Heroes: Endings and Beginnings
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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Upon hearing this, Agent Templar had a small sheepish smile on his face, but said nothing. For now, he considered it best policy to keep his mouth shut.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- Dance Puppets Dance
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Hawk entered the briefing room a few minutes later. He didn't bother knocking or even announcing himself, just casually strolled in. He looked calm and collected, not angry or upset. To him the punishment portion of the morning was over. He had spoken to Legion and Inferno, they had been made aware of their mistakes and the situation had been corrected. Holding a hard-on for punishment never got anyone anywhere.
"Agent Inferno, your report, please."
"Agent Inferno, your report, please."
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
"The team left here in four different modes of transportation. Agent Starfighter flew, Agents Mark-25 and Gemini were on one motorcycle, Agent Templar was on another motorcycle, and the rest of the team was in a van. Agent NExT was first on the scene, and assisted in the detaining of the rogue metas, determining that the Omnicorp unit was operating under law enforcement protocols. Agent Starfighter was the next on the scene and was quickly detained by Omnicorp unit Alpha. Mark-25 and Gemini then arrived on the scene and attempted to communicate with Unit Alpha. Unit Alpha questioned their standing as members of Ultima."
"Agent Templar was next on the scene, feeling that Agents Mark-25 and Gemini were being too hostile towards the Omnicorp unit he made a rash and false assumption and attempted to appease it by mentioning it might be hired by Ultima, which would give the unit legitimacy. It was at this point the rest of the team arrived and Agents Inferno and Legion began to take command of the situation, reprimanding Agent Templar for his actions. Agent Inferno requested that Agents Gordon, Legion, and Sunrise assist in crowd dispersal and collection of the rogue meta-humans."
"It was at this point in time that Agent Sunrise made an error in judgment and attempted assist in crowd dispersal, which frightened the crowd into a panic. Agent Inferno was also culpable in this incident for not giving more specific instructions to his team. As the panic began, Agent Legion, Agent Gordon, and Agent Mark-25 attempted to minimize casualties while Agent Legion called in the police with a Riot squad as back-up in case of further trouble. Agent Sunrise attempted to order Agent Legion to counteract this and was reprimanded for his actions."
"Unit Alpha, recognizing the panic, at this point in time agreed to return with us to Ultima headquarters to assuage public fears. All in all sir, physical damage was kept to a minimum and the Omnicorp unit was brought in without a fight. The majority of the damage is in public relations, but time will heal that wound."
Inferno paused for several seconds now. "The majority of the confusion that led to many of the incidents could have been averted if a clear line of leadership had been established before deployment."
"Agent Templar was next on the scene, feeling that Agents Mark-25 and Gemini were being too hostile towards the Omnicorp unit he made a rash and false assumption and attempted to appease it by mentioning it might be hired by Ultima, which would give the unit legitimacy. It was at this point the rest of the team arrived and Agents Inferno and Legion began to take command of the situation, reprimanding Agent Templar for his actions. Agent Inferno requested that Agents Gordon, Legion, and Sunrise assist in crowd dispersal and collection of the rogue meta-humans."
"It was at this point in time that Agent Sunrise made an error in judgment and attempted assist in crowd dispersal, which frightened the crowd into a panic. Agent Inferno was also culpable in this incident for not giving more specific instructions to his team. As the panic began, Agent Legion, Agent Gordon, and Agent Mark-25 attempted to minimize casualties while Agent Legion called in the police with a Riot squad as back-up in case of further trouble. Agent Sunrise attempted to order Agent Legion to counteract this and was reprimanded for his actions."
"Unit Alpha, recognizing the panic, at this point in time agreed to return with us to Ultima headquarters to assuage public fears. All in all sir, physical damage was kept to a minimum and the Omnicorp unit was brought in without a fight. The majority of the damage is in public relations, but time will heal that wound."
Inferno paused for several seconds now. "The majority of the confusion that led to many of the incidents could have been averted if a clear line of leadership had been established before deployment."
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
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"Indeed. Alright. The problems presented have been, for the most part, rectified, I presume. Starfighter is in a detention cell awaiting your attention, the leadership chain has been established, Sunrise has a newfound appreciation for how human mothers react when their children are presented with possible danger. Good.
"We're debriefing the slaughterbot down in MetaTech and our spin doctors are trying to deal with Templar's faux pas. So for the moment that's about as good as it's going to get. You're dismissed. Inferno, they're in your hands now. "
"We're debriefing the slaughterbot down in MetaTech and our spin doctors are trying to deal with Templar's faux pas. So for the moment that's about as good as it's going to get. You're dismissed. Inferno, they're in your hands now. "
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
Inferno looked around the table. "Alright. You've got an hour to yourselves, go eat, get some rest, whatever. In one hour you are to be at Training bay 2." Inferno smiled just a little bit. "You're dismissed."
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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Nodding once to his superior officer, Agent Templar got up, nodded once to the others gathered, and left the room, making a beeline to the S&R (Supply & Requisition), ready to notify them that among all the other things that went wrong for today, at least he managed to bring back his ride whole and unmarked.
Walking up to the attendant, though he noticed the feeling of morbid curiosity come over the man, the man was formal. "Your business, Agent?"
"I'm here to return the keys for the motorcycle I req'ed this morning."
The man was silent for a moment as he stared at the keys - only professionalism was preventing the man from asking "Great - so where's the rest of it?", though he did take his time before responding professionally. "I see, thank you, Agent. Is the vehicle parked in its designated parking area?"
"Yes, in spot B3," Agent Templar replied tiredly. Perhaps a quick nap before training would help, he thought, already thinking of his favorite spot in the breakroom where he sometimes snuck quick cat-naps.
Again, the man was silent for a few moments before replying. His voice was casually professional, which showed his true feelings of shock were well-hidden. "Any damage or declarations for said vehicle?"
"None; the gas tank is almost full, as I didn't take it very far," Templar replied. "Anything else?", he asked, as he quickly filled out the paperwork.
It was then that the stack of paperwork seemed to Templar to be a bit lighter than usual; it took him a few seconds to realize that the stack was missing the rather intimidating Damage & Loss forms he was so used to signing.
Giving thanks for small miracles, he nodded once to the man with a tired smile, and made a beeline to the breakroom. Setting his watch alarm for 30 minutes, he lay down in the recliner, extended out the footrest, and fell instantly into a dreamless sleep.
Walking up to the attendant, though he noticed the feeling of morbid curiosity come over the man, the man was formal. "Your business, Agent?"
"I'm here to return the keys for the motorcycle I req'ed this morning."
The man was silent for a moment as he stared at the keys - only professionalism was preventing the man from asking "Great - so where's the rest of it?", though he did take his time before responding professionally. "I see, thank you, Agent. Is the vehicle parked in its designated parking area?"
"Yes, in spot B3," Agent Templar replied tiredly. Perhaps a quick nap before training would help, he thought, already thinking of his favorite spot in the breakroom where he sometimes snuck quick cat-naps.
Again, the man was silent for a few moments before replying. His voice was casually professional, which showed his true feelings of shock were well-hidden. "Any damage or declarations for said vehicle?"
"None; the gas tank is almost full, as I didn't take it very far," Templar replied. "Anything else?", he asked, as he quickly filled out the paperwork.
It was then that the stack of paperwork seemed to Templar to be a bit lighter than usual; it took him a few seconds to realize that the stack was missing the rather intimidating Damage & Loss forms he was so used to signing.
Giving thanks for small miracles, he nodded once to the man with a tired smile, and made a beeline to the breakroom. Setting his watch alarm for 30 minutes, he lay down in the recliner, extended out the footrest, and fell instantly into a dreamless sleep.
Last edited by rhoenix on Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- LadyTevar
- Pleasure Kitten Foreman
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Wonder which one of us he wants to be in Training
Heidi frowned a little, rising up and walking over to speak to Inferno more privately. "One small problem about the meeting, boss," she said. Her tone was light and she was keeping her voice low, but there was a wry twist to her mouth that was half-amusement and half annoyance. "The serum only lasts 60 minutes. At the time you wish us to meet, Jerri will be in charge again."
"So, which one of us do you want to see in Training bay 2?"
Heidi frowned a little, rising up and walking over to speak to Inferno more privately. "One small problem about the meeting, boss," she said. Her tone was light and she was keeping her voice low, but there was a wry twist to her mouth that was half-amusement and half annoyance. "The serum only lasts 60 minutes. At the time you wish us to meet, Jerri will be in charge again."
"So, which one of us do you want to see in Training bay 2?"
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
- Agent Fisher
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Mike stood from his seat, gathering his things. As he exited the room, he looked back over at Heidi before leaving. Once free of the room, Mike entered the nearest lift after for asking for directions to the cafeteria.
A few minutes later, he was sitting down at one of the tables, a bowl of cereal infront of him.
A few minutes later, he was sitting down at one of the tables, a bowl of cereal infront of him.
Morpheus:I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.
- SirNitram
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"Moving to standby mode. Will resume operations in Training Room 2. Listening programs remain operational."
And Albert withdrew back into the net and cued up one of the more brain-neutral games he played. It wasn't real sleep. He'd not had that in years. But it was enough to recharge him.
And Albert withdrew back into the net and cued up one of the more brain-neutral games he played. It wasn't real sleep. He'd not had that in years. But it was enough to recharge him.
Half-Damned, All Hero.
Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.
I Am Rage. You Will Know My Fury.
Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.
I Am Rage. You Will Know My Fury.
As the others started to leave the room, Mark 25 lingered near Gemini, waiting for an opportune moment to speak up. When he felt it was private enough, he looked down at her as he spoke in a low tone. "Agent Gemini, why...Marcus?"
- LadyTevar
- Pleasure Kitten Foreman
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That's ... not an answer.
"Whatever you say, boss," Heidi answered, picking up the shirts and walking out.
You could have pressed him for an answer
Because 'Mark25' is too ... mechanical, really. He's not a car or a robot!
Heidi's eyes had unfocused for a brief second, as she listened to Jerri talking. A blink and she broke into a grin. "And Jerri says you're a person, not a car, and calling you by make and model's just insulting. So.. she had me use 'Marcus'."
"Whatever you say, boss," Heidi answered, picking up the shirts and walking out.
You could have pressed him for an answer
Heidi stopped looking up at Gemini. She didnt' have to look up as far as Jerri would, but Marcus was still taller. "Jerri's idea. You'll have to ask her."As the others started to leave the room, Mark 25 lingered near Gemini, waiting for an opportune moment to speak up. When he felt it was private enough, he looked down at her as he spoke in a low tone. "Agent Gemini, why...Marcus?"
Because 'Mark25' is too ... mechanical, really. He's not a car or a robot!
Heidi's eyes had unfocused for a brief second, as she listened to Jerri talking. A blink and she broke into a grin. "And Jerri says you're a person, not a car, and calling you by make and model's just insulting. So.. she had me use 'Marcus'."
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
- Dark Silver
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Orders given, debriefing handled, and Legion had a full hour of "me time".
He grinned almost sinfully, standing, and picking up his coffee cup, "See you in Training Bay 2..." he said, walking out, and pulling out his Blackberry.
Five minutes of surfing had him at herowatch.org, and two minutes had a new log in. He avoided the cafeteria for now, he had his breakfast before the mission, and this was his second cup of coffee for the morning.
Eventually, he found himself at the temporary office he managed to obtain with his transfer, and looked around. Wasn't exactly home....but at least he'd have his quiet space.
He wasted forty minutes in the office, before walking out, the blackberry stowed in a pouch on his Encounter Suit - a matte black armored suit that left his neck up exposed. His hands were currently encased in a similar black material, though it seemed to move on it's own volition on occasion.
By the time the hour was up, Legion could be found by the rest of the team, sitting on a bench near the side of the Training Bay, eyes closed, in the lotus position, seeming to meditate.
He grinned almost sinfully, standing, and picking up his coffee cup, "See you in Training Bay 2..." he said, walking out, and pulling out his Blackberry.
Five minutes of surfing had him at herowatch.org, and two minutes had a new log in. He avoided the cafeteria for now, he had his breakfast before the mission, and this was his second cup of coffee for the morning.
Eventually, he found himself at the temporary office he managed to obtain with his transfer, and looked around. Wasn't exactly home....but at least he'd have his quiet space.
He wasted forty minutes in the office, before walking out, the blackberry stowed in a pouch on his Encounter Suit - a matte black armored suit that left his neck up exposed. His hands were currently encased in a similar black material, though it seemed to move on it's own volition on occasion.
By the time the hour was up, Legion could be found by the rest of the team, sitting on a bench near the side of the Training Bay, eyes closed, in the lotus position, seeming to meditate.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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Sitting bolt upright, Agent Templar looked around wide-eyed, before realizing it was his watch alarm that was going off, literally scaring consciousness back into him.
As his heart rate slowed down, he cleared the alarm, and walked to his locker, withdrawing his workout sweats, dark blue in color, and emblazoned with the Ultima logo.
Seeing Legion in the corner of the training room meditating, Agent Templar walked in, set down his bag and his towel, and began going through miuy thai warmups and stretching while waiting for the others to arrive.
As his heart rate slowed down, he cleared the alarm, and walked to his locker, withdrawing his workout sweats, dark blue in color, and emblazoned with the Ultima logo.
Seeing Legion in the corner of the training room meditating, Agent Templar walked in, set down his bag and his towel, and began going through miuy thai warmups and stretching while waiting for the others to arrive.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
"I see." It wasn't the first nickname he had been given in his time at Ultima. His real identity was still something modestly secret, hidden away, since Herbert Killian had officially died years ago. He paused for a moment, and then nodded. "Thank you." He really couldn't think of what else to say. Under all of the fractured programming, there were...thoughts that rose to the surface. "I will see you at training." Mark 25 didn't take time off to relax, instead, he felt an overwhelming urge to punch something, and made his way to Training Bay 2 early. When the others arrived, they would find him already practicing against several reinforced bodybags.
- LadyTevar
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Gemini watched Mark... Marcus... walk off. "I think he likes the name," Heidi offered.
I think you're right. Think he'll let you keep riding the motorcycle?
Heidi grinned. "I hope so. He really knows how to handle it. You hungry sis?"
Might as well. I know better than to ask for a salad from you.
"Right. Burger and fries it is... unless they've got something better."
Hopefully better.
"That's it, Jerri, think positive," Heidi encouraged as she walked into the cafeteria and grabbed a tray.
oh god.. they've got the ham&cheese casserole...
"Two orders of that," Heidi said, pointing at the casserole with delight. It was damn near sinful... chunks of real ham, shredded potato, and coated in sharp cheddar cheese before being baked to oozy perfection.
I love that stuff...
"me too..." Heidi answered, grabbing a large cup of iced tea and paying for her meal. She looked around for a seat, and then grinned predatorilly as she saw Mike.
I knew you'd see him eventually
"Hey Mike," Heidi said, sliding her tray down onto the table beside him. "Can we join you?"
I think you're right. Think he'll let you keep riding the motorcycle?
Heidi grinned. "I hope so. He really knows how to handle it. You hungry sis?"
Might as well. I know better than to ask for a salad from you.
"Right. Burger and fries it is... unless they've got something better."
Hopefully better.
"That's it, Jerri, think positive," Heidi encouraged as she walked into the cafeteria and grabbed a tray.
oh god.. they've got the ham&cheese casserole...
"Two orders of that," Heidi said, pointing at the casserole with delight. It was damn near sinful... chunks of real ham, shredded potato, and coated in sharp cheddar cheese before being baked to oozy perfection.
I love that stuff...
"me too..." Heidi answered, grabbing a large cup of iced tea and paying for her meal. She looked around for a seat, and then grinned predatorilly as she saw Mike.
I knew you'd see him eventually
"Hey Mike," Heidi said, sliding her tray down onto the table beside him. "Can we join you?"
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
- Agent Fisher
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Mike looked up from his notebook, spoon of cereal raised halfway to his mouth. He smiled. "Not at all." He said, using his foot and pushing out a chair for her.
Morpheus:I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.
- LadyTevar
- Pleasure Kitten Foreman
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Heidi sat down and started eating the cheesy ham&potato casserole. "So... what do you think he'll have us doing in the Training room?"
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
- Agent Fisher
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He took one last bite of his now soggy cereal and leaned back, shutting the notebook. "Team building, is my guess. Or he'll be yelling at us about chain of command. Either way, it sounds like a fun time." He said with a smile.
Morpheus:I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.
Inferno waited until the rest of the team had left the room and then got up, stretching and getting the relieving noise of several pops. Inferno left the room and headed down to the detention level. He'd made a decision about Starfighter, and so threw the book at him, throwing every charge he could think of to fit at the meta. Let him think on that while he was in jail. It wouldn't be a long prison term by any means, but he'd know not to fuck around with civilians around anymore.
Inferno's next stop was the cafeteria where he picked up a salad, some pop, and a hamburger, he saw that some other members of his team were congregating and he moved towards them. Catching a fragment of their conversation he paused for a few moments before continuing. "Mind if I join you?"
Inferno's next stop was the cafeteria where he picked up a salad, some pop, and a hamburger, he saw that some other members of his team were congregating and he moved towards them. Catching a fragment of their conversation he paused for a few moments before continuing. "Mind if I join you?"
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- LadyTevar
- Pleasure Kitten Foreman
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Heidi took a sip of her tea and shook her head. "We'll see... Jerri's not looking forward to it."
If he's going to be having us fight, he's better off with you. I have the basic defense and firearms training and that's it.
"She thinks she's no good fighting."
If he's going to be having us fight, he's better off with you. I have the basic defense and firearms training and that's it.
"She thinks she's no good fighting."
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
- Agent Fisher
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Mike looked up from Heidi, hearing Inferno.
"Of course not, have a seat, sir." He said respectfully.
"Of course not, have a seat, sir." He said respectfully.
Morpheus:I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.
- LadyTevar
- Pleasure Kitten Foreman
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Heidi waved her fork, having just taken a mouthfull of food at that minute.
He's so cute...
Heidi started coughing, and had to take a sip of her tea to clear her throat. "We were just talking about you, Inferno."
He's so cute...
Heidi started coughing, and had to take a sip of her tea to clear her throat. "We were just talking about you, Inferno."
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
Inferno smiled just a little. "It's alright Mike. While we're on break you don't need to be formal." The meta took a seat after pulling a small container from his pocket. He opened it, shook two pills into his hand, set the container on the table, swallowed the pills, and washed it down with the pop. He closed the container again and slipped it in a pocket. "I heard, Jerri will do fine for what I'm planning, hopefully." His smile was slightly crooked, rather boyish, just a little mischievous.
Last edited by Charon on Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- LadyTevar
- Pleasure Kitten Foreman
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*sigh* What a cute smile...
Whatever Jerri might be thinking/saying caused Heidi to put her head down and try to hide her snigger. "She'll try her best," Heidi managed to say before taking a bite of food to keep from saying more.
I didn't say that! I.... oh hell, you're one to talk, with what you're thinking about Mike.
Heidi swallowed her food (which was vanishing fast despite being a double order) and took a drink of her tea. "So you're hoping to see if we can work as a team this time?"
Whatever Jerri might be thinking/saying caused Heidi to put her head down and try to hide her snigger. "She'll try her best," Heidi managed to say before taking a bite of food to keep from saying more.
I didn't say that! I.... oh hell, you're one to talk, with what you're thinking about Mike.
Heidi swallowed her food (which was vanishing fast despite being a double order) and took a drink of her tea. "So you're hoping to see if we can work as a team this time?"
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers