Which Universe has the best Elves?

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#1 Which Universe has the best Elves?

Post by Ra »

I wanted to pose a question to all of you. Which Fantasy setting, in your opinion, has the best Elves?

Best I guess could fall into three categories:

A: Least wanked
B: Least snotty and arrogant
C: Most diverse and trend-bucking culture

Since I've only really been really into fantasy since the LOTR movies came out, most of my knowledge is from Tolkien and DnD (thank Dak for this :wink:), but I do know that there are plenty of other settings out there to chose from.
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Post by SirNitram »

Prachett. Because the Elves are wanked, the elves are arrogant, and, at last, someone remembers these things steal babies and destroy people.
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Post by frigidmagi »

I'll go with Warhammer Fantasy. The elves there don't always like trees and don't always care for upstart monkeys.

And even in their Twilight, they are an empire to fear.
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Post by Ali Sama »

death gate books.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

One word

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Post by Cynical Cat »

Warhammer Fantasy. Alien, but just close enough to human to almost understand them. And, as frigid mention, mighty even in their decline.

And the druchi (dark elves) are just nasty without carrying the burden that stupid D&D writers have inflicted on the drow (that of being short sighted morons).
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Post by Narsil »

A: Least wanked
Probably Dungeon Siege, or another obscure RPG's Elves
B: Least snotty and arrogant
Moon Elves, from the Forgotten Realms
C: Most diverse and trend-bucking culture
Eberron species, all of them.
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