LadyTevar's own thread has brought it to my attention that it would be a good idea to, y'know, post links to my fics:
Curse of the Amethyst
A Wee Epic set in the Forgotten Realms. Unfortunately, a summary beyond that would be spoiler territory and/or overly complicated. And I despise overly complicated summaries, I also suck at making them. In progress.
Trials of the Mind **ABANDONED**
An abandoned D&D fic, you are free to take this fic's characters, plot and work with them yourself at creating your own version. Or I could possibly salvage some plot/characters from this one. Perhaps by implementing them as side-characters in Curse of the Amethyst... hmm.
The Crimson Chronicle *Now Under Continuance*
Ah yes, my old vampire fic. The characters and plot are going to be revised a bit from the original idea, and it's now under continuance rather than being abandoned as it originally was. Ah well; returning to a forum near you in a few days if all goes to plan.
Star Wars: Colours of the Force
My attempt to do a remake of the Jedi Academy series. Loosely. Essentially: the Jedi Academy series sans the KJA bullshit. Such as Exar Kun, the Sun Crusher, Kyp Durron, Daala, et cetera.
The Daleks invade the Empire!

And that's all I've written previously and posted on here. Save for Lamentations which was a bloody joke at best and a pathetic attempt at writing at the worst. I do honestly feel embarassed at its creation.