Movies - Which Do You Love and Hate? [Spoilers Possible]

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#1 Movies - Which Do You Love and Hate? [Spoilers Possible]

Post by Ra »

Simple question. What movies do you love, and which ones do you hate? Classics, recent releases, whatever. Here's mine, in order of remembering them. :razz:


LOTR Triology - Hands down, I obviously love these movies. There were things that I wished they hadn't left out from the books, but since I never was able to finish reading TTT (:oops:), that's not a major nitpick for me. Too many good things about it to really list here; Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Revenge of the Sith - Greatest of the Prequel movies, easily. It was a masterpiece, and a wonderful way for Wars to bow out. All actors (hell, even Anakin was a little better in this one) did a wonderful performance, and it's noteworthy really for the fact that the bad guys actually win.

Underworld - Just saw this the second time today, actually. I just loved it. Cool plot, lots of action, and a very interesting take on the Vampyres and Wherewolves. Oh, and it had the Goth thing going, plus 5 points there. :razz: Beckinsale was awesome.

SW Original Trilogy - No description can really be adequate for these landmark sci-fi classics. Too much to list.

Stargate - The movie that gave the inspiration for my username (no shit?), I of course love Stargate. It's better as a popcorn flick than anything else, but 'Gate had actual badass Jaffa, and other neat stuff. Oh, and it spawned two very popular TV shows, which is always a plus. Not the greatest film, and some SG-1 fanwankers dislike it despite the fact that this movie spawned the show, but I like it. :grin:

Star Trek II: TWOK - My favorite Trek movie, and certainly the greatest of them all. From start to finish, this is what Trek should have been. Khan is arguably one of the most awesome sci-fi villains of all time. I'd dare say it's one of the greatest sci-fi movies period.

Star Trek VI: TUC - My second favorite of the Trek movies, I loved the Cold Waresque climate, and similar militarism and superb qualities similar to those of TWOK; Also, the ending with the sign-off by the TOS actors is a classic moment in all of Trek, and TUC, IMNSHO, is the true bowing out for all of the TOS cast, not Generations.


Ghost Ship - I say that I hate this movie. No, loathe it. I saw this, ironically, just before I saw Underworld for the first time (me and some buddies sat down and watched three movies back to back), and I just couldn't sit through much of it. The sheer "gore for the fuck of it" attitude was sickening, and drowned out any plot the movie may have had. Massive negative points for the "slicing cable" and "hook of death". UW had gore too, but nowhere near on this level, or this volume. Some people may like this movie, but I couldn't. And I can't bring myself to ever watch it again.

Star Trek: Nemesis - Enough said. Everyone knows my attitude about this abomination of a movie.

Star Trek V - I'll quote a line from the Trek parody Star Trek: Series ?. "NEVER ASK ABOUT NIMBUS III!". Too many faults to list here. My god. Thankfully TUC made up for this abortion of a film, with interest.

Terminator 3 - WHAT THE FUCK?! This movie never took place, OK? Terminator 2 was the end of the franchise. T3 was horrible. It basically shat on the last movie, made the future leader of Humanity a stupid drug addict, and made up for all of this with "the b00bies". Frankly, T-X reminded me too much of Seven of Nine; some wanked blonde woman that uses nanotechnology to pwn everything around her. It seems like they purposely copied Seven to make this character.

Matrix: Revolutions - I can't say anything. It's just that bad. There are some good things about it, like Agent Smith, but not much else.
Last edited by Ra on Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Narsil »

Favourite films:

LotR Trilogy:
Pure concentrated, and undiluted awesome.

Revenge of the Sith:
A gem which sort of redeemed the Prequel Trilogy of Star Wars for me... after the travesties which were TPM and AotC... Excellent movie, the entire three hours of it.

Original Star Wars Trilogy:
This needs no introduction...

Kill Bill vol.1:
Violent and unnecessarily gory, but a gem nontheless due to its wicked sense of humour and possibly one of the most insane swordfighting scenes in history...

Terminator 1/2:
If you need to ask why, you'll be terminated.

The Silence of the Lambs:
Excellent film, possibly a cliched "Serial Killer is killing young women" plot, but the best of all serial killer films due to its characters, which is what makes it an excellent film. "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."

Following on from the original, an excellent classic, with Anthony Hopkins again taking up the mantle of Hannibal Lector. Despite a different casting for Clarice, I thought that this film still managed to retain that same atmosphere, and, even better, it had Hannibal being a proper bad guy this time, rather than a sidelined antagonist.

Least Favourites:

Dungeons and Dragons:
A travesty of a film, which was more screwed than a succubus in the men's steam room. The poorest casting decisions to occur since... well... ever. It should have had the base D&D Characters playing a returning role... or even fucking Drizzt Do'Urden. The ONLY saving grace of this movie was the inclusion of Tom Baker, who had proven himself a brilliant actor beforehand anyway.
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Post by B4UTRUST »

Favorite Films:
I'm a TF Fanwhore and I say it proudly. And this movie was a perpetual geekgasam for me. Hell I watch it constantly(at least 1-2 times a week)

Fight Club:
Loved the book, loved the movie. The movie left out a few parts but fuck it, it was still a most bad assed movie all the way around.

Pump up the Volume:
Now why I have a Christian Slater movie as a favorite will probably boggle peoples' minds for years to come and I can't rightly explain it either, but the movie just kicked ass. The underground pirate DJ taking on the "man" and getting it to work.

"And this one?"
"NSA Guide to trusted networks, aka the big red book that wont fit on a shelf."

Hackers, dispite its obviously overdone visual effects and that it fell painfully short of what real hacking is it's still one of my favorite movies. If you haven't taken the time to at least watch it once, well... I think Cereal Killer summed it up.
"That's universally stupid, man."

Office Space:
For most of us, I think this is the story of our lives. I know at least half the damned movie applies to me and my job. We've gone as far as to come in on Fridays wearing hawaiian shirts just to fuck with people. Yes, we even have the "Hello, my name is...." stickers. Usually we'll put down the characters' names. Samir, Michael, Peter, etc. Sadly, not many people seem to get the humor. If you can't find at least something to relate to your job in this movie...well...I want your job ><

Hated movies:

Darkness Falls:
Ooo the fucking toothfairy. *twitch* I watched about half of it before turning it off. Thank god I only rented it and didn't buy that crapfest.

Any japanese movie that's redone in America:
Juon(The Grudge), Ringu or Ring-O(The Ring), etc. Any of these that were originally japanese movies that were actually watchable that were turned into two hours of ass in a dvd must die. Really. Seriously. Kill them with fire. Burn them to spare us. Now granted in some cases the US versions were usually better budgeted and all but they still suck. The japanese versions weren't much better in some cases, but the American versions still suck worse.

The Fast and the Furious:
From the bad terminology to the horrible plot, this movie just reeked of dreadful. This movie has inspired more people to buy honda civics then anything else in the world. It has also inspired all those peope to rice the hell out of their piece of shit civics and forget the most important part of modifying a car. Making it go faster, corner better, etc. Preformance, not astetics. Ugh. "It doesn't matter if this movie sucks like Monica Lewinksky or SW: TPM, sucking is sucking..."
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »


Steppenwolf. I always love surreal movie, and I guess Steppenwolf is the best of all.

Psycho. Hitchcock rulez! Nuff said!

Hannibal. A nice and deep psychological theme, but what like most is Hannibal Lecter. Dr. Lecter kicks ass!

Mississipi Burning. It displays such grim reality of racism while reminding us that we should never stop fighting against such atrocities. Always my favorite, and it happens to be my dad's favorite as well.

Walking Tall. I haven't watched the new version starring The Rock, but I still remember watching the original version in Betamax way back in 1989. I love how the movie reminds us that there's still a place for idealism and principle in this corrupted world we live on.

The Fifth Element. I don't give a hoot on what critics said; the movie keeps me glued to the screen with its fast pace, interesting characters, nice actions, excellent sci-fi touch, and healthy dose of humor.

James Bond: Octopussy. I don't give a hoot on what critics said either on this one. I just love the movie, and the plot is actually interesting.

Return of the Jedi. It is the first Star Wars movie that fully displays the Emperor (hail Palpatine!). And I love the climatic space/ground battle as well.

Return of the Sith. Padme: "I love you!" Anakin: "Liar!!!" Need I say more?

James Bond: Die Another Day. First time we see James Bond in prison. And the best bond girl ever!!!

The Mummy Returns. Another fast-paced movie where the backstory from the original The Mummy is explained in non-boring way. Plus, we see more human side of Imhotep.

Independence Day. I don't care about the American jingoistic pointed out by people who hate the movie, neither do I care about the cheesy 'computer virus' solution; all I care is the gigantic dogfight scenes between human jetfighters and UFOs. Now if all and every movie would give us such treat.....

Top Gun. Two words: dogfight and F-14s. The only thing I object about the movie is that they use F-5s instead of REAL MiGs (it may be realistic though, since some Middle Eastern countries use F-5. But I still wanna' see real MiG in action!) . And for people who bitching around about the movie's 'gay innuendo', I should remind that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


*any* game-based movie: Tomb Raider, Street Fighter, Dungeons and Dragons.....

Steve Jackson's King Kong. Come on, ONE full hour before we see the mighty Kong? We don't need such convoluted background and 'onboard romance' between Ann and Jack. It is a fucking King Kong movie, goddamit! All we wanna see is Kong in action; excellent CGI and such. I guess Steve Jackson is highly overrated.

Almost *any* Vietnam war movie (especially the low-budget ones). I'm getting tired of watching a squad of GIs screaming aloud while being strafed (or sniped) by invisible enemies. I mean, the United States DID fight the NVA as well, didn't they? There are much more to be depicted than squad-level combat between the GIs and the VCs. I mean, where 's the TANKS? The artillery? The CAS aircraft? The legendary Cobra helicopter? Now we have CGI and the likes, I expect nothing less than collosal battle involving tanks, APCs, gunships, fighter aircrafts, and triple-As.

Dark Water. It is supposed to be scary, isn't it? Too bad it isn't.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:06 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Narsil »

KAN, his name was Peter Jackson...

You may have mixed him and Spielberg up a bit...

Another least favourite movie:

War of the Worlds:
Booooorrrriiiiiing family interaction. And they didn't even use Jeff Wayne's soundtrack. And where the fuck was the HMS Thunderchild?! And why was the film set in North America... of all bloody places, it's War of the Worlds, not Independence Day. War of the Worlds was British in Creation, it needed to be a more British Film IMO, it's what's called being true to the original formula.

And another liked film for me:

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Excellent, from beginning to end, true to the formula (see above) and almost exactly as I had pictured it in the book, right down to the dead bluebottle in the Wardrobe room. That kind of attention to detail is what made the film successful. Oh, and about Christian Overtones... who gives a fuck?! It's a film, and a halfway decently acted one, better than Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at any rate
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Post by Ra »

KAN wrote:Top Gun. Two words: dogfight and F-14s. The only thing I object about the movie is that they use F-5s instead of REAL MiGs (it may be realistic though, since some Middle Eastern countries use F-5. But I still wanna' see real MiG in action!) . And for people who bitching around about the movie's 'gay innuendo', I should remind that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Well, the use of F-5's was because they, IIRC, showed real Navy combat training in the movie, which up until a few years ago used F-5's (now they "officially" use the F-16, though MiG-29's are kept at Area 51 too) to simulate performance of MiG-21's.
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Post by Lord Stormbringer »

Ra wrote:
KAN wrote:Top Gun. Two words: dogfight and F-14s. The only thing I object about the movie is that they use F-5s instead of REAL MiGs (it may be realistic though, since some Middle Eastern countries use F-5. But I still wanna' see real MiG in action!) . And for people who bitching around about the movie's 'gay innuendo', I should remind that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Well, the use of F-5's was because they, IIRC, showed real Navy combat training in the movie, which up until a few years ago used F-5's (now they "officially" use the F-16, though MiG-29's are kept at Area 51 too) to simulate performance of MiG-21's.
Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot? You seem to have confused the A-4 (the agressor training aircraft) and the F-5 (the "enenmy" aircraft). In reality, yes both were used in agressor training, still are for some scenarios I believe, but that's not so in the movie.

The real reason the F-5 is shown as the enemy is that it was made in 1984-85 during the height of the Reagan Administration. It's hard for some people to remember but in a lot of ways it was really a different world, basically if they had real MIGs they were no friends of ours. So they had no way of getting real MIG footage. Hence the F-5s were given a generic paint job and called MIG-28s.

As an interesting note, they say the enemy was changed to the generic at the request of the Navy. But they were meant to be North Koreans and the Leyton incident was supposed to be based losely on the USS Pueblo Incident as well as the first Gulf of Sidra Inicident.
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Post by Ra »

Well, I stand corrected then. Now that you've nitpicked some minor point of minutiae, what's your choices for the topic?
Last edited by Ra on Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Lord Stormbringer »

Well, let's see.

Movies I love:

Top Gun: One of the first movies I ever saw. I remember watching it one night on tape. I was hooked. Second DVD I ever bought. Perfect action movie in my opinion; superb ariel photography.

Star Wars 3-6: (Okay, AotC in my more charitable days). I saw the Special Editions in theaters and was blown away. I've been a fan ever since. These are the kind of movies that movies were made for. A good story, beautiful visuals, and memorable characters.

Serenity: I'll confess that I didn't get Firefly at first. But after seeing the series I loved it. The movie is just a great continuation of the series with great bits of character, some awesome action, and too many one liners to shake a stick at.

Lord of the Rings: All three of them. They're awesome movies and to be honest, there are very few scenes in nearly 12 hours of movies that I don't like. For the sheer scope of it that's incredibly impressive. Great modern cinema.

Boondock Saints: Sure Troy Duffy is a psycho of epic proportions. This movie is still the fucking shit. It's a great movie shot with enough intelligence and guts that it doesn't pussy out on it's premise. It's far better than a pure "kill 'em all" film or a broody meditation on crime and punishment. Not to mention it's hilariously quotable.

Chasing Amy: I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite character films. There's some real genius and humanity in this. But it never gets boring or preachy (except when Silent Bob is preaching, but that's all good). And of course Banky's bashing of everyone is always a high point.

Movies I Hate:

A lot less of these than I thought. I rarely see truly bad movies in the theater and on TV I skip them.

Titanic: Pure shit. A shmaltzy romance overlaid on a tragedy. Why is it they miss the huge drama that was the real sinking in favor of a purely fictional load of shit? And never mind that Nardo DiCrapio can't act, let alone convince any one he's a street urchin.

Pearl Harbor: Why? Why? Why? It's like Titanic, except they repeatedly assualted history with a claw hammer. For anyone educated on the subject at all it's a painful, painful experience.

Darkness: I saw it with a friend. Ack was it lousy. It had a lot of promise. And missed it. Which pissed me off because I kept thinking off all the stuff they could have improved on. Uck.

Starship Troopers: I liked it when I first saw it. I was a kid and it was mindless violence. Disappointed it wasn't the book though right away. Now, just shit. I know some apologists have tried to claim it was parody but I have seen zero evidence that it was intended as such, just after the fact rationalization. Even as parody it's lousy because it didn't do much satirizing.
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Post by The Cleric »

Off to MAM.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

I love Gladiator: People should know when they've been conquered. 'nuff said.

And as for movies I hate, I'll just put it in after I get some sleep and get my brain cleared...
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#12 Just a few on each end

Post by Bratty »


Gone With the Wind
Boondock Saints
Moll Flanders
Princess Bride
Queen of the Damned
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pirates of the Carribean
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Ever After
So I Married an Ax Murderer
The Seventh Samarai (original Japanese movie)
anything Tim Burton if for NO other reason, the beauty of it

Underworld (it was pretty, but I was bored with the plot and found myself looking at my watch the whole time, praying it would be over)
Dracula 2000 (except for guy who played Dracula. Yum)
Goldmember (funny but I can't get past the disgusting parts)
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Post by Bratty »

More Loves:

Far and Away
Moulan Rouge
Phantom of the Opera (2004 musical to movie version)
Interview With A Vampire
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Dances with Wolves
Shakespeare in Love
The Piano
True Lies
Of course LotR series (duh), Harry Potter series (duh), and Star Wars Series (duh)
Brothers Grimm
The Court Jester
Shrek 2

More Hates:

The Final Stab
Any Jason/Friday the 13th movie
Garfield the Movie
Shark Tale
Last edited by Bratty on Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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