul and is used as gifts and to pay his personal troops. That's why it's only in large denominations. In practice, most orcs use mostly human coins and barter.
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Post by frigidmagi »

he iron currency is issued by the Ilghazul and is used as gifts and to pay his personal troops.
If it's from the big bad's own hands is it likely to hold any social prestige? Having an iron bar given from Super-Khan's own hands makes you more bad ass then a guy who just has a 1000 gold coins taken from some wuss humies?

At this point they likely use slaves as barter quiet a bit to. Should be plenty of them laying about. Any rumors as to central point in the new orc empire where slave and other exchange is taking place?

How do they eat? Traditionally I mean. Off of large herds of lifestock? Slave labor farms?

I'm inferring (don't know if you mean to imply) that the core of their army is heavy infantry in tight formation with pike. That suggests a culture used to teamwork. Fighting in the square does not loan itself to bronze age ego stroking.

Feel free to tell me no answer if my character shouldn't know this stuff. But basically I'm asking what do we know of our relatives who didn't make it out and what do we know Orky Kulture?

Any limits on what social class we can be? And what schooling or knowledge base we can have? You're looking for a young starting age yes?

I'm assuming that any soldiers who survived are either insane, insanely luckly, cowards, maimed or some combination of the above. Likely worse for magic users.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote: If it's from the big bad's own hands is it likely to hold any social prestige? Having an iron bar given from Super-Khan's own hands makes you more bad ass then a guy who just has a 1000 gold coins taken from some wuss humies?
At this point they likely use slaves as barter quiet a bit to. Should be plenty of them laying about. Any rumors as to central point in the new orc empire where slave and other exchange is taking place?
Slaves are one of the commodities traded and bartered. Real warriors don't do slave work, after all. Getting information out of the empire is hard, so your characters won't know much.
How do they eat? Traditionally I mean. Off of large herds of lifestock? Slave labor farms?
Herding and hunter gathering with crappy slave labor agriculture. Herding gives one time to practice with weapons.
I'm inferring (don't know if you mean to imply) that the core of their army is heavy infantry in tight formation with pike. That suggests a culture used to teamwork. Fighting in the square does not loan itself to bronze age ego stroking.
The Greeks beg to differ. It's notable that the orcs traditionally have been broken by heavy cavalry until the Ilghazul turned up. Their discipline has improved.
Feel free to tell me no answer if my character shouldn't know this stuff. But basically I'm asking what do we know of our relatives who didn't make it out and what do we know Orky Kulture?
You probably know nothing about what happened to your relatives once you fled, unless they were elves since orcs have always been genocidal against elves. Dwarves and humans might have been enslaved. Orc culture is deeply racist. Orcs do treat half orcs as full blooded orcs since orc blood "is the strongest". They can't breed with elves but they can and do rape humans and dwarves. Their culture holds the profession of war and the glorification and betterment of the race and tribe above all.
Any limits on what social class we can be? And what schooling or knowledge base we can have? You're looking for a young starting age yes?
You are all refugee class. Your family can originally be nobles or beggars. Remember that you've spent at least the last ten years in a refugee camp but you might have been taught by a brilliant scholar. Young starting ages.
I'm assuming that any soldiers who survived are either insane, insanely luckly, cowards, maimed or some combination of the above. Likely worse for magic users.
Not all. Most of the surviving soldiers and mages are family retainers that had orders to get the women and children to safety. So slightly better than insanely lucky.
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Post by frigidmagi »

The Greeks beg to differ.
Which Greeks? The one who fought the semi-mythical wars of Troy, yes they did do alot of silly Bronze Age Foolishness. Like individual challenges and duels. But then... It was the bloody Bronze Age. They were fighting in chariots and as light foot for the most part, not in squares with pike.

By the Peloponnesian War or Alexander's time we're talking a much different set of Greeks. The men in the phanlaxs wouldn't have been able to do individual challenges or duels and if they had tried they would have been punished. They were expected to stay in formation and fight as part of a unit.

Now I'll admit the upper classes kept doing it, but they weren't in the pike/spear squares. They were members of the cavalry. Which loaned itself to such nonsense for a good long time.
Slaves are one of the commodities traded and bartered. Real warriors don't do slave work, after all. Getting information out of the empire is hard, so your characters won't know much.
Not to many people have escaped once taken then?
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Character Creation

Answer these questions

Who are you?

What was your family like before the war?

Who did you lose in the war?

Who among your family survives?

How did you become [insert class stuff]?


1) Choose stats. Pick, not buy, not roll. I'm treating you like adults so act like ones.

2) Do your skill points, feats, etcetera. Everyone is 1st level.

3) Pick one item that is a family heirloom or a gift from a teacher/trainer/whatever. It can be magical. Not a one shot and helpful for a low level character should be considerations.

4) Choose cheap and easy to make gear for the rest.

5) Run it by me.
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote:
Which Greeks? The one who fought the semi-mythical wars of Troy, yes they did do alot of silly Bronze Age Foolishness. Like individual challenges and duels. But then... It was the bloody Bronze Age. They were fighting in chariots and as light foot for the most part, not in squares with pike.
That's in contention. There's evidence to suggest (including the poems themselves) that they did frequently fight in big squares and that hoplite gear and tactics evolved continually.
By the Peloponnesian War or Alexander's time we're talking a much different set of Greeks. The men in the phanlaxs wouldn't have been able to do individual challenges or duels and if they had tried they would have been punished. They were expected to stay in formation and fight as part of a unit.
And still Socrates won the prize of valor for Athens. Discipline does not preclude individual heroism. The orcs squares do tend to loose cohesion when engaging enemy infantry so they can hack them down with big axes.

Not to many people have escaped once taken then?
Few escape and they mostly only know their own stories. The orcs do a lot of plantation/mining/military engineering work with slaves and they tend to stay with the job until they're worked to death.
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Post by frigidmagi »

That's in contention. There's evidence to suggest (including the poems themselves) that they did frequently fight in big squares and that hoplite gear and tactics evolved continually.
Now that's interesting. I generally thought that the stuff in the poem was just bleed back from the time it was created though.
And still Socrates won the prize of valor for Athens. Discipline does not preclude individual heroism. The orcs squares do tend to loose cohesion when engaging enemy infantry so they can hack them down with big axes.
And troops still get medals for such today, that doesn't mean they're acting like Achilles and Hector. I'm not talking about being brave or performing a heroic act. I'm talking about things like one on one duels, individual challenges, waving around trophies and so on.

So Orc discipline is brittle?
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote:
And troops still get medals for such today, that doesn't mean they're acting like Achilles and Hector. I'm not talking about being brave or performing a heroic act. I'm talking about things like one on one duels, individual challenges, waving around trophies and so on.
They wave around trophies, but they don't break ranks. One on one duels with longer lived and better trained elves, men, and dwarves who usually have better gear isn't conductive to being a successful leader, even if your muscles are big.
So Orc discipline is brittle?
It was. Much better since they unified. Loosening up to hack down enemy infantry with big armour and shield mangling axes isn't a lack of discipline, it's a successful tactic.
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Dwarves honor the spirits of their ancestors, heros, and the spirits of the earth that are dwarf-friends. Popular ones include Hrulgar the Grim King, Mehana the Wise, and Uchulak Under the Mountain.


Elves entreat benevolent spirits of the stars, wind, and wood (as well as a few others) who have long been friends of their people. Windstrider elves particularly favor water and wind spirits. Some Riven Elves have taken to communing with shades of night and blood as they extend their reach for any weapon with which to prevent the extinction of their race.


The diverse cultures of humans worship a variety of entities and deities of questionable reality and potence. In the north respect was given to powerful local nature spirits, in a manner similar to dwarves and elves as well as several local deities. In addition, High Chessentia's kings and some of its heroes underwent ceremonies where their spirits remained close to the land after they perished.

Gods of the North

Uthlor, Forest Maker, Earth Seeder, Life Bringer
Malya, Storm Queen, Sun Hammer, Rainbringer

Ralther Pendragus-Hero-King of Chessentia
Evanyan-swordmistress, courtier, poet, and monster slayer
Shaya-High elven spirit speaker, adviser, and mage
Yorek Ironbones-cursed knight, invincible warrior, martyr-champion


They worship Mardru, Maker of the World. Orcs are the last and greatest race created by him. Mardru is attended by a warband/court of great spirits and the souls of orc heroes.
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I am definitely in, but will be slow until I get access to my home computer, or regular internet, whichever is first. I suppose I could periodically "borrow" FM's machine.
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- Theodosius Dobzhansky

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Name: Nerodia Natricinae
Race/Class: Riven Elf Magister

Barebones stats
Str 9
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 20
Wis 17
Cha 10

Fort 1
Ref 3
Wil 4

Attack Bonus: melee -1

Concentration 4+1=5
Spellcraft 4+8=12
Knowledge Arcana 4+8=12
Knowledge science 4+5=9
Knowledge Engineering 4+5=9
Knowledge Architecture 2+5=7
Alchemy 3+5=8
Decipher Script 3+5=8

Feats and Talents
free ceremonial feat: Eldritch training
first level feat:modify spell

Spells readied at a time

spells per day



Nerodia lived a rather nice existence before the war. Before the Winter of Sorrow. He had a mother, a father, brothers, sisters. He even had several lovers, and he was apprenticed to one of the most powerful magisters in the city. All of that changed in a winter of fire and death. His father died on the wall, rendered to the past tense when he was skewered by arrows. His mother and sisters were raped and murdered as he was forced to watch, having used his pittance of magic in a failed attempt to defend his little brother.

He would have died himself had his master not managed to intervene. Wreathed in magic he appeared from nowhere and slaughtered the orcs occupying his home, cleared a path through the city wall and told him to run. Nerodia did, and has no idea what became of his mater.

He ran as fast as he could, for so long he lost track of how long. He came across a band of refugees and earned a place among them, plying his meager magical skills to earn a living and avoid starving.

That is who he has been with for the past decade. His family is dead, his civilization and culture are dead... He has done what he can to continue his training, deriving arcane theory, learning little bits of lore where he can, and scrounging for texts on mathematics, philosophy, and arcane theory using everything he can, everything. He has managed to put his skills to practical use in the refugee camp. Using his knowledge of engineering and mathematics to better design fortifications with fewer materials, and his skills with alchemy and herbalism to make money as an apothecary. None of that however detracts from his goals. Someone, preferably a lot of someones will pay with their lives for the suffering of his family, and the indignities he has suffered. He has fallen very very far from being the nice person he once was, and will make any bargain or entreat with any power to bring him the glorious cold-served revenge he desires.
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:40 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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Post by frigidmagi »

So I got a few ideas and would like to toss them out there... As what I go with will affect my character.

Champion of Humanity or Justice, or Wolf Totem Warrior?

As a champion I would have broader commitments and heavier duties and standards. Meanwhile as a Wolf I would have other interests.

"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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