Vampire: A City by the Sea

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"There is no need for Apologies Augustus. We all have our duties. Some to God, some to the Lady Chelebi, and some to both" said the Priest kindly

"Juergen, Nils, die Nacht gehoert ihnen." he said, sending his guards away until he sent for them.

"Es wurden jedoch keine Huren und nicht zu viel trinken." He added, as soon as he saw the looks on their faces. He knew what mercenaries were like, and he admonished them not to go out whoring or become to drunk, lest they fall into sin.

"Jawohl Meister" they both said in unison before walking off.

He walked inside and noticed that the proverbial party was starting without him. He did expect it. In a later age his sort would be referred to as a buzz kill. Still, this was no friendly gathering and many who would be in attendance were not. This means that his Lady had a specific purpose in mind and did not merely want him there to attend her usual court.

He strode up purposefully, and bowed before her as was customary for those who were specifically summoned.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by LadyTevar »

Father Florien's entrance was not unnoticed, although Lydia waited for him to greet Prince Maria before she would approach.

She wondered if the Good Father would humor her with another lecture. His first one had been on her (modest by Byzantine standards) garments, beaded and embroidered so richly. 'Painted Jezabel' she thought was the term he'd used. Since Lydia did not wear the veil and wimple so common amongst Italians but let her raven-black hair frame her face in braids and wispy bangs, she was sure this only proved to the Good Father that she was an immodest sinful lady.

Until Lydia had told him her last confession had been the prior night, and she had done her penance quietly. His expression had been most amusing

Did these Papists think the Eastern Church was so lax?

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Konstantin slowly got off his horse, smiling. "We'll do it the easy way, of course," he said. His Italian had a Milanese accent, as well as a slight hint of Magyar, that was distinctly foreign in this city. The Genoese dialect was closer to French than most dialects of the Italian.

First things first. The man behind him first. Konstantin was very fast and inhumanely strong. He leapt at him, a great standing long jump to clear much of the distance. His sword left his sheath and the vampire swung a powerful diagonal, downward strike.

By whatever gods there were, he loved this.
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Post by Charon »

Augustus said nothing more to the vampire as he passed by.

The scene Florien entered was one relatively sparsely populated, the Prince and a few of her court were speaking privately at the moment, and Vannius was failing to not look one part incredibly bored and one part annoyed with the whole proceeding. Maria acknowledged the father briefly, then turned from the older man stooped at her right to Alfred for a few seconds. Virgil, while present, had little to do with the conversation at hand.


The man had clearly not been expecting trouble, and even if he had he had not been expecting this much trouble. He stared stupidly as Konstantin's blade caught him at the shoulder and cut all the way through to his sternum. Blood began to pour from the wound even as the screaming dead man began to fall backwards. His three friends, shocked at the speed and power of their opponent took a few steps back and then readied their weapons. They didn't take any more pause than that as they charged forward, the man with a club coming in first. He took a clumsy swing at the vampire, missing the vampire by more than a few inches and leaving himself entirely open as his buddies moved to encircle their enemy.
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Post by rhoenix »

He had arrived at Genoa.

Aziz slowed to a stop, the rote that allowed him such swift passage fading away, as if only a dream. From here, he consulted his map, as proper protocol must be followed. He began walking through the streets of this Italian city, looking for the residence of Karaja, the Child of Haqim of the Vizier caste with whom Aziz was to announce himself.

Soon enough, he found the residence: a rather large house in the European style, though with a few Arabic touches for flavor and style. Aziz approved - it was subtle, without being overstated. He knocked briskly three times on the door, then twice, as was the pre-arranged signal.
Last edited by rhoenix on Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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There are mistakes men unfamiliar with war horses can make and one of those is forgetting that the horse itself is a weapon. With Konstantin's blood in his veins, the horse was more than just mortal and it was utterly and unquestionably loyal to the vampire. With Konstantin's power of beast speech, the animal was far better trained than any ordinary horse could possibly be.

The man with the club either did not know this or had forgotten it. Thus he was unprepared for the kick that hammered his leg and sent him falling to the cobblestones. Konstantin stepped over his writhing body as he drew his axe. Two down, two to go and both had weapons that were dangerous to him.

Spear first. Konstantin feinted low with his sword and struck high with his axe. He had to be dispose of these fools quickly. Too long and one of them might blindside him and do real damage or the fight might attract too much attention.
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Post by Charon »

The door was opened by one of Karaja's servants while he was staying in Genoa. The man looked him over once and then stepped aside. "He is expecting you."

Inside the building was rather spartan and utilitarian, and the servant led Aziz unerringly to Karaja.

The Assamite had been reading from a scroll as they entered his study. He looked up briefly. "Ah, you are just in time. The Prince of this city has called for me. This will be an opportune time to introduce you to her."

Karaja got to his feet and put the scroll away. "She will want to know your lineage, where you hail from. She may also ask you what skills you have."

Karaja paused and looked to his brother in blood. "Do not give too much away, and do not end up subservient to these Franj."


Within a few seconds, two of their friends had fallen, one to a well aimed blade, the other to the attack of the horse. The man who had his leg shattered was not screaming as much as he was whimpering and moaning in pain. The spear wielder did not attempt to block, relying on his extended range instead. He took a few steps back to fall away from the vampire's attack and then stabbed forward with his spear. The sharp edge caught Konstantin in the side and armor which in good condition would have possibly turned the spear away, broke as the spear drove a few inches into Konstantin's left side. Unfortunately for him, the injury meant little to a vampire.

The sword wielder had meanwhile apparently smartened up and was quickly backing away from the fight, getting ready to run.
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Konstantin exulted in the pain of the spear entering his flesh. The weapon was neutralized, reduced to a minor threat at most now that it was lodged in his flesh. The Tzimisce stepped forward, smiling as he drove the spear in deeper and closed to striking distance. His axe rapped his foe's arms, drawing blood and bruising bone, causing him to release the weapon. He rammed his sword into his foe's hip, fangs barred as the tip ground against bone, and left it there.

His right hand now free, he pulled the spear free from his flesh with one exquisite, agonizing rush. He heft the weapon and loosed it against the swordsman.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by The Silence and I »

Charon wrote:Ottar's hunting led him to the top of a hill, as he crouched low and looked over, the son of Odin could see a doe and her fawn carefully grazing. They were downwind at the moment, but the lack of cover and great distance meant the catch would not be easy from here. Luckily, the deer and her fawn were in a small valley surrounded on three sides by hills, so Ottar could try wrapping around to see if he could get closer.
Patience means a lot when hunting. Circling around his quarry he closes the distance bit by bit, keeping aware of the wind. Getting close enough to attack a wary prey animal is rarely easy and this does not look like an exception.

The closer he gets the stronger he can feel the blood lust grow within and the more he is reminded of his gift of everlasting strength. Once he had grown older, and begun to slow with age. But now he can enjoy the hunts and the battles of a younger man forevermore. To think some call this existence a curse!
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Post by Charon »

The man carrying a spear went down with a scream that continued as long as he had air in his lungs, his blood covered hands fumbling for the sword that was stuck in his side, but unable to pull it from his side. The last man apparently had more sense than the others, and some more skill. As Konstantin turned and threw the spear the man quickly dived out of the way, leaving the spear to slide down the road for a ways. The man was quickly on his feet again though and ran down the alley he had come out of, keeping an eye on his predator.


When Ottar reached his new position, he was fairly certain that he was closer to the doe, but his depth perception was shoddy with only one eye. The younger deer had moved a few extra feet away from it's mother, and in the standard failings of youth, was not paying as sharp of attention.
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Post by rhoenix »

The door was opened by one of Karaja's servants while he was staying in Genoa. The man looked him over once and then stepped aside. "He is expecting you."

Aziz had expected this, but nodded politely nonetheless, and followed him in.

Inside the building was rather spartan and utilitarian, and the servant led Aziz unerringly to Karaja. The Assamite had been reading from a scroll as they entered his study. He looked up briefly. "Ah, you are just in time. The Prince of this city has called for me. This will be an opportune time to introduce you to her."

Upon hearing this, Aziz smiled with a single nod. "I am honored to meet you, Karaja, and I look forward to meeting this Prince as well."

Karaja got to his feet and put the scroll away. "She will want to know your lineage, where you hail from. She may also ask you what skills you have."

Karaja paused and looked to his brother in blood. "Do not give too much away, and do not end up subservient to these Franj."

Upon hearing both of these things, Aziz only smiled. "All this is fine - some secrets are not for their ears. Let us depart when you are ready."

(EDIT: created by editing the hell out of Charon's post)
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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What had the man seen? A man take a spear in the side in the dark. Did he see it bite deep or had the darkness and his comrade's body obscured his vision? A mail coat might have turned that thrust. And even if he did see the wound, it wasn't one that would immediately kill a man. He could live. For now.

Konstantin dragged the bodies and the spear back into the alley behind him. The eating knife he carried was no longer necessary for the acts of every day life, not that he did much during the day, but it still had a purpose. He opened the throat of the club wielder, holding the body so they initial spray of blood hit the cobblestones and not him, and then drank him down.

Ecstasy flowed through his body, reinvigorated him. He healed the would on his side and opened up the ambusher he first hacked down, taking the blood while it was still warm and delicious. Lastly, he guzzled down the spearman.

The combined mess and the obvious dragging of the kills would obscure how much blood had actually been shed, as would the thirsty earth beneath the cobblestones. There were no tell tale vampire wounds. The Silence of the Blood had been preserved. No help would come, not for a long time, not if these men operated openly in packs.

He stripped them of everything of value, leaving the club but taking the spear. He was, unavoidably, somewhat of a mess but it was very late and very dark. He could see and avoid humans before they every came close enough to see the red carnage he wore. The sea or a public fountain would allow him to clean up the mess.

As for the other, well Konstantin didn't intend to let him survive the night. As he rode passed where he had fled, the vampire paused and sharpened his senses, taking in the man's scent trail. He could grant himself the eyes of an owl, the ears of a cat, and the nose of the wolf. First clean up and then a new face.
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Post by Charon »

Konstantin found a few silver coins between the lot of the bodies. A cross of gold on a necklace was on one man, a few gold rings on another. The men also carried knives.

Back on his horse it did not take long for Konstantin to find a public fountain to clean himself up at. It took awhile but the blood had not had time to dry and was washed off fairly easily. No people were in sight.

As Konstantin finished cleaning, he suddenly realized that someone was very close. He looked up to see a somewhat thin man, a turban rested on his head and a layer of fabric covered his face. His white clothes were well-made, and he was well armed as well. Two daggers and a broadsword sat on his belt, they were not drawn yet, though the stranger had his hands near them. The stranger stood across the fountain from the Tzimisce.

"Who are you, and what is your business in Genoa?"


Karaja took the time to make certain Iziz had cleaned himself before they went on their way. Karaja had a few of his servants follow them until they reached the old building that served as Maria's main hall. The servant there bowed. "Greetings Lord Karaja, the mistress is expecting you." He looked over at Iziz. "This ones face is unfamiliar to me." He looked back at Karaja. "You are here to introduce him as well? My Mistress awaits in the main hall. I would offer you my guidance but I have been commanded to wait and greet all those whom have been invited."

The servant stepped aside and allowed the pair entrance.
Last edited by Charon on Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"I am Karpaty Konstantin, of the Blood of the Dragon," the Tzimisce replied. The paynim dog did not impress, but there were proprieties to be observed. "As for my business, I have heard that the Prince of Genoa is accepting immigrants. If this is true then I will present myself and make application to live under the Prince's domain. If it is not, then I will leave. Peacefully."
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Post by Charon »

The Moor watched Konstantin for a few moments, examining him before nodding. "The Prince is accepting immigrants, though we must always be wary of spies." Konstantin got the distinct impression that the man was smiling under his mask. "I will lead you to the Prince's court. You are in luck, they are meeting tonight."
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"Lead away," said Konstantin. He had wished more time to prepare himself for the meeting, to seem more a lord and less a beggar, but it could not be helped. Besides, he was of the Blood of the Dragon. Beauty and hideousness were choices that were made with personal preference and utility in mind, not cages to be confined in. If the Prince's Court were to underestimate him because of his appearance, then so be it.
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As it was polite, and Florien really did not want to be chastized in court, he refrained both from intruding on anyone, or commenting on Lydia's mode of dress. He did not especially care about what vampires did in their spare time, or how sinful they were. They were already damned, and might as well enjoy their time before they faced the fires of hell. Still, he did so by getting under her skin. The funny part is she did not seem to realize that he was only teasing her for his own amusement.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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The Moor twitched his head, indicating that Konstantin should turn around and get back on his horse. After that, the Dragon was led from behind, whoever this was, they certainly weren't taking any chances with him. The pair passed out of the poor quarter and into steadily richer territory, the whole way they did not see a single guard. Finally, the man stopped Konstantin in front of an older three story building. Two others had just entered at the behest of the man at the door, and he looked at them carefully as they got close. "To my knowledge, you did not get an invitation to come here tonight."

The Moor snorted. "Quiet sycophant. I found this one wandering in the poor quarter. I am bringing him to the Prince." The last was as much threat as it was statement. Augustus stepped aside and did not say another word.


Inside the hall, more vampires had arrived in the intervening time. Procelli de Altavilla, Maria's trusted advisor and ally had arrived. His stride was testament enough to his power, his face had been sculpted again, he was more beautiful than the angelic depictions on the paintings on the walls, there was almost a radiance which eminated from the beauty that was Porcelli, his gold and jewels hanging from his neck and fingers only served to accentuate his beauty and his wealth. As the angelic creature closed in on Maria's circle of advisors, Virgil pulled away and walked down the steps, clearly they were done with him for now.

A stooped man dressed in the manner of a leper had also arrived, he had met briefly with the Prince before stepping back into the shadows to watch the proceedings.

Just then, another pair of Cainites arrived. They held their heads high and proud even though their arrival set off a number of grumbles around the room. Gunther von Ceoris and his assistant Irena, of the usurpers, had arrived.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Now that more Vampires had entered the room, Lydia could stop studying Tapestries and start mingling to a small degree. Father Florien was given a welcoming smile and a slight bow of her head, the strands of pearl, malachite, and amethyst bound around her hair shimmering in the candlelight.

Lord Procelli's arrival got the attention he wished, as Lydia could not resist gazing upon his magnificent face. There was a man who the Greeks of old would have fought for the right to sculpt into marble. As her gaze followed him up the dias, she noticed Virgil walking away, and began to make her way closer to greet him properly.

It was the grumbles that warned her, and she looked over her shoulder to see the Usurpers had arrived. With a soft 'feh', she turned away from them, wondering why Alfred would stare so unkindly her way, and yet allow these stealers-of-blood, these Pretenders to Cain's Legacy, to sully the Prince's halls.

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The vampire-priest also noticed the Tremere enter. He only shook his head in disdain and pity. How stupid could a man be to intentionally damn themselves in exchange for temporal power? Doing it through folly or arrogance was one thing, but to concoct a ritual to do it for you? Insane.

He noticed the somewhat different reaction that Lydia had and decided that he had not greeted her properly, and desired conversation. Besides, Virgil also seemed lonely, or at least disinterested.

"M'Lady" he said in greeting as he got within a meter or so.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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"Father Florien," Lydia replied with a smile of greeting. "How are you this even?"

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"I am doing as well as can be expected. I must confess the summons did interrupt my efforts to save the soul of a local money changer, but he is not going anywhere. And how does the night treat you my dear Lady?"
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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"Was he in the temple walls, Father?' Lydia teased lightly, before answering the question. "I had hoped for a more quiet evening's entertainment, yet I am intrigued by what might be behind the summons. Have you heard tell what it might be?"

In her mortal youth, her face had been sun-kissed, with the soft olive complexion from her Grecian heritage to match with her raven-dark hair and grey eyes. A few decades of Unlife had faded her skin to alabaster, emphasizing her dark hair and Athenian eyes all the more. The dark green of her stola complimented her looks well. In cut, her garments were very modest, perfectly covering her from neck to floor, the long sleeves of her tunica tapering down to the join of her thumb on each hand, yet the gilt and beadwork embroidery was outlandish compared to the more staid Genovese ladies.

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"No. But he was in a brothel, which for some mortals might as well be a temple these days. Though I would expect one such as you to know that better than most." the priest said, obviously one of his usual friendly jabs.

"As for the summons, I have no idea. It is a rare thing that actually gets me summoned to court."
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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"Is not the body said to be a temple? and one should care for it therefore?" Lydia riposted with a twinkle in her eyes, enjoying the scholarly duel. "I had heard the Seer is the reason for this gathering," she added, allowing him to think what he might about where she may have heard that.

Allowing the good Father to ponder, Lydia turned to face Virgil as he passed close by. "Good even to you, Lord Virgil. You are looking well."

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