Hmm, something I made

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#1 Hmm, something I made

Post by Hashava »

The shading of her hair is kind of fake, and the shadow of the glasses on the cheek came out weird...
But, if you ignore all that..what do you think about it?

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Post by frigidmagi »

The red nose makes her look like she has a cold. Otherwise not bad. What's the writing say?
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Post by Hashava »

It's pure slang...Pretty hard to translate.
The best Ace and I could think of:

"Let the jealous die[*]!

From today, say NO to letdowns(?)!!!
It'll be alright!!"

I was trying to cheer up my boyfriend :)

[*] It works only in Hebrew... For example: when you write something like "Bob+Julia=<3" (though I hope most of the people here don't write things like that..), you mostly add a "let the jealous die!!!"
It sounds kind of voilent in English.
And then you wonder why the Middle East looks like this :P
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Post by Dark Silver »

as i said in AIM

tis cute.
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Post by Hashava »

Thanks ^__^
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Post by Faqa »

Hmmm. An interesting new style. The face has your usual exquisite attention to detail, although the general effect looks a bit disturbing. I suspect that's not something ability could change, since it's a byproduct of the style.

Overall, very cute, Hash, and very pretty. It's been a while since I've seen any of your work, and it has definitely improved.

Also, wouldn't "Ba'ssa" translate more to "Sadness" than it would to "Letdown"?
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Post by Mared »

I like it. She looks like she just stepped from a hot bubble bath to have her little brother barge in on her. LOL, very cute.

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Post by Batman »

Blast. Didn't even notice the red nose initially. :grin:
And very nicely done, Dass. Once more excuse me for taking your pictures being good for granted.
And I can't see anything wrong with the shading of her hair. It's a drawing, not a photo.
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