Let's create a Fantasy World....

F&C: Dwarves, Superhero's and Catgirls, oh my!

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Post by Cynical Cat »

Yashaness wrote:
If you would read above this whole conversation started because I used "u", within a decent amount of text, and thought. I don't mind if people prefer I use proper English. I can work on it. I just haven't had a reason to for 2 years, but going so far as to say I do not put any thought into my posts offends me.
Using text and elite speak creates the impression that you haven't put any thought into your posts, true or not. Your typed words are the only way you communicate with the rest of us on this board and as such, the only way you convey your ideas. If you talk like a net rat you will be treated like a net rat. If you talk like an intelligent human being, you will be treated as such.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by rhoenix »

Yashaness wrote:I was asking about the term "LOL" because I personally find it odd to use "haha" as a way to express my amusement. Not that I want to break your "rules" or anything.
Well, find another way of expressing your amusement. Some use smilies for this purpose. :wink:
Yashaness wrote:If you would read above this whole conversation started because I used "u", within a decent amount of text, and thought.
I read it, yes.
Yashaness wrote:I don't mind if people prefer I use proper English. I can work on it. I just haven't had a reason to for 2 years, but going so far as to say I do not put any thought into my posts offends me.
Aha - then I was unclear, as I did not mean to imply that you are thoughtless with your posts. What I meant to bring across is that posting in such a manner gives that impression, even if it is not the case.
Yashaness wrote:I am sorry I don't sit around reading books on philosophy all day so I don't have massive amounts to say on the cosmos and everything that the world could possibly encompass. But I do contribute what I can, and what I have just my own imagination, and life experiences.
Indeed - and we as a whole, and I personally welcome all of them above. This forum is actually an outgrowth of another, larger forum nearly all of us here frequent. This forum is far more relaxed than the other, but certain customs have carried over, such as the posting rules.

Those rules are not there to demand a treatise or essay with your every post, since that would be highly anal-retentive, not to mention utterly absurd. If I gave you that impression, then you've my apologies.

With that said, however, we do indeed ask for proper English.
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Post by Yashaness »

Fair enough. Apology accepted, and you have mine as well for jumping on you verbally. I shall work on breaking my habit of speaking like a "net rat", as CynCat calls it.

Anyhow, I don't mean to detract from the thread's original purpose. Although, I am fresh out of ideas at the moment.
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Post by frigidmagi »

I think we have a grammar/spelling moderator on our hands. haha.
This is kinda funny considering I am the mod of this forum and a couple others. As for spelling and grammar I'm not the heavy.

But back on topic. Before I start stamping my feet Yashaness I would like to see a write up of what you're considering here. As you present it, it sounds fairly over done, but maybe with some work you can spin it right.

How about you write up a few paragraphs work about how you want this to play out before anyone makes up their mind? Basic stuff, what are their abilities? What do they look like? What's their tech and organizational level? Which sex is dominant? What kind of religion? What's their stance on magic and other races?

Feel free to PM me, or others for help or more indepth explanations.
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Post by SirNitram »

Yes, but limited knowledge base to contribute on grand philosophies and other such useless wastes of time do not excuse not being able to goddamn type.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Calm down Nitram, she already said she'll work on it okay?
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

GOD DAMN IT! I just lost the page with my Turtle people. So here is the abbreviated version.

Bipedal turtle-like humanoids called Chelyds, live in coastal and riverine city states run by guilds. Religion is a form of nature-worship, and ritual practices. Government is a council of guild elders. Magic is a martial discipline, commanded through meditation and willpower, with ritual movements and incantations to keep it controlled. Physically draining to the user.

1)Soma is the first mastered and consists of abilities that let the magician enhance physical and mental abilities beyond their usual capacity. Making themselves faster, stronger, more heavily armored, and gaining the ability to fly are in this discipline and they take the least drain.
2) Elementalism is exactly what it sounds like, and takes moderate drain
3)The last discipline mastered is Essentialism, which is the manipulation of raw magic into effects such as wards, and non-elemental battle spells, divination, etc. The drain from these spells is massive, but they are also very powerful. Even mages who can use them do not do so often.

There are of course also demonologists and necromancers, but these are not what we would call accepted in society and get hunted down and butchered...

I will have more on the culture, history, and biology of these guys when I reconstitute the file.... magic was just what I was working on when I accidentally hit refresh.
I just had an interesting idea for these guys, one that I find a tad more interesting than what I had before...

The Chelyds, Suchians, and Plyvers

Habitat: All three species live in the coastal rainforest and adjacent fertile deltas on the norther eastern cusp of the southeastern continent and the corresponding section of the northeastern continent (right across the short ocean stretch. If this planet is anything like earth in terms of axis tilt, distance from sun, etc, there will be rainforest and vast river deltas from the forests extensive drainage systems along there).

Physical Descriptions
CHelyds: Chelyds stand at 1.8-2.3 meters in height, and can weigh up to 200 kilograms, easily. They are essentially bipedal turtles. Their chest and abdomen are covered by a hinged plastron (like a box turtle) that is made of (sans the hinges) solid bone and covered over by a scale layer. Their backs are covered in a bony carapace made from a fuzed spine and ribes. This also has two hinges, one just below where their shoulder would be, and one just above where their pelvic girdle is fuzed inside their shell. The bony plates at these hinges are fully articulated and slide over eachother, so there are no gaps in the shell, even when they bend. The hinges only allow forward and backward bending, they rely on a long neck and arms in order to look behind them.

Their arms are up to a meter and a half long and end in five partially webbed, dextrous hands. A flange runs from their wrist to their elbow that serves as a flipper and the leading edge of their fore-arms are armor plated.

Their legs are relatively short, And their shins and dorsal side of their long toed, webbed feet are also armor plated.

When in danger, they can straighten out their backs, and pull their headss and most of their arms and legs inside their shells, leaving only their armor plated forearms and the armored portions of their legs exposed.

Their heads have foreward facing eyes, and a turtle-like snout that has a horny cerrated beak that is strong enough to crush... pretty much anything they want.

Individuals are brown with a yellow eye-mask (raccoon like). Females do not have more coloration than this, males develop bright iridescent scales on the underside of their jaws that are found attractive. Females have a very short tail with a cloacal vent, males have a longer tail that they use to bring their cloacal vent in contact with the female's during mating, which must be done in deep water. Their tails are not long enough to allow them to make on land or in the shallows, and they must mate plastron to plastron.

Suchians: Suchians are long legged, long armed bipedal crocodiles. They stand on average 1.7 meters tall and come to an average of 120 kilograms, and have a a .5 meter snout and a 2 meter long laterally flattened tail, and extensive dermal armor. Their have thumbs on their unwebbed hands, but extensively webbed hind feet that they used as a rudder when swimming. Just... basically think of a humanoid crocodile.

Plyvers: Stand less than a meter tall and weigh less than 25 kilograms (damn it, this is fantasy I dont have to care about brain size). They have reptiloid heads (like archeopterix) and long feathered tails. Their coloration is a base of blue with metalic green flight feathers used to attract mates. Their wings are like those of microraptor, they have 2 sets. One longer forearm set, each wing being 2 meters long and clawed, and a shorter set on the rear legs used for supplemental life and stabilization that with the flight feathers are a meter long each. Under the canopy they are only capable of gliding and parachuting due to a combination of movement restriction, and the fact that their sternal keel is not large enough for them to maintain powered flight for long on their flight muscles. If they can get out in the open though, they can use prevailing wind to keep themselves aloft for hours. They are however superb climbers.

Mating and Family Life
Suchians mate at the same time their Chelyds do(more on that in a second), in shallow water. Males call for a mate by making a loud bellowing sound to ward off rivals vying for a nest site nearby(loudness determines the victor of any contest). Females compete for a male (and his nest site) by engaging in a ritualistic combat in which one tries to hold the other under water without either of them using their forearms. The male then courts the female in a manner similar to what you might see in a saltwater crocodile. This stimulates ovulation, and the two mate. These two remain pair-bonded for the rest of their lives.

This particular ritual only takes place once a year, when the young that hatched through the year 17 years prior reach sexual maturity. After this one mating the female will ovulate at a random time during every 5th year (when her young from the prior ovulation are old enough to not need constant attention). Eggs incubate in a mound comprised of decaying vegetation, along with the eggs of a chelyd pair and are guarded by the Suchian Parents, who are brought food by the Chelyds parents.

The Chelyd male also selects a nest site, and a Suchian male. These two pair bond in a manner very similar to a mated pair bond. The females do the same thing when they select mates and must also accept the individual from the other species in the partnership (and there are rituals for this too). Once these bonds are formed, they last for life, and the group is called a Quint, and each refers to the others as Quintmates. These relationships tend to be completely egalitarian. ANd Chelyd females ovulate at the same time their SUchian Quintmate does

A note on homosexuality (yes, I am going there): It does exist. Dominant Male homosexual Suchians select a nest site, but use a slightly different call signaling only submissive male Suchians to select them as a mate. (other than distinction, the partnerships are egalitarian) Homosexual Chelyds typically, but not always prefer homosexual Suchian quintmates, but heterosexual Quintmates are not uncommon for their species. If neither party actually needs a nest, the nest site is donated to a nearby male who has an inferior nest site.

(If you want to know how the anatomy of homocroc and homoturtle sex works out, PM me)

Homosexuals serve as floating assistance to other Quints, as well as a wide variety of other social rolls. Of all groups within the population homosexuals are most likely to take up the dedicated study of magic because they are not taking care of their own offspring. There are plenty of hetero mages, but homo mages are disproportionately represented in the population (this is not just me being a gay-wanker... though in a real sense I am one HA.HA. HA, but gay people in a lot of tribal societies have been shaman and other forms of clergy through human prehistory and early history) Lesbians exist, and the dominant lesbian calls for mates the same way males do (etc)

A note on mating: It occurs more frequently than every 5 years, about the same frequency of human mated pairs. There is just no risk of pregnancy but once every 5 years, and usually the male Suchian can trigger ovulation through the use of his old mating ritual.

Plyvers are not included in this system. Plyvers mate separately and do not form the same strong social bond with anyone really. They are serially "monogamous" in that they have one social mate per mating cycle (which is once every 3 years, and their young reach maturity at the age of 6) but there is no guarantee that they remain sexually faithful to their social mate.

Mates are selected in pretty much the way songbirds select their mates. The male sings, the female selects, they build a nest, and mate intermittently until the female ovulates and lays eggs... and there is no guarantee that if they separate for even 5 minutes there are not a few extra-pair matings going on. There is mate-guarding, jealousy, etc. But at the end of the day they lavish parental care on their offspring and go their separate ways (Kids go with mom and help raise her next batch of offspring until they are sexually mature).

They form a bond equivalent to a good-friendship with QUints, for reasons that I will go in to in the second installment, which I will have up...soon
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Post by Yashaness »

No offense taken if you don't care for my idea. I trust you know what you are doing far better than I do. So you may be right about it turning out cliche. But I guess I'll go ahead, and write something on it since you insist. I'll just write something about the cat people for now, and I'll continue on to the dog people if you like where this is going. I will also come up with a better names for both of these species later.

Physical Description: Ok, bare with me on this part, because in my mind they will LOOK mostly cliche, but I promise I have some new ideas for them as well. They have cat ears, a tail, pointy fangs, and sharp claws-- that are half way between being nails and claws. Other than that have mostly human bodies. They have tend to have medium tan skin from being out in the sun a lot, and have tiger stripes all over their body including a little bit on their faces. They can be of any fur/hair color of the natural cat or human color spectrum. Same goes for their eyes. They're eyes are like wide cat eyes, which look a little creepy, and demonic usually.

They do their hair in may fashions, but one thing they have in common is that they will at least have 1 strand of hair that is braided with pretty rocks, feathers, or whatever they they use as a way of showing something about themselves. Such as a feather would mean they are a hunter, or a shell would mean they are a fisher. They wear leather, and hide of the animals they hunt, which is cut in revealing sense for ventilation purposes. They cover the bare essences (the sensitive parts), but that's about it because they live in tropic forest areas.

Traits/Culture: They are, in my mind, meant to be the Neanderthals of society-- to put it bluntly (both them and the dogs). They are good at making weaponry, and hunting, but that's about it. They are fascinated with magic, but have no actual magic themselves. They are obviously going to be fast and light on their feet (they do require some cat-like attributes since they are a cat-people), but are rather weak strength-wise. They also have a keen sense of hearing, and night vision.

In their culture the females are mostly the dominate ones (I will probably make the dogs opposite). Since their religion would be that of a kind of paganism (it is one of the older religions in history); they look up to the females as though they have powers because of their ability to "create life" (also known as child birth). They worship the great goddess, and nature. They are hunters, but a fairly peaceful race because of their spiritual beliefs. However, they prefer to keep to their traditions rather than adapt to that of other races. So for that reason, they mostly keep to themselves, but upon encountering them, no race is in immediate danger. Although, they will get upset if you start trying to insult their way of life.

Anyhow, I hope that is enough information for you to go on.
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Post by Charon »

The hunter/gatherer thing is actually an interesting twist that I think would work well for either race.

However, as I've seen the societies being built so far a primitive and peaceful society would be eaten alive (in some cases literally). My suggestion is a change over to more of a Turkic style of nomad. Magi knows what I'm talking about.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Yashaness wrote:Physical Description: Ok, bare with me on this part, because in my mind they will LOOK mostly cliche, but I promise I have some new ideas for them as well. They have cat ears, a tail, pointy fangs, and sharp claws-- that are half way between being nails and claws. Other than that have mostly human bodies. They have tend to have medium tan skin from being out in the sun a lot, and have tiger stripes all over their body including a little bit on their faces. They can be of any fur/hair color of the natural cat or human color spectrum. Same goes for their eyes. They're eyes are like wide cat eyes, which look a little creepy, and demonic usually.
I can go with this. Having them look creepy instead of everyone falling over themselves over their looks is a bit of a reverse.
Yashaness wrote:They do their hair in may fashions, but one thing they have in common is that they will at least have 1 strand of hair that is braided with pretty rocks, feathers, or whatever they they use as a way of showing something about themselves. Such as a feather would mean they are a hunter, or a shell would mean they are a fisher. They wear leather, and hide of the animals they hunt, which is cut in revealing sense for ventilation purposes. They cover the bare essences (the sensitive parts), but that's about it because they live in tropic forest areas.
More or less what Amazon natives wear traditionally? Okay, makes sense, and from my view point it's always good to refer to real life groups in the same position.
Yashaness wrote:In their culture the females are mostly the dominate ones (I will probably make the dogs opposite). Since their religion would be that of a kind of paganism (it is one of the older religions in history); they look up to the females as though they have powers because of their ability to "create life" (also known as child birth). They worship the great goddess, and nature. They are hunters, but a fairly peaceful race because of their spiritual beliefs. However, they prefer to keep to their traditions rather than adapt to that of other races. So for that reason, they mostly keep to themselves, but upon encountering them, no race is in immediate danger. Although, they will get upset if you start trying to insult their way of life.
Going to have a make a few suggestions and observations. First off Paganism isn't a religion, it's a label for a bunch of religions. Basically any religion with more then one god that got replaced by Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or Judhism is a pagan religion. Hell, Hinduism meets most of the requirements for being a pagan religion expect it hasn't been replaced. Not all pagan religions are equal. There is a hell of a difference between old Greek, modern day Hindu and traditional Meso-American gods. What you've suggested does met most of the requirements for paganism but then most of the people on this planet are going to be pagans. Do they worship anything else besides this goddess? How do they deal with the spirits that we've estblished as existing on this world?

Also a suggestion, having females be dominant is fine, but having them be dominant just because they give birth is well... iffy. I would suggest making the females bigger and stronger or letting them use shamanistic magic. It's better to have a concrete reason for them wielding power as it'll fit what goes on in the real world more closely.

All in all this is a good start from my view and worth pursuing.

Side Question, how do you feel about flavoring them with a real world cultural group? You wouldn't carbon copy the group, but you would add things and viewpoints from the group to help flesh out your cat people.

Charon wrote: However, as I've seen the societies being built so far a primitive and peaceful society would be eaten alive (in some cases literally). My suggestion is a change over to more of a Turkic style of nomad. Magi knows what I'm talking about.
I do but we would have to move them from the Tropic Rainforest of Yashaness vision to cold wind swept plains which would need radical change. No worries though I got your nomads coming.

Anyone else have an opinion to offer? Do try to be constructive whatever it is.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yashaness »

Well I was modeling their religion off of what I knew of "magik" based paganism (ex: wicca). Sorry for the confusion though, I didn't realize that paganism referred to so many different types of religion. In such religions as wicca women are revered for their powers of birth. They believe that a Great Goddess gave birth to the universe. So, I'm not just pulling that out off my ass, but I wouldn't mind giving them a little bit of shamanic powers. Hey, more power to the females. :twisted:

To answer your side question, I guess I already was picking bits and pieces of what I know of real life religions/peoples. However, if I'm going to do that I guess I should be doing some research so I know what the heck I'm talking about, and not just going on just my memory of some books/informative tapes that I saw back in the day. I'm so lazy though... :lol:
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Post by Charon »

frigidmagi wrote:I do but we would have to move them from the Tropic Rainforest of Yashaness vision to cold wind swept plains which would need radical change. No worries though I got your nomads coming.

Anyone else have an opinion to offer? Do try to be constructive whatever it is.
Hadn't meant so much necessarily horse riding nomads from the windswept plains but more focusing on the general "We're so badass that neighboring empires use us as they're armies."
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Post by frigidmagi »

You're not going to get that with hunter gather tribes living a jungle.
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Post by frigidmagi »

For Charon.

Race Name: Pirani

Physical description: Skin color ranges form light blue to deep purple based on ethnic group. Males are larger and heavier then the females, with average male height at 10.3 feet and female average at 8.9 feet, male weight tends to be between 400 and 500 pounds with female weight between 390 and 450. The Pirani are humanoid mammals with an omnivore diet.

Society: The Pirani are nomads, who travel in groups ranging from "companies" (100 to 200 adults), "battalions" (200 to 800 adults) and "regiments" (over a 1000). While fairly decent craftsmen and herders the real major actitiy for the Pirani is war, while they are known to carry out warfare independently, they are much more famous for their mercenary work. Due to their size and strength both male and females can serve as front line troops compared to most other races. They primary serve as heavy infantry, fighting in lines or squares of spearmen or swordsmen depending on the preferences of the group. Pirani rarely fight other Pirani and do not do so for the benefit of other races.

The Pirani are also well know for their masks. Their beliefs are that if a magic user sees their face, he can steal their soul and compel them to serve him. Because of that Pirani wear masks of various materials whenever around other races and keep them close at hand otherwise. Their helmets incorporate these masks which can be made of bone, wood or metal. This dread of magic users comes from both their myths and the fact that as far as everyone knows the Pirani don't have any magic users beyond their Remembers, who have only been observed canceling the magic of others on the battlefield.

Whenever two groups met, the Pirani throw a celebration which is combination of a market and a fair. Certain religious rituals are practiced and most important are that Fosterlings are exchange. Fosterlings are children nearing puberty who are given over to another band to adopt. This prevents inbreeding and keeps racial ties strong.

Religion: The Pirani are ancestor worshipers who also have a number of common myths that bind them as a people. They believe that their people were created by wizards to use as cannon fodder and sacrifices to enhance their own magic powers. Their liberation came at hand when their dead ancestors gathered together to teach a number of them through their dreams how to block off the magical powers of others. These Pirani have become the Remembers, who are the priest figures within the Pirani religion.

The Remembers responsibilities are keeping up the List, a written record of all the Pirani who have served in the group. The list holds such information as births, deaths, honors, promotions and demotions and punishments. As one could guess the List tends to be fairly heavy and important to the Pirani.

Race: Wolf Brothers

Physical Description: Short and wirey, the average male tops out at 5 foot nothing, while women tend to hover around 4.5 feet. They are lighter then a human would be but still surprising strong for their size, you wouldn't want to wrestle. Their skins come in light green, or light blue, their hair is a uniform white, which they tend to dye. Wolf Brothers are carnivore humanoid mammals.

Society: The Wolf Brothers are nomads who follow the Uri herds, organized by clan and tribe. The most remarkable thing about them is their close relationship with the great wolf packs. Great Wolves are roughly the size of small ponies and prey upon the Uri and other large mammals of the region. The Wolf Brothers are able to communicate with them effective to the point where the two species hunt together and the Great Wolves allow the Wolf Brothers to ride on their backs. One should not assume that the Wolf Brothers have domesticated the Great Wolves however, both sides are more or less equal.

Lacking metal working skills, they use the tough horns and bones of the Uri to make weapons and tools. As well as tents out of Uri hide. They also to a lesser extent prey on deer and other herbivores. Wolf Brother tribes tend to be fairly open to traders and visitors who behave themselves but react badly when they feel their territory is encroached upon by settlers or others.

Religion: The Wolf Brothers have a shamenistic religion overseen by charismatic shamens who through the spirits are able to preform feats of magic like limited weather and prey control and healing. Shamens can be identified by the great masks they wear. All Wolf Brothers have certain abilities like communicating with the Great Wolves.

Alright Charon I gave you the Pirani as your kick ass Turks. Now let's see someone else write something.
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Post by General Havoc »

frigidmagi wrote:Now let's see someone else write something.
Well if you insist... submitted for the approval of the collective:

Race: Audemedon

History: The Audemedon are shrouded in legend and mythology, a frequent subject of bogeyman tales by other races, whose background is known only in the most general terms. Scholars may know more or less about the secretive and insular Audemedon, but the common people of the world know them only as monsters with which to threaten miscreants and frighten children.

Many centuries ago, there existed a group called the Nephetari, though whether the Nephetari were a race, a political entity, or a collective of like-minded individuals is unknown. What is known is that the Nephetari were, by one means or another, immensely powerful sorcerers, who used their magical talents to erect mighty bastions of ivory and steel in a sparsely-populated peninsula on the north-eastern side of the main continent. There they tended their own affairs, whatever those might be, suffering no intrusion by other races or empires, engaging in imperious wars and skirmishes only when it suited them, and ignoring the affairs of the remainder of the continent at all other times.

Small in numbers though mighty in power, the Nephetari, like all societies, had need for a force of labor to build and maintain their cities, and free their time for the pursuit of whatever arcane goals they held, and so rather than raid or negotiate for slaves, as most empires did, they bent their skills to the creation of artificial life. The Audemedon were the result. Originally near-mindless golems harnessed for physical labor, the cultivation of the Nephetari's skills resulted in more and more advanced and intelligent forms of artificial servant, for use as soldiers, as craftsmen, even as a civil service. As more and more Audemedon were created, of ever-increasing complexity and intellect, the magical constructs were made responsible for larger and larger segments of Nephetari society, a slow, uneven process that took generations.

Here the tales and the truth differ, for the stories talk of an uprising against the Nephetari by their Audemedon slaves. Tired of their lives of ceaseless drudgery for their uncaring masters, the Audemedon rose up and overwhelemed their creators, slaughtering them in a torrent of blood and fire that laid their glistening cities in ruins. By some accounts the war lasted mere months, by some weeks, by some a single blood-drenched night, but all the stories agree that in the end, the Nephetari were utterly exterminated, their lifeless cities and lands left the sole domain of the Audemedon, who rule them to this day, plotting the annihilation of all life. The story of the fall of the Nephetari is still told by moralists and troubadours of a hundred nations as a warning against pride and hubris by the ruling class.

But the truth is completely different.

It was perhaps inevitable that stories of a golem revolt should have been the result of the deaths of the Nephetari, for if no such moral example existed, one would have to be invented, but the truth is that while the Nephetari did perish in an all-embracing cataclysm, neither the Audemedon, nor any other creation of the Nephetari were responsible for it. What happened to cause the collapse is not known, even by the Audemedon themselves, for the secretive workings of their masters were as mysterious to them as they were to the outside world. What is known is that a horrendous magical catastrophe, perhaps the result of some failed experiment into the nature of the universe, reduced the largest Nephetari city to a crater of smoldering slag metal that drained into the ocean, and tore open portals and rifts in the fabric of reality from whence issued magical storms, monsters beyond description, and most fatally of all, diseases and miasmas against which the Nephetari had no defense. Far from rising in revolt to destroy their masters, thousands of Audemedon perished in vain attempts to defend or succor their stricken creators from the hellish torments they had unleashed, and thousands more were struck down by the same wild disasters that doomed the Nephetari themselves. The 'chaos storms', as the Audemedon called them, subsided finally after more than a year, but left the Nephetari utterly extinct, while the Audemedon remained, protected by their very natures from the plagues, famines, and many of the worst effects of the catastrophes that had annihilated the Nephetari.

Savagely reduced in numbers, and stewards now of an emptied and ruined land, the Audemedon endured. Immortal, with a need for neither food nor air nor other source of power beyond the mystic energies that coursed through their artificial bodies, they endure still to this day, the subjects of fear and mistrust by everyone who hears their story. It is said that the Audemedon wish to cleanse the world of all life, that they are building an army of themselves in the seclusion of their ruined cities, that they are plagues sent by vengeful Gods, that they are animated through dark rituals and human sacrifice, and powered by the blood of slain innocents. None dare test these stories through war, and those few who enter Audemedon lands in search of answers or plunder either see and hear nothing, or vanish and do not return. Audemedon are almost never seen outside the boundaries of their homelands, and over the years have become even rarer sights, though occasionally one or two will pop up on some nebulous mission, only to vanish anew once their goals are complete. All manner of lurid tales are told of the Audemedon, but all that can be agreed upon is that they remain, ever-watching, their goals hidden behind walls of myth.

Physical attributes: Audemedon are constructs, and as such can be of any form imaginable, depending on their original function. Warrior-Audemedon are enormous, hulking behemoths, made of stone or iron or adamantite, with blades and weapons grafted to their enormous limbs, or capable of projecting magical fire or lightning from their smoldering red eyes. Laborers are made usually of clay, hardened by fire and magic, with a variety of tools depending on their purpose. Other, more specialized Audemedon can take truly fantastical forms. Some are made entirely of glass or crystal, others of flowing silks and fabrics, still others of sculpted ice, solidified flames, or other supernatural elements. Most are vaguely humanoid, though some take the shape of horrible beasts or monsters, or alternately of beautiful nymphs and maidens. Some are smaller than a child, others tower larger than a palace. Some are carved to resemble men or other races, with exquisite artistry and hand-made features. Others are rough-cut copies, or have no features at all.

It should be noted though that the original purpose for which an Audemedon was created not not necessarily bear any resemblance to the role they serve today. One can find war-built Audemedon who serve as craftsmen or scholars, and other Audemedon created as butlers or personal servants engaging in the thick of war and battle. Obviously, the physical capacities of each Audemedon plays a role in deciding what they can and cannot do, but Audemedon vary in mentality as much as their masters did, and not every one created for battle will necessarily find a home on the battlefield, subject of course to the exigencies of their society.

Society/culture: Insofar as the term can be applied, the Audemedon are an insular, extremely conservative people, whose attitudes could be described as imperious and dour, as a whole. Part of this is due to the fact that their race, as a whole, is slowly dying a millenia-long death. Beyond need for food or air or water, and individually well beyond the physical and martial capabilities of even a dozen warriors of most any other race, the Audemedon are nonetheless dying, for their masters took with them to their graves the knowledge required to actually create more of the artificial servants. Though Audemedon scholars have searched for centuries, they have never discovered the secrets of their own creation, and indeed many Audemedon now believe that it is impossible for them to do so, that their artificial bodies and manufactured souls cannot wield the mystical energies necessary to imbue stone or clay with life. Though they are themselves immortal, and have become experts in maintaining themselves, they cannot reproduce, or replace fallen Audemedon, and so their numbers slowly dwindle as accident, battle, or other mishap claims them one by one.

Though the Nephetari were a loose confederation of autocratic or oligarchic city-states, the Audemedon have a somewhat more broadly democratic government. An assembly open all Audemedon (though not all attend) is convoked whenever some issue of general note needs to be debated and voted upon, which in modern times is exceedingly rare. By and large, Audemedon are left to their own devices within their territory, and there are a plethora of small-scale organizations constantly forming and dissolving as different Audemedon rally around some new cult, or idea, or organization.

Audemedon have no particular use for precious metals or jewels, and their economy is therefore based around a system of 'time-debt'. Time spent by an Audemedon in the service of another Audemedon, whether in heavy labor, specialized crafts, or any other service, is not paid for with money but with a reciprocal arrangement to spent an equivalent period of time performing some service in return. This time-debt is quantified literally, with so many hours or days offered in exchange for goods and services that took a similar amount of time to produce. Specialized services, tutoring in some unknown field or high-demand artisan-work, can often demand higher exchange rates, with two hours' service charged for every one hour offered, with exact rates usually negotiated ahead of time. Most Audemedon represent time-debt in the form of some kind of physical currency, like I.O.U.s or poker chips, made from all manner of materials, and valuable only in the sense of what they represent. Every single Audemedon has their own, uniquely identifiable time-currency, which enables Audemedon to actually buy and sell time-debt as part of 'payment' for goods. The Audemedon 'treasury', such as it is, consists simply of large reserves of time-currency (collected as low but cumulative yearly 'taxes') which can be 'spent' (yielded back to the original Audemedon who issued it) in order to require a given Audemedon to spend time in service of the community as a whole. As Audemedon are effectively immortal, Audemedon time-debt has essentially no inflation rate at all. However, should a given Audemedon die, all of their outstanding time-debt immediately becomes valueless, though the actual time-currency used by a deceased Audemedon may have some small value as a memento.

The Audemedon government has little function, other than to provide for the collective defense, and theoretically to continue to seek for means to replenish their numbers, though in practice most Audemedon have long-since given up all hope of ever being able to do so. As even the youngest Audemedon is centuries old, Audemedon society is very personal. Most Audemedon know almost all of the others at least as acquaintances, usually in greater detail than that. Each individual's characteristics, their likes and dislikes, their personality, general history, opinions on everything and anything, all of these are public knowledge, for the base fact is that most Audemedon have run out of secrets to keep from one another. If they tend to be more studious and quiet nowadays, it is due to having nothing new to discuss or say, having said and heard it all in centuries of ceaseless, purposeless existence.

The Audemedon have no specific organized religion, though they generally venerate the works of the extinct Nephetari with an almost dogmatic fervor. The ruins of the great Nephetari cities are tended to and preserved as ruins, as though the Audemedon were mere curators of an enormous museum dedicated to their former masters. The empty fields and orchards that once sustained those cities remain largely intact and kept clear and ready for production, though nothing of course is grown, as the Audemedon have no need for food. Some believe that in doing these things, they will encourage their creators to one day return. Others literally worship specific Nephetari as deities, erecting altars on the places they fell, preserving their dried bones as relics, and chanting half-remembered liturgies to invoke their blessings. One of the few Audemedon-built structures is the "Temple of the Last", a soaring cathedral built on the site where the very last Nephetari is said to have expired. Still other Audemedon are entirely without theology, or participate in arcane mystery cults either devised by themselves or imported from abroad. Most Audemedon have participated in many different religions over the course of their lives, and discarded them each in turn whenever one that better suited their temperament appeared.

Not all Audemedon reside within their homelands of course. A handful can be found spread across their continent and even beyond, in search of some valuable commodity unavailable within the confines of their homeland, of some scholar or artifact that might assist them in creating new Audemedon, or often just of any kind of new or novel experience. To find an Audemedon outside its homeland is increasingly rare, but still occurs, and most beings of other races give them a wide berth, so blood-drenched is their reputation and imperious their bearing. Even individual Audemedon are beings of terrible power when aroused to anger, and only the most xenophobic or foolhardy species dare assault them openly.

What is less well known is that there do exist some non-Audemedon residing within Audemedon lands. Members of other races who enter their homelands are usually driven off, but particularly persistent intruders (who do not get themselves killed by the Audemedon border-guards) are sometimes captured and taken deep inside Audemedon territory. There, the Audemedon keep very small communities of other races, more for the sake of having something new to interact with than for any practical reason. As most of the lands of the Audemedon lie fallow and unworked, such communities are permitted to sustain themselves through subsistence farming, as well as allowed to interact with Audemedon society in whatever manner they wish. Presuming they come to comprehend the Audemedon way, mortals can buy goods and services with time-debts of their own (though most Audemedon do not greatly value the time-debt of living beings) or sell their own skills in exchange for Audemedon time-debt. Though they are not permitted to leave Audemedon territory, some inevitably do slip out, which does not concern the Audemedon enormously, so long as the numbers of escapees are low enough to ensure that their tales are dismissed as those of lunatics and liars by the mortal races.

Yet ironically, most 'mortals' living amidst the Audemedon do not seek to leave, indeed some families of mortals go back hundreds of years, generation after generation living amidst their constructed immortal overlords. The Audemedon may be alien, distant, mercurial beings, but their lands are safe from banditry and war, and lie open and available for the taking. Indeed, assuming they can produce something of value to the Audemedon, some mortals can live far better lives among the Audemedon than they can in their own lands, for time-debt acquired from the Audemedon can be used to employ the tireless constructs for heavy labor. Provided that the mortals take pains not to antagonize the Audemedon (not difficult for those who have lived all their lives among them), the Audemedon are surprisingly permissive of their 'guests', partly because they realize that there one day will no longer be enough Audemedon to hold back migrants from their lands, but also because the prospect of having some new people to interact with is of value to beings that have lived on without pause or sleep or overt purpose for centuries, waiting only for the impending extinction of their own kind.
Last edited by General Havoc on Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Man that was grim reading Havoc.
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Post by Charon »

The Nephetari would tie in very well with the Teleran, maybe they're the same species but the Nephetari broke away from the rest to form their own (much better) society? And since the Audemedon are actually old enough to remember their masters, I would have no problem changing the name of the Teleran or making it so that Teleran isn't the name of their species.

On a similar note, I would not be at all surprised if the Kainan, as former secret police, have repeatedly attempted to figure out the secrets of the Audemedon.
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Post by General Havoc »

I purposefully left it open in my write-up whether the Nephetari were their own species or a political group of some sort. My gut feeling was that they were a breakaway sect of the Teleran, but whether or not whatever wiped the Nephetari out was the same thing that killed off the Teleran is beyond me. If the Teleran were fond of making slave-races to serve them, the Nephetari might have been those who opposed such actions either out of ethical concerns (use constructs, not slaves), or practical ones (our servants are immortal and tireless), or simply a different artistic and cultural philosophy. Not all Audemedon were built for heavy labor and war after all. There are some who appear to be created for domestic purposes, others for research, and still others for sheer artistry.

And no, it would not at all surprise me either if the Kainan had made efforts to figure out the Audemedon. It would also not surprise me if there are some Audemedon who collaborated in that effort, or collaborate still. They're a very independant-minded bunch after all.
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Post by Jason_Firewalker »

CT, this is for you...

Race: Tortarians

Physical Description and Capabilities: Bipedal tortises standing 6'3 to 7'5" with large thick shells on their back. Stronger and hardier by far (Over 60% more so) then humans their reaction times are slightly dulled comparatively as is their overall land speed but only by about 5% and 10% respectively

Culture: Nomadic and semi-warlike desert dwellers the Tortarians are a highly nomadic people. Tribes are organized into groups of ten to fifty operating under the flags of clans of ten to twenty tribes. Each clan has a territory staked out in the local desert and its tribes migrate around inside that territory but the different clans war with each other for territory, trade rights and resources, especially the few verdant oasis on the borders between the clans.

Weapons Of Choice: Mauls, greathammers (stone and wood construction on both) and picks (Wood haft and metal head) are the weapons of choice and all Tortarians are taught to weild them from a young age to break or pierce the shells of their enemies. Most forgo armor relying on their heavy shells to protect them in combat.

Culture: They openly trade with other nomadic peoples of the desert and with the civilizations bordering it but are extremely territorial with other Tortarian clans. They are kind and friendly and have little use for lies and decit. They are straight foward and will be blunt as hell at all times, even when that is not the best course of action. Lacking most civilized social graces the Tortarians are not a common sight inside the courts of kings and emperors but their culture does not like those who are decitful anyway.

Magic: They prefer nature magic over any other form of magic and most Tortarians learn the rudiments of Druidic spellcasting as youths. Their particular brand of Druidic magic allows for the use of metal weapons outside the usual lists and makes them slightly more formidible enemies. Their arcane casters generally have a connection to the wastes that surround them and draw upon the dunes as a source of power also.

NOTE: I will expand more upon this if that is requested...
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

I approve: Battle Tortoises! And now that I am thinking of it (for some reason this thread has not come up as having new posts... odd)

At any rate, part two of the species above.


Settlements tend to consist of mud-brick buildings of various sizes connected via rope or chain to bottom-anchored posts and adjust to suit the water depth. Travel between parts of town is either done by swimming or by boat, depending on load. Residential buildings have an area for a cooking fire protected by clays to prevent burning the house, and the local metal workers operate out of shops on the river bank.

Larger settlements, indeed actual cities are constructed in much this same fashion but can actually span the entire width of a river and both banks, with the buildings being connected to eachother and set onto massive floating platforms. Cities like this typically also have an earth and wooden wall along their shoreward edges to keep out predators and rampaging armies and the like.

Food Production

Chelyds and Suchians have a well developed intellectual tradition relating to what we would call the life sciences. As a result they are keenly aware that their natural resources as they relate to food are limited and take careful steps to balance the needs of their community against those of nature and sustaining wild populations and ecosystems. They do this through managed agriculture and sustainable harvesting. Chelyds are omnivors, and are capable of eating a wide variety of plant and animal matter, but have a predilection for shelled and unshelled mollusks and crustaceans. Suchians are strict carnivors however, and primarily eat fish, crustaceans and small mammals.

Primary crops include a nutrient rich aquatic green called Korthos, which serves as a multipurpose green. The second is an aquatic plant called Manioc (we make tapioca with this...) which while toxic raw, can be boiled, dried and used as storeable diet staple.

There are a lot of mollusks and crustaceans that naturally inhabit the coasts, river systems and estuaries in which these people live, in addition to very plentiful fish. Some are hunted in small numbers such as the Annual hunt of the Korsacks, giant Palagic migratory crustaceans similar to a more mobile horseshoe crab. These four meter behemoths swim along the coast lines every year moving from their breeding grounds to their winter feeding grounds up north and down south on the other side of the continents. This is where a historic partnership with Plyvers comes in. While excellent swimmers the Chelyds and Suchians are not very good at tracking these creatures under water, but Plybers can get aloft on open-water air currents and see them, signaling to their partners where to go to find their prey. The animals are chased long distance by Chelyds, while the Suchians set up fast moving ambushes that land the death blow by piercing the armored beasts on their soft belly. One of these beasts is enough to provide a harvest festival for an entire village, and the Plyvers share in the spoils.

This tactic is also done with fish schools, which are also farmed.

Another dietary staple are extremely large (the size of a game hen) snails which are collected in screened cages by chance during the parental spawning season, and which grow too large to escape confinement. Each Quint typically keeps a large cage of these under their floating dwelling.

Economics and Government

The economy and government are based around a form of guild-based socialism. The means of production are owned by guilds which are democratically controlled by those of master and journeyman rank. Each guild which has a presence in a given settlement sends two representatives to (one of each species) to a central planning authority which plans out production of various goods, services, and funds various ventures, as well as decides other matters of local policy. Each settlement from this body elects a representative to a regional authority and subsequently a federal authority which deals with foreign affairs.

Currency is in the form of highly abundant jade carved into tiles. So abundant as to be intrinsically worthless internally and only used as a token of work performed, but valuable to outsiders and thus used extensively in foreign trades.

Plyvers exist within areas controlled by Suchian and Chelyd settlements, but exist outside their power structure as "rugged individualists". They cooperate with eachother and the other two species as needed, even providing air support in the event of an invasion, but other than that exists as loosely confederated tribes who's primary mode of economic exchange is barter.


Neither species is particularly religious in the traditional sense. They worship natural forces such as the river, the sea, and tides. However they dont pray or offer sacrifices. They merely hold these forces in deep reverence


The military is infantry-centric. Due to the nature of their primary environment cavalry is impractical. Chelyds that are not mages are typically heavy combat shock-troops, being naturally heavily armored, their shells can deflect most arrows, spears and swords and is really vulnerable only to heavy crushing weapons such as mauls, maces, and military picks. The later two being the preferred weapon of Chelyds who are armored typically with their shells, hardened leather over non-shelled parts, a metal helmet, and a shell made from Korsack shell. Some regiments also posses pikemen, or arbalasteers.

In the absence of a weapon, their beaks which are capable of crushing large bivalves, are not something anyone wants closing around their arm (several thousand PSI concentrated along a razor edged bear)

Suchians tend to be skirmish troops such as archers and their skin provides protection roughly equivalent to studded leather or ring mail. They are typically armed with either a longbow, crossbow, and a short sword for close quarters combat.

In the absence of arms Suchians are not much more pleasant do deal with than Chelyds.

Plyvers tend to harass the enemy with javelines, and dropped rocks and incendiaries cooked up by Chelyd alchemists.

There is of course due to the salt tolerant and aquatic nature of both species no need for a surface navy. They are more than capable of projecting sea power with their infantry.


Magic is viewed as the highest force of nature that can be revered, because it is possible for the few to control it. However, not all of the few hear its call, the discipline and drive is lacking in some, and the time necessary to devote to it is lacking in others. Only those willing to never pass on their name to children take up magic, and this means that over 70% of Chelyd and Suchian mages are homosexuals. Those who by default do not have offspring.

There are three levels a mage can reach in their craft.


Most mages are mentists. They rely on metaphor and mathematical abstraction to conceptualize and guide their will-working. They work best through formula memorized by rote and cannot improvise magical effects yet, however if they know a formula they can cast spells of any level of complexity limited only by their own understanding, and ability to physically call up the power involved. They cannot even participate in rituals unless they are willing to be consumed by the ritual's power.


Primicists are mages who have progressed far enough in their mage-craft that they can cast many spells that take effect instantaneously and flash out of being just as quickly on the fly. They still must memorize complex spells by rote however. They can participate in rituals as assistants but not the primary


These mages have mastered the rules of spellcraft and are capable of crafting essentially any spell that is within their ability to channel on the fly. They can also be the primary spellcaster in rituals.
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Post by Hotfoot »

CT, time to take your pills. I'll write you a scrip, and I'll Frigid deliver it when you next see each other. Don't worry, it has a co-pay, and it's covered by all insurance.

First off, Floating mud structures. Really? Come on now.

Second. Magic. This isn't D&D, we went over this.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Okay we got problems here CT. I'm sorry this is taking so long but I wanted to think about it before I said anything.

Settlements tend to consist of mud-brick buildings of various sizes connected via rope or chain to bottom-anchored posts and adjust to suit the water depth.
This is my first problem. Buddy, swamp/river/coastal peoples like you're describing don't use mud as a building material because for mud bricks to work, they have to be dry. You got them all but floating here, they're going to collapse from their own weight. My advice to either go boat people like you seem to be leaning towards at times or just do what every other group in the environment does. Build out of wood.

No problems with the food production section, in fact I find it very well done. Large snails is weird but this is fantasy you get bonus points for weird. Kudos.
The economy and government are based around a form of guild-based socialism.
Okay where did this come from? Socialism is the result of centuries of theorization and experimentation, these guys figured it out early why? Also bluntly guilds don't work that way, they're not unions and they don't do civic duties. They're not going to shell out the money for welfare, socialized medical care and etc.

For one thing Guilds are restrictive monopolies, anyone outside of it isn't allowed to make money at the trade. For example the weavers don't allow other people to sell cloth. They also control who can do what. Jouneymen aren't allowed their own shops, Apprentices can't leave their Masters homes etc. They're about controlling who gets into the trade and keeping the quality (and therefore the prices) up.

Also Guilds are a skilled labor thing only and established by charters via the government, who gives them charters in your set up? There are no guilds for ditch diggers and the like. Nor will the guilds give a damn about them. I must seriously suggest a rethink.

I also point out in real life Jade isn't common enough for currency and where the hell are they getting this advance market theory!?! I didn't cry foul at Havoc's golems because well... They're fricken semi-immortal robots, labor is the only worthwhile thing to them! Stop trying to make them 21st century people!

Neither species is particularly religious in the traditional sense. They worship natural forces such as the river, the sea, and tides. However they dont pray or offer sacrifices. They merely hold these forces in deep reverence
Expect given what has already been agreed those rivers are going to be full of spirits that manifest themselves or local river gods, not to mention the likely thousands of spirits and gods living in the sea that your religion IN NO WAYS DEALS WITH. Does not work with setting. Rework. They need to be able to deal with the local spiritual beings. They need to be able to deal with the dead, whom we have established as having a proven after life existence and wanting to effect the world. If nothing else their religion should address those issues or they should be written as converting to religions that do.

The military is infantry-centric. Due to the nature of their primary environment cavalry is impractical. Chelyds that are not mages are typically heavy combat shock-troops, being naturally heavily armored, their shells can deflect most arrows, spears and swords and is really vulnerable only to heavy crushing weapons such as mauls, maces, and military picks. The later two being the preferred weapon of Chelyds who are armored typically with their shells, hardened leather over non-shelled parts, a metal helmet, and a shell made from Korsack shell. Some regiments also posses pikemen, or arbalasteers.
Okay I mostly agree here, but some nitpicks. One, due to their primary environment, they're not going to be using much in the way of shock tactics, which involves getting drawn up in a formation, charing the enemy and breaking him apart. Nor are they going to be using Pikes. the overgrowth doesn't allow for that.

They're more likely to be doing eastern seaboard Native American tactics, which consist of irregular attacks (small groups attacking each other on foot, alot of small unit or one on one combat) and floating sieges (this is when you surround a fortress or town with roving bands who pick off anyone trying to leave or break through, basically bleeding and straving a place to death while avoiding formal battles).

Course this means they're scary one on one fighters and build good forts but don't do the grand campaign bit so well.
Magic is viewed as the highest force of nature that can be revered, because it is possible for the few to control it. However, not all of the few hear its call, the discipline and drive is lacking in some, and the time necessary to devote to it is lacking in others.
Expect we've established that magic is a decidedly non-natural force. Look CT, magic in a fantasy setting as to be consistent or you bucking SoD. You know this better then the vast majority of people so why are you breaking ranks?
Only those willing to never pass on their name to children take up magic, and this means that over 70% of Chelyd and Suchian mages are homosexuals.
I'm not so sure on the whole you can never have children! EVER! But, the homosexual part is okay with me. In some cultures homosexuals and transgendered folk are believed to have special connections with the magical or spiritual. In North India there's a group of transgendered men who are believed to have the power to curse you with infertility for example. So I encourage you to run with this.

Most mages are mentists. They rely on metaphor and mathematical abstraction to conceptualize and guide their will-working. They work best through formula memorized by rote and cannot improvise magical effects yet, however if they know a formula they can cast spells of any level of complexity limited only by their own understanding, and ability to physically call up the power involved. They cannot even participate in rituals unless they are willing to be consumed by the ritual's power.
Math? Metaphor? Formulas? This utterly ignores everything we have set up in regards to the setting. Dear Lord why don't you just slap labcoats on them and give them clip boards. Let me repeat, stop making them 21st century people!

Primicists are mages who have progressed far enough in their mage-craft that they can cast many spells that take effect instantaneously and flash out of being just as quickly on the fly. They still must memorize complex spells by rote however. They can participate in rituals as assistants but not the primary
Instant spell casting!?! NONONONONONONONONO! Overpowered and vastly at odds with the setting! Even the Demigod I wrote up can't do this.

These mages have mastered the rules of spellcraft and are capable of crafting essentially any spell that is within their ability to channel on the fly. They can also be the primary spellcaster in rituals.

On the fly...

Well why the fuck do they even need an army then?

Seriously guess my objection to Bucky the wondrous Turtle Mage of instant spell doom there.
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Post by Charon »


Physical Characteristics: The Teleran ranged from 1.6 meters to 2.0 meters tall on average. The skin of a Teleran was a very pale, nearly translucent looking blue color, with very sparse body hair which was usually a lighter shade such as blond or white. Wide, thin eyes and smaller earlobes and noses and thin lips were also common among the Teleran. Their arms were usually somewhat longer than can be found among humanoids, and their legs somewhat shorter. Teleran were known to have lives spanning up to 150 years.

Society: The Teleran went through numerous ruling societies as the centuries and millenia passed, but for much of their history they were controlled by a Circle of Adepts. This group of twelve wizards controlled the major actions and laws of the vast empire, with 144 wizards below them taking charge of more mundane tasks. Whether a position on the Circle was earned through political clout or magical ability is unknown. Each of the 144 governed a territory within the empire, such territories varied in size and importance. Territories closer to the capital, deep in the heartland of their continent, had more prestige, but were not likely to grow any larger, while territories on the frontier had much less prestige but could expand much farther. Goods and services between Teleran were often bartered or the use of silver and gold currency would serve. Families were often large with family members often well-connected to their distant relatives.

Military: The Teleran maintained a strictly disciplined and well paid professional army. Service lasted for 40 years with minor benefits given to the next of kin on the event of the soldier's death. Wizards were given immediate rank privileges to rank-and-file soldiers, rare was the general who was not a Wizard. The Teleran were known for fielding rather large armies for the time, number well in the thousands and tens of thousands.

Magic: Telerani magic was quite possibly the most powerful magic that has ever been witnessed on this planet. Unlike many societies and races, the Teleran ignored such common buffers as the deities and ancestors and focused on refining and controlling magic as purely as they could. Very little information on how the Teleran achieved this is available, as they did not share their secrets with their creations, and many of their extensive libraries have either fallen into ruin since their fall or were destroyed in the cataclysms. Rumor has it that the secret of Telerani magic was the secret of the True Name, this naming put up a paper thin veil between the ravages of magic and the practitioner, allowing the wizard to tap into massive stores of power. What is known, is the extent of the power and that the Teleran usually treated minor deities and ancestors with disdain. The Teleran's magic was capable of many great feats, from transporting entire armies over dozens of miles in a day, or near instantaneous communication across the bredth of the empire. Their more striking feats, many of which still survive to this day, include the creation of both the Marad and the Kainan, as well as numerous geographical changes. It is claimed by many surviving ancient texts that many of the island chains are the result of the Teleran, and indeed the texts claim that the sundering of a continent into two was also the deed of the Teleran.

History: Many thousands of years ago, a small tribe of blue-skinned people from deep in the arctic south came North with armies and magic like no one on the planet had ever seen before. With the assistance of their powerful magic the Teleran quickly built a large and powerful empire. At first, the Teleran did still use ancestors as a buffer, but as time passed and their understanding of magic grew, the Teleran began to push away from their ancestors, tapping into the magic themselves. With greater and greater magic under their control, the Teleran quickly swept what remained of their enemies aside and expanded. As their powers grew, their culture grew. To assist with daily business, a massive undertaking began. The Teleran would become gods in their own right, by creating life. It took dozens of years, but eventually they succeeded, and the Marad were born. For centuries the Marad served their masters, as the Teleran grew more powerful they became more decadent, more foolhardy, and more complacent. Calamity struck a millennium into the age of the Empire when a great stone of fire came falling from the sky and utterly destroyed a thriving Telerani city. Blame for the action was tossed around the courts for several years as a sense of paranoia began to creap into the Telerani courts, a distrust of not only their Marad servants, but one another, led to their second venture into Godhood. The Kainan were born, meant to serve their masters as guardsmen and secret police. For centuries, things got worse as more Teleran did not put as much effort into their studies, and soon enough the slave races were in open revolt under their harsh treatments. Troublemakers, most of whom were Kainan, were either killed or exiled and left for dead. What surviving Marad and Kainan were left on the continent soon suffered even worse fates, as the power-mad and paranoid leaders crafted a plague, wiping out many of the slave race, and several Teleran as well. By now, the Empire had begun to splinter as many factions left the safety of the empire to begin anew somewhere else The Empire itself fractured into seperate kingdoms which fought each other for two centuries in nearly ceaseless warfare before the final calamity struck. The Teleran had grown too ambitious, and too complacent with their power. Carefully placed veils began to shatter and soon magic storms were wiping across the continent, swallowing entire cities whole or releasing horrible beasts from impossible dimensions. Within a month, the Teleran were gone as a people, and forever shattered as a power of the world.
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Post by frigidmagi »

True Name?
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Charon »

frigidmagi wrote:True Name?
Knew I forgot to elaborate on something. Essentially the Platonian idea of an object having a True essence that it is made up of. The Teleran would discover a things magical essence and it's "name". That name would serve as just enough of a buffer that they could control their magic.
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