Tales of Ancient Empires (D&D)

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#1 Tales of Ancient Empires (D&D)

Post by Academia Nut »

"Know O prince that yours is not the first kingdom to rise, nor does the might of empires last forevermore. Once this land was covered in ice, the domain of the frost giants, who ruled from the furthest north down to the southern mountains and from sea to frozen sea. They held a dozen races in their thrall, and none could challenge them save their cousins the fire giants and their infernal allies. But these lands are billowing fields, and all giant-kin have retreated far to the north where they do not trouble man.

"But in those troubled ages, the giants were not the only ones to forge mighty nations. No, far to the south the ancestors of all who live here warred and loved, unknowingly waiting for the days when they would flee across the mountains as the ice retreated to escape the chaos that was their homes. Listen now to their stories..."


With the death of Tide of Shadows, I've decided to try something a bit more experimental. This campaign will be set in an ancient land, when bronze still remains the primary metal for tools and steel is rare and precious, and magic is still wild and poorly understood. First up, some general points about allowed classes. (Note: Any lists are preliminary and subject to growth and possible negotiation)

Universally Allowed

Favoured Soul
Warlock (rare)

These classes are all allowed as they are either sufficiently general (fighter and scout), do not require extensive external training (sorcerer, favoured soul) or the required training can be acquired from outsiders (warlock)




These classes are all disallowed because they have yet to evolve in the society's involved. There may be early analogues, but in general these classes simply do not exist yet.

Now on to the power groups.


The humans are nomads who live out in the deep deserts as herders and traders. While many of the tribes still use simple stone and bone tools and weapons, some have acquired more advanced metals through raiding or trade with more advanced societies. While many are enslaved by more advanced cultures, their fortunes have been changing as their caravans bring in rare goods from the mountains to the north. Their boldness grows with each passing year as steel and wealth flow into their coffers. Hardened by being pushed into the periphery, these nomads look at the rich lands of their neighbours with growing hunger.

Human Classes

Spirit Shaman
Dragon Shaman

Dragon Disciple
Horizon Walker
Wild Mage
Stormlord (fluff modified)
Animal Lord


The dwarves and gnomes in this setting are the refugees fleeing from enslavement by their giant overlords in the north. Having escaped the glacial palaces and the mountainous fortifications of their former masters, they have established small outposts in the arid foothills and highlands across the northern deserts. While preyed upon on all sides by giants seeking back their slaves and locals resenting their intrusion, they have also brought with them the secrets of iron and steel, and some unique magic. Those human tribes that do not raid them have begun to carry their goods across the deserts to the wealthy lands of the south. Some have even followed along with the caravans, either seeking wealth, power, or new homes for their people to hide from the giants.

Dwarf and Gnome Classes

Spirit Shaman
Dragon Shaman

Dwarven Defender (dwarf only)
Stonelord (dwarf only)
Dragon Disciple
Horizon Walker
Highland Stalker
Gnome Giant-Slayer (gnome only)


Far to the south and in to the west, beyond the dunes and upon broken, waterfall covered plateaus, lie the steaming jungles and hidden stepped pyramid temple complexes of the goblinoids. With a pantheon of blood thirsty gods, the hobgoblin elite rule over teeming masses of goblin peasants and launch endless wars and raids against their neighbours to fuel the rites of sacrifice needed to feed their worship. They are an empire in decay though, the desert tribes they once raided now replacing their old weapons and armour with newer ones upon which stone blades shatter. A few have left the confines of their territory, for any myriad of reasons, from simple escape to those who seek a reversal of fortune for their empire.

Hobgoblin and Goblin Classes

Spirit Shaman

Blood Magus
Wild Mage
Tempest (hobgoblin only)
Wild Plains Outrider (goblin only)


Fed from the rains that escape the jungle territory of the goblinoids and passing through near impassible badlands and cataracts, a great river stabs through the heart of the desert, bringing nourishing water to the wastes. In elder rocks forged aeons ago deep caverns exist just beneath the surface. With whips and chains the dark elves have forged an empire, diverting part of the course of the mighty river into these enormous caves so that they might spread their plantations ever deeper into the deserts. Institutionally decadent, they have remained within their shadowy lairs guarding their supplies of water for so long their eyes are no longer suited for the light of day. But the labour of their slaves has given them much time to pursue the arts of magic, refining it greatly, while their eternal squabbles over the control of water have made them a distrustful, wary lot. Still, for all their pride and arrogance, theirs is the greatest civilization yet to arise, with great brooding pyramids built on the surface, sprawling farms stretching out into the distance connected by complex arrays of canals and locks powered by the treading of thousands of slaves, while glittering subterranean cities and villas lurk just beneath the surface.

Dark Elf Classes

Warlock (common)

Acolyte of the Skin
Eldritch Knight
Ghost-Faced Killer
Blood Magus


If the success of the dark elves can be placed upon any one factor besides their ruthlessness or access to the great river, it is their domination of the light elves. Once a prosperous collection of tribes living in harmony with the thick forests and swamps of their homes along the deltas of the eastern coast, they were as a group universally enslaved by their dark cousins, their traditions bent to the wills of their new masters. Thousands toil away in the cities, performing the work deemed too unseemly for a dark elf to perform but too unsightly for a human or goblin to do. The traditions of their hunters have been perverted to become the scouts, trackers, and skirmishers of the dark elf armies. And their druids are forced to enrich the soil of their masters, keeping the deserts at bay, with rebellious use of their magic and traditions held in check by the threat of obliteration to their homes, families, and forests; or by promises of riches and luxuries not granted to their kin. An entire race toils for their masters, enriching them, but some have escaped, either out into the deserts or into the forests or even a rare few into the streets of the cities, to plot for the overthrow of those that have dominated them.

Elf Classes


Arcane Archer
Horizon Walker
Animal Lord


So that is the initial set up to get your imaginations running. More rules will be presented later, particularly about what weapons and armour are permitted, along with a general tweaking of various prices and some other things. The specific starting place will probably be around an oasis in the desert where the dark elf empire has established an outpost. Caravans and raiders make frequent stops there, and runaway slaves are common. Starting level will be 4. I suspect there will be lots of questions on culture and such, and the various gods will be filled in with later posts, but I will be happy to answer individual questions either here or on AIM/MSN.
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Post by Utanka »

I am probably going to do a Gnoll Ranger or Gnoll Fighter if allowed... I have a concept that I want to try, actually using the Warrior from Unearthed Arcana and a Gnoll to create a really good two weapon fighter who can track.
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Post by Academia Nut »

I get the feeling that the majority of my responses to questions will be 'No' in the beginning. But no, no gnolls, and no using the generic classes from Unearthed Arcana.
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Post by Jason_Firewalker »

Name: Sylas Eltas
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 4
Align: Chaotic Neutral (total mercenary)

STR 14
DEX 17
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 10

HP 39
AC 17
Touch 13
FF 14

Point Blank Shot (L1)
Precise Shot (H)
Weapon Focus Longbow (F1)
Rapid Shot (F2)
Improved Initiative (L3)
Weapon Specialization Longbow (F4)

+1 Longbow: +9 to hit / 1d8+3 dam / x3 / range 100
+1 Longbow Rapid Shot: +7/+7 to hit / 1d8+3 dam each / x3 / range 100
MW Greataxe: +6 to hit / 1d12+3 dam / x3

Intimidate 7 = 0 + 7
Spot (cc) 3 = 0 + 3.5
Listen (cc) 3 = 0 + 3.5
Survival (cc) 3 = 0 + 3.5
Knowledge (Religion) (cc) 3 = 0 + 3.5

+1 Studded Leather Armor
+1 Longbow
80 arrows
MW Bronze Greataxe
Dagger (Bronze) x3
10 days rations
3 days water
2 travelers outfits
5 Sunrods (or 10 torches if AcNut does not allow)
4 belt pouches
Signal Whistle (bone)
4 Whetstone
2 heat outfits/desert outfits
ten 50 gp rubies
ten 50 gp diamonds
forty 10 gp emeralds
fifty two 1 gp fresh water pearls

Human (illiterate)
Trade Tongue
Dark Elf

History/Personality: A real mercenary bowman, Sylas grew up as a hunter. His skill as a hunter, not the greatest in his area, was often challenged but he more often brought back bigger game because of his skill as a better archer and axeman. Gifted as a great bowman he kept up the art after his tribe was decimated by disease while he was out on the week long hunt he monthly took. Now he works as a mercenary to make his way in the world. His personality reflects this and is highly chaotic. He cares little for those around him and only for himself.
Last edited by Jason_Firewalker on Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today — but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all'
-- Sir Issac Asimov

The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
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Post by Utanka »

Name: Grath
Race: Hobgoblin
Class: Fighter
Level: 3
Alignment: LG

Str 16
Dex 14
Con 15
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 10

HP: 34
AC: 16
Touch: 12
Flat Foot: 14

Exotic Weapon Proficiency Great-spear (L1)
Weapon Focus Great-spear (F1)
Improved Toughness (F2)
Short Haft (L3) (see PHBII)

Craft Weapon-smithing 9 = 2 + 7
Concentration (cross) = 2 + 7
Diplomacy (cross) 3 = 0 + 3.5
Ride 9 = 2 + 7

Attack Options:
+1 Greatspear: +8/2d6+5/x3
Javelin (thrown): +2/1d6+3/x2 (range 20 ft)

+1 Studded Leather
+1 Greatspear
3 Javelins
10 days rations
4 days water
1 pound soap
2 sacks
2 belt pouches
2 hot weather/jungle cloth outfits
Ten 100 gp blood diamonds
Eight 100 gp pink sea pearls
Three 25 gp moonstones
3 gp 9 silver in nutmeg (approx 2 oz)

Personality: A gruff warrior who tries his best to do the right thing, he tries very hard to make the world a better place for everyone in it but does not always end up in succeeding.

History: Raised in a warren of sloth and degeneracy, Grath stood out among his peers because of his strict ethics. He did his best to be nice and kind to all creatures. This ostracized him from the other Hobgoblins but made him a favorite among the lesser Goblins. He left the warren soon after finishing his schooling in the martial skills and has not looked back. He instead has become a wandering champion of the weak and down trodden, which has more then once gotten in almost over his head. His hatred of slavery knows no bounds and he believes it to be an abomination. He has traveled to this trading post to both help the down trodden and to find work as a mercenary, seeing as everyone, even champions, need to feed themselves.
Last edited by Utanka on Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Academia Nut »

Here is a bit more about the religions of the various groups, with a sampling of the three most prominent deities from each of the pantheons, although there are other, minor ones that could be dreamed up and deities that attract worshippers from more than one primary group.


Human Gods

Naj Nadda (N) - sometimes called the Sky Father or the Wrathful Father, Naj Nadda is the chief deity of the desert tribes. A stern yet fickle deity, Naj Nadda's face is the life giving but demanding sun, while his cloak is the clouds that bring rains that provide sustenance and floods, or the sandstorms that scour the flesh or provide concealment from enemies. An aloof god, Naj Nadda still shows his favour by occasionally raising forth a champion of his will, a powerful Stormlord capable of uniting tribes and hurling javelins like the god's own thunderbolts.

Naj Hakka (CN) - also called the Fickle Serpent, Naj Hakka is the serpent god of the deepest desert, the shifting dunes his writhing coils. More capricious than the sun or storms, Naj Hakka is still neither benevolent nor malevolent, he simply is, ever changing and eternal. His worshippers are often the most likely to become desert raiders, but the most kind hearted and compassionate guides of the wastes are also amongst his flock, and escaped slaves are most likely to be cared for by those who call Naj Hakka their patron.

Naj Malla (NG) - patron of mothers, children, and female warriors the Maternal Scorpion is said to stalk the dunes of the eternal deserts, an entire brood of horse sized scorpions riding upon her colossal back. Tender and doting, her belly is said to provide shade for an entire caravan if they are kind and pure of heart enough to approach her, but if her children are threatened then she reacts with apocalyptic wrath.


Elf Gods

Isthella (CN) - free and wild, the Hare Mother is the elven goddess of birth and life. Fickle, ever moving, and always with a litter of offspring, she encourages great fecundity of life without domination or control. All things have their place in nature, even if that place is to be prey, and it is simply hard luck if you are born to such a position. While the dark elves have attempted to use this aspect of the religion to show that their enslavement of the elves is natural, but the only elves favoured by Isthella are the ones calling for the return to their original state, free and wild, without interference from the dark elves.

Tauneni (NE) - a cruel, predatory ball of fire, Tauneni is the elven god of the hunt and fire. While once considered a necessary evil, worship of Tauneni has grown in part from the dark elves encouraging the growth of their regiments of slave archers and in part from the desire to harness the destructive cruelty of the god to overthrow their oppressors

Ruzumz (N) - the Bearded Man of the Forest, this ancient, walking tree was the first god to teach the elves their druidic traditions. Since his only concern is the growth and care of forests, no matter who is actually in charge, Ruzumz's worshippers often have preserves set aside for the express purpose of holding hostage for obliteration should they rebel


Dark Elf Gods

Nehraca (NE) - the first and most important dark elf deity, the Spider Bitch was the one who taught the dark elves how to snare water and plants in their webworks of canals and to bind lesser races to their will. It was through her guidance that the dark elves brought life to the wasteland, and so sacrifices are made on her alter in exchange for her benevolence. Her most valued worshippers are often made personal sacrifices to her, their organs removed, fluids drained, and bodies wrapped in silk as a spider does to its prey. Some few have even risen once more, their dessicated bodies animating again to protect Nehraca's treasures

Bnausi (LN) - claimed by some to be a particularly valued dark elf merchant ascended to godhood, Bnausi is the Weigher of Scales, the arbitrator of all justice and the one to whom contracts are bound upon. As he lives to serve Nehraca, so to does he command all to serve their duly appointed superiors. But as he tells others to abide by the rules, so to is he ensnared by them, and some say that he was blinded for his insolence in making a ruling against Nehraca. Thus it is that if the law is truly on their side, he will occasionally rule in favour of an outsider or even a slave. Of course, the laws do not usually help them, but those are the breaks.

Tsaseh (N) - the Thinking Crocodile, Tsaseh is a recent immigrant to the pantheon who is gaining popularity. A magician of considerable talent, she uses her powers lazily and encourages the exploration of the arcane at the expense of physical activity. Indolent and slothful, she is still capable of bursts of cataclysmic destruction if her ire is truly raised, but mostly she and her worshippers just want to be pampered while their minds are busy elsewhere


Dwarf and Gnome Gods

Note: these are the deities for the colonies of escaped slaves, those further to the north have a separate pantheon established for them by their giant masters

Klio (CE) - the patron of the escapees, the Oathbreaker is an anarchistic god who calls for the overthrow and slaughter of all who would place themselves over others. Described of as a great mountain lion, Klio is capricious and vicious, but he has long been promising release and revenge to the dwarves and gnomes, and to a certain extent he has been delivering. While enjoying universal support against the giants and strong support amongst recent escapees, settled populations find his policies do not work well with the southern folk. Still, all free dwarves and gnomes pay him respect

Rhot (CG) - considered by some a balance to Klio, Rhot the Chainbreaker is a more moderate deity who teaches his followers the secrets of stone, metal, and mountains so that they might break their chains, escape their captors, and fight back. Depicted as a living mountain hunched over a burning volcano, Rhot is more than just a mentor but also an example of rowdy behaviour as it is said that he also showed the dwarves how to brew alcohol so that they might celebrate their freedom about a bonfire

Idaks (LN) - while Klio and Rhot are central to community worship amongst the escaped slaves, Idaks is closest to the hearts of the gnomes and dwarves. An enormous white she-bear, the Hidden Bear serves as the mother figure for the scared worshippers. It is she who turns the blizzards of the frost giants against them, covering the tracks of her children, and it is her worship that keeps the fractious rebels on an even keel. Neither good nor evil, all she cares about is the continuation and protection of families, and while capable of incredible violence, she prefers to run and hide if possible rather than risk her cubs.


Goblinoid Gods

Hatachuluka (LE) - chief god in the trinity of gods the goblinoids worship, Hatachuluka is the second to emerge from the cosmic egg and is the feathered serpent that restrains his first brother and ensures the survival of all. But in his conflicts with his brother he is wracked with great pain as claws and teeth tear into his body. Thus he demands his worshippers take his pain away by granting it to others, and he demands blood to slake the monstrous hunger the fight creates. A tyrant, he requires obedience, for the salvation of all

Xichilychk (CE) - the first of the gods to emerge from the cosmic egg laid by the universe, Xichilychk is a primordial, ever shifting of teeth and claws being born to consume all of creation. Currently restrained by his brother, he still struggles to break free, but where blood flows to empower Hatachuluka, it is fed to Xichilychk to keep him drugged and passive. Also, where Hatachuluka is granted blood in ritual sacrifice, the blood for Xichilychk is obtained in the frenzy of battle

Chixulxuxka (LG) - the third of the brothers, this rainbow winged condor god emerged long after the other two became locked in their stalemate. Kind hearted, noble, and loyal, he cannot bring himself to harm either brother, so he does not interfere with their battles, but he does soothe Hatachuluka's wounds, and most importantly, he carries away the souls of those sacrificed for blood to his brothers. Ever busy, his gaze catches most souls, but those not specifically sacrificed on an altar or felled in battle risk being missed and thus wandering forever, unable to find the paradise for those whose lives were made miserable and cut short by the warring of the two others in the trinity


With a bit more cultural information I would like those who have expressed interest to begin filling out the backgrounds and motivations of your characters a bit more. The description of the gods should also give you a bit of an idea about the cultures of each group.

Next post: equipment info.
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Post by Academia Nut »


The following armour types can be found available

Bronze Breastplate (rare)
Steel Breastplate (rare + expensive, see below)
Lamellar (rare)
Leather scale
Scale mail (rare)
Studded leather

(Items not from the PHB can be found in the Arms and Equipment Guide, and futher information posted on request)

Note: Wicker, cord, and padded armours tend to be popular as they are not as hot in desert or jungle environments.

Note: Steel breastplates are 150gp more expensive than bronze ones. Most are also of masterwork quality, incurring an additional 150gp.


The following weapons can be found available

Axe, throwing (S, B, I)
Battleaxe (B, I)
Dagger (S, B, I)
Dart (S, B)
Flail, light or heavy (B)
Greataxe (B, I)
Handaxe (S, B, I)
Javelin (S, B, I)
Khopesh (B, I)
Longspear (B, I)
Longsword (B, I)
Mace, light or heavy
Sapar (B, I)
Scimitar (B, I)
Shortbow, composite
Shortspear (S, B, I)
Sword, short (B, I)
Trident (B)
Warhammer (I)

Materials codes S = stone, B = bronze, I = iron/steel, no code means material made from does not strongly affect performance

Weapons with stone materials cost 1/10th to purchase (including masterwork quality) but suffer a -2 penalty to attack and damage (min 1 point damage)

Weapons made of bronze cost the standard values and suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage (min 1 damage)

Weapons made from iron or steel have no attack or damage penalties but cost an additional 300 gp to purchase. Masterwork versions cost another 300 gp.

Any nonstandard material costs extra as if it were made of steel, even if masterworking costs are normally included in the price.

Ammunition, regardless of material, does standard damage, but stone arrowheads have no chance of recovery if they miss their target.

Because of the lack of the rapier and hand crossbow, the elf and dark elf weapon proficiencies are changed to the following:

Elves are proficient with bows and longswords and treat khopeshes as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.

Dark elves are proficient with short swords and treat khopeshes and sapars as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.

Finally, the goblinoids have two special weapons that need to be mentioned, the macuahuitl and tepoztopilli.

Macuahuitl- treat as a longsword for proficiency. Has eight obsidian blades mounted on a wooden haft. The obsidian cancels out the -2 damage penalty for stone but not the attack penalty and it costs the same as a bronze longsword. For the purposes of sundering the obsidian blades have hardness 0 and 8hp. If they are all shattered then the weapon functions as a club. The weapon can be used as a club with the blades still intact at no additional penalty.

Tepoztopilli- treat as a greatspear for proficiency. Has eight obsidian blades mounted on a wooden haft. The obsidian cancels out the -2 damage penalty for stone but not the attack penalty and it costs the same as a bronze greatspear. For the purposes of sundering the obsidian blades have hardness 0 and 8hp. If they are all shattered then weapon functions as a quarterstaff. The weapon cannot be used as a quarterstaff with the blades still intact.

The fine obsidian blades necessary for repairing these weapons cost 3sp within goblinoid territory and 5sp outside.

Magic and Alchemic Items

Most magic and alchemic items are unchanged from standard, but consult with DM before finalizing anything. There is however one exception:

*Items made from iron/steel or better materials are not available for purchase as magic items. Obtaining masterwork iron weapons or armour is expensive enough that only a handful of have been enchanted and all are hoarded by their owners*

Investment in non-magical adventuring gear, especially anti-heat clothing, is probably also recommended.


Final note: there are no actual 'gold pieces'. The prices in the books are accepted abstractions, but instead of carrying coins excess wealth not tied up in adventuring gear must be spent on other property. Examples include chattel items such as livestock or slaves, exchangeable baubles such as gemstones or jewellery, exchangeable goods such as food or tools, or fancy items like ornate clothing or other flourishes. Chattel items must be kept fed and watered. Expenditure of funds on ornate flourishes may result in circumstance bonuses for social interactions.

Starting funds: 5400 GP. Max single expenditure: 2400 gp (enough to get one magic weapon if you wish)
Last edited by Academia Nut on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charon »

I have an interest, I'm gonna need to look at some of these classes more in depth and start coming up with a character.

But right now I'm looking at Human Sorcerer/Horizon Walker/Wild Mage/Stormlord (All sound cool but I don't actually know what those last three are. What books are those in?)

Or maybe a Dark Elf/Hobgoblin Shadowdancer...

Still have a few ideas I'm working through.
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Post by Academia Nut »

Horizon walker is from the DMG and it is a prestige class for those who like to explore. Basically with it you start developing various abilities and immunities relating to the various environments you have travelled to. It doesn't have any spellcasting ability though so its really best as a ranger PrC or the like. The requirements are Knowledge (geography) 8 and Endurance.

Wild mage is from Complete Arcane and it basically trades predictability for a shot at more power. The most fundamental difference is that they subtract 3 level from their caster level but add 1d6 to it every time they cast a spell, so sometimes their spells kind of fizzile, while other times they pack extra punch. They also get a bunch of other abilities relating to unpredictable magic. Requirements are any chaotic alignment, Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks, Use Magical Device, Magical Aptitude feat, any metamagic feat, and arcane caster level 1.

Stormlord is a prestige class initially designed for use by clerics of Talos in the Forgotten Realms, but I've filed off the serial numbers. Basically it involves lots of nifty powers relating to storms and lightning and becoming a javelin chucking wind riding maniac. The requirements are Base Fort Save +4, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (any spear or javelin), able to cast 3rd level divine spells, worship Naj Nadda (originally Talos), and have been struck by lightning, either natural or magical, and survived.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Name: Thoth Anzerbazen
Race: Half Dark Elf (base is standard elf)
Class: Sorcerer (modified as per AcNut's permission) 4
Alignment: LE


fort +1
ref +2
will +4

Melee attack: +1
Ranged attack: +3
AC: 11/15/19

1st level: Spellcasting prodigy: Int (used as part of sorcerer modification as the spellcasting stat for DCs and min requirements, and for bonus spells known)
3rd level: fiery burst

Knowledge Arcana 7+4=11
Knowledge History 3 +4=7
Knowledge Local 2 +4=6
Knowledge Architecture 3+4=7
Decipher Script(cross class) 2+4=6
Bluff 5+3+3=10
Spellcraft 7+4+2(syn)=13
Concentration 7+0=7
Diplomacy 2(syn)+3=5
Intimidate 2(syn)+3=5

Languages (all literate)
Dark elf
Trade speak

Spells per day:

Spells known:
0-detect magic, read magic, daze , light, prestidigitation, mage hand.
1st-magic missile, charm person, shocking grasp, shield, comprehend languages.
2nd: detect thoughts, flaming sphere

Magical Equipment:
Glove of Ray of Enfeeblement (CL 1 1800 gp), bracers of mage armor (CL 1 3/day 900 gp)

Mundane Equipment:
mw Staff
Short Sword
Sling (40 bullets)
3 waterskins
Masterwork manacles
Spell component pouches
Signet Ring with his family seal
Signet ring with the seal of his office
sealing wax
flint and steel
map case
5 ink vials
ink pen
small steel mirror
100 sheets of papyrus
Household goods (a high end collection of household goods total 200 gp)
Surveyors/architects Tools
200 GP wardrobe, including formal wear and desert robes.
500 gp invested in a papyrus library

Tade goods:
10 freshwater pears (10 gp each)
10 pieces of blue quartz (10 gp each)
5 bloodstones (250 gp)
61 gp worth of salt.

Thoth was born triple damned in Dark Elf society. He was born male, he was born third, and he is the bastard son of a slave. His mother was the Lady Anzerbazen, his father was one of her elf slave concubines. This fact was concealed during the pregnancy, and Thoth was even able to conceal his elven heritage until puberty when two things happened: The latent talents of the dark elves failed to manifest, and his talent for sorcery did. Were it not for the later, he would have been doomed to being a Sacrifice to Nehraca. However that being the case, he proved too useful to be casually tossed aside. He was not afforded any luxury or comfort either. Constantly reminded of his slave heritage by his siblings and others, Thoth had to work twice as hard as even other males to attain any level of respect, and as a result his powers grew faster than his cohorts. However, one day he had enough. On the eve he was being sent to take a position as Auditor at some Gods forsaken Oasis outpost, his sister angered him for the last time. She began as she usually did, insulting his patronage and trying to make him do her petty laboring in addition to his own as he gathered spell components by the riverbank. With an uttered word he stunner her, and with a quick motion threw her to the crocodiles. For all anyone knew, she was merely punished by the gods for her lack of caution.

This however spurred him to want to climb two ladders. The ladder of power and social ladder. If someone were to attempt a real inquest into the death at this stage, he would be doomed. Best to put himself above it in any way he could. This has made him perhaps a bit overzelous in his power. Cruel and without mercy or pity in the exercise of his official duties. He is not however stupid, and will not mistreat or disrespect those who have the means or position to harm him.

Notable Minions:
Familiar: Tiny Sawscaled Viper named Echis.
Maid: Slave elf woman named Elienes, well treated
Cook: Slave elf male named Silas, well treated
Groundskeeper: Human male named Alheed
Manager: Half elf female named An'Dreneline

Nailo (Lvl 2 Elf warrior Slave)
str 13
dex 13
int 9
wis 10
cha 8

For 2
ref 1
wil 1

AC 15
Melee: +3
Ranged: +3

Armed in leather scale with a short spear, small wooden shield and a short sword.

Yersinian (Lvl 2 Elf warrior Slave)
str 13
dex 13
int 9
wis 10
cha 8

For 2
ref 1
wil 1

AC 15
Melee: +3
Ranged: +3

Armed in leather scale with a short spear, small wooden shield and a short sword.

Q'larian (Lvl 1 Elf warrior Slave)
str 13
dex 13
con 10
int 9
wis 10
cha 8

For 2
ref 1
wil 1

AC 15
Melee: +2
Ranged: +2

Armed in leather scale with a long bow, buckler, and short sword

Grenlinias (Lvl 1 Elf warrior Slave)
str 13
dex 13
int 9
wis 10
cha 8

For 2
ref 1
wil 1

AC 15
Melee: +2
Ranged: +2

Armed in leather scale with a long bow, buckler, and short sword
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:17 pm, edited 11 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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Post by Academia Nut »

A few notes on the dark elf empire, AKA the Naridelk Empire.

The empire is organized in a pyramidal feudal structure, with a supreme ruler called the Machron, at the top and power radiating down from there, each successive layer having authority and responsibility over multiple members on lower tiers. While the system has grown into a complex network of authorities, responsibilities, loyalties, and intrigues, the origins of this system are still evident in the majority of the nobility. For most nobles, status is determined by proximity to the Nari River, with the highest ranking nobles having property along the banks of the river while their subordinates are all of those down the line along the canals. In essence each branch point in the water network originally represented a step down the ranks of power.

The general exception to this rule are the massive underground caverns that are flooded to provide resevoirs. While they tend to be relatively far from the river, they are considered so vital that they are all owned directly by the Machron and administered by high ranking officials. The fact that several of these underground resevoirs are also attached to subterranean cities essentially makes the administrators city governors with great power to levy labour from the local populations for various projects. Ostensibly these powers are just supposed to be used to maintain the resevoirs, but it is not unusual for the labour to be tasked to a tangentially related or completely unrelated purpose.

Maintenance of the canals, locks, and resevoirs is considered the most important part of the empire, so much so that it affords lower ranking members of Naridelk society the one avenue of redress against their superiors. If a higher ranking noble can be shown to interfere with the maintenance of the water works then even the lowliest of dark elf can theoretically take them before the Machron and demand redress. It usually does not reach that far though as many simply take the much more expedient route of threatening such action or more simply killing their superior officer and doing the task themselves. While the overall system of nobility is complex and just killing your way to the top is a good way to get two dozen daggers in your own back from annoyed relatives and allies of those you've deposed, so long as the water flows much can be forgiven.

The point of keeping the waterworks active and working is such a huge sticking point for the Neridelk that entire dynasties have risen and fallen according to the Machron's ability to manage the issue. The enormous amounts of labour that go into the maintenance and expansion of the system fuels the intense demand for slaves. The first dynasty actually collapsed due to an overdemand of slaves caused by gross mistreatment. Malnourishment and dehydration combined with excess work loads caused a catastrophic drop in slave populations, so much so that the empire was faced with an economic and military crises as the rate of capture of desert populations dropped below the demand rate. The dark elves managed to stave off collapse by conquering the elven territories, but the general of the armies given the task immediately used the veteran troops blooded by the campaign to seize the Machrony and establish a new dynasty for herself. After that laws were passed to require minimal levels of food and water according to work done and to limit the level of cruelty a slave can recieve. While practically extremely difficult to achieve due to unfair standards of evidence, it is possible for a slave to sue a master due to cruel treatment. Each year perhaps one or two slaves out of tens of thousands go free this way, and few ever get very far before some calamity befalls them, but it does happen. The laws have also been seen to reduce the frequency of slave revolts, which has kept them active over successive dynasties.

A final note is one of gender roles. While not as valued as females, who are often the highest ranking members of the matriarchical Naridelk society as generals or seers, males are often relegated to the task of 'intellectual gruntwork', putting them into low respect but highly important bureaucratic positions. Many bureaucrats derive intense amusement with tormenting others, most frequently inferiors but with the greatest relish against superiors, to the full extent of the law. While despised with a passion normally reserved for the excrement of slaves, many of the highest ranking female nobles still fear the hydraulic inspectors who ensure that the canals running through their property are at the proper depth and mucked out regularly. Fortunately they often have their own sons to act as a buffer against such unpleasantness, but treachery runs deep in the dark elves.
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Post by Charon »

Name: Jabir Abbud Wahid Kadar Wajeeh
Race: Human
Class: Favored Soul
Level: 4
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 18
Hair: Dull copper
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs
Skin-tone: Brown

Str: 12
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 15

Fort +5
Ref +6
Will +7

Base Attack Bonus +3

Concentration: 3+2=5
Craft (weapons): 2+0=2
Diplomacy: 2+2=4
Heal: 2+3=5
Knowledge (Religion): 4+0=4
Sense Motive: 2+3=5
Ride: 4+2=6
Handle Animal: 1+2=3

Weapon Focus (Spear)
Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery
Point Blank Shot

Spells Known:
Level 0- Purify Food/Drink, Detect Poison, Create Water, Light, Mending, Resistance
Level 1- Remove Fear, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Endure Elements, Command
Level 2- Deific Vengeance, Hold Person, Cure Moderate Wounds, Find traps

Per Day: 6/6/3

Languages: Human (literate), Trade Language (literate)

Masterwork Iron Spear (602 gp)
Quiver of Naj Nadda (1,800 gp)
20 Stone Javelins (2 gp)
5 Bronze Javelins (5 gp)
Quarter Staff
+1 Wicker Armor (160 gp)
Backpack (2 gp)
Flint and Steel (1 gp)
Map Case (1 gp)
Iron pot
4 Waterskin (4 gp)
2 Whetstone
20 days rations (10 gp)
Desert robes (20 gp)
High Class clothing (30 gp)
Golden symbol of Naj Nadda (40 gp)
Extravagant Tent (50 gp)
Saddlebags (4 gp)
Riding Saddle (10 gp)
Light Warhorse (Scorpion Stalker) (150 gp)
4 Guard dogs (100 gp)
Camel with Pack saddle (65 gp)

5 ounces Cloves (100 gp)
7 ounces Ginger (70 gp)
4 ounces Nutmeg (120 gp)
2 ounces Saffron (130 gp)
2 Gold bracelets (40 gp)
1 Gold necklace (50 gp)
2 Gold rings (60 gp)
3 Silver rings (9 gp)
2 Silver earrings (4 gp)
Food for animals (10 gp)
10 50 gp diamonds
10 50 gp rubies
35 10 gp emeralds
2 mirrors (10 gp)

History: Jabir was born a strong man, of a powerful nomadic tribe that travels along the hilly Northern reaches. The second son of a powerful noble, Jabir took the route of a holy man. His faith led him to follow the God of Storms, Naj Nadda. His great faith has led him to dare the harsh environment of his homelands and stand strong against the raging storms that strike, to show his faith in Naj Nadda, who does not favor the weak. He feels it is his destiny to one day lead the tribes of the North in battle against the decadent empires to the South, to ransack their cities, and take what rightfully belongs to the tribes. Then they will have the power, and it will be the dark elves and goblins that prostrate themselves before humans.

He carries the Storm Breaker, an iron spear he stole from a Dark Elf encampment during a raid from a powerful noble, he keeps it with him at all times. Storm Breaker is a rather unique looking item and Jabir makes few efforts to hide it, so should the family he stole the item from see him with it during his travels, there could be great trouble in store for Jabir and any he travels with. His horse, Scorpion Stalker, has been with him since it was born 7 years ago and is his one true constant companion. Jabir has few friends back among the tribe, tending to keep to himself. His animals however serve as companions, his four dogs, Akh Aswad, Baraka, Asim, and Hadiyya protect him in times of trouble. Jabir's youngest sister, Ghadah, who is as yet unmarried, is the closest to Jabir of all the family. Both look to a grand future for their people.

Recently, Jabir's older brother, Muta, who is being fashioned to be the next leader of the tribe, and his younger brother, Ratib, who is taking up the role of a trader, have become more and more nervous around their brother and the power he has begun to show. As such he has been appointed to assist a trading caravan with his younger brother as it makes its way through important trading zones. The hope is that their brother will manage to get himself lost, killed, or sold off into slavery where he won't be their problem. But they dare not take any direct actions themselves, lest they anger Naj Nadda or word of their treachery come back to their father.
Last edited by Charon on Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:21 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by Academia Nut »

A few quick notes on languages and literacy. First, characters are presumed illiterate, and it costs a skill point to achieve literacy with a given alphabet. Also, all PCs are presumed to know their own native tongue and the Trade Tongue for free, plus standard additionals for high intelligence. The trade tongue is a pidgin language which is useful for basic communication, and it also includes a primitive numeral and graffitti system of writing that comes free as well.

The common languages in the area are:

Dark elf, which has a pictographic alphabet composed of abstract lines and triangles that originated as depictions of grains and irrigation maps, with various pictoral symbols used singly or in combination to form proper nouns. Has over 500 unique symbols and thousands of derived ones. (Real world analog: Egyptian hieroglyphs and cuniform)

Elf, actually a purchased language even by elves as they tend to learn dark elf first. No unique alphabet, but the dark elf alphabet has been modified to work with the elven language. Someone who is literate in elf is also literate in dark elf, and visa versa, assuming they can also speak both languages. Occasionally studied by non-elves to keep track of them

Goblin. Has a complex pictographic alphabet using over 2000 different symbols. While spoken in the desert mostly by slaves, some dark elf nobles study the alphabet as it the goblins do have their own empire and are thus worthy of caution, if not respect. (Real world analog: Mesoamerican hieroglyphs)

Human, which has the newest written language, developed by the caravan merchants to minimize being ripped off by the dark elves or goblins. A flowing, abstract language, it is phonetic and was originally derived from marks made in the sand during negotiations. Has 35 phonetic symbols (Real world analog: Arabic and Sanskrit)

Low Giant, which is primarily spoken by the dwarves and gnomes who have no spoken language of their own but a somewhat bastardized version of their former masters. Speakers of Low Giant and High Giant are mutually comprehensible and proficiency is just given as unless refinement of dialect is sought. However, there are two alphabets. One, virtually unknown in the south, is the written language of the actual giants, which is a system of rings and lines somewhat incomprehensible to beings not fifteen feet tall. The other is the written language of the dwarves and gnomes, which originated with slave signs carved in ice and stone to help escapees make it to freedom. Knowledge of one system does not confer literacy in the other. (Real world analog: megalithic swirls for giants, Germanic runes + hobo signs for dwarves and gnomes).
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Post by Academia Nut »

Okay, since there is a nice little crop of people who have signed up so far, here are a few questions I want your characters to answer:

Where are you from?
Who are your family members?
Who are your friends and allies?
Who are your enemies?
Where did you recieve your training?
How did you acquire your current equipment?
What god(s) do you worship?
How pious are you?
What are your goals?
What are you willing to do to achieve your goals?
What are your motivations?
Why have you come to the trading outpost?
Any and all skeletons in the closest you might think of. These can be sent via PM or AIM if you wish.

Some of you have already answered many of these questions. Others, not so much. If you answer additional questions I had not asked, this will please me. If you do not answer these questions, I may start filling them in for you. Providing me with plot hooks is good as you can anticipate them being pulled on. Not providing me with plot hooks is asking to get one placed in a sensitive location unexpectedly.

Also, after speaking with me, Jason_firewalker's character sheet shows what I was looking for with regards to the additional spare gp. You can't just carry around 1000 1gp gems, you have to describe the sorts of trade goods you are carrying. More description is good, and if you say invest in extra fancy clothing with trimmings you adequately describe (and are in line with what you actually paid for) then you will make the DM happy. And a happy DM is one less likely to screw with you and more likely to give you bonus stuff.

EDIT: I just noticed Utanka that you seem to have forgotten that point buy for abilities increases in cost to go over 14. You need to either drop your strength score by one or subtract two points elsewhere.
Last edited by Academia Nut on Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by BadgerMan »

Name: Shavark of the Wolfpack
Race: Human
Class: Spirit Shaman of the Wolf (changed a bit with Academia Nut's permission)
Level: 4
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 17
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5' 10
Weight: 150
Skin-tone: Semi-tan naturally, tans well

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 16

Hit Points: 21

Armor Class: 17
Touch Armor Class: 11
Flat Footed Armor Class: 16

Spell Focus (conjuration)
Augment Summoning

Concentration: 7 = 0 + 7
Handle Animal: 10 = 3 + 7
Knowledge Geography: 7 = 2 + 5
Knowledge Nature: 9 = 2 + 5 + 2
Listen: 10 = 3 + 7
Profession Fisherman: 6 = 2 + 4
Ride: 8 = 1 + 5 + 2
Spellcraft: 6 = 2 + 2
Survival: 10 = 3 + 7 (+2 to avoid natural hazards and +2 in above ground natural environments)

Special Abilities:
Spirit Guide (Wolf: A creature of loyalty yet very independent)
Wild Empathy (+9 against animals)
Chastise Spirits (6/day deal 1d6/per SpirSham level {now 4d6} to all spirits in 30 foot radius)
Detect Spirits (at will)
Blessing Of The Spirits (10 min ritual that acts as protection from evil all day, self only)
Animal Companion: Wolf (named Gash for the long gash along the top of his muzzle)

Spells Known (changed from spells asked for each day to more like a favored soul with Academia Nut's permission):

0th Level -- Dawn, Create Water, Know Direction, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Magic, Detect Poison

1st Level -- Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Summon Natures Ally I, Entangle, Longstrider

2nd Level -- Barkskin, Splinterbolt, Lesser Restoration, Summon Nature's Ally II

Spells Per Day: (number in brackets is bonus spells of that level)

0th Level -- 6

1st Level -- 5 (1)

2nd Level -- 3 (1)

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Fortitude: 4 = 4 + 0
Reflex: 2 = 1 + 1
Will: 7 = 4 + 3

Masterwork Stone Shortspear (3)
Masterwork Studded Leather Armor (darkwood studs)
Masterwork Dastana (Made of darkwood)
Masterwork Darkwood Heavy Shield
Masterwork Darkwood Composite Shortbow
40 Arrows
5 days rations
3 days water
1 everburning torch
10 spell component pouches
holly and mistletoe
bone whistle
50 ft hemp rope
2 sacks
50 square feet of masterwork fishing net
One set wolf sized saddle bags for wolf companion
Masterwork Leather Scale Barding for wolf companion
Heavy Horse
Riding Saddle
Bit and Bridle
Saddle bags (horse sized)

Two 1000 gold sapphires
Six 250 gold ovate fire opals
One 65 gold bloodstone
Fifty-Three 1 gold fresh water pearls
One 1 silver moss agate

Masterwork Stone short spear:
+2 to-hit
1d6-2 damage
x2 critical

Masterwork Composite Shortbow
+5 to-hit
1d6 damage
x3 critical
70 foot range increment

Splinterbolt (spell)
+4 to-hit (ranged touch)
4d6 damage (piercing/magical)
18-20/x2 critical
25 foot +5 foot per level of experience (45 foot range)

Born to the Wolfpack tribe of barbarian humans, son of the great wolf shaman and tribe leader Shuulluk, Shavark was the eldest of two brothers. Raised to follow in his father's footsteps, he learned the ways of the Spirit Shaman. Quickly it was seen that he was a talented shaman and the spirits he called were powerful. His father took note of this and sent his son on a Spirit Quest at fifteen. The spirit quest is to last until Shavark was able to learn the ways of summoning the greatest spirits and bringing them forth to serve the community (Huge or larger elementals). Shavark has gotten slightly lazy in his journey but last news from his tribe is that his father has taken ill and in his absence his little brother, an egoistical moron of the warrior caste, has taken over some of the planning for the tribe.

Seeing this as a problem that needs solving, Shavark has quickly taken to trying even harder to become more powerful as to attain the goal of replacing his ill father. Shavark sees his brother, upon his return to be the greatest obstacle in his way, as from the sounds of things, the tribe is not very happy with his leadership.

Personality: Normally a calm and serene individual who attempts at all times to be at one with nature, Shavark has become driven to become more powerful then his brother and to replace him as tribal leader, he just hopes that this will not be a permanent personality change.

Edit Note: Added the heavy horse and riding equipment for it for flavor.
Last edited by BadgerMan on Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Jason_Firewalker »

'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today — but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all'
-- Sir Issac Asimov

The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
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Post by Academia Nut »

While the doors are still open for recruitment, I shall probably be posting the game thread soon. As such, here is a little mood music, even if it only fits a little. Good to be thinking about it when I describe the city though.

This fits well too
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Post by Haizu »

Name: Meexyaalm
Race: Goblin
Class: Ranger 4
Alignment: CG
Age: 20
Eyes: Reddish Gold
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 80 lbs
Skin Tone: Dark Green

Str: 14
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 8

HP: 29

AC: 18
Touch AC: 14
Flat AC: 13

Animal Affinity (1)
Mounted Combat (3)

Special Abilities
Favored Enemy: Giants
Combat Style: Two Weapon
Animal Companion: Wolf

Concentration: +4
Handle Animal +8
Hide +10
Kno Nature +9
Listen +8
Move Silently +10
Ride +12
Spot +8
Survival +10

BAB: +4
Melee: +7
Grapple: +2
Ranged: +8

Fort: +6
Ref: +7
Will: +2

Trade Tongue
Dark Elf

MW Bronze Battleaxe (Main Hand):
TAB +7
Dam 1d6-1
x3 Crit

MW Bronze Handaxe (Off Hand):
TAB +7
Dam 1d4-1
x3 Crit

Composite Shortbow:
TAB +9
Dam 1d4+2
x3 Crit
70 ft Range
40 Arrows

+1 Studded Leather Armor
AC +4
Max Dex +5

Wolf Stats
Str 13
Dex 15
Con 15
Int 2
Wis 12
Cha 6
AC 18 (2 dex 2 nat)
Bite +3 Melee 1d6+1 (and trip at +1)
HP: 13
Wolf wears +1 Studded Leather Armor

Belt Pouches x5
Trail Rations x10 Days
Water x4 Days
MW Exotic Military Saddle (+4 Ride check to stay in saddle)
Bit and Bridle
Feed x10 Days
Flint and Steel
Grappling Hook
Hempen Rope 100ft
Hooded Lantern
Oil x3

Sapphire 100g x5
Ruby 100g x5
Lupiz Lazil 50g x4
Emerald 50g x4
Diamond 50g x2
Amber 1g x55

Background: Born into a nomadic tribe, Mee quickly learned how to hunt, ride, and fight. It was either that or starve after all. Quickly becoming an elite warrior in his tribe, Mee decided that he needed to become even stronger if he was to become leader of his tribe. Hearing about the legendary weapon Ur, Mee set out from his tribe to locate this powerful relic. Last he heard Ur was somewhere in Dark Elf territory far to the East....
Those who do evil to others...the killers, rapists, psychos, sadists...you'll come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me....The Punisher.

The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
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Post by Haizu »

I suck at backstory so please bear with me.
Those who do evil to others...the killers, rapists, psychos, sadists...you'll come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me....The Punisher.

The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
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Post by Academia Nut »

Game thread posted, you can start making your intro posts.
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Post by BadgerMan »

Academia Nut, I would like to speak to you about creating a prestige class for the modified Spirit Shaman I am running,
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Post by Utanka »

How many of those camel riders are there?
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Post by Academia Nut »

Utanka, you can make a Spot Check to determine the exact number of camel riders out there.
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Post by Utanka »

Spot check, gosh help me!

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Post by Academia Nut »

Owwwww. Okay, there are somewhere between three and a dozen men riding on camels on the dune.

Also, you have a goblin on a wolf charging up at you from behind.
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