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#1 Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:18 pm
by Lys

So, desert planet, no doubt Tatooine. I fail to understand why Star Wars just doesn't seem able to leave the damn place alone. It's kind of hard to buy it as an unimportant backwater when everything keeps coming back to there. At this rate, Empire Strikes Back will be considered the best Star Wars film simply on the grounds that it doesn't have Tatooine in it.

Ah well, at least the visual direction looks pretty good. It's a nice mix between the clean and shiny look of the PT and the beat up used future look of the OT. I rather like the new lightsaber effect in particular. It's all crackling pulsing energy instead of a solid beam of light, and it looks very cool.

#2 Re: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:51 pm
by frigidmagi
Damn, Solo still got some moves. Or hopefully it's his kid piloting the thing.

#3 Re: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:23 am
by LadyTevar
frigidmagi wrote:Damn, Solo still got some moves. Or hopefully it's his kid piloting the thing.
That was what I was wondering, was it Solo, or was it Jaina Solo (who might be the girl on the scooter).

#4 Re: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:54 am
Have we confirmed they're using any established EU characters/plots? I mean I know a lot of people were rather upset at not using Zahn's trilogy as a basis for this...

A few things:
1) The stormtrooper in the desert. Immediately made me think Spaceballs (We aint found shit!).
2) The soccerball droid... yeeeaaahhh. Though for added amusement(at least to me) he should be designated W1-5N(Wilson - Castaway)
3) Not sure on the new light saber. It's an interesting idea but it's not quite hitting that sweet spot to me.

#5 Re: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:01 pm
by Josh
I have zero expectations for this, the way I had for Phantom Menace.

(I didn't like PM or any of the prequel trilogy, but I wasn't all "Lucas molested my childhood!" over it thanks to the lack of expectation.)

I'll take it as it comes.

All that said, my favorite shot was the X-Wings skimming the lake. That was cool shit.

#6 Re: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:49 am
by LadyTevar
Fan spectulation says the saber is cheaply built, by soeone who didin't know what they were doing, so the "side blades" are heat sinks to keep the blade from self-imploding.

#7 Re: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:41 pm
by General Havoc
Honestly, I like this trailer. I like the idea of modernizing Star Wars into something new. I like new designs for things and new styles of lightsabre. I want this to work, and I think it might.

#8 Re: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:03 pm
by White Haven
I liked most of it. The soccer-ball-droid got a bit of a 'this is forced cute' eye-roll, but that's minor if they don't play it too hard. The crossguard lightsaber, similarly, got a quiet 'really?'

Overall, though, I am certainly intrigued, and nothing in it goes anywhere near serious problem territory.