Child's Play Charity is up and running.

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Rogue 9
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#1 Child's Play Charity is up and running.

Post by Rogue 9 »

I hate to politicize this, but it's time to show Jack Thompson that we're not the moral midgets he makes us out to be. Please give something if you can.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Dark Silver
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Post by Dark Silver »

Gonna sticky this.

Guys and Gals, if you can, donate to this fine charity, they do alot of good work for needy kids.

It doesn't have to be alot, every little bit you donate helps.
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Post by LillyTheDark »

*mutters n kicks DS in the tush*

you are such a friggin brat you know im a sucker when it comes to kids!!!

*wanders off to go take a look*

and i just made a huge donation to Make A Wish, you shoulda told me about this.

*kicks him again just for good measure*
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