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#1 Your net gain/loss from SDN
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:45 pm
by Destructionator XV
Many of us have spent quite some time on SDN, and I am wondering what you felt you have gained or lost during your time there. Even those of you who have left surely have gained or lost something, so what are your overall experiences from over there?
For me, I think SDN has improved my debate skills and bullshit detector powers significantly. I also don't care about insults any more, neither giving (which may be a bad thing) nor receiving them. I've learned alot from the people there, about SoD, science, computers, etc. Despite the asshattiness in there, I still like it and have a great respect for many of the members. And lastly, I was introduced to a bunch of great people and the concept of a TGOD, which is a load of fun. SDN has greatly changed my Internet activities, and I think for the better (except for an addiction I have devloped....)
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:00 pm
by Batman
Well, I met a lot of interesting people over there that I otherwise wouldn't have (like, you know, the people on this here board).
I got initiated into the vs debate and while I'm likely still not all that good at it y'know what: I like it. Its loads of fun.
I learned a lot about debating, period.
AND I found a lot of people willing to debate superhero comics seriously. There aren't all that many places you can do that.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:03 pm
by Ra
I just left, but I'll be the first to admit that I got a lot out of SD.Net. I had a good bit of fun there, before recent events. Even so, some changes were more profound. Prepare to hear a dark revelation.
Before I was on SD.Net, I was a
. In my own defense, I was raised one from birth. Coming over to SDN, and then finding changed that overnight. I was ready to dump the bullshit as soon as I saw an alternative. I never imagined that coming over to a sci-fi debate site would actually cause me to reevaluate my very beliefs, but it did, and I'm better for it.
In addition to that, I also learned about debate, and a great deal about sci-fi and fantasy. Then I tasted the world of TGOD'ing, and as they say, the rest is history...
- Ra
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:05 pm
by Robert Walper
I learned alot from SDN myself. Changed my way of thinking and even personal "beliefs" I once had. I used to consider myself an agnostic, but now consider myself a complete atheist.
I learned about scientific concepts, logical fallacies and similar natured subject materials. Made alot of friends and good online contacts as well.
I'd like to think that, for the most part, my experience at SDN was a positive one.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:22 pm
by Soontir948
SDN is feeling more and more of a place where when you give your point of view, you have to back it up. It is getting to a point where there is no more just saying what you feel about a subject and it'll stay there however wrong or misguided it is. Now you get banned if you don't back it up.
In my opinion, it is a good selling point of the forum because I think it brings to the person the question of why they believe in what they believe. Some don't have answers when asked. Some give the same crappy generic reasons that others gave already, and after that, perhaps then they can see anew.
I guess I mean, SDN changes you for the better.
One more thing, I was going through a "religioius crisis" when I was young in which I thought that I had to be in one in order to be smart since my grades weren't all that great and yet those who were in one did better. I learned years later that I didn't have to and that it was of my own faults that I didn't do well.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:38 pm
by Josh
For all the fact that I don't think much of the current atmosphere at SDN, specifically relating to the vs. debates and the N&P forum, I still learned a great many things there, and pondered many more questions. Those are both always good things.
Furthermore, I met some damned fine people over there, one of whom buswhacked me into the gig I have here, and others who have straggled in here. I have a lot of respect for many members of the moderation staff, who I think are hard workers who arbritrate as fairly as possible.
All the same, I don't really regret leaving. Sometimes it's just time to move on in life.
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:51 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
I have to admit I learn many things in SDN, especially things related to logical reasoning. I've been learning why a particular argument is flawed, for instace.
Also, in Indonesia, there's no ISP providing newsgroup server (unlike email server) so there's no way in hell I could ever join ASVS. So SDN is the first board enabling me to see STvSW discussions first hand. However, STvSW is pretty much dead these days.
And of course, I've met some great people there, which most of them are here on this board now.
SDN also inspired me in certain way.... I mean, before I joined that board, I never thought it is possible for Janeway to have sex with Jabba the Hutt.... Or Jar-Jar Binks, Captain Kirk, and Grand Admiral Thrawn would ever have a threesome. While I don't miss SDN considering its situation these day, have to admit there used to be such artistic works there. Ohhh.............
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:41 am
by Cynical Cat
The flamethrowing style of debating is not my cup of tea, but I met a lot of interesting people and a few I consider my friends, which is not a term I use lightly. I cannot say other than the experience is overall a positive one.
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:53 am
by Ace Pace
Since I'm there since 12, and I'll admit from 12-15(now) is a long time, I've changed, alot.
I've gone from Agnostic to atheist, improved my debating skills, met alot of people I consider friends(even if one of them weighs enough to crush me) and most importently(for me) went from some stupid kid who knows nothing to computers to knowing alot more. I'm not ggs or Kernel, but I'm on the way.
The only bad habit I picked up from there I suppose was a SHORT fuse, annoy me in real life and you'll get an SDN style flamefest.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:16 am
by Dartzap
Since I'm there since 12, and I'll admit from 12-15(now) is a long time, I've changed, alot.
I've gone from Agnostic to atheist, improved my debating skills, met alot of people I consider friends(even if one of them weighs enough to crush me) and most importently(for me) went from some stupid kid who knows nothing to computers to knowing alot more. I'm not ggs or Kernel, but I'm on the way.
The only bad habit I picked up from there I suppose was a SHORT fuse, annoy me in real life and you'll get an SDN style flamefest. Twisted Evil
.. Who would that be?
As for SDN, I've learnt that i really know shit all about the world, and that i should never poke my nose in, due to the fact i'll always be asked to sod off
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:05 pm
by Mayabird
Something different from what everybody else is saying.
I got myself a boyfriend.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:09 pm
by Batman
Mayabird wrote:Something different from what everybody else is saying.
I got myself a boyfriend.

It's usually the other way round but good for you :P
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:20 am
by Dartzap
Since I'm there since 12, and I'll admit from 12-15(now) is a long time, I've changed, alot.
I've gone from Agnostic to atheist, improved my debating skills, met alot of people I consider friends(even if one of them weighs enough to crush me) and most importently(for me) went from some stupid kid who knows nothing to computers to knowing alot more. I'm not ggs or Kernel, but I'm on the way.
The only bad habit I picked up from there I suppose was a SHORT fuse, annoy me in real life and you'll get an SDN style flamefest. Twisted Evil
.. Who would that be?
As for SDN, I've learnt that i really know shit all about the world, and that i should never poke my nose in, due to the fact i'll always be asked to sod off
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:40 am
by Josh
One thing that I'd forgotten to mention before is that most of the structure, rules, and policies for this board were quite obviously inspired by SDN. Wacky and zany as the character of this place has been in its brief period of existance, well, we can blame all that on the OVERWHELMING SDN INFLUENCE. :P
Seriously though, we do owe them acknowledgement for providing a blueprint for operation.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:24 am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
SDN helped (and still does, I think) me in many ways. In addition to things mentioned by others above, it has to some extent helped me interact with people and understand their mannerisms and expectations (I'm autistic). It's also expedited my inherently slow rate of maturity, and I think I'd definitely be worse off had I never discovered SDN.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:26 am
by Dartzap
Since I'm there since 12, and I'll admit from 12-15(now) is a long time, I've changed, alot.
I've gone from Agnostic to atheist, improved my debating skills, met alot of people I consider friends(even if one of them weighs enough to crush me) and most importently(for me) went from some stupid kid who knows nothing to computers to knowing alot more. I'm not ggs or Kernel, but I'm on the way.
The only bad habit I picked up from there I suppose was a SHORT fuse, annoy me in real life and you'll get an SDN style flamefest. Twisted Evil
.. Who would that be?
As for SDN, I've learnt that i really know shit all about the world, and that i should never poke my nose in, due to the fact i'll always be asked to sod off
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:27 am
by Dartzap
... What the hell?
Walper.. do thy buisness

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:36 am
by Josh
Looks like Dartzap has gone nuts on us.
*gets out the tranquilizer gun* I've been waiting to use this puppy.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:59 am
by Dartzap
*scratches head* Yah know.. you seem to have not really come equiped to deal with silocen based life forms..
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:09 am
by The Grim Squeaker
Want some slab... Wurble furble spiders "dizzy"

"spinning in circles"

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:36 am
by Dartzap
*SMACk* You wern't meant to tell them about slab! :P
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:49 am
by Ace Pace
Dark, stay on topic, though I wonder, you probebly learned how to spam your way to a custom title ;)
Finnaly, Dart, not you.
Theres alot of eggs in SDN ;)
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:46 pm
by The Morrigan
Don't think I've gained a lot from in terms of knowledge. Made some friends though and found out about this place, which is nice.