The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

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#1 The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by Dark Silver »

I can't believe we never got a thread about this.....

anyway, the official trailer came out a few months back, for the third and final installation of Nolan's take on the Batman-verse.


Personally, I'm not a fan of this was a huge Meh for me, which is sad considering the villains are two of my favorite in the Batseries (Bane and Catwoman).

Bane just doesn't look right...I hate his mask, and I hate that Nolan's fully intending to leave the voice hard to understand because he think it'll add depth to the entire movie and making it clearer would be babying the audience.

Well, fuck you Nolan, I want my villain to be understandable damn it. And why the fuck with the toothy mouth mask? Is it to make "Venom" more realistic as a inhalant rather than something pumped directly into Bane's nervous system like in the comics and all the other cartoons? News flash, your "realistic take" went out the window when you had the magical microwave AoE weapon that only affected water and not the human bodies standing next to the thing. NEXT.

But then I comes across this....this little beauty is someone who recut the trailer....with Batman: The Animated Series scenes in it's place (but he kept the audio).


Oh dear gods....this works so much better. Maybe it's just me, but I like the re-cut animated trailer A LOT more....
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#2 Re: The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by LadyTevar »

Bane is going to be .... interesting. The mask I agree does not work. I liked the Lucadore mask better.

Catwoman, showing her slinky high-society side... nice.

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#3 Re: The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by Josh »

That animated trailer is pretty awesome.

Bane didn't sound too unintelligible to me, so it's probably one of those your mileage may vary sort of things. What I inwardly groaned at was the army of prison-suited mooks storming out there. I mean, not every plotline has to have an army storming the damn city. Whatever happened to more intensely personal stories? Batman is probably one of the best superheroes for doing things that don't have to menace all of Gotham in a giant, public display. Yet here we are with the third movie of over-the-top city-in-peril storylines.

That's what I hate about the 'creative' industry. Find something that works, beat to death.

Agreed on the Bane mask. No reason to take that out the original system with the work you can do with prosthetics and effects these days. Plus, a permanent injection system is visually gnarly and adds to the menace.
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#4 Re: The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by White Haven »

Honestly, I always detested Bane as a villain, just couldn't bring myself to care about him in any way, shape, or form. Not sure if I'm even going to bother watching this one since they went ahead and picked him as a foe.
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#5 Re: The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by General Havoc »

White Haven wrote:Honestly, I always detested Bane as a villain, just couldn't bring myself to care about him in any way, shape, or form. Not sure if I'm even going to bother watching this one since they went ahead and picked him as a foe.
I'm sorry, I really don't get this and the other sentiments in this thread. I mean if you just don't like Batman movies or thought the Nolan ones sucked, that's one thing. But assuming that you did not, why would you abandon the franchise solely because you disagree with what you thought you saw for a second in the trailer's character design, or because of who they selected as the villain?

I mean, I heard the same shit about Dark Knight, how they "changed" the Joker, and therefore the movie was "obviously" going to suck from the trailers, and should be boycotted. Similarly here, a single sentence in the trailer where Bane is hard to hear is interpretted as Nolan trying to intentionally distort Bane's voice throughout the entire film to make his movie artificially 'deep' because he has total contempt for his audience. What the hell gives here?

I'm going to fucking see this movie. And I fully expect it to be awesome. It is possible that I am wrong, but I'm certainly not going to beat my chest and wail over the lack of artistry and the betrayal of the fan-base based on what I saw in that trailer.
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#6 Re: The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by Dark Silver »

Well, see Havoc, I never said that I was either abandoning the movie entirely, or that it was going to suck - I hate certain aspect of it (for one, this trailer the first time I saw it left me in the theater more saying "What the Fuck" than being awe inspired or anything) and on repeated viewings online, it doesn't DO anything for me. It doesn't make me excited about the film.

I do hate the visual take on Bane with his mask, and I hate that the voice is going to continued to be like it is. I dislike those aspects of it, but I'm not going to avoid the movie like the plague just because of that. They are not going to change Bane's mask when the movie is set to release in a couple of months, but they CAN fix the voice issue (honestly, the voice issue is the biggest thing I dislike, because it's caused by that mask. And the fact that Nolan has said he's not going to fix it - just because. If the audience can't understand Bane, that's their problem).

I personally LIKE Bane as a villain - though this may have something to do with the Batman: The animated Series version of him and not the comic version - but there's some things which overall, turn me off on the movie's portrayal of him that I've seen in so far.
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#7 Re: The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by frigidmagi »

You know, I expected the Dark Knight to be bad. I thought Nolan had made a piss poor choice for the Joker, I was less then happy about the Joker's look and I openly had suspicions about the story.

I was utterly and completely wrong, on all points. To be blunt, Nolan has near God levels of cred from me at this point and I am content to wait and give him full points on faith as of now. Now this could change, he could fuck this up spectacularly but I kinda doubt it.
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#8 Re: The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Post by Josh »

Dark Knight was kind of meh for me, which is why I'm not particularly up for this one either. Heath Ledger did knock it out of the park as the Joker, but Harvey Dent wasn't my cup of tea and so his tragic fall didn't resonate for me.

I'll wait and catch some previews before I decide if I'll drop a buck to see it. I do think that Bale's been the best Batman thus far, growly voice or no. But I'm hoping there'll be something new in the storytelling end of it.
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