Doctor Who Series 801 - Deep Breath Talkback

SF: Not to be confused with SyFy....
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Dark Silver
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#1 Doctor Who Series 801 - Deep Breath Talkback

Post by Dark Silver »

So the 8th Series NuWho has arrived, and we get to see Peter Capaldi in action.

I'm...not sure on this. I think I am suffering from New Doctor Syndrome here - Capaldi doesn't seem like the Doctor to me just yet - He can't pull off the same "zany crazy" Smith could, hopefully soon we get that Darker and more scholarly personality coming out that they promised us in all the pre-series interviews.

I kinda like what they did in the Mezzanine area of the TARDIS, especially with all the little bookshelves and chaulk boards - love they kept the TARDIS Console the same though. I really do like that TARDIS console and column.
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