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#1 What (music) period you remember the most?
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:57 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
What period, music-wise, leaves the most memory on you?
As for me, it's the early 90's.
See, 80's is the time of new wave and "techno-pop" (nothing related to Electronic Music; "techno-pop" is those things performed by A-Ha or Duran-Duran). There are a lot of my favorite performers during that time, like Dead of Alive, Alphaville, Pet Shop Boys, and Human League. I was still in elementary school during that time. It seems my love for synthesized, electronic instruments started really early in my life!
As the 80's was reaching it ends, a music genre called "Synth Pop" rose to prominence. The synthesizer was still the primary instrument, but the 4/4 house beats is getting more dominant. Examples are 'Locomotion' by Kylie Minogue, 'When You Come Back To Me' by Jason Donovan, and 'Together Forever' by Rick Astley.
Alas, the popularity of 4/4 beats was soon reaching it ends. It started by the popularity of Mili Vanili in 1998, the suddenly hip-hop rythm became popular. The dominance of such beats were getting more prominent when New Kids on the Block rose to popularity.
Suddenly everything changed. 4/4 rhytm and sythesized instruments which heavily defined "mainstream pop" was replaced by hip-hop ryhtm and rappin' lyrics. Everyone's also crazy about rap at that time: from reggae variants like Poppa' Ron Love tunes to "romantic rap" like Perfect Gentlemen's 'Oh-La-La'. Also, it's pretty common to find "mainstream pop" tunes which has some degree of rap in their melody.
Then what happens to synth-pop artists? They were falling one by one. Suddenly their tunes became old. Many synth-pop performers were losing popularity during the early 90s. In fact, nobody listen to Jason Donovan anymore at 1992, for instance. Rick Astley tried to "change direction" with his song 'Cry For Help' at 1991 (he even changed his "synth-pop" looks!), but alas, he too, were falling from grace.
The most successful survivor from the "hip-hop slaughter" is probably
Kylie Minogue. She quickly adapted, by moving to slow, romantic tunes like 'If You Were With Me Now'; trying to mingle-in with romantic performers like Mariah Carey or Peabo Bryson. She was also rather successful with 'Confide in Me' at 1994, which freeing herself from "synth-pop association" she had before.
These days, when rave culture and house music becomes popular (but I have listened to 'Two Unlimited' way back at 1992. Pfft, eat that, young ravers! I'm an old-schooler ), Kylie is back with 4/4 house tunes like 'Spinning Around' and 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'. And yes, I'm still a big fan of Kylie today.
I also make a note about an unfortunate sap on that era:
Tommy Page. His 'Shoulder to Cry On' was a big hit on that time, followed by 'I'll Be Your Everything'. Too bad, he (or his producer) failed to notice that the wind had changed. See, most of Tommy Page's tunes are 4/4 synth-pops. Most of them are even "out-of-date", Alphaville-ish "techno-pops" like 'Zillion Kisses', 'African Sunset' (sure it has "rap" lyrics but the rythm is clearly 4/4), and 'Turning Me On'. Poor, poor Tommy! He started his career at 1989 with synth-pop image, brandishing synth-pop trademark, while less than two years later everyone was crazy about hip-hop! That's too bad because I like most of his tunes. Had he came earlier his career wouldn't ended that soon.
Well, early 90s is the most memorable musical period for me. I always love synthesized instruments, and I really hated it when hip-hop was gaining the throne as the standard beat for mainstream pop. Ah, but all the good things must come to an end, doesn't it?
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:45 am
by Dartzap
80's most definitly the 80's, not because i was there, but because the legacy of the bands from that time have lived on quite well, and they are often much better than modern groups.
For example: (not all 80's) Madness, Queen, and one that is so famous ive completely forgot it, real famous band, sung about LOTR in their songs...
How the hell have i forgot it, i have no idea...
Oh, and just to take the mick completly, ABBA :P
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:01 am
by Dartzap
Aha! i remember! Led Zepplin!
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:19 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Wait, IIRC Led Zepellin and ABBA are 70s.
Anyway, I still remember an event during the 80s (rock-wise); it was when David Lee Roth stop being Van Halen's vocalist and being replaced by Sammy Hagar.
In fact, my first Van Halen album was 5150; it was the first featuring Sammy, IIRC. There's a lot of good songs there, like 'Dreams', 'Why Can't This Be Love', and 'Love Walks In'.
Later, I bought a compilation of Van Halen's previous songs, then I became aware of David's vocal. I still prefer Sammy, though, like in the song 'Can't Stop Loving You'.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:39 am
by Dartzap
i did say not all 80's
Yeah, sadly, the day of good rock an' roll has gone.. but i have a feeling in my thumbs that it's day will return, atleast within the next few days, you marks my words.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:44 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:i did say not all 80's
Yeah, sadly, the day of good rock an' roll has gone.. but i have a feeling in my thumbs that it's day will return, atleast within the next few days, you marks my words.
Ah, don't give up hope yet. There's still Bon Jovi for good rock n' rolling!
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:49 am
by Josh
Definitely the 80s. When music was music, and I was a young lad learning to make his way in the world.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:49 am
by Dartzap

he's still alive.. well damn.. thats up in the same league as Bob Geldof for longest living corpse...
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:02 pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:...

he's still alive.. well damn.. thats up in the same league as Bob Geldof for longest living corpse...
Um, did you mean Jon Bon Jovi or Petrosjko?
Petrosjko wrote:Definitely the 80s. When music was music, and I was a young lad learning to make his way in the world.
I always love the pop-rock of the 80s. Definitely more pleasing to the eyes than today's rock.
Do you still remember the TV Series named
Dreams? (Starring John Stamos). The songs in the soundtrack are quite catchy. Examples are 'Kiss Me Red' and 'Tears in the Night'.
Also, there's a song called 'All I Wanna Do' from Heart. Very 80's, although released in 1991.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:22 pm
by Dartzap
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Dartzap wrote:...

he's still alive.. well damn.. thats up in the same league as Bob Geldof for longest living corpse...
Um, did you mean Jon Bon Jovi or Petrosjko?
Petrosjko wrote:Definitely the 80s. When music was music, and I was a young lad learning to make his way in the world.
I always love the pop-rock of the 80s. Definitely more pleasing to the eyes than today's rock.
Do you still remember the TV Series named
Dreams? (Starring John Stamos). The songs in the soundtrack are quite catchy. Examples are 'Kiss Me Red' and 'Tears in the Night'.
Also, there's a song called 'All I Wanna Do' from Heart. Very 80's, although released in 1991.
clearly, i meant Bon jovi
Perto just happened to post a milisec before i did.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:39 pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:clearly, i meant Bon jovi
I'm not a dedicated rock fan, but IIRC the latest Bon Jovi hit was 'It's My Life' on 2001. Nice song, although the intro bears some resemblance to a certain boys band song. Was it N'Sync?
And of course, there's always Red Hot Chilli Peppers...
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:48 pm
by Dartzap
yeah, though seem to be going a bit, i dunno 'poppy' these days..
theres a few good bands coming from this here Britland nowadays, if you so desire, i shall describe some of them.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:54 pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:yeah, though seem to be going a bit, i dunno 'poppy' these days..
theres a few good bands coming from this here Britland nowadays, if you so desire, i shall describe some of them.
Sure! Anything about music!
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:02 pm
by Dartzap
Well then: The ones i can think off of the top of my head: Franz Ferdinand, very good meduim rock, some of their somgs can get you in the mood for some FPS's " Take Me Out" is one of these. A band that was supporting them in America was the Kaizer Cheifs, who have been doing very well both here and over in the states, some pretty good "love songs" though you can really call them that.
A kind of trash rock band that has been around for a few years is The Darkness, very good love songs with a good beat and you'll feel like rocking along with them. much like Queen.
not sure if they are Brits or not (so sue me) The Killers are anouther recent breakthrough band. "I love you less and less" is qute popular at the moment, being played practicaly every where you go.
there are loads of others around, but im lazy and i cant remember them :D
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:59 pm
by Mrs Kendall
The 80's for reasons already posted.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:24 pm
by zac naloen
Dartzap wrote:Well then: The ones i can think off of the top of my head: Franz Ferdinand, very good meduim rock, some of their somgs can get you in the mood for some FPS's " Take Me Out" is one of these. A band that was supporting them in America was the Kaizer Cheifs, who have been doing very well both here and over in the states, some pretty good "love songs" though you can really call them that.
A kind of trash rock band that has been around for a few years is The Darkness, very good love songs with a good beat and you'll feel like rocking along with them. much like Queen.
not sure if they are Brits or not (so sue me) The Killers are anouther recent breakthrough band. "I love you less and less" is qute popular at the moment, being played practicaly every where you go.
there are loads of others around, but im lazy and i cant remember them :D
you've confused yourself, everyday i love you less and less is by kaiser chiefs.
The Killers are american.
And how the fuck can you leave out Muse???
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:08 pm
by Ra
I'd have to third the '80's. It's certainly the most memorable decade. That said, there were also good songs in the '70's as well.
- Ra
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:41 am
by Dartzap
zac naloen wrote:Dartzap wrote:Well then: The ones i can think off of the top of my head: Franz Ferdinand, very good meduim rock, some of their somgs can get you in the mood for some FPS's " Take Me Out" is one of these. A band that was supporting them in America was the Kaizer Cheifs, who have been doing very well both here and over in the states, some pretty good "love songs" though you can really call them that.
A kind of trash rock band that has been around for a few years is The Darkness, very good love songs with a good beat and you'll feel like rocking along with them. much like Queen.
not sure if they are Brits or not (so sue me) The Killers are anouther recent breakthrough band. "I love you less and less" is qute popular at the moment, being played practicaly every where you go.
there are loads of others around, but im lazy and i cant remember them :D
you've confused yourself, everyday i love you less and less is by kaiser chiefs.
The Killers are american.
And how the fuck can you leave out Muse???
Like i said, im a forgettful little toerag :P
I wasn't sure if that was The Killers or not.. they all sound similer anyway :P
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:46 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:
Like i said, im a forgettful little toerag :P
I wasn't sure if that was The Killers or not.. they all sound similer anyway :P
Wait... I've never heard of them. Gotta find some samples then.....
Dartzap wrote:Franz Ferdinand, very good meduim rock, some of their somgs can get you in the mood for some FPS
Are their tunes like Nine Inch Nails? You know, the Quake soundtrack.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:11 am
by Dartzap
Not as far as I know. though they did appear on the soundtrack for Burn Out 3
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:00 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:Not as far as I know. though they did appear on the soundtrack for Burn Out 3

Don't play too many FPS. Like Ace said, I have "gaming racism" against FPS and RTS.
But "medium rock" sounds interesting. I guess I'm gonna find some tunes.
By the way, I wonder why most choices revolve around the 80s era. How about 70s? Or probably (mid-late) 90s? Anyone?
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:05 am
by Dartzap
Hmm, the only thing that i can think of for the 90's were Oasis.
Sadly, the 90's were just after a certain lead singer died, and sent Rock to the bottem. and then.. the Rise Of Evil, that is the Pop Idiol Phenomena
i'll name one spawn of evil that was raised during the 90's... The Spice Girls! :P
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:30 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:Hmm, the only thing that i can think of for the 90's were Oasis.
Sadly, the 90's were just after a certain lead singer died, and sent Rock to the bottem. and then.. the Rise Of Evil, that is the Pop Idiol Phenomena
Now, now. 90s is not that bad. It's the rise of alternative bands like Green Day, Kula Shaker, and President Of The United States Of America.
As for PUSA, my most favorite is 'Peaches', both the song itself and the videoklip as well. Ninja attack, anyone?
Note it was the time when rock were trying to find it new forms after the metal mania of early 90s. Do you remember the song 'Lemon Tree'? Even that one counts as alternative, IMO. And do you still remember the punk/alternative version of 'Popeye The Sailor Man'?
That one song is always the best for masturbation. Now what's the name of the band again?
mid-to-late 90 was the time when we saw a lot of revolution in music. Note the first time when Gangsta Rap came to mainstream? Yes. It was during that period when Coolio brought such hardcore stuff to the mainstream audience with 'Gangsta Paradise'. Probably people was about to being fed up by the "jiggy-jiggy dance-dance" rap by the likes of Will Smith and Hammer.
Unfortunately I was already in the uni during those days... So mid-late 90s is not as memorable as late 80s/early 90s.
Dartzap wrote:i'll name one spawn of evil that was raised during the 90's... The Spice Girls! :P

You know what's worse than Spice Girls? It's Spice Girls singing 'Imperial March', with lyrics they made their own:
So tell me, what you want, what you want,
I tell you, what I want, what I want,
So tell me what, what you really want,
I tell what I really want,
So tell, what you want, what you want
(performed in the melody of Imperial March)
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:34 am
by Dartzap
ah, i see, i've never been one for R&B and Gangsta.
Another Evil: Boyzone.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:46 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Dartzap wrote:ah, i see, i've never been one for R&B and Gangsta.
Another Evil: Boyzone.
Boyzone? Pfft. You never heard about N'Sync, didn't you? And Westlife. And Backstreet Boys. And Hanson. And.....