Recipe: Split Pea and Chicken Soup

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Dark Silver
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#1 Recipe: Split Pea and Chicken Soup

Post by Dark Silver »

I dislike this one personally, but mostly because I've never been a big fan of split pea. This recipe comes by way of one of my aunt's, and those who like split pea apparently rant and rave about it.


Prep time - 20 minutes
Cooking Time - 4-10 hours minutes
Serves - 4 - 6 people (depending on serving size)

{ Ingredients }
16 oz dried split peas
1/4 cup finely diced carrots
3 cups cubed raw potatoe
8 cups Chicken Broth (used the boxed stuff if you don't have any)
1 cup diced cooked chicken (use the prepackaged precooked stuff for this)

{ Hardware Required }
5qt Crockpot (cut down on the broth if you want to make less)
1 spoon

{ Steps }
Combine Peas, carrots, potatoes and chicken broth in slow cooker.

Cook on High for 4-5 hours, or all day on low (8-10 hours) or until veggies are tender. Stir soup after it begins to slowly boil.

Ten minutes before cooking, stir in cooked and diced chicken.

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