Favorite Trolls

F&C: Dwarves, Superhero's and Catgirls, oh my!

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Cynical Cat
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#1 Favorite Trolls

Post by Cynical Cat »

No, not internet annoyances, but creatures of myth and fantasy. Which ones are your favorite and why?

For the record, Norse style trolls with terrible physical power who can craft objects worthy of the gods are my favorites. Malevolent intellect, skill, and power for the win.
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Post by frigidmagi »

I've always like Earthdawn Trolls.
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Post by Narsil »

World of Warcraft Trolls...

They blow shit up, that's why.
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Elheru Aran
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Post by Elheru Aran »

Why, everybody's favorite silicon-based, diamond-toothed lifeform-- Discworld trolls! :grin:
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Post by Dartzap »

Elheru Aran wrote:Why, everybody's favorite silicon-based, diamond-toothed lifeform-- Discworld trolls! :grin:
Damn right! :grin:

And if any of you disagree, Sgt Detritus will be on your trail :wink:
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Post by Hedgecore »

I like Skull, from PVP, but he'd get stomped by any of those mentioned above.
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can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
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