Valentine's Day

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Destructionator XV
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Want to avoid having to buy gifts? Just marry someone with great fiscal responsibility!

See, it's difficult to buy gifts for longer term partners due to the fourth and fifth laws of femaledynamics:

#4: It isn't his money, its our money!
#5: It isn't our money, its her money!

Therefore, if you buy her something, it necessarily comes out of her money pool, which she probably had allocated already (even if you *think* you had a budget surplus):
paraphrased convo of my married friends wrote: "Hey honey so I bought you this."
"Ugh! We have bills to pay!"
"but it is a nice gift for you"
"So is not paying INFINITE INTEREST on the mortgage for the rest of our lives!"
(alternatively it might be "so is retiring when we are 35!" but since the economic downturn, she's reallocated all retirement funds to pay down existing debt more quickly)
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Mared »

I'd like to go on record as a female with a minority opinion on this subject.

First off, let me be very clear when I say I do NOT like Valentine's Day. Yes, I'm chronically single and ever since I can remember this day has been just another day for the male population to ignor me, only this time they flaunt my invisibility all damn day. So maybe my opinion is skewed. (Maybe just a little bit.)

That said, I do not need nor want fancy gifts that cost a lot of money. (For example: My dad gives me a single rose every year, and I feel like the most special princess.) I would be blissfully happy spending the day with a guy who thought the world of me. For this gift, I would definately purchase a thoughtful present which I know would make said guy very happy. Also, I can guarantee that this day would be sexually pleasurable for BOTH of us, probably more than once.

I guess, all I would personally want/need is the emotion behind the purpose of this day. Need another example? My parents while growing up gave each other a two cent bubble gum in a matchbox for Valentine's Day. It got passed between the two of them each year. My dad gave my mom her engagement ring in that box. THAT's what Valentine's Day is supposed to be about. Showing your love and appreciation to the significant other in your life. It doesn't take shiny presents, or expensive and elaborate gifts. Just your affection. Just show the special person in your life how much they mean to you.

That's it.

Happy V-Day everyone.
There is a really good chance that I am seriously fucked up. But don't worry....I like me that way.
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Destructionator XV
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Post by Destructionator XV »

So I didn't get my pizza.

Went over there at about 2:00. She fell asleep at 2:30.... slept until 7:00.

on the bright side: hey guys i slept with a girl today!

But when she finally woke up, she wasn't feeling like the pizza. So I'm now extremely hungry and just eating lame cereal.

We should be doing it tomorrow. Hopefully. I have to work right in the middle of the day which might ruin it, so we'll see.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

Destructionator XV wrote:But when she finally woke up, she wasn't feeling like the pizza. So I'm now extremely hungry and just eating lame cereal.
But what exactly stopped you from ordering pizza regardless?
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Post by Destructionator XV »

I almost never buy anything for myself; I don't think I've ever once ordered a pizza just for me. We did eat brownies at least. (I made them this morning and used cake sugar letters to spell out 'happy 2/14 day'... I was short on letters and that was the best I could do.)

My Capn Crunch will be fine for now; the pizza will wait for tomorrow or monday.

(And then the money will be better spent - together we can eat it all, I get to spend a little more time with her, and as an added bonus, I can say "so... I bought you lunch :razz: " to which she replies by taking off her shirt (unless she is tired or angry, etc., of course). Which isn't all that special anymore, but it is another silly tradition* between us.)

* Funny how that one came along too. One day some weirdo kid from college bought her lunch. Then he was supposed to give her a ride home, but instead drove to a side road, parked and said the classic line: "so, I bought you lunch". And she said "yeah, thank you." And he starts undoing his pants: "no, I bought you lunch." "Ewww!"

She immediately calls me, I take her home and we laugh about it. Then a couple days later, I bought her lunch and used the line, thus beginning the hilarious (and hawt) tradition.
Adam D. Ruppe
Image Oh my hero, so far away now.....
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