[Recruitment] Cthulhutech: The Borderlines of the World

OOC: For the creation and management of board RPG's.

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Post by EarthScorpion »

So, to summarise, the players and characters are:

Academia Nut - Alex Campino - Human Sorcerer/Powered Armour

Kurald Galain - Tyche Forman - Xenomix Parapsychic negotiator

Losonti Tokash - Erik Thorson - Human Technician and general support person

Hotfoot - Bertram Gregory - Human Occultist

... and the characters seem to have all taken mutral dislikes to each other. Most of them are pretty dysfunctional and unbalanced. Keep up this level of mutual dislike and personal problems, and you too can be chosen to pilot an Evangelion! :roll:

I joke, I joke. :smile:

So, unless anyone comes forwards in the next day, I'll be closing down recruitment and this thread will become the OOC thread. Welcome to the Aeon War, gentlemen. Remember, you're volunteers. :twisted:
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Post by Losonti Tokash »

Yeah, the only other person I can think of would be frigidmagi and I don't think he's given a solid indication one way or the other.
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Post by Kurald Galain »

Het, I like everyone else so far.

Keep regesration opon at least long enough for Frigidmagi to finnish his character, since he's already displayed interest.

Edit: Ninja'ed, again.
Last edited by Kurald Galain on Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Out- out are the lights- out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.
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Losonti Tokash
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Post by Losonti Tokash »

Well, you know, Alex and Bertram have enough hate to make up for our characters' ambivalence.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Marcao's got some interest, I'll report on that later tonight

Edit: And yes, there's a reason his last name is Gregory.
Last edited by Hotfoot on Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

I thought it was pretty solid when I said. I'll play the grunt.

Give me a bit, should have a character up tonight. If not, then well y'all have waited long enough. Between moving, work and some folks who will not shut up it's been kinda busy.
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Post by EarthScorpion »

frigidmagi wrote:I thought it was pretty solid when I said. I'll play the grunt.

Give me a bit, should have a character up tonight. If not, then well y'all have waited long enough. Between moving, work and some folks who will not shut up it's been kinda busy.
Sure. I'm still in the "keep the players in a place where they can discuss things in character without a) killing each other, b) killing the NPCs in the area, c) Looting the area, d) reading the book that they're not meant to read and thus causing an extra-dimensional incursion, or e) all of the above" stage of the game.

You might think that sounds patronising and paranoid, but you've never dealt with a trigger happy group of Dark Heresy players who's psyker is obsessive with using his powers for everything. :roll:

Two Perils of the Warp in the first session.
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Post by Academia Nut »

Ha. First time I ran DH with one group with a psyker in the party they managed to summon forth a daemonette that nearly killed the whole party by rolling on the Perils of the Warp table.

The second time we played a different psyker was forced to burn fate as he rolled a 93 (or something like that) on the Perils of the Warp and thus nearly became an unbound daemonhost.

Oh man... now I need to get Vade Mecum just so I can cackle maniacally at the potential carnage of a parapsychic who is obsessive about using his powers. I'm sure if such a character were actually used he would be executed by the other players right quick, but hey, it would be mildly amusing for the few seconds it would last.

But yes, are you assuming that the NPC grunts already know about Alex, seeing as how they seem to know a bit about Bertram?
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Post by frigidmagi »

Hotfoot is going over a rough draft right now. ES, you might want to go ahead and just delete the one in your PM folder sight unseen. ALot of fuck ups were made.
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Post by EarthScorpion »

frigidmagi wrote:Hotfoot is going over a rough draft right now. ES, you might want to go ahead and just delete the one in your PM folder sight unseen. ALot of fuck ups were made.
Heh. And now I actually read the thread after sending a response. :oops:
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Post by frigidmagi »

Here he is at last ready for public viewing.

Name: Yu Aiguo (note family name listed first)
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Race: Human, Han Chinese
Job: Solder, NEG Infantry
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: 159 pds

Agl: 7
Int: 5
Per: 7
Pre 5
Str: 6
Ten: 6

Act: 7 (2 actions)
Move: 6 ( 11mph 27/6 ypr)
Orgone: 10
Reflex: 6
Vitality: 11
Drama: 10/ 2

Native Language: Mandarin Chinese expert (4 dice)
Regional Knowledge: Liaoning Province, Shenyang City Northeast China
Literacy novice (2 dice)
Language: English (adept 3 dice)
Demolitions Novice (2 dice)
Education Student (1dice)
Observation Adept (3 dice)
Survival Adept (3 dice)
Armed Fighting Novice (2 Dice)
Fighting Novice (2 dice)
Dodge Novice (2 dice)
Marksmen Adept (3 dice)
Support Weapons Adept (3dice) Specialization Machine Gun
Thrown Weapons Novice (2 dice)
Security Novice (2 dice)
Streetwise Novice (2 dice) Specialization Criminal Culture
Stealth Novice (2 dice)

12 skill pts (6pts)

Authority 1pt
Fearless 2pts
Comendation 1pt
Amidexterous 2pts

Duty -2
Watched -1
Grating Voice -1
Fanaticism NEG Military -2

Background: Aiguo was actually born in Tibet,a son of a pair of Han Chinese who moved there for better jobs and lives due to the Chinese Governments incentives for Han Chinese who moved to minority regions. He has no memory of the land of his birth, this is due to being evacuated with his mother and infant sister at a young age during an attack. He grew up from the age of 5 in the city of Shenyang, a large city that become a magnet for refugees and soon a center for sprawling slums. Unable to find work and lacking family his mother was forced to raise them in said slums. Some of things she did are better not covered here. Aiguo developed a number of ambitions in his early childhood. One was to leave the slums. Second was to get his family out. Three was to protect his sister from becoming a whore or worse.

He started running with street gangs, doing petty crimes for the money, learning how to fight to beat the crap out of anyone who tried to push his sister. He also tripped over the NEG recruitment office. The recruitment office was a figure of much debate and disagreement in Chinese society. While the government had integrated with the NEG out of desperation the people had not abandoned the feelings of nationalism that drove them to oppose the NEG. Many felt that the NEG was just another tool of the west to oppress the other peoples of the Earth and they were being put under a colonial power... Again. It didn't help that the recruitment centers were run by Europeans in the main. In the case of one Aiguo had contact with it was Englishmen.

The biggest draw for him was the fact that the recruitment center held one free meal a day for younger people like him and his sister. While the food was basic at best, it was plentiful and no one stopped him from taking left overs home. The recruiters also made sure it was a nonviolent meal. The combination of power and generosity was one that exerted a strong pull on his mind. He began spending more time there and the old Color Sgts who ran the place were more then happy to teach him English and expose him to the benefits of a military career.

He joined as soon as he was old enough. Most of his signing bonus went to getting his mother and sister a small apartment in a NEG rebuilding project... Out of the slum. Bootcamp was a different but somewhat familiar world for him. He found he fit in well with the military lifestyle and it gave him stability of all things. He knew who was in charge, what he was suppose to do and when and how he was suppose to do it. And he was paid regularly to and damn well by his standards. Most of his pay went to his mother and sister but he was still left with more then he really knew what to do with. On the advice of his head Drill, he started packing it away to send his sister to college.

He served mostly on the South Chinese front against the Rapine Storm. In a series of small actions he did well but not speculator. The nature of the enemy, that being nearly tribal bands of berkserkers and monsters, lent itself to a war of explosives and traps and he learned much from the veteran Sgts. He also started noting things that just seemed odd but put them from his mind, feeling it disloyal to the military that had given him so much for so little.

That changed in his first big battle. Tens of Thousands of RoS creatures and followers stormed up out of Southeast Asia and slammed into the main defensive lines. Aigou was in combat for 3 solid weeks. Air support vanished and arty was hard to get. He went in a Jr LCpl of a platoon of 50, fully believing in the songs of the NEG's full out effort to win the war. He came out the senior man of 15 men, half of whom were from other platoons. Scarred and unsure what had happened. Then he heard the rumors.

Rumors that stated that air cover and support guns were intentionally pulled away from the front. That the infantry and mecha pilots were left to fight a army of homicidal religious manics without the proper support and back up. That politicians had made the order over the objections of the brass.

The more he learned the more disturbed he became. The size of the military seemed just big enough to keep fighting without actually winning. Deployments seemed set up to cause mass battle with causalities but not decisive victories. Someone rotten was going on. The politicians were not letting the military win. Locking into a war never ending or worse a long drawn out defeat meant to drain the human spirit utterly.

His beliefs made him less then popular. Add on injuries that had made his voice a gravelly horror to listen to and no one really listened or believed. He was given a pat on the back and head and quietly shuffled off.

Personality: Normally a brave, honest and generous man, Aiguo has become withdrawn and a little bitter. This plays into the fact that his upbringing lends itself to a certain causal brutality. He doesn't enjoy causing pain, but he doesn't feel a drop of empathy for anyone who happens to be an enemy, human or not. He doesn't blame the military which in his eyes remains the bastion of human hope and safety but instead the civilian government and has grown mistrustful of politicians and those connected to them. He still sends the majority of his money back home to his mother and sister and is gratified to know his sister is attending college.


Weapon Name Type Cal Range DMG SHT RNGs Lgl Cost
MP6-A1 Machine Pistol 10mm 10/20/40 +2 2 or 30c RA 1095
M-6 Shotgun Shotgun Slug 15/30/50 +3 2 10 PA 650
Shot 10/20/30 +2
FN-MAGiC Machine-Gun Med 9mm 75/500/1000 +2 4/1-5/30 500c R 2950
Combat Knife Composite Bladed Weapon Small +1 G 195

Armor Type Protection Lgl Cost
Spectrashield Spectra fiber combat armor w/ light trauma plt +2/+2 RA 650

Other gear

Night vision goggles
Wireless Com Earbud
Belt Hostler pistol
Belt Hostler Knife
Back vertical hostler Shotgun
Basic gear vest
Military Unifrom cammies 3
Formal Military uniform 1
Civilain basic clothes 3
Gear Vest
Shotgun slugs 50 rounds
10mm standard 100 rounds
9mm standard 3000 rounds

Sorry it took so long.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#87 Dovara

Post by Marcao »

Dovara Nadal
Age: 21
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Birthdate: January 1st, 2070 (Capricorn)
Virtue: Patient
Flaw: Pessimist
Profession: Para-Psychic/Soldier
Para-Psychic Abilities: Somatic (Primary), Environmental (Secondary)
Allegiance: NEG

Agility: 6 (3)
Intellect: 6 (3)
Perception: 7 (3)
Presence: 4 (2)
Strength: 5 (2)
Tenacity: 8 (4)

Secondary Attributes
Actions: 1
Movement: 11 mph (27/6 ypt)
Orgone: 12
Reflex: 6
Vitality: 11
Drama Points: 10
Insanity Points: 1

2 (Hyperagility to Novice)
4 (Telekinesis to Novice)

Language (English) 2
Language (Nazzadi) 2
Literacy 2
Regional Knowledge 2
Armed Fighting 2
Athletics 1
Dodge 3 (Spec: Dive for Cover)
Education 1
Fighting 2
Hobby 1 (Ping Pong)
Marksman 3 (Spec: SMG)
Medicine 1
Observation 2
Stealth 2
Survival 1
Trivia 1 (20th Century Movies)
Parapsychology 2
Hyperagility (Somatic) 2
Telekinesis (Environmental) 2

Authority (Aracham): 1
Alluring: 1
Latent Para-Psychic : 4
Erupted Para-Psychic: 2
Low Light Vision: 0

Duty (Aracham): -2
Watched: -3
Misfit: -4
Code: -1 (I always keep my word, I will never turn my back on a friend in need.)

GSL-MkII Lt. SMG Gauss (9mm) Range: 25/40/60 Dmg: +1 Rounds: 60N (x2)
Katana (Composite) Dmg: +3
Personal Central Processing Unit
Wireless Communication Earpiece
Spectrashield Combat - Lt. Protection: +2/+2
Sentrytech Mk-Iv Armor - Lt Protection: +1/+1
Medkit with Bioscanner
AHP Instant Pain Killer (x6)
Swiss Army Knife w/laser pointer
Ordinary Clothing (x5)
Fine Clothing (x2)
Laser Sights (x2)
Low Power Scopes (x2)
Mini Flash-lights (x2)


Dovara Nadal was born the first of January in the year 2070 to a Human father and a Nazzadi mother. His father Victor Nadal was a NEG Mecha pilot that earned accolades during the conflict against the Nazzadi not only for his bravery in battle but his determination. Through six years of warfare, Victor had four brushes with death and spent nearly a year in intensive care and rehabilitation during the conflict. His proudest achievement was having participated in the final ground offensive of the war. His mother, Kalany, Adjutant of the 14th Legion had a storied background herself. The exact reasons behind their meeting and eventual union is not well known, aside from the fact that Victor met Kalany in the Nazzadi nation located where Cuba had once stood.

Dovara was raised as a Nazzadi since birth in their island nation. His father sacrificed a great deal when he moved into the Nazzadi nation to be with his wife and son but it was a sacrifice that he endured. Dovara was raised and educated in the Nazzadi way, visiting his father's family in North America at most three months of the year. His relationship with his paternal family was strained, his paternal grandparents in particular blamed him directly for the absence of their son. The children in the human side of his family were more willing to accept him, but it was difficult for him to be directly involved in their lives and as such he felt like an outsider with the human side of his family. When Dovara entered school, he found himself drawn towards others like him.

Dovara always felt as if his destiny revolved in the military. His mother's people were born warriors and he could every day see the enthusiasm in the eyes of Nazzadi children when taught martial arts, reminded of their history and culture. He did not display a great deal of natural ability in the arts, something that the nascent Nazzadi culture highly valued and did not seem to show much interest in artistic pursuits. In school, he found himself often times in direct competition with other "
pureblood" children. He pushed himself hard and managed to be competitive with many although he did not manage to excel in all areas.

By the time that he was fourteen years of age, he had a younger brother and sister. His sister was a white, a stark contrast to her mother. It was during preparation for entering a specialized high school that Dovara erupted. Having internalized the Nazzadi belief that one's body should reflect a commitment to perfection he pushed himself to his limit. The para-psychic ability that manifested in response enhanced his reflexes, reaction times and agility. He was registered shortly there-after. It was his father that encouraged him to learn all that he could about para-psychic talents and abilities. He took that suggesting to heart, desiring to master his new gift as he sought to master his own body.

Dovara gained entrance into the specialized high school, an institution that revolved around military values and held close ties to the NEG military as well as other supporting branches. Painfully aware of the military situation in the planet and the many adversaries that sought to end all human and Nazzadi life on the planet, he sought to gain insight as to where he could utilize his talents for most effect. His four years in the academy where lonely ones, the bulk of his friendships being others like him. His life became somewhat more complicated when his telekinesis awakened. The ability to enhance his body had already closed some doors, his ability to move objects with his mind pushed him further into the fringes when compared to most of his peers.

Upon graduation, Dovara had little difficulty finding employment in various branches of the NEG military service. His psychic gifts in conjunction with his driven nature made him a strong candidate for various postings throughout the NEG. He worked for the Federal Security Bureau in the counterterrorism division (CTD) for over a year. During this time, he took part in over a dozen major hostage situations and performed his duties with distinction. He derived a great deal of pleasure with the planning stages of various situations, the mechanical precision which was required as each member of the unit blended together into one individual machine. Ultimately, it was internal pressures that drove him away from the CTD. The only individual of mixed parentage in the team, he felt increasingly isolated from the other members of the team. Ultimately, nineteen months after he had been placed in the team he sought a transfer. He spent close to a year in the Violent Crime Investigation Division (VCID).

His time in the VCID played a strong role in shaping his ideology. The pessimism that pervades his outlook was honed during his year in the division, seeking to bring to justice some of the most horrendous crimes imaginable. During his time in the VCID he investigated crimes that even now still linger in his mind. Even aware of the history of humanity and his own people, it was difficult not to be taken aback by the sheer horror and ferocity of some of the crimes that he worked on. While his rate of completing cases was average to high when compared to others in the division, the rate at which he was apprehending criminals began to plummet after his sixth month. A case dealing with a Nazzadi family and a human perpetrator was identified as the turning point. For the next three months, the number of individuals that began to turn up dead began to overshadow those that made it back alive for questioning. For the majority of the cases, the deaths were justifiable but for others it was a grey area. He was put on probation twice and received mandated psychiatric counseling and therapy on two occasions. By the end of the year he was transferred to OIS as having a full time partner was perceived as ultimately a stabilizing influence. It would also allow for greater scrutiny over his developing psychic abilities.

His time in the OIS was less stressful than his final months in the VCID but it was far more dangerous. His partner, a female xenomix was competent at her job, charming and sympathetic to his situation as she herself had experienced firsthand the difficulties of being a bridge between two worlds. It was the first time that he felt a connection of such strength with anyone before. The connection was only enhanced with the nature of their work, they spent long hours together each trusting the other to safeguard their lives and complete their assignments. Six months after having joined the OIS things went sour. A mission went bad, his partner was taken and found three days later killed at an altar to the Old Gods with her heart missing. Less than a week later, he heard rumors that the Armacham charter was working with the NEG and seeking individuals to perform various activities. He volunteered on the spot.
Last edited by Marcao on Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

What no background?
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Post by Hotfoot »

In talks I've been having with some other players, as well as a general analysis of the rules, I have to say this about Cthulhutech.

Setting: Awesome
Noncombat skill system: Pretty damn cool
Combat system: ...really? In this day and age?

No offense to anyone, it's not the worst combat system I've ever run across, but it could use some serious tweaking. I have a plan in mind that should be relatively easy to implement, and wouldn't involve a radical reworking of the skills, just the way damage is done, and some of the weapon stats.

With the GM's permission, I'd like to get started on a proposal for an alternate combat system, one where weapon selection matters a little more than it does currently.
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Post by Kurald Galain »

frigidmagi, either your character is going to hate mine with a passion, or we'll hit it off for some reason no one else can fathom. :smile:
Out- out are the lights- out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.
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Post by Hotfoot »

By the way, Kurald, if you don't want to share your IM information, you can just leave the fields blank. I almost attempted to add "NA" to my contact list today. :razz:
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Post by Kurald Galain »

Hotfoot wrote:By the way, Kurald, if you don't want to share your IM information, you can just leave the fields blank. I almost attempted to add "NA" to my contact list today. :razz:
... :???:

Out- out are the lights- out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.
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Post by Hotfoot »

It's okay, it was just driving me nuts since I like to make conference rooms with all the players of the games I'm in. You missed out, big time. :razz:
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Post by frigidmagi »

frigidmagi, either your character is going to hate mine with a passion, or we'll hit it off for some reason no one else can fathom.
Depends when you tell him about your girl's mother. :wink:
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Kurald Galain »

frigidmagi wrote:
frigidmagi, either your character is going to hate mine with a passion, or we'll hit it off for some reason no one else can fathom.
Depends when you tell him about your girl's mother. :wink:
Well, concidering that only high society folks really have balls, out side of school that is, much less a debutante ball, you should be able to guess my background reasonably easiliy.
Out- out are the lights- out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.
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Post by frigidmagi »

*cough* That just means you're wealthy, not political. He would hate the Clintons, but not the Gates, if you follow?

Also look at his back ground. He might actually have no damn idea what a debutante ball is. Given that he is

A: A street kid turned trooper.

B: Spotty educated at best (can field strip every NEG firearm! Can't do Calculus or tell you who ran China before the war)

C: Chinese (do they even have that kind of thing over there? It wouldn't be part of their tradition nor fit in with the modern day party membership elite and I figure their grandkids are running China for the NEG).

Hell I was raised in a decent middle class middle American setting and I only have vague idea of what it is.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Kurald Galain »

It evolved out of a mildly disgusting tradition where, when a girl turned 16 (usully), all ball was thrown to tell prospective suiters that she was now ready to be married off.

These days such balls no longer are marrying auctions. In theory they are just ways of introducing the young lady to the 'adult' world (as in muture, not perverse), but they are often combined with with charitable fundraising with guests 'buying' 'tickets' (donating to the fund).

In short, a way for old political money to raise a little money for a cause, assert and remind everyone of their political agenda, and network. And maybe throw a really over the top party for their daughter to, if they remember.
Out- out are the lights- out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Huh. I suppose that is a bit more refined then slamming a pair of pots together and screaming come and get it.

ES are Marcoa and I approved?
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Post by EarthScorpion »

Yeah, you are, frigidmagi. I approve it in the last IM, but this can be a formal confirmation.

I'd like to see a character background from Marcoa, though, before I'd approve him. The character sheet looks fine, though, from an initial glance through.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Here's the idea I have for a damage modification system that would allow for the following:

More granulation between different weapon types in terms of damage, range, and versatility, less dependence on margin of success and extra bullets.

Higher realism. An RPG-7 should not do the same damage to a human as a 5mm pistol round.

Higher lethality: Bullets kill.

Less dice rolling: Because especially on a forum based game, less rolling = better.

Core concepts to this: Bonus damage from margin of success is a direct 1:1 bonus to damage. Win by 3? Get 3 extra damage.

Weapons do static damage by themselves. Suggested low and high end values, 5mm pistol round, 8 damage, 9mm rifle round, 30 damage.

Hybrid damage is gone, instead, the weapons that usually do hybrid damage (explosives) have instead blast zones. Inside the closest blast zone, they do integrity damage, and beyond that, vitality damage. If you get hit dead on by an RPG-7, you're going to get kersploded, just the nature of the beast.

Autofire doubles (or triples) the bonus damage from margin of success, representing extra rounds hitting the target with improved shots.

Three round burst gives a small bonus at short to medium range, but imposes a negative at long range.

Saturation Fire remains more or less the same.

Weapon ranges will need to change. Heavier caliber rounds travel further than lighter caliber rounds, on average. Rifle ranges will need to increase.

Standard weapons should have specialty ammunition, needle rounds should be armor piercing.

Armor has standardized values, somewhere between 6-8 per die of protection.

Katanas join normal swords, with the option for monomolecular edging or vibroblades for "nasty" options.

That's most of what we talked about last night, now I can toy with the values and run simulations to see what will work well, but this is, overall, a relatively minor rules modification that, I hope, improves the combat aspect of the game.

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