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#1 Scenario: Old Ones in the World of Darkness

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 9:36 pm
by Dark Silver
Thanks to Scott's idea for a RP Thread (by the way Cynical and maybe Nitram, wanna talk to you two about this), I've decided to see the idea's on this:

The Tremere's "discover" (thanks to Nephandi and Ba'ali influences) a ancient ritual which will is suppossed to allow them to do some great thing or another (haven't through this part out yet, but I'm not experienced with Tremere much, beyond hating them). Ever careful, as these are old and crafty Tremere who remember the times before they got turned, find a group of Hallow Ones do to the ritual for them. Of course, the Tremere never reveal themselves, and the ritual just so happens to appear in one of the groups books somehow. (alot of somehow and specualtions I know).

At anyrate, the Hallow Ones enact said ritual, expecting to summon forth some great being who can help teach them how to better use thier Magick, and at the height of the ritual....nothing happens.

The Hallow Ones have opened a portal, and unleashed something. That something is Chuthulu.

Now, the question posed to you, what will happen? Will Chuthulu consume the World of Darkness? Will the various Denizens of the WoD rise up intime to defeat the Old One?



Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 9:45 pm
by frigidmagi
So just so I got this right, Chuthulu would be up and running at full wakfulness?


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 10:18 pm
by Dark Silver
Doubt he would be released and be fully awake, possibly his sleeping self entered the world, and got spirited somewhere, and he's slowly waking up.


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 10:36 pm
He would begin to wake, the spell having "woken" him. He's still slow, underpowered, and not completely awake and realizing what's happening. But his prescense is corrupting and manipulating events just fine.

Because everyone will start going a little insane...and when the malks start sounding sane to you, you know things are bad.


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:20 pm
by elderdan
If the Stars Are Right, there would be no stopping the return of the Old Ones. Otherwise, sure, a concerted effort by puny mortals (and even the millenia-long lifespans of some of the denizens of the WoD count as meager mortality compared to Those Who Lay Dreaming) could certainly postpone the inevitable for a little while longer. :grin:

--The Elder Dan


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:29 pm
With a recomendation like that how can we fail? ;)


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:53 am
by Cynical Cat
The WoD has a number of Old One type horrors that will wreck the world if they wake up (Children of Darkness and some Nephandi cosmic-horror types). They are presented (In WoD's half rumour, may not be absolutely true kind of way to keep players who read too much fluff guessing) as beings, that if they get to the Earth and wake up, will wreck the world. The WoD is probably boned, unless they are vulnerable to technocracy magic nukes (which Chuthulu might be. IIRC he was injured by being rammed with a boat). If they can take him out, it probably just nudges the WoD one step closer to Gehenna/Apocalypse/ectetera.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:28 pm
by SirNitram
There's a variety of badasses on these scales, the worst being the Nephandic horrors from well beyond explored space, and of course, the Triatic Wyrm. My guess is unless the forces of the supernatural unite, they're boned. The only folks with the firepower on their own are the Marauders, though they would naturally be drawn like moths to a flamethrower to such a manifestation.