If you want, you can also include a nice cleaned up version of the background image, I'm sure some people will appreciate it (especailly if they like the backgrouned).
My Desktop:

Cleaned Image:

Moderator: frigidmagi
Looks like white Jonquils to me, Mared.Mared wrote:My desktop changes with the seasons. (So, I'm a girly, girly....sue me.) This is the one I use for spring. It's my absolute favorite flower in the whole wide world. Kudos if you can tell me what it is.
http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319 ... nsweet.jpg
Close, but no cigar. Good try though. Not many people know what it is. The web-address may give a hint. The three initials for its name is in there.Looks like white Jonquils to me, Mared.