Model of a ballerina, 1

This was from a FHM magazine. They did a photo shoot of the Australian or Melbourne Ballet company, and the ballerinas who are members. She was pretty striking so I drew her. She was raven-haired so I went heavy on the hair, sorry. It didn't really work out too well. And would you look at the right hand? Dear god. This was done a few years ago.
Model of a ballerina, 2

Second picture of the same model. You can tell that I drew both pics on the same piece of paper, but on either side. Again the hair didn't come out right nor did the face (mainly the eyes). If I were to guess I'd say they were done... in 2003? Or perhaps 2004.
Grandmaster Hatsumi

I had a ninja book at one stage (I seem to have misplaced it - or it was swiped) and there were photos of people like Hatsumi-sensei in various poses. I drew that from one of them. At a guess I'd say this and the next two were from 2003.
Ninja Spider-man!

Some sort of storyboard thing

These were drawn from various ninja photos in the book I talked about. The picture is actually fairly large, photobucket must have resized it.
Lesbian Vampire chicks

This is actually a J. Scott Campbell drawing from Gen13 #5. Nobody other than a comic geek would probably understand. I didn't trace it, but I did copy it (ie I had the comic issue open so that I could use it as a guide). I did it around the time the issue was released. I must have still been in high school.
Sailor Trek!

This is the oldest of the lot I believe. It was dated '97. I think I drew it for a laugh.