Dark Ages Vampire

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Post by Charon »

Not that I'm complaining about getting more points, but I thought I spent all mine - would you mind telling me where my math went wrong?
Under your bonus points spent you say you raised your willpower to 8, but your stated willpower it still says 5. Also, you say you bumped your mentor to 3, but you have your mentor at 4.
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Post by rhoenix »

Charon wrote:Under your bonus points spent you say you raised your willpower to 8, but your stated willpower it still says 5. Also, you say you bumped your mentor to 3, but you have your mentor at 4.
Ah, thank you. Both are now fixed.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Charon »

I would like to get started soon, and I know a few others have shown interest in playing but haven't posted their characters yet. So, please get to that. Starting tomorrow I won't be online as often for around a week because I'm going home, but I will still be online (I won't have AIM however) so I can answer questions over PM's or in the OOC.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Ok... I'm finally throwing my hat into the ring.

Lydia Nikolakis

Background: Lydia Nikolakis, in life, was a lady of Byzantium. Her family were minor nobles of a long-established family of Grecian descent, and they had dwelt in Constantinople since the reign of Emperor Justinian. This made her family well-placed within both the social and political circles of the Eastern Empire, and afforded Lydia the perks and privledges of nobility.

As she grew, she was taught Greek and Latin, reading from classical texts and a few contemporary writers thought suitable for a young lady. Besides her native language, Lydia learned Armenian, Arabic, and, from a household slave, one of the vulgar Slavic tongues. Her ability to learn new lessons quickly made her a darling in the eyes of her tutors.

However, her passion for knowledge was matched by her love of her elder brother. Seven years her senior, she followed Lucius around like a puppy, worshiping as her hero and trying to copy him as best she could. When he took up swordplay, Lydia horrified her mother by trying to pick up a wooden sword and 'play' as well. For a time, her father allowed this as it was amusing to see the little girl stagger around and swing at the practice dummies with her wooden sword. However, this open allowance faded far too soon for her taste.

Denied the chance to be like Lucius, she started practicing swordplay in secret. In her mind, she saw herself as an Amazon, or a gladiatrix training for the Grand Games. This active imagination was only fed by her continuing hunger for books and education. As she grew, she learned one of the many dialects of Italy, finding its similarity to Latin made it nearly effortless to pick up quickly.

Yet as she grew from girl to woman, her parents increasingly tried to force her into the mold of a proper Byzantium lady, suitable to run the household of whomever she was approved to wed. Lydia found this sudden constriction intolerable, yet her rebellions were quiet and subtle as she continued to practice with her wooden swords in secret, and wheedled her tutors into more and more lessons.

Then her world came to an end as Lucius, now an officer highly placed within the Byzantine forces, was slain on the battlefield. The house was plunged into mourning for a month, yet Lydia found no comfort in the rituals of the Church. She wanted to find those responsible and slay them in turn, as would a hero of old ... yet even as she wished it she knew somethings were impossible. In battle, people die.

Lydia did not want to die.

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Post by Charon »

I know Comrade Tortoise, and The Silence and I have both shown interest in this game to me and have sent me some basic character info. I know it's the Christmas season but I'd like to see something down. Character sheets are good, so one from Lady Tevar, Comrade Tortoise, and The Silence and I would be good.
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Post by LadyTevar »

When I get home :razz:

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Post by LadyTevar »

Ok.. Someone PLEASE help me create my character sheet? :oops:

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Post by rhoenix »

LadyTevar wrote:Ok.. Someone PLEASE help me create my character sheet? :oops:
I had to work with Charon over AIM for like an hour to get mine right. There are a few significant differences from more modern Vampire: TM, but not enough to make them intimidating. The skills I listed on my sheet are the ones from the Dark Ages character sheet, if that helps.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Charon »

Very brief overview of the merits and flaws in the main book. Any you are interested in I will go into better detail.


Ambidextrous (1 pt. merit) - duh.
Eat Food (1 pt. merit) - duh.
Blush of Health (2 pt. merit)- You retain the color of a living mortal.
Efficient Digestion (3 pt. merit)- For every two points of blood you drink, gain a third.
HUge Size (4 pt. merit)- 6'10" tall, gain an extra bruised level.
Short (1 pt. flaw)- four feet tall. Running speed halved.
Smell of the Grave (1 pt. flaw)- Exude odor of dampness and freshly turned earth.
Ragged bite (2 pt. flaw)- Cannot lick the puncture wounds of your feeding closed.
13th Generation (2 pt. flaw)- You are of the 13th generation of vampires.
Leper (2 or 3 pt. flaw)- two is standard. Three means you are contagious.
Addiction (3 pt. flaw)- need some substance in the blood which you drink.
Lame (3 pt. flaw)- Your legs are damaged
Monstrous (3 pt. flaw)- Ugly as sin.
Permanent wound (3 pt. flaw)- Beginning of each night, wake up at wounded.
Slow healing (3 pt. flaw)- Two blood points to heal one wound level.
Child (4 pt. flaw)- You're a kid, between 5 and 10.
Deaf (4 pt. flaw)- duh.
Mute (4 pt. flaw)- duh.
Flesh of the Corpse (5 pt. flaw)- You heal your wounds normally, but they leave scars instead of disappearing.
Blind (6 pt. flaw)- duh.

Celestial Attunement (1 pt. merit)- inner clock.
Common Sense (1 pt. merit)- GM can tell you that's a bad idea.
Concentration (1 pt. merit)- Unaffected by penalties from distractions.
Eidetic Memory (2 pt. merit)- photographic memory.
Light sleeper (2 pt. merit)- You awaken more easily.
Deep Sleeper (1 pt. flaw)- You don't waken so easy.
Nightmares (1 pt. flaw)- duh.
Prey exclusion (1 pt. flaw)- You don't feed from some specific kind of person.
Amnesia (2 pt. flaw)- duh.
Deranged (2 pt. flaw)- start with a derangement.
Territorial (2 pt. flaw)- duh.
Vengeful (2 pt. flaw)- You have a score to settle with an individual or group.
Religious prohibition (2 or 4 pt. flaw)- You retain the religious beliefs against drinking blood. At 2, you restrict yourself to animals, at 4 you restrict yourself unless absolutely necessary.
Flesh eater (4 pt. flaw)- Yeah...

Crusader (1 pt. merit)- You went on a crusade, get a bit of standing.
Prestigious sire (1 pt. merit)- Your sire has or had great status in their court or clan, as such others treat you with a certain amount of prestige.
Debt of gratitude (1 to 3 pt. merit)- An elder owes you a favor.
Dark Secret (1 pt. flaw)- duh.
Infamous Sire (1 pt. flaw)- flip Presigious sire.
Mistaken Identity (1 pt. flaw)- duh.
Sire's Resentment (1 pt. flaw)- duh.
Enemy (1 to 5 pt. flaw)- duh.
Apostate (2 pt. flaw)- You have publicly renounced one of the vampiric roads in order to step to the one you are on now.
Hunted (4 pt. flaw)- The church or one very determined witch-hunter is after you.
Oathbreaker (4 pt. flaw)- You're a known traitor to a former liege.
Outspoken pagan/heretic (4 pt. flaw)- duh.

Inoffensive to Animals (1 or 2 pt. merit)- For 1, effects one species. For 2, effects all ordinary animals.
Medium (2 pt. merit)- Affinity to spirits.
Arcane Resistance (2, 4, or 5 pt. Merit)- Inherent resistance to magic.
Oracular ability (3 pt. merit)- duh.
Spirit mentor (3 pt. merit)- Like mentor, only it's a ghost.
unbondable (3 pt. merit)- Can't be bloodbound.
Lucky (3 pt. merit)- duh.
True Love (4 pt. merit)- Have a true love which inspires you to go on.
Nine Lives (6 pt. merit)- You've got nine chances to not die!
Initiate to the Road (1 pt. flaw)- You don't fully understand your roads tenants.
Repulsed by Garlic (1 pt. flaw)- duh.
Touch of Frost (1 pt. flaw)- Plants wither at your approach, you leech heat from areas.
Demon-hounded (1 to 4 pt. flaw)- A demon has taken an interest in making your life shit.
Cursed (1-5 pt. flaw)- You're cursed in some way.
Cannot embrace (2 pt. flaw)- duh.
Cast no reflection (1 pt. flaw) duh.
Eerie presence (2 pt. flaw)- you're just creepy to be around.
Repulsive to animals (2 pt. flaw)- duh.
Haunted (3 pt. flaw)- A ghost haunts you.
Can't Cross Running Water (3 pt. flaw)- duh.
Grip of the Damned (4 pt. flaw)- Your kiss does not feel good, it feels like being stabbed in the neck.
Dark Fate (5 pt. flaw)- You will die. It will be horrible.
Light sensitive (5 pt. flaw) Sunlight hurts even worse.
Weak blood (5 pt. flaw)- Blood costs are doubled, you can't learn a discipline above 4 dots.
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Post by LadyTevar »

((With much thanks to Cyncat and Charon))
Lydia Nikolakis
Brujah 8th Gen
A Lady of Constantinople

Nature: Scholar
Demeanor: Judge/Fanatic

Attributes: 7/5/3
Str 2
Dex 2
Stam 2
Chr 3
Manip 3
App 3
Perc 3
Int 3
Wits 4

Abilities: 13/9/5
Alertness 2
Dodge 2
Empathy 1
Expression 1
Intimidation 1
Leadership 2
Subterfuge 2

Commerce 1
Etiquette 2
Melee 1
Ride 1

Academics 2
Hearth Wisdom 1
Investigation 1
Law 1
Linguistics 3 (Latin, Italian, Turkish, Magyar)
Politics 2
Seneschal 2
Theology 1

Ally 1
Domain 2
Generation 4
Herd 2
Resources 3
Retainer 1
Status 1

Dread Gaze
Celerity 1
Potence 1

Conviction 4
SelfControl 3
Courage 4

Willpower : 6

Path: 6
Path of Kings
Heirarchy of sins:
10- Neglecting your duty
9- Treating a peer with disrespect
8- Treating an inferior as an equal
7- Breaking your word to a peer
6- Behaving shamefully before your peers
5- Showing weakness infront of inferiors
4- Failing to answer a challenge to your honor
3- Treating a superior with disrespect
2- Breaking your word to your superiors
1- Breaking a sworn oath.

Prestigious Sire (+1) : Natalya Svyatoslva is the Autokrator, the head of the Lexor Brujah of Constantinople (MIA)
Debt of Gratitude (Reversed, -1) : Lydia owes a Genoan Vampire for helping her travel to Genoa.
Vengence (-2) for the Rape of Constantinople (Venetians, Inconnu, and others responsible)

Retainer: a ghoul who acts as the chief butler/major-domo for her house.
Herd: eight servents (3 maids, 3 manservants, 1 cook and 1 kitchen help (for entertaining mortals)
Domain: formerly her Sire's, graciously granted to her by the Prince of Genoa

Freebies 27(29 w/Flaw)
9 on Backgrounds
2 on Ability - Dodge
2 on Ablity - Leadership
5 on Attribute - Charisma
7 on Presence
2 on Virtue - Conviction
2 to Willpower
((editted AGAIN because I REALLY can't count))
Last edited by LadyTevar on Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Charon »

Looks good Tev. All characters thus far are approved.

That being said, Silence and Tortoise, finish your damned characters and post them.

I am planning on starting the game on Monday.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Still in. Things are just odd and my onlineness has been reduced a tad due to being home for the holidays and having a social life for two weeks. Posting what I have.

Name: Fr. Florien Wolschin
Clan: Lasombra
Path: Path of Night
Nature: Pedagogue
Demeanor: Judge

Strength 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 2

Charisma 3
Manipulation 3
Appearance 2

Wits 2
Perception 4
Intelligence 4

Alertness 1
Intimidation 3
Empathy 2
Dodge 2

Melee 3
Archery 3
Stealth 2
Ride 1

Academics 2
Investigation 2
Law 3
Linguistics 3 (german native, Italian and latin, Romanian, French)
Torture 2
Occult 2
Theology 3

Dominate 3
Obtenebration 1

Allies 4
Contacts 2
Domain 2
Influence 3
Resources 3
Retainers 4
Status 1

Conscience 3
Self Control 4
Courage 3

Willpower: 6
Blood 9

Retainers: 2 Guards an Archer, and a... technician (read: torture)
Domain: Controls a small urban church in Genoa
Allies: The decon of the urban parish he controls, the local constabulary captain, a money changer/lender. A local bishop, who happens to be a Lasombra
Contacts Secondary Two priests,a tailor, and a two street toughs
Major: a merchant, and a barber
Resources: Maintains a villa 8 km outside the city walls, and a small manse within. Both contain a small dungeon.

Merits and Flaws:
Grip of the Damned
Prey Exclusion (Innocent)
Eat Food
Blush of Health

Light armor (ring mail) under minister's robes. When in, carries a concealed dagger
When out, carries a sword and dagger.
Also possesses a longbow

Chain Mail
Short Sword

Light armor
Short sword
Long Bow
small shield.
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:54 pm, edited 12 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by The Silence and I »

Name: Ottar Thorfinnsson
Concept: Former Viking
Clan: Gangrel
Road: Via Aesirgard
Nature: Barbarian
Demeanor: ...Barbarian--I said that already.

7/5/3 (1 per 5 pts)
Strength ### (3) Charisma ## (2) Perception ### (3)
Dexterity #### (4) Manipulation ## (2) Intelligence ## (2)
Stamina ### (3) Appearance ## (2) Wits ### (3)

13/9/5 (1 per 2 pts)
| Talents | Skills | Knowledges |
| Alertness ## (2) | Animal Ken | Academics |
| Athletics ## (2) | Archery ## (2) | Hearth Wisdom |
| Brawl # (1) | Commerce | Investigation |
| Dodge ### (3) | Crafts | Law |
| Empathy | Ettiquette ## (2) | Linguistics ! (1) |
| Expression # (1) | Melee ###! (4) | Medicine |
| Intimidation | Performance | Occult ! (1) |
| Leadership | Ride # (1) | Politics |
| Ledgerdemain | Stealth ! (1) | Seneschal |
| Subterfuge | Survival ## (2) | Theology ! (1) |
| -- | Sagaman # (1) | Rune-Lore ### (3) |
| -- | Shipwright ## (2) | Seamanship ## (2) |

4 (1 per 7 pts) 5 (1 per 1 pt) 7 (1 per 2 pts)
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Animalism #! (2) Domain # (1) Conviction ### (3)
Fortitude ## (2) Generation ### (3) Self-Control ### (3)
Protean #! (2) Resources # (1) Courage #### (4)

Road ######! (7)
Willpower ####!!! (7)
Blood Pool 14 [ ]

True Beserk 5

One Eye (retains use of left eye) -2
Permanent Wound (sucking chest wound) -3
Prey Exclusion (women) -1

Heavy Armor (chainmail) +3B/+4L, -0.5 Dex
Footman's Shield DC=6 parry, +1 DC attack
Handaxe Str + 5L
Battleaxe Str + 6L, 2Handed
Dagger Str + 1L

Note: the notation "!" refers to a dot purchased with freebie points.

A nice, clean version is incoming. Eventually.
Last edited by The Silence and I on Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

So we have a Saracen who can't lie and an Afterganger who has committing hidden murder as a 2 point path violation.

Good thing we have a fucking Lasombra in the group.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Cynical Cat wrote:So we have a Saracen who can't lie and an Afterganger who has committing hidden murder as a 2 point path violation.

Good thing we have a fucking Lasombra in the group.
Yes. A Lasombra inspire by Judge Frollo ;)
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Cynical Cat »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:[q
A Lasombra inspire by Judge Frollo ;)
Aka a low rent archbishop Moncada. :wink:
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Charon »

Cynical Cat wrote:So we have a Saracen who can't lie and an Afterganger who has committing hidden murder as a 2 point path violation.

Good thing we have a fucking Lasombra in the group.
No, the Saracen didn't take that flaw.

He just took the one that begs for the GM to "Aim for the face".

And it could be wose, the Afterganger could have gone for the path that has backing down from a challenge as a 1 point path violation.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Charon wrote:
No, the Saracen didn't take that flaw.

He just took the one that begs for the GM to "Aim for the face".
rhoenix has become the man with the most to gain when I increase my Vicissitude score.

And it could be wose, the Afterganger could have gone for the path that has backing down from a challenge as a 1 point path violation.
No, that's not worse. Not every contest is to the death.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by rhoenix »

Cynical Cat wrote:rhoenix has become the man with the most to gain when I increase my Vicissitude score.
Possibly, yes.

Given the nature of Children of Haqim to be self-reliant however, simply getting Obfuscate would likely suffice, given current factors assumed and projected.
Last edited by rhoenix on Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by LadyTevar »

So I'm the normal one again?

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Post by Cynical Cat »

rhoenix wrote: Given the nature of Children of Haqim to be self-reliant however, simply getting Obfuscate would likely suffice, given current factors assumed and projected.
Obfuscate will help yes, but "suffice"? The Nosferatu laugh in your general direction.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by rhoenix »

Cynical Cat wrote:Obfuscate will help yes, but "suffice"? The Nosferatu laugh in your general direction.
Indeed - I'm thinking of removing that flaw and rebalancing before play starts. We shall see.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Charon »

All characters are approved. I will probably be starting the game later today or early tomorrow.
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Post by LadyTevar »


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Post by Charon »

And the game is on.
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