#1 Legend of Korra "And The Winner Is..." Talkback
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:03 am
Crossposted from SDN.
Six episodes in and we had the major status quo changer everyone expected. The Pro Bending Tournament was crashed... but only after Jerkface Tahno and his team beat Korra and the Ferrets through hideously-blatant cheating that everyone present, including the announcer, notices. (Shades of the corruption in boxing with fixed fights....)
And by doing so they play right into Amon's hands, as he gets to claim moral superiority for depowering dishonest bullying thugs instead of hard-working impoverished brothers and the Avatar. It makes his argument even stronger; the Pro Bending competitions are blatantly corrupt and promote bullying bastards as their champions, just as benders bully non-benders, just as the city's political system is clearly weighted toward benders. It was a magnificent propaganda coup that will terrorize those opposed to Amon and uplift those who cheer for him. Amon seems to have a good grip on how the city's leaders operate. The Council nearly shut down the match - even Tarrlok agreeing - and doesn't only when Lin insists the metalbenders can protect the match (nobody knowing just how technologically sophisticated the Equalists are - they smuggle electric shock gauntlets into the arena). Now the Metalbender police force looks like putzes and all the city seems helpless before the Equalists. Speculation when the show was released seems to be matching Amon's argument; Technology is leveling the playing field between bender and non-bender while the political systems of the world are still geared toward the old status quo of benders being looked upon as leaders.
Oh, and, Korra figured it out just as we did; Lin was indeed the girlfriend Tenzin left to marry Pema, and Lin has a grudge. "Mister Heartbreaker" indeed.
Fighting side by side may be breaking the ice between Lin and Korra, and Lin gave up her hot pursuit to save Korra from that nasty fall when the arena roof caved in.
A hearty cheer for Pabu the rope-cutter. 8) We get more flashback bits now, including apparently the unknown Yakone and Aang fighting with someone.
And frankly... can we please stop with the "Korra is weaker than Aang" talk? Aang mainly has Korra on one front: Airbending, the element he mastered first and the element she is to master last. Korra beat asshole Tahno one-on-one and handled multiple Chi-blockers plus Amon's lieutenant (not entirely together, but Lin was getting shocked a few times and was just helping Korra tilt the inverse square law enough that she didn't get overwhelmed). She also had the presence of mind to thwart the round one knockout by grabbing Mako and pulling him back up into the ring. If there's any real difference in their skill it's simply that by the end of the last series Aang had graduated from what a friend of mine calls the "Dear School of Combat" while Korra is just now attending it.
One final note. Tarrlok supporting shutting the finals down might be because he had an idea on how it'd go if Amon crashed them successfully... or it might've been so he could pull Korra back into his task force and continue trying to win her confidence (and, perhaps, pull her away from Tenzin?). Just as much, Lin's proposal changing his mind might have been another political calculation on the part of Tarrlok; if Lin succeeds, the bending tourney is over and he gets Korra back anyway and Amon is given a defeat, while if she fails... well, that's plenty of ammunition for him to make political moves, and I think we'll see something from him next week in that vein. I wonder if he'll even get Lin replaced as Chief of Police...
Anyway, all in all an awesome episode, marking the midpoint of Book 1 (IIRC they are 13 apiece) with next week's episode, which I'm greatly looking forward to.
Six episodes in and we had the major status quo changer everyone expected. The Pro Bending Tournament was crashed... but only after Jerkface Tahno and his team beat Korra and the Ferrets through hideously-blatant cheating that everyone present, including the announcer, notices. (Shades of the corruption in boxing with fixed fights....)
And by doing so they play right into Amon's hands, as he gets to claim moral superiority for depowering dishonest bullying thugs instead of hard-working impoverished brothers and the Avatar. It makes his argument even stronger; the Pro Bending competitions are blatantly corrupt and promote bullying bastards as their champions, just as benders bully non-benders, just as the city's political system is clearly weighted toward benders. It was a magnificent propaganda coup that will terrorize those opposed to Amon and uplift those who cheer for him. Amon seems to have a good grip on how the city's leaders operate. The Council nearly shut down the match - even Tarrlok agreeing - and doesn't only when Lin insists the metalbenders can protect the match (nobody knowing just how technologically sophisticated the Equalists are - they smuggle electric shock gauntlets into the arena). Now the Metalbender police force looks like putzes and all the city seems helpless before the Equalists. Speculation when the show was released seems to be matching Amon's argument; Technology is leveling the playing field between bender and non-bender while the political systems of the world are still geared toward the old status quo of benders being looked upon as leaders.
Oh, and, Korra figured it out just as we did; Lin was indeed the girlfriend Tenzin left to marry Pema, and Lin has a grudge. "Mister Heartbreaker" indeed.

Fighting side by side may be breaking the ice between Lin and Korra, and Lin gave up her hot pursuit to save Korra from that nasty fall when the arena roof caved in.
A hearty cheer for Pabu the rope-cutter. 8) We get more flashback bits now, including apparently the unknown Yakone and Aang fighting with someone.
And frankly... can we please stop with the "Korra is weaker than Aang" talk? Aang mainly has Korra on one front: Airbending, the element he mastered first and the element she is to master last. Korra beat asshole Tahno one-on-one and handled multiple Chi-blockers plus Amon's lieutenant (not entirely together, but Lin was getting shocked a few times and was just helping Korra tilt the inverse square law enough that she didn't get overwhelmed). She also had the presence of mind to thwart the round one knockout by grabbing Mako and pulling him back up into the ring. If there's any real difference in their skill it's simply that by the end of the last series Aang had graduated from what a friend of mine calls the "Dear School of Combat" while Korra is just now attending it.
One final note. Tarrlok supporting shutting the finals down might be because he had an idea on how it'd go if Amon crashed them successfully... or it might've been so he could pull Korra back into his task force and continue trying to win her confidence (and, perhaps, pull her away from Tenzin?). Just as much, Lin's proposal changing his mind might have been another political calculation on the part of Tarrlok; if Lin succeeds, the bending tourney is over and he gets Korra back anyway and Amon is given a defeat, while if she fails... well, that's plenty of ammunition for him to make political moves, and I think we'll see something from him next week in that vein. I wonder if he'll even get Lin replaced as Chief of Police...
Anyway, all in all an awesome episode, marking the midpoint of Book 1 (IIRC they are 13 apiece) with next week's episode, which I'm greatly looking forward to.