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#1 Forum Rules, read this first.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:41 pm
by frigidmagi
Greetings, welcome to the Fantasy, Anime & Comics forum of the message board. In order to keep things rolling Sir Nitram and myself has moderators of this forum have estblished some certain ground rules.

1: SoD, or Suspension of Disbelief. This is the idea that you treat the story be it Lord of the Rings, Superman or Tench Muyo as an actual recording of events that took place. Therefore when asking why something in the story happened the way it did, the answer "the writer wanted it so" doesn't work for the purpose of debate. The idea is to find an answer that fits more or less into the logic of the fictional universe in question. While this may seem odd, it's no less odd than say wearing a stormtrooper uniform or visiting a message board to debate Batman vs Lector. While debating in this forum, maintain SoD, unless discussing the writers or etc.

2: "Concession Accepted" Don't make this announcement unless someone actually types in a concession! This little dung smeared tactic is known to cause one of your moderators to rip mountains out of the earth and hurl them into the atmosphere. *hint- it ain't the one with Black Mage as his avatar.*

3:Stay on Topic, aka NO SPAM. Running into a thread to brag about your 40th level dark elf necromancer, when the topic is about elves vs dwarves for example is spamming. Avoid it and try to stick to the topic introduced by the creator of the thread, s/he went through the trouble of making a thread, if you really feel the need to talk about something else, so can you.

4: Posts consisting entirely of flames are at the mercy of the moderators. That was your first warning. Think twice before firing that first shot. It should be mentioned that the mods here are full supporters of the idea of self defense.

5: No back talk. If the mods tell you do something do it. For our part the mods shall use their colors when handing out mod pronoucements. If it bothers you that much take it to PM or tell the admins.

Last note, this forum is not a democracy. Have fun but remember that.