STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter III)

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Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:However, it then reappeared. Not the same one... that one was strapped to a desk.

"Fool. The IRS is not concerned with your currency. You still have ASSETs and those taxes will be paid, even if I have to extract the pounds of flesh manually"

His Tax SHelter was activated, and his body was shiewlded from further attacks

He then took out his forms, and charged them with crackeling energy.

"These are Phased energy W2s. If you do not fill them out in triplicate, I will be forced to use themk to destroy your assets. I will transform your assets into a pile of debt.. and your borg shields will not protect you... a lien just got put on them"

WIth that, he flicked one of the forms at the nearest borg drone, and he was cut in half, while a squad of Audit Demons Knockdoored in

"I have to pay paul after all."
Lord Walper's eyes blazed with Dark Side energy. Nearby vents hissed, and the atmosphere within the area increased in pressure ten fold.. The nearby bulkhead and wall crumpled and parted, revealing the vast expanse of space. The increased atmospheric pressure, now exposed to vacuum, blew the Collector and his fellows into the void of space. Walper and his surrounding drones remained where they were, anchored by their magnetic footwear.

Walper's thoughts ordered the Collective to raise shields throughout all facilities and ships. Sensors had detected the means by which these "Tax Collectors" transported around, and the Borg technology had adapted to them to prevent further intrusions.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

The collector was deamon and thus did not need tpo breatheand could easily survive vaccum

He called for reinforcmenets
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Post by Destructionator XV »

US Tax code:
TITLE 26, Subtitle A, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter N, PART II, Subpart D, Sec. 892:

Income of foreign governments: tax exempt in many cases.


TITLE 26, Subtitle A, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter N, PART III, Subpart B, Sec. 911

The foreign income of US citizen living outside the United States is tax exempt.

I feel quite safe from the IRS, and if it attacks me, they will have to face my ... DUN DUNN DUN.... Lawyers.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Still in Adam's office...

"The power of their weapons is undeniable. The biolaser should be able to penetrate their armour. Once there is a hole, all we have to do it fire a full power phaser blast in there and let the NDF effect kill it from the inside."

"Sir, if their weapons are so powerful, why use our phasers at all?"

"Simple. Blasting them with more convenctional shots will take longer than phasorizing them. We would have to penetrate the armour in multipl-"

She was interrupted by the door chime.


The door opens, and Khardem walks in.

"My lady, a pleasure to see you again."

"You will speak when addressed."

"What do you want?"

"I am here to report that our foes are in disarray. Now is the time to strike."

"I am aware of the tactical situation, and have it under control."

"Very good. One more thing: it is about General Sheppard. I want you to talk to him. He is just a man doing his job: he deserves better than this."

"I will run my justice system the way I see fit. Anything else?"

"One last thing. I know what you are planning... don't try it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Please don't insult my intellegence. I know about your plan, and it is a bad idea. Good say, my lord."

Khardem leaves, without being dismissed. Again, he is becoming too arrogant.

"He was bluffing. He has no idea what is going on. I could sense that."

"I hope you're right... Anyhow, keep working on these plans under wraps. I need to speak with the Shep."
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Ra »

*Patterson then looked around, and saw the charred pulp that was Ra. The Supreme System Lord was charred beyond all recognition. She looked around at the blazing fires and felt the intense heat searing at her skin. Darth Kreshna then walked forward.*

"Come, Irene. We must leave."

"What did you do to him?"

"He interfered, and tried to keep you from me. Please, Irene! Leave with me, before it's too late!"

"IT IS too late!" Patterson cried. "Look at yourself! I left the Empire of my own choice."

Kreshna stepped closer, his anger growing more apparent. "They've turned you against me. Those bastards have turned you against me!"

"These are my friends!"

"These are your ENEMIES!" Kreshna yelled in an increasingly satanic voice. "They've blinded you to the truth. Blinded you to what is right."

Patterson shook her head in disbelief. "Nothing... nothing's right about this. That THING has consumed you. Poisoned you. You've wrecklessly destroyed entire worlds... murdered helpless people... now you've torched half of this ship's crew?! I LOVED YOU!"

"Lies. LIES." The fiery aura returned, and surrounded Patterson. Galadriel could only watch in horror as she confronted madness itself. Unadultered hate, malice, and lust for power. Darth Kreshna was losing his power over her, and he was growing increasingly irrational.

"There's still hope for you! Renounce the Phoenix! Let Galadriel help you, please!"


"We are one. Now, come with me. It is the only way. Your ultimate destiny!"

"I'm really sorry, Kreshna, but I have to stay."

Darth Kreshna was taken aback. "But why? You are in danger! The Imperial death squad is going to terminate you for defecting. Come with me before it's too late! You will be safe with me."

"I can take care of myself, Kreshna." Irene said the words, then blushed. She remembered the last time she said those words many years ago, and Darth Kreshna had to bail her out.

"I won't let you risk your life, Irene."

"But I have to! You need help, Kresh. We are all trying to help you, and I have to do everything I can."

"You should listen to him, Darth Kreshna. Let us help you."

He turned his head to Galadriel. "You're the one who bewitched her, Conjurer!"

Darth Kreshna was going to send a fiery tendril to Galadriel when Irene held his hand. "Stop this, Kreshna. No more murder! No more needless killing! Let us help you!"

Darth Kreshna's heart filled with hatred and jealousy. "So that is the reason you want to stay? Are these pathetic creatures more important that ME?"

"No," Irene shooks her head with pained expression, "I'm staying to help you." She pauses for a moment, then continued "I love you."


"She is telling the truth, Darth Kreshna."

*The Phoenix spread out in full, and Darth Kreshna completely disappeared in its flames. It then lurched its head forward, screaching.*

Galadriel then got a horrible feeling. She saw the Mirror again. She saw... "Irene! No!"

*The Phoenix began to reach for Galadriel when Patterson lept forward, blocking the creature's attack. She was hit squarely in the chest, and screamed and cried as the tendril incenerated her body. Her very life was drained by the sheer hatred of the Phoenix in a matter of seconds. Darth Kreshna, blinded by his anger, didn't even realize what he had done until it was too late.*

Kreshna quickly reverted to his normal form as he saw what he'd done. Patterson fell into his arms. She was cold and charred beyond recognition.



"There's......still hope... Still...... I"

*Patterson then went limp, and slipped out of his arms.*


Darth Kreshna then whipped out his crimson lightsabre. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! YOU KILLED HER! YOU AND THE SNAKE CORRUPTED HER!"

"Your blind hatred has destroyed the person you love."

*Galadriel wipped out her own lightsabre as the posessed Sith prepared to strike. He then charged, and locked blades with her. Several blows and blocks were exchanged.*


*Galadriel's ring flashed with power. Suddenly, a collosal Force-wave hit Darth Kreshna, sending him tumbling to the floor below. Galadriel dropped down to press her advantage.*

*Darth Kreshna quickly recovered, and flew up to the Death Glider launch rails. He then shot fireballs at Galadriel, which she easily repelled. She then flew up atop a Glider, and extended her hand, shooting out a bolt of Force lightning. Kreshna jolted back, but was unfazed.*

*He then grabbed a Death Glider from another rack, and threw it. Galadriel easily repelled the spacecraft, which crashed and exploded against a bulkhead. She then let loose a Force-wave, sending Kreshna flying once again.*




"It was you that attacked in your blind hatred. Irene is yet another innocent victim of your evil."

Kreshna was still in denial. "LIES! LIES!"

*He then charged for Galadriel, and attacked viciously. Darth Kreshna threw more objects at her, which Galadriel simply redirected. Their blades continued to clash, until he let out a Force wave of his own, sending the Elf flying toward the wall. She positioned her feet, and lept onto another platform. Darth Kreshna then jumped up as well. His lightsabre then flickered off as his eyes glowed fiery red. Tendrils began to extend once again.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

The Phoenix spreads its wings and spreading the fiery aura, but instead of going towards Galadriel, the wings envelopes Irene's body. Then, in a display of gentleness, the wings carry her lifeless body and bring it to a safe corner.

Galadriel is going to take advantage and attack, but she hesitates.

He loves her so much.

What are you doing, my apprentice? Don't give in to your weaker side. Kill the Elf. Kill her!

Silence, 'Master'.

After enveloping Irene's body in a protective cocoon made of energy, he then turns his attention back to Galadriel.

He raises a hand, then telekinetically lits his crimson lightsaber from the distance.

But instead of pulling it back into his hand, he merely makes the lightsaber floats on the air.

Then, as if being held by invisible hand, the lightsaber lurches at Galadriel while the Sith Inquisitor merely stands on the distance. Galadriel blocks the thrust with her own, and Darth Kreshna's crimson lightsaber staggers for a moment; still floating on the air. Then the lightsaber moves again; this time it is a slashing attack. Galadriel barely parries it.

Blocks and parries are exchanged as Galadriel is fighting a lightsaber that is moving on its own, controlled by Darth Kreshna's mental powers.

But that is not all. While Galadriel is still fighting against the sword, two other metallic tubes floats from Kreshna's belt and launches at her as they are being lit on the way. Galadriel's manages to block both of them, but then again, the lightsabers merely float on the air before continuing their attacks.

Galadriel now tries to concentrate as she is fighting against three lightsabers.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Ra »

*Galadriel raises an eyebrow at the creative tactic. However, curiocity soon turns to panic as the sabres fly and attack relentlessly. She manages to cut one of the hilts, killing the blade. However, two remain, and pin her on the edge of the platform.*

"The Lady of Valinor is defeated. Now... DESTROY HER!"

*Seeing Patterson "safe" for the moment, Darth Kreshna then flies to the platform, and grabs the two lightsabres again. In a fearsome move, he lets loose a Force wave, sending Galadriel to the deck below, and follows with both blades pointing down. He lands, and looms over the Elf with an evil smirk. He then is about to make the final thrust when a dark blue blade blocks his attack. A familiar face glares at him.*

"Bring it."

Darth Kreshna laughs in Amy Lee's face. "You're not a threat to me, Amy Lee! I can handle an Elf, I can certainly handle a frail rock star!"

*The dark figure then burst forth in blue light.*

"You can handle rock stars, Being of Fire, but can you handle Amiwen the Black?"
Jonathan McKenzie
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"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

OOC: Alright, brief me again. Who is Amiwen the Black? Is she a Maiar? She was not on the 'power chart'.

More OOC: And where is Detritus? Hello? Dartzap?


Ra wrote:*The dark figure then burst forth in blue light.*

"You can handle rock stars, Being of Fire, but can you handle Amiwen the Black?"
Darth Kreshna quickly reacts. His Phoenix aura shrouds him again, protecting him from Amiwen's energy attacks.

"You are a fool if you think I cannot handle minor gods like you, Amiwen. Even Galactus fears me!"

But who or what is 'Galactus'? How does he ever know the name? And who is Eternity? Living Tribunal? And who is Iluvatar?

How do those names come into his mind on the first place? Who are they?

Darth Kreshna hesitates for a moment as Amiwen takes the opportunity to strike again.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Ra »

OOC: Amiwen the Black is an Istari sorceress I pulled out of my ass because Galadriel needed a miracle (remember, I said she can't fight the Phoenix alone). Now, Melian said she wouldn't fight alone, right?. :D Anyway, she's about as powerful as a White Wizard, only more... dark?
"Galadriel didn't cause your mate's death, YOU did."


*Amiwen helps Galadriel to her feet, and brings her lightstaff (that's right, a lightstaff) to bear.*

"There is still time, and hope, Darth Kreshna. For Irene... and for you."

"Stay this madness, and I can save her."

*Darth Kreshna contemplates the situation, but he doens't believe the Istari. Instead, he swings his lightsabre madly. His blow is blocked by Amiwen, and the two exchange determined looks.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Darth Kreshna is suddenly pushed forward by the force of shotgun pellets slamming into his back.

Behind him stands Destructionator XIV, finally with all the Gungan semen washed off him from his incarseration on the Death Star.

"Yo, bird-bitch," Destructionator XIV yells at Kreshna and snaps his freshly reloaded shotgun closed, "Let's go." *

*cookie for the reference.
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Post by Ra »

OOC: Thanks for the save, Adam.

"Ahem." Amiwen thrusts her lightstaff, knocking Darth Kreshna on his ass. "And somehow now you're everybody's fool!"

Darth Kreshna immediately sprang back to his feet. "Not yet. The party's just begun!"

*Amiwen stretches her neck, and then points her staff in a sudden motion, sending Darth Kreshna flying across the room. He sent a Force wave in response, which Amiwen deflected. The wave then blew up a crate.*

*Darth Kreshna then flew forth, and began fighting both Galadriel and Amiwen. With his two lightsabres, he was able to fend off both quite effectively, but the reach of Amiwen's staff was much, much greater. She kicked one of his hands with the butt end of her staff, sending one lightsabre flying. It flew into Destructionator XIV's hand.*

"Kick. Ass."
Last edited by Ra on Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

The Sith Inquisitor then turns off his lightsaber and expanding his fiery aura. The aura enlarges, engulfing Galadriel, Amiwen, and Destructionator XIV in a maelstorm of fire. They try to struggle, to escape, to move away from the aura but it binds them. Destructionator's synthetic body starts to melting while Galadriel is trying to fight the pain. Even Amiwen cannot stay calm anymore.

"Hear me! No longer am I the Sith you once knew! I am Fire! And Life Incarnate! Now and Forever! I am--PHOENIX."
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Destructionator XV puts his gun away. He has a cool lightsabre to play with now, but first he presses a button on his watch.

Outside the area of burning. a fearsome beast materializes. It looks like a balding Frenchman... with a huge bulge in his pants! :shock:

The enhanced Picard rushes towards Darth Kreshna, penis fully erect. Destructionator XIV, using his kick ass emotion chip, laughs and says "Paybacks a bitch, birdbrain!"
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ra »

Amiwen then extends her powers to their maximum, beating back the fire with a chilling breeze. It takes all her effort, and causes a physical strain. But it is enough for what the two have in mind.

The Picard clone was enjoying himself too much. "BOING! How ya like this, Torch Boy?"

Galadriel struggles to get up, and faces Darth Kreshna. "Don't let this go any further, Darth Kreshna. Let us help you. At least let us help Irene! Do not let any more die from this wreckless menace."


"Remember the vision? When you begged me to help you? You pled to be rid of it, then LET us be rid of it!"

"Let us remove the Being and save you, before the Rogues come and remove it themselves. Take heed, they will come."

"YOU KILLED HER! YOU...KILLED......NO!" Darth Kreshna, facing foes that just wouldn't give up, and being utterly humiliated at the hands of Destructionator XIV, also no longer believed his own lie. He threw down the aura in frustration, and wept aloud. "HOW COULD I DO THIS?" Damn it, I came to SAVE HER! TO SAVE HER!"

Galadriel stepped closer. "We all make mistakes, especially when blinded by pure evil. Open your minds to us, and we can-"

"NO! YOU SHALL NEVER BE RID OF ME!"The Phoenix then spread its wings, and flew out the hangar bay's doors.

"The fool will not let go. He is beyond our aid."

"I still hold hope for him, Amiwen. I must."

*The group then ran over to what was left of Irene Patterson. Galadriel felt the body. It was cold. It was just as she'd seen, and she had done nothing about it. She then dropped to her knees and yelled in a vicious anger that she had uttered only once in all 22,000 years of her life, when the Orcs waylaid her daughter Celebriant. But even Celebriant had a chance to survive. Even she had recovered and sailed to the Undying Lands. She was even the first to hug Galadriel as she stepped off of the last ship.*

*But Patterson's very essence was consumed. It was a horrible thought that shook Galadriel to her very core, and filled her heart with severe grief and anger.*

*Galadriel then wiped the tears from her eyes, and rose. Destructionator XIV then picked up the limp body.*

"Bring her to this ship's sarcophagus. As much as I hate to use the vile device, we must."

"That will not help restore her life-force."

"No life could exist in such a devastated body, Amiwen."

"What about Ra?"

"Notify Srenn to transport his body to the sarcophagus at his palace."

Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

*above wherever the hell the Marines are*

Three dozen ships under the command of Commander Flotsam emerge from L-space, the Goliath being the biggest in this fleet whilst the Detroyers hung back in protective formation.

Captain Morraine, have we got a clear idea where they are?

Yes Sir, they are near a structure to the southeast of your preposed drop site, howver they appear to be having problems.. weapens dissapearing, and the like..

has your spy found out why? i don't want to loose my weapenry as well

Yes Sir!.. Its the Auditors...

Really? Then we're fine

We are sir?

Yeah, I payed my Taxes.[/quote]
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

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Post by Josh »

"Wait a fucking minute. My tithes are automatically drawn from my pay anyway. I'm clean."
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
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"HAH... " the demon checks his PDA again

"You are Commander Petrosjko are you not?"
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Post by Josh »

His brow furrowed.

"No, I am not. I am Commissar Petrosjko of the Officio Commissariat. You clearly have a case of mistaken identity."
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
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"Son of a communist... I am going to KILL that office intern... Sorry for any inconveneice, I will give you back your assetts, and take care of this... creature for you"

The assets of his soldiers were returned, and the Slog Oth was imprisoned for tax evasion.
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Post by Ra »

*Per-Ra. Galadriel walked sadly down the wide halls of Ra's palace, on her way to the building's Command Center. First Prime Srenn then walked up, and bowed his head respectfully.*

"What news of Patterson, my lady?"

"Her body is healed. Her essence remains lost. My own powers, as well as those of Amiwen, have thusfar had little success in restoring her. Yet hope remains."

"Lord Ra's recovery is looking worse. While the sarcophagus can heal even the most mangled flesh, it cannot do much in a single treatment. The sarc was intended for healing wounds or reversing aging, not healing a body burnt from head to toe. We will repair him in three more treatments, but even then he will not be up to full strength for weeks. Lady Galadriel, as Ra has no queen, you must rule in his stead. The populace already reveres you as a goddess."

"Unlike Ra, I will not masquerade as a diety. I know my limitations. After fighting the Phoenix, I know them all too well. But the government must function in his absence, yes."

"Our intelligence network has noticed that there have been no further A'millian offensives for seven days. They cannot explain the situation-"

"But I can. The A'millians are beginning to realize that their true enemy is sitting at their very table. Khardem, the spokesman for the Guardians, is losing the favor of their queen. He knows this, though not why. He will advise the Guardians to strike, and dispose of their allies of convenience. If A'millian Prime is attacked, the Sun Imperium must be ready for war."

"M'lady, the A'millians are our enemies. They attacked us even though we never bothered making an aggressive move against them."

"This I know, Srenn. However, not all in the A'millian government are enemies. Trust my foresight."

"The fleet will be ready, m'lady."

Srenn moved off. As he did, Amiwen walked up beside Galadriel. It was the greatest of ironies that the Istari sorceress was much shorter than Galadriel, who towered over some men. "He doesn't trust you."

"He never has. He believes that I controlled Ra and usurped his power. Srenn is doggedly loyal to Ra and Ra alone. The Goa'uld saved Srenn's life from the Jaffa, thus the fanaticism. He would not respect me at all, were it not Eldar magic that extended the Kulls' lives."

"I believe we should resume our quest as soon as possible. Once Ra has recovered."

Galadriel looked down in despair. Amiwen then held her hand. "Remember to have faith, Galadriel."

*Later, Galadriel looked over the cold body of Irene Patterson. She put a hand over Irene's forehead, and closed her eyes.*

"May the grace of the Valar carry you through..."
Last edited by Ra on Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »

On A'millian Prime...

Lord Adam nods to the guard of General Sheppard's cell and the forcefield is dropped and the door opened.


Shep quickly stands to attention and snaps a salute.


Lord Adam nods rather than return the full salute. Something he actually does quite often.

"General, I am here to hear your perspective."

How many times must I repeat this, General Sheppard thought.


"I see. Until we meet again, General."

"Yes, sir!" He snaps another salute.

Lord Adam leaves and the cell door is closed. In the hall, the Lady is waiting.

"What do you think?"

"I see his side. Sometimes compromises must be made."

"Indeed, but was this one of those times?"

"I do not know yet. We will determine the truth at his trial."

"Sadly, his trial will not be so much about truth as it will be about politics."

"I will not allow that man's life and career to be sacrificed for simple politics."

"Sometimes, compromises must be made."
Adam D. Ruppe
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Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

Deep within Borg space, greenish glow appeared. Seconds later, a montrous cubical vessel popped into existence. It approached a dark planet, assuming orbit.

Onboard the Borg cube, Lord Walper looked upon a vast display in the chamber. The planet was boldly displayed, information on it's characteristics filling the screen. The planet was primitive, but sported a large population of assorted beings. Sensors identified a land mass with the majority concentration of said lifeforms.

Robert was intrigued. The planet felt different somehow. It's impact and sense on the Force was unique to say the least. The planet itself Robert could sense easily enough, although the "shape" of it through the Force did not seem right. As if sections of it did not exist within the Force. He decided to employ a recognizable Borg tactic. A single drone was beamed to the planet surface near a group of beings matching the majority population.


A dozen Uruk-hai sat around a camp fire, having just finished cutting down a large portion of forest. They were on break, the large wagons having loaded their labor and was now taking it to the center of Middle-Earth. There the lumber would be fed into the huge furnaces powering the machines that Sauron had ordered built, although their purpose was far beyond the grunt's grasp.

"I'm starving." one Uruk-Hai complained. "We haven't had anything but this maggoty bread for three stinking weeks!" Fresh meat was scarce nowadays, ever since the armies of Sauron had plunged the world into permanent darkness. Now fresh meat was reserved for the higher up positions of Sauron and Saruman's troops, with the exception of those lucky enough to sumble upon a rogue human or hobbit, or more rarely, a forest animal still living in the area. And those positions were few and far between.

"Yeah!" complained another. "Why can't we have a some fresh meat?" Spittle flew from his mouth as he spoke. At that moment, a creature stepped forward out of the brush. The Uruk-Hai turned to face this newcomer. The being did not react other than to survey the group quietly, it's one weird eye glowing red. The Uruk-Hai did not notice the red dot that touched each of them, taking in information far beyond their feeble understanding.

The second Uruk-Hai looked at the newcomer with intense interest. "What about him? He looks fresh!" He got up and started to approach the strange humanoid.

The leader Uruk-Hai also stood up, shoving his companion back. "Get back scum! We don't know what kind of creature this is!" He approached the twisted creature, it's red eye focusing on him. The Uruk-Hai held his large sword at the ready.

"What stranger dares to enter the lands of Mordor?"

The weird being said nothing, just staring at the leader.

"Answer me, creature. Or I shall cut you down and eat your heart!"

But he got no response. Infuriated by the lack of concern or answer to his questions, the Uruk-Hai swing his heavy blade at the creature's neck. It connected solidly, cleaving the being's head right off the at shoulders. The headless body tumbled to the ground.

"Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!" he snarled. His companions roared their approval, closing on the corpse quickly. Their hands and knives dug into the strangely cold flesh, cutting out pieces and eating them raw.


Through the drone's perspective, Walper watched with interest. These creatures were fascinating. He could not sense their life energy, although he felt confident he could manipulate them physically well enough. He decided he would beam down himself and pose questions to these primitives. Perhaps their world had secrets he could utilize.


The Uruk-hai had finished tearing apart the victim of their latest 'dinner'. It had been quite unsatisfying really. Not much meat was on the creature to begin with, and even the pieces they had gotten had resulted in the spitting out of pieces of metal here and there. Rather than sate their hungry, they had only kindled it.

Thus when another similar looking creature stepped into view, the Uruk-hai leader didn't hesistate to charge the individual, swinging his sword to decapitate this one as well. But when his blade connected, it was repelled by some magic, for the individual's form glowed green, and the blade made no cut.

Robert grabbed the Uruk-hai by the throat, lifting him into the air. With a twist of his hand, the leader's neck cracked, and he was dropped to the ground lifeless.

Walper smiled at the group looking on. "Fragile sort of creatures, aren't you?"

The Uruk-hai raised their blades in an attack posture, although they did not advance. The one closest to the metallic being was suddenly swept off his feet, sliding across the ground towards him. He roared his surprise, and some amount of fear. An unholy blade of energy appeared in the being's hand, swinging down and decapitating the Uruk-hai.

The rest, now seeing their leader killed and one of their fellows headless, turned and ran from the being. They were no match for this wizard.

Robert smiled, deactivating his lightsaber. No doubt these creatures would run to their 'glorious' leader, bringing news of some intruder upon his lands. He felt no need to pursue...the orbiting cube would alert him as soon as it seemed they made contact with any area or beings of importance.

Lord Walper realized the planet might not have much to offer him after all.


Many dozens of miles away, a giant tower loomed. At it's peak, a redish eye glowed. Suddenly it shifted, as if something had caught it's attention. It focused upon the location of Lord Walper as he took some time to explore his surroundings.

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Post by Ra »

*Per-Ra. Galadriel is examining Ra's now healed body as the Goa'uld tried to walk. Over a week has passed since they fought the Phoenix.*

"Why am I having so much trouble walking?" Ra fussed.

"Your mind was damaged in the attack, young one. You only awoke this morning."

"The sarcophagus is supposed to heal my body completely."

"Not only did the fire extensively damage you, but there was some other properties to it as well. That made recovery slow."

"Lemme guess. The Force. Well, I seem to be getting the hang of-"

Ra stumbled, and was caught by Galadriel. The much taller Elf loomed over him with a smile. "You should rest."

*Ra nodded, and started to walk to his throne. But he then saw something in Galadriel's eyes. Sure enough, she felt something far away. Galadriel then looked at her ring, which sparkled in the light. Then, flashing into her mind, was an image of a great eye, screeching loudly.*

*Galadriel gasped, and tossed the ring Nenya off her finger. Amiwen looked up in concern.*

"He is here."


"The Dark Lord, Sauron. By some wicked means, the Borg have rediscovered him. This is a very bad thing, Ra."

"Yeah, more enemies. Like we don't have enough."

"Worse than that, young one. Far worse. The Dark Lord seeks to bring all rings of power to himself. When he returned, Sauron instantly knew where I am. The Ring of Adamant must be hidden. And as soon as can be done."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Robert Walper
Posts: 1087
Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:37 am


Post by Robert Walper »

Darth Walper approached the tower of Isengard. An army of orcs and Uruk-Hai greeted him. He knew he could easily lay waste to the entire army himself, but did not bother. Instead the creatures parted before him as if a great wave cleared a path before him. And indeed one did...a wave of the Force. While Walper could not sense life energy or the Force within the surrounding creatures, they had no immunity to it's effects.

He sensed a presence in the looming tower before him. A presence of power, authority...and madness. Robert smiled. His actions inspired apprehension from the individual above.


Robert paused. The mental call had come from the individual in the tower, but it was not directed at him. From what he could tell, it had been directed to the east, towards the dark mountains.

That will be my next destination. Robert thought confidently. He noticed the surrounding orcs had begun to close their circle around him. His distraction at the call had shifted his concentration enough that he had laxed in his invisible barrier. Such foul creatures. Walper thought. I'm doing them a favor.

And with that, he waved his hands as if parting a curtain, and the creatures around him toppled over in a domino fashion.

Saruman watched the event with no small amount of fear. What being possesses such power? he though. Over two thousand of my personal troops killed in a mere gesture. Can I even hope to stop this creature?

Walper glanced up at the tower, seeing the figure looking down at him from a balcony. Robert smiled. He leapt upwards, clearing the entire height in a single effort, landing with enough force to crack the floor of the tower. He rose, facing the white character before him.

"So you are the 'Master' of this realm?" Robert asked casually.

Saruman stood his ground. "I rule Isengard. I serve my Dark Lord Sauron. He who rules all of Middle-Earth, as far as the great eye can see."

"Then I shall rule him." Walper replied.

Saruman managed to laugh. "You consider yourself so powerful as to challenge even Sauron without fear?"

"Fear is irrelevent. He will join and serve me...or die."

Saurman's laughter was cut off as his throat contracted under an invisible grip.

"You will simply die." Robert continued.

Saruman swung his staff at Borg, sending him reeling backwards. The grip upon his throat dissapated, but the Borg regained his footing. He glared at the wizard.

"Impressive...most impressive." Walper's hand extended, and despite Saruman's intense grip, his staff was pulled from him. Robert examined the staff a second. It channelled Force power he realized.

"Old fool. Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side."

The staff pointed at the wizard, and he was flung up and against the opposing wall. A loud crack announced his broken spine at impact. Blood trickled from his mouth and nose.

"Sauron will never yield! He is the unchalenged power of this realm!" the wizard yelled out, despite his pain.

Robert lowered the dark staff, setting it to the side. Saruman slide to the floor, his broken spine hindering any movement on his part. The Sith advanced upon him, grabbing two hilts at his side as they extended energy blades of vicious red. He scissored the blades at Saruman's throat, looking the white wizard in the eyes, his own blazing with Dark Side energy. Saruman felt his mind probed.

"There can only be one." Robert replied.

Robert pulled his sabers apart, severing the wizard's head from his body.

His sadistic grin grew even wider, as if just realizing something. "And one Ring to rule them all."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Sick, Twisted Fuck
Posts: 1949
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:37 pm


Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Meanwhile, on Coruscant....

The Organization is having a meeting; they have been unhappy with the recent development. The Empire has sent its formal disavow on Darth Kreshna's recent actions. However, the Goa'ulds did not take it lightly. While they are not a threat to the Empire, a more important issue has arise; the instability of the Sith Inquisitor they are supposed to control.

"I told you, Darth Kreshna is out of control!" Grand Moff Anderson slams his fist on the table.

"Perhaps we should remove him?" Number Three, a wealthy biotech industrialist in his fourty asks.

"It won't be easy. The Phoenix is powerful beyond comprehension; beyond any technology known to us. Even if we decide to eliminate him, how are we going to exercise the decision?" a middle-aged affluent banker replies.

Grand Moff Anderson spats, "the Phoenix is not as formidable as you think, Mr. Reyes. Even the Goa'uld State Advisor defeated him. I think we should take care of this matter ourself, send an assassin or someting..."

"Trying to clean up your mess, Mr. Anderson?"

Everyone looks up at that voice; the Cigarette-Smoking Man walks into meeting room, inhaling his Morley cigarette, escorted by an Agent Smith.

Image Image

The CSM continues, "Perhaps, it was you who should take the blame; provoking Darth Kreshna into such act. Or probably your personal feud with him has clouded your judgement? Nevertheless, your action has shown that you are not fit to serve The Organization."

"I... I..." Grand Moff Anderson cannot continue. Everybody becomes tensed now.

"I have heard enough."

Number One, the leader of The Organization, eventually speaks up after keeping a silence during the meeting.

"We have agreed that we should drive the Empire to conquer the Guardian. We also have known that we need the Phoenix to serve the purpose. Mr. Anderson, you have failed The Organization; the recent event has endangered our investment in this war."

He pushes a button, and Grand Moff Anderson's chair flips forward while a trap door opens. The Imperial Grand Moff falls into a dark pit, screaming. Moments later, the scream intensifies, ended in a wet, crackling sound. The trap door closes and the chair is slowly flipping back again.

Number One then strokes his cat, and speaks.

"Despite our apparent setback, the Guardian Operation should continue. Mr. Spender now will be fully responsible for the whole operation. This meeting is over."

The Cigarette-Smoking Man nods, "I would make sure that the outcome of this war will be fruitful to all of us."

After leaving the meeting, he contemplates. He works for The Organization; that is true. But he also works for a more important side.


He wants to stay alive, and he will make sure it would happen.