Frigid watched The Last Airbender
Moderator: frigidmagi
- frigidmagi
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#1 Frigid watched The Last Airbender
I went to see the Last Airbender last night, for free. I... Kinda want my money back.
This is a movie I wanted to like, despite an array of things that suggested bad news to me. An odd director choice to say the least, horrible casting decisions, a devastating short run time and a story choice I wouldn't have made (I would have made the movie set after season 3).
The movie all of a 100 minutes long was suppose to be a retelling of season one. It was a difficult task to shove 20 episodes into an hour and a half. One they shouldn't frankly have attempted, it should have been 2 hours at least. But for some reason they went with a short film with a long story.
The opening of the movie starts with the bending sequences that look alot like the cartoon ones, which I thought was a good choice. On the flip side, if you're gonna abandon your source material maybe you shouldn't remind me of it. We get a text crawl and voice over narration by Nicola Peltz get used to her voice because they won't show you anything, they'll just have you tell her.
The opening scene has some unimportant changes (they're on foot not on boat) but works as the cartoon does. Saddly though we don't get Aang seeing Katara first thing when he wakes up which had in the cartoon established the romance. Something that seems to have been done away with here. Instead all of that happens off screen.
Zuko finds them at the village quickly so we don't get to know the tribe (the movie is at a run here) and in a real bad editting decision they cut out Aang and Zuko making the deal.
For those of you who don't recall, it was Aang asking Zuko to spare the village if he left with Zuko. Zuko not only agreed but kept his word, something that elevated him quickly above your standard cartoon villain. Instead we get moody growling.
Let me talk about the racial breakdowns here. The water tribe is the most racial diverse group of long term isolationists I've ever seen. There are white tribespeople, Indian tribespeople and so on. Which is annoying and breaks my SoD. Look a group of people cut off from outside contact for a long period of time are going to start to blend together. It's how genetics work. Meanwhile the vast and diverse Earth Kingdom is all Chinese and our eval Fire Nation is all Indian... So the large scattered populations who interact alot with outsiders are homogeneous, while the isolated small populations are very, very heterogeneous...
Aang of course escapes after passing a test that proves he's the Avatar (it's a neat test that shows all the elements react to him standing nearby, which likely makes cooking difficult). The South Air Temple reminds me of the killing fields of Cambodia, those skulls survived a 100 years really well out in the open. Momo shows up but is really just a random effect. I pretty much ignored him. Kyoshi Island gets cut her in favor of the prison break which I thought was a poor decision at best. The Prison Break wasn't a major plot while Kyoshi Island introduced Sukki and Kyoshi the Avatar both of which became important later. Also instead of Earth Benders imprisoned on metal island which is cool, they're in a valley... made of dirt... With a metal gate and some guards they overpower real quick when Aang starts doing air stuff. The fight is also blurry due to 3d treatments on a 2d movie. No I didn't see it in 3d. Katara gets a water scroll here so the pirates are gone to.
We're told (not shown) that Aang does this in other earth villages to.
The North Air Temple is turned into a trap where he's captured by Commander Zhoa who is played really well. As you can guess the Blue Spirit rescues him. This is done really, really well but is damn dark and hard to follow. Our director seems to like having his big fights take place totally in the damn dark with everyone wearing dark colors. Zhoa is real close friend of the fire lord for some reason and a good 15 to 20 minutes of the movie is him and the fire lord talking things over. This was a dumb addition that should be thrown out to make more time for the main characters, why they felt they had to add in extra stuff while gutting the main story is beyond me.
Here we are narrated into the Northern Water Tribe. The engagement subplot is dropped (I'm okay with that) but the romance between Sokka and Yue is something we're told about and throw into full swing. The subplot about the Northern Water Tribe being anti-girl bending dicks is also dropped, (I'm not okay with that). This robs us of one of Katara's big moments. Later when Aang is meditating and Zuko attacks? They take that away from her to. Basically Katara is turned into talky girl with all her plots and big movements stolen or worse given to Aang. Given the fact that she's 12 years old or so in this movie (for some damn reason Sokka is aged up and placed in charge instead of Katara being in charge and near his age) she can't even be eye candy. She literally has nothing to do! The fight we get is when Aang wakes up and is ended when Katara ambushes Zuko. He is frozen but melts himself out to escape.
Sokka doesn't fare much better. His jokes? Gone. His funny behavior? Gone! His love of meat and boomrangs? GONE! Instead I get this older teen boy who is serious business! For that matter Aang has been replaced with a dour and emo doppelganger as well. His whole role is to make serious faces and say lines at the camera.
The big fight in the city is well done expect for everyone wearing dark colors in a badly lit scene so things tend to blur. Koh the face stealer was cut in favor of a dragon that tells Aang not to hurt people (WHAT THE FUCK!?! HE'S TRYING TO WIN A WAR!). Zhou kills the moon and Yueh throws herself into the pool to bring back the moon. With that Aang runs up to the wall and by himself in Avatar state pulls a huge wall of water and... does fuck all with it. To be fair, if I was in a firefight in NYC and a wall of water taller then the skyscrapers appeared.... I would stop shooting to. The Fire Nation runs away while Zhou and Zuko confront each other, Iroh pulls Zuko away so they can escpae on Zuko's row boat and 4 water tribe guys execute Zhou by drowning him in a floating ball of water which was cool to see.
The movie ends with everyone bowing to Aang and he does a air bending move.
The actors I felt were trying their best but they were given a huge shit sandwhich. The writing sucked, the special effects were about average, the best fights are in the dark and well, I'm starting to think Shammy can't direct either. Whenever there's a huge conservation the camera jumps from face to face so we can't see them interact! I'm being constantly told what is happening instead of shown. Best I can say is that the actors were clearly trying their best, the fire nation guys practically stole the movie and the costumes were amazing. Seriously if they had put in as much effort on the rest of the movie as the costumes, this would have been the greatest movie of the summer.
Frigid gives this one a D-. Watch the cartoon instead and bask in the warm memories of goodness, avoid the horror.
This is a movie I wanted to like, despite an array of things that suggested bad news to me. An odd director choice to say the least, horrible casting decisions, a devastating short run time and a story choice I wouldn't have made (I would have made the movie set after season 3).
The movie all of a 100 minutes long was suppose to be a retelling of season one. It was a difficult task to shove 20 episodes into an hour and a half. One they shouldn't frankly have attempted, it should have been 2 hours at least. But for some reason they went with a short film with a long story.
The opening of the movie starts with the bending sequences that look alot like the cartoon ones, which I thought was a good choice. On the flip side, if you're gonna abandon your source material maybe you shouldn't remind me of it. We get a text crawl and voice over narration by Nicola Peltz get used to her voice because they won't show you anything, they'll just have you tell her.
The opening scene has some unimportant changes (they're on foot not on boat) but works as the cartoon does. Saddly though we don't get Aang seeing Katara first thing when he wakes up which had in the cartoon established the romance. Something that seems to have been done away with here. Instead all of that happens off screen.
Zuko finds them at the village quickly so we don't get to know the tribe (the movie is at a run here) and in a real bad editting decision they cut out Aang and Zuko making the deal.
For those of you who don't recall, it was Aang asking Zuko to spare the village if he left with Zuko. Zuko not only agreed but kept his word, something that elevated him quickly above your standard cartoon villain. Instead we get moody growling.
Let me talk about the racial breakdowns here. The water tribe is the most racial diverse group of long term isolationists I've ever seen. There are white tribespeople, Indian tribespeople and so on. Which is annoying and breaks my SoD. Look a group of people cut off from outside contact for a long period of time are going to start to blend together. It's how genetics work. Meanwhile the vast and diverse Earth Kingdom is all Chinese and our eval Fire Nation is all Indian... So the large scattered populations who interact alot with outsiders are homogeneous, while the isolated small populations are very, very heterogeneous...
Aang of course escapes after passing a test that proves he's the Avatar (it's a neat test that shows all the elements react to him standing nearby, which likely makes cooking difficult). The South Air Temple reminds me of the killing fields of Cambodia, those skulls survived a 100 years really well out in the open. Momo shows up but is really just a random effect. I pretty much ignored him. Kyoshi Island gets cut her in favor of the prison break which I thought was a poor decision at best. The Prison Break wasn't a major plot while Kyoshi Island introduced Sukki and Kyoshi the Avatar both of which became important later. Also instead of Earth Benders imprisoned on metal island which is cool, they're in a valley... made of dirt... With a metal gate and some guards they overpower real quick when Aang starts doing air stuff. The fight is also blurry due to 3d treatments on a 2d movie. No I didn't see it in 3d. Katara gets a water scroll here so the pirates are gone to.
We're told (not shown) that Aang does this in other earth villages to.
The North Air Temple is turned into a trap where he's captured by Commander Zhoa who is played really well. As you can guess the Blue Spirit rescues him. This is done really, really well but is damn dark and hard to follow. Our director seems to like having his big fights take place totally in the damn dark with everyone wearing dark colors. Zhoa is real close friend of the fire lord for some reason and a good 15 to 20 minutes of the movie is him and the fire lord talking things over. This was a dumb addition that should be thrown out to make more time for the main characters, why they felt they had to add in extra stuff while gutting the main story is beyond me.
Here we are narrated into the Northern Water Tribe. The engagement subplot is dropped (I'm okay with that) but the romance between Sokka and Yue is something we're told about and throw into full swing. The subplot about the Northern Water Tribe being anti-girl bending dicks is also dropped, (I'm not okay with that). This robs us of one of Katara's big moments. Later when Aang is meditating and Zuko attacks? They take that away from her to. Basically Katara is turned into talky girl with all her plots and big movements stolen or worse given to Aang. Given the fact that she's 12 years old or so in this movie (for some damn reason Sokka is aged up and placed in charge instead of Katara being in charge and near his age) she can't even be eye candy. She literally has nothing to do! The fight we get is when Aang wakes up and is ended when Katara ambushes Zuko. He is frozen but melts himself out to escape.
Sokka doesn't fare much better. His jokes? Gone. His funny behavior? Gone! His love of meat and boomrangs? GONE! Instead I get this older teen boy who is serious business! For that matter Aang has been replaced with a dour and emo doppelganger as well. His whole role is to make serious faces and say lines at the camera.
The big fight in the city is well done expect for everyone wearing dark colors in a badly lit scene so things tend to blur. Koh the face stealer was cut in favor of a dragon that tells Aang not to hurt people (WHAT THE FUCK!?! HE'S TRYING TO WIN A WAR!). Zhou kills the moon and Yueh throws herself into the pool to bring back the moon. With that Aang runs up to the wall and by himself in Avatar state pulls a huge wall of water and... does fuck all with it. To be fair, if I was in a firefight in NYC and a wall of water taller then the skyscrapers appeared.... I would stop shooting to. The Fire Nation runs away while Zhou and Zuko confront each other, Iroh pulls Zuko away so they can escpae on Zuko's row boat and 4 water tribe guys execute Zhou by drowning him in a floating ball of water which was cool to see.
The movie ends with everyone bowing to Aang and he does a air bending move.
The actors I felt were trying their best but they were given a huge shit sandwhich. The writing sucked, the special effects were about average, the best fights are in the dark and well, I'm starting to think Shammy can't direct either. Whenever there's a huge conservation the camera jumps from face to face so we can't see them interact! I'm being constantly told what is happening instead of shown. Best I can say is that the actors were clearly trying their best, the fire nation guys practically stole the movie and the costumes were amazing. Seriously if they had put in as much effort on the rest of the movie as the costumes, this would have been the greatest movie of the summer.
Frigid gives this one a D-. Watch the cartoon instead and bask in the warm memories of goodness, avoid the horror.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
Filled with spoilers for S1 to S3, so don't read it if you haven't seen it!
I really really wanted to for once, be a screaming fan girl in the t-shirt with the poster sign waiting outside the movie theater since Wednesday.
I've never liked a series so much, but it was all the things I knew Hollywood would kill, so I've been avoiding seeing this movie. Good special effects do NOT make up for killing the SHOW.
The animation was beautiful on a purely aesthetic level. The color palette is muted, shaded and varied. No eye blinding bright 5 year old nonsense.
The beautiful, rare , CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. My cookies on high, it was perfect. They start as goofy kids, evolve into teens trying to do good, and end up as mature still, but mature and knowledgeable. Their dialogue gets better, their bodies and face change subtly, their fighting gets phenomenal -with practice-.
The visual jokes! Oh you sly visual jokes. I love you.
The humour! The cabbage guy! Momo! -squishes momo- The cute made up animals! Turtleducks and KoalaSheep and baby saber-toothed moose lion bear cubs!
The soundtrack, amazing.
The fighting isn't unbelievable cartoon fighting, its a mix of tai-chi, actual martial arts and gymnastics. Amazing.
I like how they show off their three different styles with Azula, Mae and Tai-lee. -Normal, bubble pop, and dark.
They do a good job of mixing captain planet with why cant we all be friends with humour.
-fangirls off into the sunset-
I really really wanted to for once, be a screaming fan girl in the t-shirt with the poster sign waiting outside the movie theater since Wednesday.
I've never liked a series so much, but it was all the things I knew Hollywood would kill, so I've been avoiding seeing this movie. Good special effects do NOT make up for killing the SHOW.
The animation was beautiful on a purely aesthetic level. The color palette is muted, shaded and varied. No eye blinding bright 5 year old nonsense.
The beautiful, rare , CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. My cookies on high, it was perfect. They start as goofy kids, evolve into teens trying to do good, and end up as mature still, but mature and knowledgeable. Their dialogue gets better, their bodies and face change subtly, their fighting gets phenomenal -with practice-.
The visual jokes! Oh you sly visual jokes. I love you.
The humour! The cabbage guy! Momo! -squishes momo- The cute made up animals! Turtleducks and KoalaSheep and baby saber-toothed moose lion bear cubs!
The soundtrack, amazing.
The fighting isn't unbelievable cartoon fighting, its a mix of tai-chi, actual martial arts and gymnastics. Amazing.
I like how they show off their three different styles with Azula, Mae and Tai-lee. -Normal, bubble pop, and dark.
They do a good job of mixing captain planet with why cant we all be friends with humour.
-fangirls off into the sunset-
Knowledge without passion is clinical and cruel. Passion without knowledge is misguided and weak.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
- General Havoc
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You know, I'm starting to think I might want to watch this show...
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
- Disciple
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This movie was pathetic compared to what the series achieved. I am not firmly entrenched in the M. Night is a moron category (Note my first epiphany to this was "I see dead people"). The actors really do try but they are in the middle of a giant shit storm of insane proportions. This truely is the biggest perfect storm of shit I have ever laid eyes on. Frigid, I saw it in 3d (sold out in 2d) and I went out to the theater manager about 10 min before the ending and demanded my money back for such a waste of time movie. I think M. Night should be paying us viewers to watch this movie. Fifty bucks to sit through this crap would be good compensation for the viewers
'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today — but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all'
-- Sir Issac Asimov
The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
-- Sir Issac Asimov
The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
- frigidmagi
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Yes, yes you really do. Lime isn't joking, there is character development, things that happen in earlier episodes show up in later ones (The Things They Do Matter!) even minor characters change and grow. It is pretty close to the best animated series the US has put out.You know, I'm starting to think I might want to watch this show...
And this was the best Hollywood could do in reply.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- Rukia
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I just got the opportunity to watch the whole series on netflix and I have never loved a Nickelodeon cartoon more. Everything that LimePink said is true. I actually want to sit down and watch it it again. It was by far that most stimulating cartoon I've ever seen. I can't believe that the target audience was any younger than 18. It's such an involved story line, you can't help but get into it and get hooked. I want a pentapus. And aMooseLion Cub!
I am avoiding the movie like the plague. I am NOT ruining the series.
Also... Fuck You M.Night Shamalan.
I am avoiding the movie like the plague. I am NOT ruining the series.
Also... Fuck You M.Night Shamalan.
shark42bait: you are evil...
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
Thats why I cant watch it, though from the preview trailer I will say the effects for bending look really good for non-animated. I have the whole thing on my computer and watch it over and over again, much like I'll read books over and over again. I had some issues with Sozens comet- I love how they tie the future and past and all, but his -Rukia wrote:I just got the opportunity to watch the whole series on netflix and I have never loved a Nickelodeon cartoon more. Everything that LimePink said is true. I actually want to sit down and watch it it again. It was by far that most stimulating cartoon I've ever seen. I can't believe that the target audience was any younger than 18. It's such an involved story line, you can't help but get into it and get hooked. I want a pentapus. And aMooseLion Cub!
I am avoiding the movie like the plague. I am NOT ruining the series.
Also... Fuck You M.Night Shamalan.
his dislike for violence nearly drove me up a wall, and I didnt like how dragon-ball z the fight scene looked.
I really, really want a momo. >.> I wouldnt even let trumpy steal it like he steals most of my plushies. Or or a turtleduck......or or....a penguinpus are cute too. PENGUIN SLEDDING.
Knowledge without passion is clinical and cruel. Passion without knowledge is misguided and weak.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
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And another movie I can add to my 'skip it' list. The Avatar anime was REALLY REALLY good and so far I get the vibe that the live action not.
And screw Momo. I want Appa. Yeah BATMAN can't fly. But his RIDE can.
AND act as a siege engine if need be.
And screw Momo. I want Appa. Yeah BATMAN can't fly. But his RIDE can.
AND act as a siege engine if need be.
'I wonder how far the barometer sunk.'-'All der way. Trust me on dis.'
'Go ahead. Bake my quiche'.
'Undead or alive, you're coming with me.'
'Detritus?'-'Yessir?'-'Never go to Klatch'.-'Yessir.'
'Many fine old manuscripts in that place, I believe. Without price, I'm told.'-'Yes, sir. Certainly worthless, sir.'-'Is it possible you misunderstood what I just said, Commander?'
'Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little'
'Run away, and live to run away another day'-The Rincewind principle
'Hello, inner child. I'm the inner babysitter.'
'Go ahead. Bake my quiche'.
'Undead or alive, you're coming with me.'
'Detritus?'-'Yessir?'-'Never go to Klatch'.-'Yessir.'
'Many fine old manuscripts in that place, I believe. Without price, I'm told.'-'Yes, sir. Certainly worthless, sir.'-'Is it possible you misunderstood what I just said, Commander?'
'Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little'
'Run away, and live to run away another day'-The Rincewind principle
'Hello, inner child. I'm the inner babysitter.'
But...Momo is cute.....and funny...and nibbles berries and lychees.
And makes cute noises >.>
Go team Momo!
And makes cute noises >.>
Go team Momo!
Knowledge without passion is clinical and cruel. Passion without knowledge is misguided and weak.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
- Batman
- The Dark Knight
- Posts: 4357
- Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:47 am
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- Location: The Timmverse, the only place where DC Comics still make a modicum of sense
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Being able to contemptously toss aside Fire Nation tanks beats cuteness.
'I wonder how far the barometer sunk.'-'All der way. Trust me on dis.'
'Go ahead. Bake my quiche'.
'Undead or alive, you're coming with me.'
'Detritus?'-'Yessir?'-'Never go to Klatch'.-'Yessir.'
'Many fine old manuscripts in that place, I believe. Without price, I'm told.'-'Yes, sir. Certainly worthless, sir.'-'Is it possible you misunderstood what I just said, Commander?'
'Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little'
'Run away, and live to run away another day'-The Rincewind principle
'Hello, inner child. I'm the inner babysitter.'
'Go ahead. Bake my quiche'.
'Undead or alive, you're coming with me.'
'Detritus?'-'Yessir?'-'Never go to Klatch'.-'Yessir.'
'Many fine old manuscripts in that place, I believe. Without price, I'm told.'-'Yes, sir. Certainly worthless, sir.'-'Is it possible you misunderstood what I just said, Commander?'
'Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little'
'Run away, and live to run away another day'-The Rincewind principle
'Hello, inner child. I'm the inner babysitter.'
- Rukia
- Pleasure Kitten
- Posts: 1672
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He Completely cut Toph AND Suki out?!
Oh, he made Haru into Toph.... Cause that's the logical choice.... Can I kill him with fire?
From Yahoo answers:
"Actually everyone is wrong on this. True, Toph doesn't come in until season 2 of the show. True, this movie is based off season 1 only, and based on the success, a second and third movie will follow corresponding with the seasons. BUT ... one of M.Night's biggest changes from the show to the movie is Toph's character. In the first season, there was an earthbender named Haru who's father was imprisoned by the fire nation ... that character will make an appearance in the first movie, only his character is called Toph. Basically M.Night merged Haru's storyline and gender, with Toph's name and abilities. The second movie will bring Toph back as Aang's earthbending teacher and Im assuming he will go blind somewhere between them meeting in the first movie, and him becoming a main character in the second. M.Night said bringing a new character into the second movie would be risky, and he'd rather introduce the guy in the first. Nickelodeon's original concept of Toph was actually a male character, and making a manly blind girl come to life in a live action movie, M.Night said, was too difficult so he merged the two characters."
He Completely cut Toph AND Suki out?!
Oh, he made Haru into Toph.... Cause that's the logical choice.... Can I kill him with fire?
From Yahoo answers:
"Actually everyone is wrong on this. True, Toph doesn't come in until season 2 of the show. True, this movie is based off season 1 only, and based on the success, a second and third movie will follow corresponding with the seasons. BUT ... one of M.Night's biggest changes from the show to the movie is Toph's character. In the first season, there was an earthbender named Haru who's father was imprisoned by the fire nation ... that character will make an appearance in the first movie, only his character is called Toph. Basically M.Night merged Haru's storyline and gender, with Toph's name and abilities. The second movie will bring Toph back as Aang's earthbending teacher and Im assuming he will go blind somewhere between them meeting in the first movie, and him becoming a main character in the second. M.Night said bringing a new character into the second movie would be risky, and he'd rather introduce the guy in the first. Nickelodeon's original concept of Toph was actually a male character, and making a manly blind girl come to life in a live action movie, M.Night said, was too difficult so he merged the two characters."
shark42bait: you are evil...
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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I wouldn't worry, at this rate there won't be a second movie. Also if Shammy gets another movie... I'll suspect demonic influence or one hell of a set of pictures.
At the risk of sounding completely lost to arrogance, myself, Cat, Nitram and Hotfoot could have come together and written and directed a better movie. Mainly because it's hard to fail a bar set so low.
At the risk of sounding completely lost to arrogance, myself, Cat, Nitram and Hotfoot could have come together and written and directed a better movie. Mainly because it's hard to fail a bar set so low.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- Rukia
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It was written for him!! He didn't have to do ANYTHING!!
Son of a cocksucking whore.....
It's got a whopping 8% on RottenTomatoes
Son of a cocksucking whore.....
It's got a whopping 8% on RottenTomatoes
shark42bait: you are evil...
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
Most likely, though I admit I questioned the point of this movie in the first place, and having just recently having the chance to watch the entire series as a whole, well, frankly I think the series did a damn fine job as it was. I would have liked a little more resolution of some of the story threads, but beyond that, I was content.
That said, putting twenty-five 23 minute episodes into ~2 hours of content? Not easy. There is some fluff, sure, but not enough. Say maybe 10 episodes? That's cutting out over half of book 1. I mean, it can be done, but yeah, it wouldn't be easy, but then, I care about doing the series justice, not just a paycheck.
Every source I've seen that's seen this movie has panned it. I dodged seeing it last night in part to Frigid's review (thanks man). The general take is, if you didn't see the show, it's just really bad, if you did see the show, it's terrible.
That said, putting twenty-five 23 minute episodes into ~2 hours of content? Not easy. There is some fluff, sure, but not enough. Say maybe 10 episodes? That's cutting out over half of book 1. I mean, it can be done, but yeah, it wouldn't be easy, but then, I care about doing the series justice, not just a paycheck.
Every source I've seen that's seen this movie has panned it. I dodged seeing it last night in part to Frigid's review (thanks man). The general take is, if you didn't see the show, it's just really bad, if you did see the show, it's terrible.
Nickelodeon hates women I think. When they released the action figures for Airbender, they didn't -DIDN'T- release Katara or Toph. Two of the main characters. Two of the most powerful of their types of benders. Two of the Avatars TEACHERS.
Nope, lets not release them.
And then they cut them too? Thats pathetic. Pathetic.
The only good thing I think M.S did was that he split the movie up instead of tryign to shove 60 hours of showtime into a 3 hour show. ONLY thing. But he slaughtered it anyway.
Nope, lets not release them.
And then they cut them too? Thats pathetic. Pathetic.
The only good thing I think M.S did was that he split the movie up instead of tryign to shove 60 hours of showtime into a 3 hour show. ONLY thing. But he slaughtered it anyway.
Knowledge without passion is clinical and cruel. Passion without knowledge is misguided and weak.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
- Cynical Cat
- Arch-Magician
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So I've started watching the series and it is one of the few things that live up to the hype. I like just about all the characters, but Katara rocks the house.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
Cynical Cat wrote:So I've started watching the series and it is one of the few things that live up to the hype. I like just about all the characters, but Katara rocks the house.
My favorite episodes -two of them- actually include her in pretty amazing roles.
S1: The Northern Water Tribe
and S3: The Southern Raiders, The Painted Lady
I won't tell you what happens, but she makes me jump out my chair going "WOOOO FEMININSMMM, YOU GO GIRL!!!"
Other favorites are:
S1: The Waterbending scroll ( I love the scene with the pirate, Iroh and Zuko "Maybe it should be proverb?"
S2: Tales of Ba- Sing Se great little cameos and vignettes
S2: The Cave of two lovers, just because the damn ukelaili
S3: Nearly all of Season 3, but in super extra particular :
The Headband, the Beach, and Ember Island Players
Knowledge without passion is clinical and cruel. Passion without knowledge is misguided and weak.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
- Cynical Cat
- Arch-Magician
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"Stealing is bad, unless you're stealing from pirates."
Loved the fight against the Northern Tribe Water Bending Master and her throw down with Zuko.
Loved the fight against the Northern Tribe Water Bending Master and her throw down with Zuko.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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At this point Ember Island Players is looking like prophecy.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- LadyTevar
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That is a Very Sad thing to say, Frigid. I had to walk away from the room during Ember Island Players, because it was just too fraggin silly for me to watch all the way through.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
I loved it because I love drama and liked the "breaking the 4th wall" part of "How would a live theater on a budget reproduce these events?" Thats really how I was looking at, and enjoying it. It was very silly.
I love when they read the poster:
"and a surprisingly knowledgeable vendor of cabbage"
Poor Mr. Cabbage, he never got a break.
I love when they read the poster:
"and a surprisingly knowledgeable vendor of cabbage"
Poor Mr. Cabbage, he never got a break.

Knowledge without passion is clinical and cruel. Passion without knowledge is misguided and weak.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
In the East they tell you to cover your body, in the West they tell you to cover your mind.
It fills me with fear and hope, that Resolution, Revolution, and Revelation, are so close.
- Disciple
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The announcement of the removal of Toph ruined this even more for me as she is my #1 favorite character in the entire series. She is the biggest bad ass mother fucker in the group (besides Aang) and she is a 12 year old blind girl.
'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today — but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all'
-- Sir Issac Asimov
The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
-- Sir Issac Asimov
The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
- General Havoc
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I have not watched the series, but I did go see the movie.
It. Was. SHIT.
Absolute, total, utter, unredeemed, complete, INCARNATED shit. One of the worst films I have seen in years. I hated every single simpering idiotic line of it. I loathed every character and every actor which portrayed every character. I wanted to throttle the writer of this malodorous cinematic excretion with his own tendons. I wanted to beat M. Night Shamalan with a pitchfork until he got the most basic concepts of how to tell a fucking story through that neutron-star layer of degenerate matter that he calls a skull. My life is cheapened for having watched this cataclysmic misfire of a film. My existence is devalued. If calling myself a (would-be) writer places me in the same category as those who were involved in the creation of this celluloid abortion, I shall never do so again. Entire swatches of the English language need to be sanitized with flames and religious rites so as to purify them for daily use once more, thanks to the soul-draining mindless rape that they were subjected to during the course of this film.
Seriously, having never seen the show, and being told how amazing it was, I entered this film with high expectations. My own goddamn fault for not waiting for professional reviews or believing the ones I saw early, such as that of Frigid in this very thread, who warned me, and yet I did not listen. I was a fool. What a travesty this film is. What noble works it has perverted for its own ends. What a vile, repugnant waste of creativity and effort.
I'm sure the series is amazing, I've been assured of such by everyone in this thread, as well as others whose taste and opinions I respect. Yet having watched this film, I have no desire to watch the show. Perhaps in time I will recover and be able to do so once more, yet for now I simply feel dirty. I need a shower, followed by a pyre, gasoline, a young priest and an old priest. I need to purge this sin against Man and God from existence. I need to atone for having been a member of the culture that created it. I need to find religion, just so that I can expiate my sins at having paid money, a thing of value, to those responsible for its creation.
I am so disgusted that I can barely see straight.
I leave with this quote of Roger Ebert's, from a different movie, but one that sums up my feelings adequately:
It. Was. SHIT.
Absolute, total, utter, unredeemed, complete, INCARNATED shit. One of the worst films I have seen in years. I hated every single simpering idiotic line of it. I loathed every character and every actor which portrayed every character. I wanted to throttle the writer of this malodorous cinematic excretion with his own tendons. I wanted to beat M. Night Shamalan with a pitchfork until he got the most basic concepts of how to tell a fucking story through that neutron-star layer of degenerate matter that he calls a skull. My life is cheapened for having watched this cataclysmic misfire of a film. My existence is devalued. If calling myself a (would-be) writer places me in the same category as those who were involved in the creation of this celluloid abortion, I shall never do so again. Entire swatches of the English language need to be sanitized with flames and religious rites so as to purify them for daily use once more, thanks to the soul-draining mindless rape that they were subjected to during the course of this film.
Seriously, having never seen the show, and being told how amazing it was, I entered this film with high expectations. My own goddamn fault for not waiting for professional reviews or believing the ones I saw early, such as that of Frigid in this very thread, who warned me, and yet I did not listen. I was a fool. What a travesty this film is. What noble works it has perverted for its own ends. What a vile, repugnant waste of creativity and effort.
I'm sure the series is amazing, I've been assured of such by everyone in this thread, as well as others whose taste and opinions I respect. Yet having watched this film, I have no desire to watch the show. Perhaps in time I will recover and be able to do so once more, yet for now I simply feel dirty. I need a shower, followed by a pyre, gasoline, a young priest and an old priest. I need to purge this sin against Man and God from existence. I need to atone for having been a member of the culture that created it. I need to find religion, just so that I can expiate my sins at having paid money, a thing of value, to those responsible for its creation.
I am so disgusted that I can barely see straight.
I leave with this quote of Roger Ebert's, from a different movie, but one that sums up my feelings adequately:
I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it.
Last edited by General Havoc on Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
- Rukia
- Pleasure Kitten
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Seriously, don't let the movie ruin the series.
Go watch it and forget about the movie. It's like the Batman Forever of Avatar. Just pretend it doesn't exist.
Seriously, don't let the movie ruin the series.
Go watch it and forget about the movie. It's like the Batman Forever of Avatar. Just pretend it doesn't exist.
shark42bait: you are evil...
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
- Dance Puppets Dance
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And this is why I pirate movies before paying for them in theaters. If I like them, I'll see them again. If they're utter abominations unto both man and god alike, birthed of a mind so desolate and foul then I have lost nothing of real value save a few hundred megs of my hard drive space and half an hour of time downloading it in which I'm most likely downloading three other movies as well.General Havoc wrote:I need to find religion, just so that I can expiate my sins at having paid money, a thing of value, to those responsible for its creation.
In this case, I downloaded a copy just to see if it were truly that bad. I didn't even watch it all the way through. No point in it. It makes the sleeping Cthulhu cry.
Avatar is a great series. I've got it and watched it all the way through a couple of times now. It's an amazingly well done show. While not perfect it was so good I didn't care.
This... thing that Shamalamadingdong has given us isn't Avatar. It's a weak, pathetic, horribly executed cancerous parody of itself.
Here's the downside of downloading before viewing it theaters. I can't demand my bandwidth back....
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers