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#1 Hypothetical: Borg vs Kryptonians

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:49 pm
by Dark Silver
Prior to Ral going Nova (approximatly three months), a Borg Cube arrives in Orbit, and declares it's intentions - Assimilation of the planet and the addition of it's biological and technological distinctiveness to it's own.

Krypton is as it was in the CURRENT Superman Comic Continuity, for technology base and culture. Krypton orbits a Red Star, so the Kryptonians do not have their nifty powers.

The Borg as of Star Trek Canon cira First Contact.

The Question:
What is the outcome of this event? How many Borg ships would be required before the Kyrptonians fell to Assimilation? How long could the Kyrptonians hold out? Would the Borg eventually fall to the might of the Kryptonians?

Discuss and hypothesize. Provide Evidence where nessecary.


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:53 pm
by frigidmagi
The Borg are screwed, the Kryptonians have super science and desire to not be made into robo zombies.

Also if I recall they had Brainic?


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:04 pm
by Dark Silver
Currently Comics continuity has Brainiac as a being from the planet Culo, who "evolved" into becoming a living computer program which inhabits various bodies.

Modern Kyrpton is the current Comics depiction of Kyrpton prior to the planet going boom (instead of Rao going nova...)


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:42 am
by frigidmagi
Your link leads to a chemical page. Fail you do.


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:41 am
by Dark Silver
you'll have to CP the entire link......for some reason the board software does not like the (comics) portion of the URL, even if I format it as a hyperlink.


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:33 am
by frigidmagi
Okay the Krypton you want to use had a violent fringe group create a super weapon capable of stealing energy from the core of the sun to use as a weapon.

No Borg Cube is gonna be able to compete with that.

Birthright Krypton is so advanced one guy working in his basement can create an intergalactic craft that is baby safe.

I think they can build an anti Borg Gun.

And the list goes on...

I'm gonna say the Borg can't hang here and best resort to hiding.


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:27 am
by Derek Thunder
This thread...

This thread...

I really can't add anything.


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:26 pm
by The Silence and I
I may be expressing an unforgivable level of ignorance here but didn't Krypton, and all its inhabitants, die when their star exploded? The point being that they didn't--or couldn't--leave? If they couldn't escape their own solar system how well could they fight a number of Borg cubes--in space?

I must be missing something... :?:


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:46 pm
by Batman
I'm a little behind on current continuity but if memory serves the problem wasn't that they COULDN'T leave, but nobody believed they actually NEEDED to. Until the shit really hit the fan, nobody but Jor-El and a few select others believed Krypton was in any danger to begin with, and by the time it DID, there really wasn't all that much time to mount an evacuation effort. :wink:


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:53 pm
by frigidmagi
In one version of the event the government had even deployed a fleet of AI killer ships with orders to destroy any Kryptonians leaving the system.

I believe that has been done away with.