‘Superior Iron Man’: Marvel Reinventing Tony Stark Read mor

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#1 ‘Superior Iron Man’: Marvel Reinventing Tony Stark Read mor

Post by frigidmagi »

Marvel has spent the week stunning fans with major character transformations, and now comes news that Tony Stark will be re-imagined as well, in the upcoming series Superior Iron Man.

Mashable reports that Tony Stark will be relocating to San Francisco for Superior Iron Man, as the genius inventor spreads an app based on his Extremis technology, which played a major role in Iron Man 3.

Tony Stark transforming, too: Iron Man to unleash “dark” Extremis tech on San Francisco: http://t.co/YINblb05GF pic.twitter.com/FcLYLW4Uo3

— Mashable (@mashable) July 17, 2014

The storyline will examine the dark side of Iron Man, calling Stark’s character into question as he offers San Francisco residents “beauty, perfection, and possibly immortality” with his Extremis tech. Daredevil, also a recent transplant to San Francisco, is slated to face off against Iron Man, standing in opposition to Stark’s plans. Superior Iron Man is set to begin this November, replacing Iron Man for an indefinite run.

Iron Man is only the latest character in the Marvel universe to be re-imagined. As The Inquisitr previously reported, Marvel announced earlier this week that Norse god of thunder and Avenger teammate Thor would be passing his hammer and name to a female version of the character. On The Colbert Report, Marvel also announced that Falcon would be stepping up to fill the shoes of Steve Rodgers as the new Captain America.

New York Daily News reports that the changes to Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America are all part of Marvel’s Now! initiative, aimed at revamping its three major characters with new looks. Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort pointed out that “These characters have always been updated to fit the times,” adding that “change is one of the watchwords of the Marvel universe.”

@_Spider__Man……Superior Iron Man…. WTF!! pic.twitter.com/oNP3q2GhP5 — Mr.Spider (@NecipPalaoglu) July 17, 2014

Stark will don new, silver colored armor for Superior Iron Man, which is being written by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Yildray Cinar. As previously noted by The Inquisitr, Iron Man’s Hulkbuster armor is set to be revealed in the upcoming Avengers sequel, Age of Ultron. The comic will spin off of Marvel’s upcoming Avengers & X-Men: AXIS event. Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso said that Stark would “surrender to his id and his legendary ego,” in the wake of the AXIS event, pointing out that the character in Superior Iron Man is not an alternate reality version:

“What you’re seeing in Superior Iron Man is a Tony Stark who’s seen both his worst and best impulses all let loose. It is Tony, but he’s going to be in a zone now where he’s never been. He’s more ambitious, cunning, egotistical… all of those quantities are unharnessed. He has a vision for the world. I like to think his position is defensible — controversial, but defensible.”

Pointing out that the character would cross over to other Marvel titles rather than be confined to Superior Iron Man, Alonso added “Don’t look for anything to contradict this Iron Man for the foreseeable future.”
So good points: We are moving out of New York City, will this last or be another Defenders? I don't know, but it's worth effort. Also pursuing some of the logical effects of all this craziness, such as "hey we got a treatment that makes people stronger, healthier and prettier! Bet we could make some cash with this..." Tying in the movie stuff! Good way to draw in new readers! Bonus points!

Bad points: Remember when superheroes fought supervillians? Good times. Good times. Also Marvel? Making a Tony a Douchebag isn't new! You've been doing it pretty steady for.... God I don't know how long! Stop dressing up stuff you already done as new! We're not falling for it! Also Superior Iron Man? Really? REAAALLLLY?


*cough* wow that got away from me quickly...
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#2 Re: ‘Superior Iron Man’: Marvel Reinventing Tony Stark Read

Post by Josh »

Meh, sounds like they're trying too hard and this will be quietly retconned away in a year or so.

They haven't really had me since Dark Reign, which was an interesting twist on things.
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