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#1 The SGA finale

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:37 pm
by Batman
Damn you SDN. I USED to be able to watch SciFi and just enjoy myself.

And thus endeth SGA. Good points:
-They DIDN'T end the series on a cliffhanger as I had half feared at the start of the episode. Overall, okay season ending. The Wraith problem is still there but that was not only to be expected but GOOD. Defeating the main enemy of the ENTIRE VALENDAMNED SERIES in one single episode when up to immediately BEFORE that episode the threat remained very real would have been bad. I WOULD have preferred the storyline to be brought to a conclusion, but not in a hauruck fashion like that. I would've preferred it happening in a 6th season (or even more, it's not like there's any less material for SGA than there was for SG-1) but I prefer it not happening at all (at least in the course of the series) to it being hopelessly rushed so all of it could happen in that final episode.
-Woolsey offering to let Teyla and Ronan remain in the Pegasus galaxy. He was probably the guy who positively surprised me most in all of SGA. I EXPECTED him to mostly be a dick. Valen was I wrong:)
-The ZPM-powered Wraith hive NOT having massively more firepower, but merely a much higher refire rate. I don't care how much power you have available, a 6MT/bolt gun is a 6MT/bolt gun.
Feed more power into it and it'll blow. BUT if your refire rate is defined by how fast you can recharge the gun, yes, more power available will help with that.

Bad points:
-No, the ZPM will NOT enable the Wraith to give their hive a bigger and denser hull, at least not by any meaningful margin. It might enable them to do so WITH ACCESS TO A SUFFICIENT SOURCE OF MATTER. All that additional mass has to come from SOMEWHERE.
The ZPM powered hive was apparently in empty space while it was doing that.
The Area 51 debacle. Has Air Combat Command been dismantled while I wasn't looking? The Dart attack on Area 51 should have been a complete and utter nonthreat. Wraith Darts are REPEATEDLY brought down by small arms fire. A wing of F-16s or F-15s would've gone through the attacking force like it wasn't there. Hell the F-302's should've. Sheppard didn't have them engage until they were within Sidewinder range. Those things are supposed to be eminently SUPERIOR to modern day hardware.
While we're at it, the chair was REPEATEDLY confirmed as Earth's only effective line of defense.Um-why wasn't anybody operating it?
And no, its removal from Antarctica did NOT make it inoperable, else its destruction would have been completely irrelevant.
-Atlantis discovers it has established a wormhole to the Wraith hive. Since the idea is to destroy the bloody thing ASAP, they send through a nuke and blow the thing up. Oh wait. That didn't happen.
Why the fuck not? I know this was so they could link up with Sheppard later but in-universe it was an incredibly stupid move.
-Atlantis dying on reentry. The reason they DIDN'T just hyperdrive elsewhere rather than crash was? Even if they couldn't change direction they could always have gone THROUGH Earth. It's not like it hasn't been done before.
And no, I'm not buying 'they didn't have the power left'. While the trip from Pegasus to the Milky way apparently taxed the HYPERDRIVE, not only did they have enough power left to try Selenka's wormhole drive and THEN fight the Hive and keep the shield up at the same time, there was no mention of the trip from Pegasus to Earth being the deciding factor on the ZPMs being drained. Don't tell me the remaining charge wasn't up to a few million km hop when Carter could use the dinky hyperdrive on a Tel'Taks to move a multi-km asteroid.

And was 'Vegas' really necessary? Rodney declaring the signal was from another parallel universe would have been perfectly satisfactory all on its own. They wasted a whole episode in the final season just to establish a background for those lines.