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#1 Bastard Operator from Hell

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:03 am
by Destructionator XV

Hilarious stories from the Bastard Operator from Hell, a shared system administrator who takes calls and takes care of user's issues... with the delete commands.

Start with #1 and read right on down, this is golden.

edit: example:
I put the phone on the hook for the first time this afternoon and it starts ringing almost immediately. THAT'S IT! I redirect it to 911 catch a bit of shuteye. That'll teach them. OOPS! Almost forgot to turn over the excuse calendar. "STATIC FROM NYLON UNDERWEAR" Nope, too plausable - although in some cases I could do an on-site check. Nah, can't be stuffed. I'll pick another one. "STATIC FROM PLASTIC SLIDE RULES" Now THAT'S one with a challenge!
I un-redirect the phone and drag the rubbish bin so it rests on the printer's stacker - another job well done. The phone rings - this could be the big one!


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:06 am
Whoever doesn't read this is behind the times.

The newwer stuff can be found at The Register


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:59 am
by Ace Pace
The Register stuff is good, the one linked in the OP are..meh.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:04 pm
by Dark Silver
Ahh...the BOFH, and his trusty homocidal asisstant, the Pimply Face Youth (PFY).

Good times I've had reading Simon's BOFH and Stripped Bucket Irregulars.

I definatly suggest trying to find his early, Stripped Bucket Irregulars stuff, he has it linked somewhere on his archive page...

The confessional bit if awfully telling...


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:13 pm
by Destructionator XV
Yeah, it is all on the site to which I linked. I love it.