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#1 Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:55 pm
by LadyTevar
I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a thread up about this already. I mean, 75 county simulcast? 50th Anniversary? You'd think we'd have been all over it by now. Still, since I'm starting it,


**I mean it dahling, Spoilers**

**Oh, I knew you would look anyway**

What a nice way to start out, with our Impossible Girl. You'd think UNIT would learn to knock by now. Love the 3D Painting Technology. "Catch a Moment in Time" indeed. I think, however, The Moment is Lesson #1 in why you DO NOT let AI become Self-Aware. Loved how it looked like the Ankythera Machine at first. :)

Zykons as Plot B... not bad, but they were better in the Loch Ness Monster. At least we know why Elizabeth was so pissed at him back in the Shakespear/Witches episode.
Neat trick using the paintings to go into statis. Still... no one stopped to check the door? Really? Nifty trick to break the glass of the painting... "Sorry about the Dalek". Scarf girl figured out who was what, but didn't tell anyone. Love the scarf btw: it's another nice little touch there.

3 Doctors v/s the entire Dalek Fleet. Yep, reinforcments needed. Oh, wait, we brought our OWN. And you thought 3 Doctors were a nightmare.

So, Gallifrey Falls No More, the War Council and all 4billion Gallifreyan children are safely hidden away, even from Rastalon. It seems the President of Gallifrey had taken his little cabinet with him on his own escape plan before The Doctor/s did their trick. So, the Current Doctor now knows the truth, and he's no longer haunted by the past.

But, come Xmas, we finally see Silence Fall. Or did you think Trenzalore was just where the Impossible Girl "died" again?

#2 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:15 am
by Steve
I loved it. Naturally on SDN and elsewhere there is much nitpicking and bitching, accusations of Moffat trying to erase all of Davies' work, etc etc.... but the ending was just... was just so the Doctor. And getting all of his incarnations together? "Day of the Doctor" indeed!

It just leaves me wishing I'd gotten into Doctor Who years ago.

#3 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:13 pm
by Dark Silver
I loved it.

I almost every single bit of this was excellent - and Hurt was a excellent "War Era" Doctor.

I'm glad Gallifrey will be back, I loved the closing scene with the Doctors at the end, standing in the glow of Gallifrey...Restored.

Most hilarious bit?

Even in the midst of destroying Arcadia, of eliminating the Time Lords from History itself...

The Daleks will stop all they are doing to hunt down and kill their most hated enemy, the one which has handed them Defeat after Defeat.....

They will stop everything to kill the Doctor, and die trying.

#4 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:31 pm
by LadyTevar
I can just imagine the panic in their little tiny eyestalks as their sensors pick up Not One, Not Three, but 13 DOCTORS surrounding Gallifrey. You can imagine the pandemonium and massive WTF feedback the Supreme Dalek had to be facing.

#5 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:05 pm
by Josh
I thought it was mostly okay and good in places. What I didn't really care for was the concept of the Doctor disowning his wartime incarnation. He's been very upfront throughout nuWho about how he was the one who ended the Time War by locking all parties up, that regeneration doesn't change the fact that the entity that is the Doctor took the only available answer in an impossible situation. Top it all off, despite their supposed revulsion of their previous incarnation they certainly warmed to him quickly enough.

That said, I really grooved on the interactions between the Doctors, especially the Hurt Doctor's mocking of their taking on younger incarnations.

Not the biggest Smith fan* (or Moffat for that matter) but I am really looking forward to Capaldi's taking on the role, so I had a microsquee at his two-second cameo.

Truthfully, I kind of wish they'd left the Time War as a historical event and only occasionally touched on it. Though the reveal of The Moment as a superweapon with a conscience was a neat twist.

* Smith's run has been consistently decent, but none of his highs really hit me like Eccleston or Tennant's highs. I did groove on The Doctor's Wife (Gaiman, of course) and the Pandorica two-parter.

#6 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:13 pm
by Batman
I dunno about the Doctor 'disowning' their wartime incarnation, that was mostly done by their wartime incarnation, and throughout the entirety of NuWho it was pretty clear that their actions in the Time War were something they, while still believing it was necessary, were definitely haunted by. NuWho Doctor comes across as wanting to be a protector, a saviour, a healer (to the point that Wolfrose had to do the dirty work in 'The Parting of the Ways' because the Doctor couldn't bear to be a killer any more even at the price of the eradication of the human race and against his worst enemy) so them (and especially wartime them) deciding wartime them doesn't really deserve to call himself the Doctor is totally in character as I see it.
Interesting Rose Tyler cameo without actually having Rose Tyler, I damn near LOL'ed when they airlifted the TARDIS in the beginning (apparently the 'bigger on the inside' doesn't add much weight at least as far as the rest of the universe is concerned) with the Doctor hanging out the door. As nuWho goes this was far from the worst. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

#7 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:30 pm
by Josh
He wasn't counting his ninth incarnation, and the bitterness he expressed at the end of the season finale came across as disowning to me.

Also what I failed to mention earlier: Tardis vs. marauding Daleks=decisive win for Tardis. That was probably my favorite moment.

#8 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:44 pm
by Soontir948
I would have loved to see McGann's Doctor in place of Hurt's and it would cut the unnecessary need to add a "forgotten" Doctor since he is already practically one on-screen. :razz: But seriously, McGann would have been perfect as his performance in the Night of the Doctor showed. Maybe it was due to other commitments as the Five-ish Doctors webisode seem to suggest, but I think it was a terrible loss at an opportunity to give McGann's Doctor more. I also certainly would not mind seeing the minutes taken by Queen Elizabeth be used up by McCoy. If anything he looks better now than he did in the movie!


#9 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:41 pm
by Batman
Josh wrote:He wasn't counting his ninth incarnation, and the bitterness he expressed at the end of the season finale came across as disowning to me.
I wouldn't call that disowning, really. The Doctor isn't saying 'that wasn't really me' at any point in the entire narrative of nuWho, he's fully aware of having done that (except he didn't as it turned out). If anything I'd call it self-loathing conveniently finding a target to project it on when the War Doctor appeared. Not the Doctor saying 'that wasn't me', the Doctor saying 'that wasn't who I WANT' to be. Or maybe I'm working with a wrong definition of disowning, if I were a real world person I would after all not be a native speaker.
Also what I failed to mention earlier: Tardis vs. marauding Daleks=decisive win for Tardis. That was probably my favorite moment.
If we're talking about War Doctor's TARDIS bowling over a few Dalek grunts I hardly find that impressive.

#10 Re: Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary) *Spoilers Sweetie*

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:00 pm
by Josh
Batman wrote:I wouldn't call that disowning, really. The Doctor isn't saying 'that wasn't really me' at any point in the entire narrative of nuWho, he's fully aware of having done that (except he didn't as it turned out). If anything I'd call it self-loathing conveniently finding a target to project it on when the War Doctor appeared. Not the Doctor saying 'that wasn't me', the Doctor saying 'that wasn't who I WANT' to be. Or maybe I'm working with a wrong definition of disowning, if I were a real world person I would after all not be a native speaker.
Nah, you're right on the definition. It's just a feeling I had from the finale that didn't come across in the special.
If we're talking about War Doctor's TARDIS bowling over a few Dalek grunts I hardly find that impressive.
Ah come on dude it was a cool visual.