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#1 STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter I)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:10 pm
by Ace Pace
Setting: A crowded system(no running to another galaxy) with 9 planets, a host of free running comets and a nice tech level.

Restrictions: No killing offline players, if a player is offline, a good bet in my case at your evening, no killing him. Otherwise..TGOD.
EDIT: No wanking with one line kill posts.

Ace and the gnomish horde set down on the 4th planet in the system, curiously covered with a big range of mountains spelling our Mars and set down a flag pole claiming the planet as their own.



Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:20 pm
by Robert Walper
Meanwhile, Walper's fleet of Borg cubes beam down several million Borg to a resource rich planet nearby to build up a war faring infrstructure. :twisted:


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:26 pm
by Ra
Ra's mothership lands on the seventh planet of the system. Jaffa and the Eldar legions march out and commence base construction.

*Ra's eyes flash wickedly. Galadriel walks up, surveying the tranquil countryside.*

An excellent world, rich with naquada. Perfect.

Of course, against the Borg you would be helpless. Perhaps we should concentrate on constructing defenses?

Yes. For now, we will move the Ha'taks into a defensive formation, and begin construction.

(Oh, and hi everyone!)


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:31 pm
by Dartzap
*Huge astroids streak towards the system*

"Lord Detritus! our ships nears the peons worlds! soon we will strike against their.. their.. erm.. what exactly do the Heathens have in the way of throats, Milord?"

"They have a neck.. or so i have been led to beileive.. not that ive spent anytime amongst their kind, of course..."

"Of course Milord, shall I inform the Troll Warriors to begins their preperations?"

Yes, do that.. we near our destination"


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:32 pm
by Ace Pace
Welcome Ra.

Enoy your stay.

Tommarow we start offensives.

*watchs as Gnomes rapidly deploy self replicating gnomes to rebuild the world*


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:38 pm
by Ra
*Jaffa construct vast naquada mines across the planet. The Elves get to work on building huge shipyards and cloning vats. Meanwhile, Galadriel sets to work turning the planet into a lush paradise.*

Must we have trees everywhere?

This coming from a man that kept his planet a steaming desert.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:47 pm
by Robert Walper
*Borg drones coordinate with orbiting cubes to carve up the planetary surface for fast extraction of heavier metals for construction purposes. Large portions of constructs are built on the ground and beamed into space, being assembled into heavily shielded stations and two shipyards. Advanced Borg bio-technology is utilized to begin more drone production.*


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:01 pm
by Dartzap
"Lord Detritus, we have arived in system, we are slightly ahead of schedule. Waht would you desire of your fleet?"

" We shall start capturing some of those comets, the more we capture, the better our vase will be. Make sure to get the solid ones though Commander.. we dont a repeat of the High Command Christmas Party, do we now?"

"No sir!, i shall begin the process immediately, what are we going to for defences sire?"

"We shall connect some of our frigets togther, then install some extra strong sheild generators into their bedrock add some beam and torpedo turrets as well, we want to give any guests who arrive a little bit of fun, after all.. that should give us some adequete defence for the time being"

"Of course Milord, your will be done"


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:27 pm
by Josh
Thread stickied.

I expect gratuitous sex and violence, my children. Go forth and sin some more.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:30 pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Above the third planet, a rich & industrial planet, an Executor-Class Command Ship jumped out of hyperspace, escorted by nine Star Destroyers. Inside the massive, 17.6 km-long command ship, a man in scarlett military uniform contemplates the planet below. An admiral approaching.

"Lord Kreshna, the fleet is in attack position now."

Darth Kreshna, the man dressed in red, replied, "excellent, Admiral Hauser. You may commence the attack now. Remember to keep the infrastructure intact. We need them."

The admiral bows. As the fleet performs the surgical attack, Kreshna contemplates. It has been weeks since his personal fleet stranded in this unknown universe; they badly need a base of operation. However, building one from scratch would take too much time and effort. After extensive search by probe droids, they eventually found a suitable target: the resource-rich, industrialized planet.

The attack is performed well as planned. The strategy is to use psychological warfare and intimidation as much as possible; disabling planetary defenses while terrorizing few but important population center as an example. They need the planet intact, after all. As sixty percents of enemy forces are being routed by Imperial Ground Forces, Darth Kreshna smiles slightly. Exactly as expected, he thinks.

In mere hours, the government of Earth declares unconditional surrender.

EDIT: planet name has been changed from Mycon IV to Earth. Sorry about the brain-fart.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:18 pm
by Ace Pace
Uh KAN...are you in system with the rest of us? I'm on the 4th planet :P

Meanwhile on Mars, or as it has commenly become known, Gnomania, the base is finshed, sensor grids are now deployed.
A gnome messenger comes running into Ace's private palace, "my Lord Gnome, we have detected three other groups in this system, one is apprently a bunch of droids around an unknown planet, another is a bunch of trolls hitching rides on comets and theres a weird alien group around the 7th planet"

"Contact them all at once, send this message out: Welcome inferior ones.... we welcome the chance to have you prematurely surrender"


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:33 pm
by Ra
*A great city in honor of Ra has emerged on the seventh planet, nestled amongst the lush forests planted by the Eldar. Ra swivles around in his office chair, and cackles in that deep Goa'uld voice only he can master.*

Surrender? Why would your god surrender?

*Transmission flickers off.*

Ra, you are not a god. Apophis drove that cliche into the ground. Hard.

*Apophis runs in, whereing a jester's hat.*


*Galadriel promptly turns Apophis into a scarab, which Ra stomps.*

I see. Alright... Why would their king surrender?


*Meanwhile, a great army of Kull Warriors and cloned ELF Troopers prepare for battle. Great starships orbit the planet, in preparation for the inevitable war. Meanwhile, mining vessels harvet comets and asteroids.*


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:47 pm
by Ace Pace
Harvests comments? ;) lol


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:06 pm
by Ra
Huh? If you're referring to the...

Things I say...

They're supposed to be comments from Galadriel, sort of like how Batman had Alfred's (and now Igor's) comments in red.

If they're a mod's colors, I'll change it.
- Ra


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:14 pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Ace Pace wrote:Uh KAN...are you in system with the rest of us? I'm on the 4th planet :P
Ah, let me correct it, then. After all, it's just a name.

However, I've seen 4th planet & 7th planet have been taken, while others haven't exactly specified which one they're taking. So I guess I take the third, then. 8-)


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:20 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
The citizens of planet Earth is amazed by their new conquerors. Even right after the surrender declaration being signed, a fleet of freighter ships arrive on Earth, carrying various heavy tools and constructions equipment.

And the project begins.

First they built garrison bases, and then they planted planetary shield generators, and then followed by orbital support stations. Then the intruders started the heavy modifications of infrastructures; factories are heavily refitted, new types of "power plants" are built, mining process is accelerated by magnitudes, and alien items at various types are being manufactured at astounding rate. Even strip-mining process of the moon started only a several days after the treaty.

The new conqueror squanders nothing; even what was considered before as production waste or even scrap metals would be consumed; being fed into their massives furnaces dubbed "fusion reactor". Certainly the conqueror is very advanced in their power generation technology.

Even the Earth's humans are involved in the project of re-building the entire planet. Engineers and scientist; only this time they're nothing more than technicians; only ensuring that the items being built according to specification.

And in several weeks, the life on Earth would never be same again.

But what amazes the Earth people is not the advancement of techoloy of their conqueror, nor their huge military prowess. No, what actually amaze's them is that actually the conqueror are human beings like themselves.


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:06 am
by Dartzap
"My lord, we have received a.. rather distressing message"

"Yes what is it?"

"Its a message from a group whom seems to mostly made up of Gnomes-"


".. I'll assume we wont be Surrendering then sir?

"Of course not! What do you think we are? Gnolls?"

"Very well sir, what message shall we send to them?"

The Troll lord looked at the chessboard in front of him, each peice was made out of stone, and all had some sort of massive weapon hoisted over one shoulder, on the other side of the baord, were small holographic pieces which would show whatever speices the Lord was currently trying to smash, at this time it was showing lots of jolly looking garden gnomes.

With a giant hand, he hefted a large hammer out from next to his throne, and smashed the board.

"Take this down and send it to them “Da Trolls are in Da House!Ââ€Â


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:21 am
by Ra
*Meanwhile, on the Planet of Ra*

Construction is in full swing. Great warships are built at a rapid pace, strange developments of Goa'uld technology, resembling little the Pyramid Ships of old. Moons that once served as mines have become the great sentinel fortresses of the alliance.

Continuing construction of the machines of war is surpassed only by the wicked genetics programs of the twisted Goa'uld. Billions of clones - grown at a brutally short period of time and flash-impanted the ways of the soldier - train hard on the barren Eastern plains. Fighting beside the Kull "shock troopers", the cloned elves prepare to fight armies of any race likely to be encountered. Dwarves, Gnomes, Men, Aliens, and Orcs.

Ra examines the cloned soldiers, who wear extensively modifield Kull Warrior armor. In addition, they are equipped with powerful rifles, Goa'uld technology enhanced by Eldar engineering and wisdom.

These soldiers are bred from the finest Eldar warrior. I hope you will be impressed, Ra.

*Removes helmet from a Trooper*

Legolas clones? That's cold.

But effective. They will never miss a shot.

Me likes...


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:34 am
by Dartzap
*Meanwhile, on the Flagrock of the Trollish Imperium*

"My lord, all the astroids have been collected, and our defences complete, all turrets, torpedo tubes, and buckets over doors are in place. We have started to demolish some of the astroids to preduce our Golem soldiers. Ships are being produced quite rapidly, though there has been some error in the designs, as they all look like spuds"

"Excellent, have we found out anything about the other factions in this sector?"

"Not as yet Milord, i was just about to ask you for something to send to them"

"Ah, very well here it is then "to all factions apart from those blasted Gnomes, we are lost, bored, and in need of sleep, and are very cranky, we wish to know your plans for what you intend to do with this system, Your sincerely Lord detritus of the Trollish Imperuim"

"I'll will send this at once Milord"

"Yes, Yes get on with it" he went back to bed, and snored


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:17 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Earth. Post-Imperial Conquest. Industrial complex and military installations cover most of its surface; as well as mining facilities and supply depots. Everything's always on the move; patrol ships, supply crafts, personnel shuttles, and TIE squadrons are moving back and forth between surface and space, carrying their own activities.

Its native population are surprisingly cooperative with their new conqueror; partly because they're humans like their conqueror, partly because the success of Imperial Propaganda. The Empire has promised protection, adoption, and accelerated technological growth for the citizens of the Earth. The population is tame, controlled, and contributive to the Empire. Some of them are indeed enjoying Imperial living standards; that is, those who are useful to the Empire.

In reality, though, the planet Earth itself is nothing but a disposable resource to the mighty Empire.

Admiral Hauser knows this as he's watching the construction of two large structures from the bridge of Executor Command Ship Phoenix; Darth Kreshna's personal flagship. Not as massive as a Star Destroyer, and certainly small compared to the mighty Executor-Class Command Ship, but still, those structures are able to grow themselves to be larger and more powerful than their initial state.

"I remember reading your last report that they would be ready within this week?" the admiral inquiried.

"Actually, Sir," the technical officer confirmed his pad for a moments, then replied confidently, "they would be ready within three days"

The admiral nodded with satisfaction, then takes another glance at the two structures being constructed outside. Of course they look small, but their shields are so strong that not even concentrated turbolaser fire could penetrate them. Their true strength, however, lies in the fact that they will continue to consume and grow, and even reproduce; creating another replica of them.

Now it's only a matter about where those World Devastators would be sent to.


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:28 am
by Josh
On a distant moon, two long-time foes meet once more.

"Tom... I see you have new shoes. Nice."

Ignites lightsaber.

"Now, to continue your lessons..."

Begins circling, lightsaber on high guard.


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:01 pm
by tumbletom
Thank you and yours are quite nice as well petro.....
Now we shall see who is more skillful in the force....

*Force pushes KAN's executer into a collision course with Petro...


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:04 pm
by tumbletom
Ahhh I posted in the STGOD thread istead of this one.......Damn acronyms....

So while that executer is hurling at petro....
*Walks in and looks around*
*Sets up booby traps*

*Ignites saber*

*Starts singing the theme song to Three's Company*

and :analstomp:

What the hell?


Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:58 am
by Josh
"You do realize that the Executor is heading for both of us now?"

The words 'you dumbass' are not spoken, yet somehow are strongly implied.

"Time to cross genres a bit..." Pulls out handy vox. "Commissar Petrosjko, calling for immediate teleport out."

With a crackle of ozone, the very fabric of reality is distorted. Those watching can see the foul energies of the warp brushing lightly against the world of men, as Petrosjko is teleported away to the nearby Astartes Battle Barge His Divine Wrath.


Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:32 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
tumbletom wrote:*Force pushes KAN's executer into a collision course with Petro...
Aboard the Executor-Class Command Ship Phoenix, a lone figure dressed in red military uniform suddenly feels a small disturbance in the Force; merely a small nudge, as if some youngling is trying to practice his telekinetics. He frownes, another Force user? Here?

He focuses his senses, and then he almost laugh in hilarity; this unknown Force users is actually trying to push his ship. This one ship; the mighty Executor-Class Command Ship which personally belong to Darth Kreshna. The person in question then lits a cigarette and closes his eyes.

"Admiral Hauser, Sir!"

"Yes, Commander Eisenbaum?"

"A small asteroid is heading to our direction. It's odd, Sir. It seems it's heading into our hangar. Probably we have some bugs in the tractor beam control system?"

Suddenly the man in red cuts in, "it's my doing, Admiral. Prepare the Stormtrooper, there's a person aboard the asteroid. When all is done, put him in the detention room. Make sure the prisoner belongs in the same cell with the Gungans. Don't forget to put some aphrodisiac in their menu as well. A night in the cell could be a little bit cold."

Darth Keshna walks away, then pauses for a moment, "oh, and arrange the schedule so they would always take shower together."