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#1 STGOD - Maelstrom, Vol. I
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:14 pm
by Ra
This thread kicks off the Maelstrom STGOD. Use the
OOC thread for... OOC stuff. Like with The Phoenix War, once this thread reaches ten pages, I'll start Volume II, and PM a Mod to lock this thread.
That said, post, and have fun.
A small gray car rolled up to a massive set of iron gates. Two figures in black outfits regarded the car suspiciously, and raised their weapons. Inside the car was a very apathetic-looking man, and a sleeping woman. The man ignored the guards, and lowered his window, pushing a key on the gate's video screen.
"This is Mark Ferency," the man said with an Eastern European accent. "I'm here to see a man named Kraven."
On the videoscreen appeared a man's face. He looked Mark over closely, and then said,
"He's been waiting for you. You're just in time."
The wroght iron gates slowly swung open, and Mark pulled the car forward. The guards followed the vehicle inside, and then stopped. Two more guards, along with a pair of watch dogs, waited by the entrance to the mansion.
It was the dead of night, and the crescent of the moon loomed high overhead. The mansion was very dark and archaic in appearance, but Mark could care less. He touched his wife on the shoulder, and said, "Demi, we're here."
The woman woke up, and stretched in her seat. She then looked around, and opened her door. Mark also opened his door, and exited, revealing himself to be a rather tall individual. He was dressed in grays and blacks, while Demi wore a short red dress and jacket.
One of the guards stopped Mark just outside of the door, and pointed his submachine gun up to his face.
"No weapons."
Mark chuckled, and reached behind him, pulling out a combat knife.
"Very well. I'm sure your master doesn't want me to be further delayed," Mark noted.
The guard then swung the door open, and got out of his way.
Mark and Demi walked slowly inside, immediately gaining the attention of numerous people sitting around and making idle conversation. Many were holding cigarettes, while other were sipping on champagne glasses. Demi had heard who inhabited the mansion, and tried not to dwell on the fact that they drank blood like champagne.
Mark walked up to a man that was waiting impatiently in the corner. Next to him were two more guards.
"I assume you're Kraven," Mark said with a grin. "You wanted to see me?"
"Yes," Kraven answered flatly. "For the last month we've had increasing problems with soldiers that've been attacking us. It's gotten to the point that we can barely go out at night without them stalking us. We want you to find out who they are, and why they're interested in us."
"Name your price," Mark said emotionlessly.
"You really do get right down to business, don't you?" Kraven noted. "A hundred thousand for this first mission, all in American dollars."
"A hundred thousand?" Demi snapped. "You're fucking
Kraven's eyes widened.
"Two hundred thousand, all in US dollars, or no deal," Mark said, crossing his arms.
"One-fifty," Kraven offered.
"Remember you're hiring two people here," Demi snapped.
"And what would you do?" Kraven asked. "You carry no weapons at all."
Demi looked him in the eye, and said, "Let's just say I have more unique skills. Killing is his job."
Mark then looked over to her, and waited. She then nodded, and he looked back to Kraven.
"One-fifty is pushing it, Mister Kraven," Mark said darkly. "But I'm willing to be somewhat flexible."
Mark then held out his hand, which Kraven grudgingly shook.
"You've got yourself a pair of mercenaries," Mark grinned. "Now, I want intelligence. Where are they, what have they been doing?"
"I'll come along on this mission," a black-haired woman interjected.
Kraven looked over, and said, "Why?"
"Do I need a reason?" she asked.
"You look like a capable enough operative," Mark noted. "Why not?"
She then rose from her table, and walked into the back. Mark and Demi followed closely. Entering a room, the woman, dressed entirely in black, unfurled a map of the city, and turned on a laptop.
"Most of their attacks have been in this area," she said, pointing to a area dominated in red circles. "They captured one of our people there last night."
"Very well," Mark said.
She then looked him in the eye, and said, "I want him back."
"No problem, Miss..."
"Selene," she answered.
"Selene. Who are we dealing with?" Mark asked.
"Normal soldiers, Humans," Selene explained. "They appear to have special forces training, and wear full combat gear. We don't know who they work for yet, but they appear to be after ourselves, and the Lycans."
"Rival faction?" Demi asked.
"Yes. We believe they've captured at least one Lycan as well," Selene added. She then brought up something on the laptop, and pointed to it. "We believe their base is here, in an old factory. That's where we're going."
"Excellent," Mark said. "When do we go?"
Selene put up the laptop, and said, "Right now."
"So much the better," Demi said. The three then exited the room, and made their way out of the mansion.
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:52 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Alvarius hovered over his crystal ball, watching and listening to the conversation that the Mercenary and his mageling were having. He was a necromancer. he could see it in them. The pale skin, the way their bodies seemed to leach negative energy from their surroundings. Yes... they were campires. And by lycans, he could only suppose that this Selene meant werewolves.
And.. Soldiers? What manner of soliders were these? He was truley curious now. could they be the same soldiers who were in the business of harassing him? he would have to see.
"Stay here my pet" he said to a raven who squawked at him from a perch.
" I will be back for you soon"
He stood up, and walked over to a clear space. He chanted slowly in words of incalculable might, and constructed a likeness of himself, which he projected through his scry into the car the mercenaries were using. Rear passenger side seat
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:01 pm
by Narsil
"Could you possibly get us into a situation where we don't have to run for our lives Doctor?" Thomas grimaced as he ducked behind the dumpster to avoid the incoming bullets, "It's getting rather irritating."
"Ah, but that's part of the experience," the Doctor grinned, ducking behind the brick wall of the backalley, "and it keeps you in shape at least."
"Oh shut up!" Thomas sighed, pulling out his twin pistols and loading them, "I guess it's time to go postal on their arses, wouldn't you say?"
"I wouldn't know," he replied calmly, "I don't typically carry guns about with me."
"Oh be quiet," Thomas leaned around and aimed a single pistol at the gang members, squeezing off a magical round which tore through the arm of a gangmember, sending the wayward limb to the floor in a small spiral of blood. Something occured to the psionic elf, "wait," he glanced around, "where's Rose?"
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:56 pm
by Ra
The three got into Mark's car, which the mercenary started up. After putting the 1996 Mercedes in gear, he hit the gas, hurring out of the mansion. Its gates opened just in time.
"A hundred and fifty thousand," Demi huffed.
"We need the money," Mark reminded her.
Selene took note of the mercenary couple's plight, and looked to the empty passenger seat beside her. On the floorboard she noted the muzzle of a G36 assault rifle. Certainly not available to civilians, outside of the black market. From the advanced optics mounted on the finely-built German weapon, Selene observed that if anything, Mark certainly took his job seriously. Just as she started to look away, the Vampyre noticed a figure begin to materialize in the empty seat.
Simultaneously, Demi's hair stood on end, as her magically attuned senses registered something, right among them.
"Something..." she began,
"Is sitting right beside me," Selene finished.
Mark raised an eyebrow, and glanced in the rearview mirror. Surely enough, a man was sitting right beside Selene, looking right at him.
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:20 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
"Greetings" said image, indistinguishable from a normal human.
"Do not be alarmed I mean you no harm, nor could this visage cause you it even if I willed it. My name is Alvarius, and I have been watching you."
The real mage chuckled for a moment. Their reaction was pricesless.
"I seek to assist you, I have no interest in taking any of your payment. I am... a necromancer and have my own reasons for assisting you. Chief among them is that you go to release at least a vampire from a group of individuals I also oppose."
The wizard paused. Thinking of how to phrase this
"All I seek is your clearance to meet you at their base of opperations"
The illusions sat, waiting for their response.
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:11 pm
by Ra
Mark remained silent for a moment, and then pulled the car off on the side of the road.
"How do we know you're telling the truth?" he snapped. "I don't take kindly to people watching me."
Demi turned in her seat, and closed her eyes, sensing what she could. For the moment, she felt nothing at all. Still, she probed what she could from the illusion.
"Yes," Selene suddenly replied. While this individual may have been up to something, she didn't get any indication of treachery from his words. She'd interrogated enough people to know when someone was. Combing back a lock of hair from over her eye, she said, "Meet us outside the factory in ten minutes. And stay out of my way."
Mark protested, saying, "Selene, we don't know-"
"I'm calling the shots here, shut up and drive!" she yelled.
Mark tilted his head, and put the car back in gear, replying, "Yes, ma'am."
The Mercedes peeled off, as Mark leaned over, and whispered, "What about you?"
"I couldn't detect any lie in his words," said the Half-Elven illusionist.
Mark could only hope that she - and their new boss - were right.
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:50 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Alvarius chuckled, not letting that go through the illusion
"My watching you is incidental. Dont take it personally"
"As for staying out of your way my dear Selene... It shouldnt be a problem. I will see you in ten minutes"
The illusion vanished
Even if these were not the so-called watchmen, they still had the audacity to encroach on his territory. He walked over to Bright Eyes. He whispered something in the birds ears, and the animal stood ast attention, scanning the lair with his eyes. He would be Alvarius' eyes and ears.
He looked to his defenses. Making sure the runes inscribed on the doors and windowsils were intact, a process which took roughly ten minutes. he then whispered a few wordsover himself and was protected from projectile weapons, and another spell protected him from shrapnel and blades. The third spell protected him from fire.
He slipped into a trance, focused on the location of the building, and spoke a word of power. Wind picked up from nowhere and with a loud popping sound he vanished from his chambers and appeared at the rendevous point
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:19 pm
by Ra
Mark turned onto a narrow city street, and slowed down considerably, going past numerous old apartments and other structures.
"Lights off," Selene said.
Mark complied, switching off the car's lights.
"There it is," the Vampyre then stated. "The warehouse. Stop here, and we'll scout the place out."
Mark nodded, and parked the vehicle curbside. He then commented, "You trust this person?"
"No," came her frank answer.
Mark then glanced back at her, and added wryly, "Do you trust me?"
"Hell no," Selene replied.
"You'll find mercenaries are rather easy to trust," Demi laughed.
"Indeed, I have yet to receive a dime from this little mission of ours," Mark noted.
"Right. Let's just get this over with," Selene answered, opening her door.
Mark and Demi exited as well. The mercenary then opened the other passenger door, getting out his rifle, along with several magazines, and equipment. He slid a pair of specially modified NVG's onto his head, and loaded a magazine in his rifle, just as Alvarius appeared.
Selene loaded magazines in her weapons, two Beretta 92FS pistols. Glancing briefly at the mage, she barged in the door of the closest structure.
The rest followed the Death Dealer up a flight of stairs, ignoring a civilian woman that was heading down them. She briefly glanced at Mark, noticing the rifle slung around his back, but decided it was wise to just keep moving.
Selene went up to the top story, and then saw an apartment door that was obviously unlocked, as it was cracked open slightly. Kicking at it, she forced her way in, revealing an abandoned room. The bare windows revealed a fire escape outside.
"Alright, what are we dealing with?" Demi asked.
Mor went up to a window, and gazed outside. Selene raised a window, and went out to the fire escape, perching on its edge like a bird. She examined the factory carefully, and then said, "There are at least a dozen soldiers around the perimeter. No, make that fifteen."
Selene looked more closely at the guards. She noticed the three new ones were completely unarmed, and wore light gray uniforms, unlike the others, who wore blue-gray tactical gear. There appeared to be some kind of metal attachments in the three others' heads. Whoever they were, they were unlike anyone she'd seen before.
Mark also noticed the three strange figures in his binoculars, and took good note of them.
"The side entrace seems only moderately guarded, we should get past without firing a shot," Mark said arrogantly.
"How are you going to do that?"
Demi then waved her arms as she concentrated, chanting in some strange tongue. Suddenly, all four shimmered, and vanished into thin air. But to the mercenaries, Selene, and their strange companion Alvarius, they were still visible.
"Your Kraven doubted my abilities," said Demi. "But I know how to get past an entire battalion, if need be."
"Very well," Selene nodded. She was just happy to be away from Kraven. "We have to locate Vincent as soon as possible. Go below, and wait for my signal."
Selene then shined a blue flashlight, and added, "I'll be right behind you."
Mark was about to ask how that would work, but decided not to bother. The couple, along with Alvarius, went back down, as Selene waited on the fire escape, watching the enemy closely. She had a feeling this wasn't going to be any routine operation.
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:38 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Well, this provided a useful benchmark for her abilities. She could cast invisibility sphere. Excellent.
"Those unarmed ones will probably give us significant truble. Always be wary of those who carry no arms" Alvarius whispered
he followed behind the others. he should ve mostly immune to anything those mortals could throw at him. Still, it was always good to be cautious.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:12 am
by Narsil
Thomas unleashed another few shots into the small crowd of gang members. One or two of the magical bullets rendered people into naught but ash, while the other bullets functioned just like ordinary bullets.
Pulling the triggers again, Thomas heard nothing but an empty-sounding 'click', he glared, "Fucking bullets, always run out when you need them the most."
The Doctor flashed him a glare, "Don't you think that now would be a good time to start using your powers, or do you not?"
Thomas nodded silenty and closed his eyes for a few seconds, concentrating with his mind. As his concentration reached the 'breaking point', his eyes snapped open, glowing with small stars of silvery flame inside his eyesockets. He stood slowly, glaring at the gang members as he rose. Before they could react, several of them were engulfed by a seemingly sourceless burst of flame.
The remaining ones, scared into action by what they had seen, fired as many shots as they could before the psion attacked again... None of the bullets even hit him, stopping against an invisible barrier which had manifest before him. With a hand gesture, he sent the gang-members flying backwards, slamming them into the walls.
The silvery shine in his eyes faded, and he let out a paced breath, "I don't like doing this..." he coughed, "it's too draining," he glanced at the alley behind them, "we'd best get back to the TARDIS before more of these thugs show up."
"What about Rose?" The Doctor asked, "I can't just leave her there."
"We'll figure something out, but I need rest first."
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:35 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Meanwhile, somewhere in Venice.....
In the darkness of the night, a small gondola floated slowly on the middle of the river. Its passenger seemed to be half-asleep, watching a soccer game through his cellular's television he brought onto his boat. The announcer's voice was barely heard from afar. On the sidewalk, a police officer watched with jealousy before he continued to walk; not only he had the nightshift while they aired the Brazil vs Uruguay matchup, but he didn't have such TV-equipped cellular phone either.
Maybe some weeks later, when the price had dropped.... he thought.
Only if he boarded the gondola and got close to the person, he would ever notice that the picture on the display was not a soccer game at all.
Depite his lazy stance, Kreshna watched the picture with full attention. It showed a limousine stopped in front of a plush building.
Finally, he thought. He pushed a button; switching into the interior cam. Now it showed a large banquet table populated with affluent-looking people. They stood up as their apparent leader, who just arrived in the limo, walked to the table's head. It was the 318th birthday of Dominic 'Padrino Dom' Fabri, the family patriarch, and one by one, the people of the banquet approached to kiss his hand.
The Fabri Vampire Clan controlled the largest network of blood bank in the Northern Italy, as well as an assortment of legitimate business ranging from real estate to overseas trading. Yet, among the vampire population, the blood bank had the most important influence on their lives. It was, after all, a legitimate source of their nourishment. Most 'pure blood' vampires despised hunting down people on the street; that was for the lower class. Legitimate vampires always preferred more 'elegant' way of feeding. The Fabris, though, had been running their business with conscience; always selling their blood with reasonable price and never took unfair advantage of their practical monopoly. No wonder the clan was always viewed with high regards among the vampire population; a honorable, 'benevolent' mafioso clan.
But nevertheless, someone had decided that their monopoly should be put to an end.
Now every prominent member of the clan gathered together around their patriarch, it was the time to remove the entire family in a single blast.
None of the vampires were aware that the room had been planted by military-grade
stun/flashbang grenades, cleverly disguised in various decorations and amenities. Instead of magnesium, however, these grenades were mainly composed of phosporic ingredients; specifically designed to blast out intense ultraviolet spectrum. The vampires were engulfed in a flash of violent explosion as Kreshna pushed a button on his 'cellular phone'; most of them had no time to scream as the ultraviolet instantly burned them to ashes. Moments later, after the dust was settled, the monitor showed a banquet room filled with eerie, odd-looking, ash-made 'statues' in various poses. Kreshna always knew how to deal with magical beings like vampires. He was, after all, an ex-agent of Watchmen. In fact, he was among their best agents before choosing the more lucrative route of becoming an assassin for hire.
Satisfied, Kreshna stopped the recording and sent it to his client. His employer was a man of mysterious origin, and his motives were even more obscured. He had heard some rumors about how this guy wished to control the European vampire population by monopolizing blood bank networks, but the reason behind it is totally unclear. Nor did he care, though; after all, all his concern was the one million Euros to be transferred to his Swiss bank account.
The professional assassin looked at his wristwatch and drove his gondola faster.
I'm not really in hurry, actually. My flight is supposed to be tommorrow morning. He was thinking of going back to Italy in near future; if his client is really interested to conquer the Italian 'supernatural population', a major gang war would come soon as the local vampire clans would not stand still. There would be more jobs to be taken, and more money to be made. He was going to be
selective, though. Now his reputation as hired assassin had reached the top, he had been constantly declining contracts below half million dollars.
At that moment, Kreshna never expected that a deal between a Wizard named Alvarius and a couple of assassins named Mr. and Ms. Ferency would trigger a chain of events that may change his life.....
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:11 am
by Ra
Mark walked outside, and stood on a streetcorner, right in the open. Under his wife's cloak of invisibility, he didn't have to worry at all about the pair of troops - both armed with M4 carbines - standing not twenty meters away. He gazed up at the fire escape, awaiting Selene's signal.
The Death Dealer looked into the windows of the factory, examining everything she could inside. She also tried to keep an eye on the three unusual individuals she'd spotted earlier; one then turned, and went inside. This operation, she feared, was going to be trouble. She wanted Vincent out of there, but she would have just as soon taken another Death Dealer, and done this herself, rather than trusting a pair of damned mercenaries and some meddling mage to help her. She in no way trusted Alvarius, and although she might not have some magical sense like this Demi posessed, still had a "gut feeling" that this was wrong.
It was Demi that then looked up from the street, her lips trembling. She couldn't say what it was, but her senses told her, something was very wrong. But so it was? How the hell was she going to stop him, in that case? Demi clasped to Mark's hand, and said nothing. She couldn't now.
Mark rubbed the Half-Elf's hand between his fingers, in an attempt to comfort her. Whatever it was, he knew something was wrong. Suddenly two blue flashes came from the fire escape.
Selene then put up the flashlight, and stood to her feet atop the rail of the fire escape. Stepping forward, she fell down to the street, seven stories below.
Mark and Demi dashed toward the entrace, stopping silently just next to one of the guards. Selene dropped onto the street, and began walking toward the entrace with an alarming lack of pause.
One of the guards heard heard her drop onto the street, and uttered, "What the hell?"
Glancing back and forth, he saw nothing. Little did he realize that there were four people not a foot away from him, slipping by the door with quiet footsteps. Selene and Mark kept a weapon trained on the men, but did nothing. Attack, and Demi's invisibility spell would be neutralized.
Selene stormed in, bringing her twin Berettas to bear. Right behind her was Mark, his rifle at the ready. Once she was sure there was no one listening, she said, "First order of business, find where they're keeping Vincent. Then, we find out what this organization is up to."
Mark saw what looked like a security desk, and slung his rifle behind him. He then sifted through papers, and looked over the information on the computer. He then noticed a schematic of the factory.
"Ah, here we go," he grinned. Mark then started looking for any sign of where they kept the prisoners, before noticing something strange about the back of the structure. There was a circular construct being added in the back, with an attached scematic to that. Clicking on it, he brought up another image, this of a strange device with numerous metallic fins radiating from the center.
"What the hell is this?" Mark whispered.
Selene glanced around to watch for anyone approaching, and then walked up to the monitor. She examined the device, and was herself unable to say what it was.
"I have no clue. But whatever it is, we don't have time. Find Vincent," she replied.
Mark continued searching, and motioned for Demi to come closer. Alvarius was lingering too close to her for his comfort. She walked up, and sat on the edge of the desk. Mark then saw something.
"Genetics... lab?" he muttered.
Selene shoved him out of the way, and took command of the keyboard. Looking further, she got the location, but that wasn't important now.
"This isn't good at all," she said. "They're using Vincent for some kind of genetic experiment. We have to get him out of there, right now."
"And so we will," Mark answered, cocking his rifle.
Selene started off, and said, "Let's go."
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:40 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Meanwhile, in his hotel room, Kreshna was packing his stuff while humming Yankee Doodle. It was quick, since he only brought the necessary. It was still six hours until his flight.
Having decided to take a few hous relaxation, he connected his laptop and browsed the net for news. Turkey had been gaining more status as the favorite home country for mercenary fighter squadrons. The Turkish government had issued a 'diplomatic corp status' to those mercenaries, to prevent retaliatory attacks from countries attacked by those squadrons. Unsurprisingly, those countries acknowledged the status as well; mainly because they were also hiring the mercenaries themselves.
Kreshna contemplated for a moment. Perhaps he should switched his Citizenship to Turkey as well. Istanbul was always his most exotic place; he remembered the club Layla; still the best in town.
He leaned on his chair and closed his eyes, never expected another contract soon.....
OOC: I guess the setting is near-future ala Robocop instead of the exact present, right?
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:58 am
by Comrade Tortoise
"Let's go."
OOC: It is like you are writing a novel, the posts in a fast paced section like this should be smaller to allow for more character interaction between players.
IC: Alvarius could sense the distrus, not that he blamed them. A facility like this probably had a myriad ways of detecting invisible intruders. Anything from infared scanners to pressureplates.
Doing a genetic's experiment on the undead and a lycanthrope could not be a good thing. SInce he had been transported here, he had made it his business to learn as much as he could about the natural sciences in this time period and from what he knew of genetics they could do everything from genetic manipulation of him, to artificial hybridization and genetic recomination.
As they went down the hall it hit him like a ton of bricks
"Selene. Did that computer say anything about genetic recomination?"
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:12 pm
by Ra
OOC: Ah, sorry, I kinda got carried away there. I'll make my posts shorter.
Oh, and I'm not very knowledgeable with genetics, I'll try to answer that best I can.
"It only mentioned that there was a genetics lab," Selene answered. "We'll find out once we're in there."
Walking on, the group went relatively unopposed, until two soldiers went bounding down from the opposite way. Selene went up against the wall. As they passed, no one made a sound.
Finally, they found a flight of stairs, and went up. Mark took the lead, and then stopped upon noticing some things.
"The genetics lab," he whispered, pointing to a door. Standing next to it were two people. One was a man in a labcoat, while the other was one of the seemingly unarmed soldiers. Selene looked cautiously at the man, who seemed then gaze in her general direction. Was he sensing them, even under Demi's seemingly flawless illusion?
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:20 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
If he saw them, he would have acted by then.
Alvarius looked around for security cameras the one thing illusions could not fool.
"There are security cameras in this area" he whispered "Unless you have illusions which can fool mechanical objects, we have been spotted"
He pulled out what looked like a small iron dowel rod from a fold on his black robe
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:33 pm
by Ra
"My illusions cover security cameras," Demi whispered somewhat arrogantly. "We've been in this business for a long time."
"Quiet!" Selene ordered. Even if the typical Human couldn't hear half of what these mercenaries were saying, they still didn't get the basic concept of noise discipline.
She then walked quietly forward, keeping her pistols at the ready. Slowly slipping toward the door, she then saw that there was a second door, closed and equipped with a retinal scanner.
"Damn..." Mark whispered.
Selene then motioned for the group to hug the walls. They'd have to wait for someone to come through, if they wanted in at all.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:50 pm
by Narsil
"Well," the Doctor sighed as he leaned against one of the TARDIS' control panels, "what do you suggest we do now, o wise elf?"
"Find Rose," the psion said sharply, "that's what I'd be doing roundabout now," he closed his eyes in concentration, trying to sense for Rose using his psychic powers. Eventually, he reached a conclusion: "odd..."
"What, where is she?"
"A TARDIS," he said, "she's inside another TARDIS..."
"Welcome Miss Tyler," said the tall, dark haired and aristocratic-looking man who stood next to a familiar-enough-looking control panel in the centre of the large, cavernous room, "to my TARDIS."
"Who are you?" She asked coldly, "What do you want with me?"
"Simple, Miss Tyler," he said calmly, "I want you to serve as bait..."
"For the Doctor," she finished, "what have you got against him?"
The man grinned, "Oh, the reasons are too long and numerous," he gestured towards the control panel of his own TARDIS, "but as you can see... I'm rather similar to your 'Doctor', in all but intelligence, for which I am the superior in that regard."
"You're full of it!"
"How rebellious you are, girl," he replied, "you're rather more pretty than I'd have expected though."
"Save it," she replied with a glare, "you'll pay for this, the Doctor will track you down, and when he does..."
"He'll do what?!" The man laughed, "Force me to regenerate again?"
Rose snorted, "You're only half the man the doctor is."
"Silence," he replied, "I am the Master, and I don't care about your doctor, other than to kill him..."
Rose remained silent, still glaring at the Master who manipulated his TARDIS' controls, causing the ship to lurch slightly before making its way through space/time to another spot on earth.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:51 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
They didnt have to wait long. Soon a geneticist walked toward the door and started to punch in her identification codes. Once they got into the labs and retrievedthis vincent they would probably set off all kinds of alarms. if not before then
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:13 pm
by Ra
Selene strode in behind the geneticist, and glanced around the room. It was a typical medical room, with an overall clean appearance, with various instruments and equipment scattered about. Immediately, the Death Dealer noticed two beds in the distance, poorly concealled by a hospital curtain.
Walking up, she saw Vincent, strapped to the bed, apparently wide awake. In the adjacent bed was a much more muscular, tan-skinned man. He was probably the Lycan, and of no concern to a Vampyre that made a living by hunting and killing them.
There was a myriad of monitors and wires hooked up to Vincent, and he apparently had been sampled for blood numerous times. Selene ripped the devices from the other Vampyre's head, and undid his restraints. Vincent looked around in confusion, but didn't resist, instead trying to help his unseen assistant in removing them.
The geneticist flew from her seat, as Vincent's readings flatlined. The Vampyre rose, and glared at her. He was feeling weak, but nonetheless still potent. He grabbed her by the neck, and forced her against the wall.
Meanwhile, Mark had been accessing the computer, and noticed some things.
"Selene, looks like we were right. They're running tests to combine Vampyre and Human DNA, to breed a superior type of soldier," Mark said.
"Who said that?" Vincent shouted.
Selene touched his shoulder, and said, "We're here to rescue you. You can't see us. But be ready to get out of here."
"They're trying to eventually combine Human, Vampyre, and Lycan DNA, it would appear," Demi noted. "They've lost three test subjects."
"Of course they have," Selene replied flatly. "Vampyre and Lycan blood can't be combined."
"They've also been doing a lot of brain experiments, trying to figure out... heightened senses and other things your race posesses," Mark said.
"We need to destroy those," Vincent said, pointing to several canisters.
"We'll cover her," Selene said, putting the invisible muzzle of her pistol up to the woman's head. Vincent then walked over, and smashed several vials and containers on the floor.
"That's several months' work! You can't!" the geneticist cried.
"Shut up!" Selene shouted.
Mark then took a disk out of the computer, smirking.
"Easy money, eh? Let's blow this joint."
Vincent grabbed the geneticist, and tied her to the bed. Then, Demi said, "Now we just need to get out of here. How are we going to get Vincent out? They'll subdue him, and I can't cast another invisibility spell while this one is active."
"I'll figure that one out," Selene said frankly. "Just go."
Indeed, pulling that off would be easier said than done, the Vampyre realized.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:31 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Vincent grabbed the geneticist, and tied her to the bed. Then, Demi said, "Now we just need to get out of here. How are we going to get Vincent out? They'll subdue him, and I can't cast another invisibility spell while this one is active."
"I think our invisibility just became irrelevant" Alvarius said as alarm klaxon's blazed. They had tripped a pressure plate going into the lab. The retinal scan also had the geneticists mass on file. The guard at the front was starting to go through the scanner and small dust particles started to float in the air. It stuck to them like dog hair and moved around them as they moved. Neutralizing their invisibility. They used technology to imitate a glitterdust spell. Joy.
Just as the guard came through the door, Alvarius pointed his wand at him and five tiny orbs flew forth from it, striking him in all parts of his body, ripping him open. Blood flowed forth from his wounds as he slumped to the floor and died in a final gurgle.
"That should buy us some time. We will have to fight our way out of here.... Vincent... I am a necromancer and am going to do what I can to strengthen you" He whispered minor words of power, and what flowed forth from his hands was that which was considered most foul negative energy, the essence of death and undeath. It flowed through vincent like water. Normally it would kill a human, but vincent was no humam, he was vampire, and it restored him to his full capacity.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:42 pm
by Ra
Mark leveled his rifle, and said, "How did I know it would come to this?"
Selene went forward, and raised her weapons. Then, the unarmed man marched forward, blocking their way out.
"Halt," he said in a clearly Translyvanian accent.
"Fuck that," Mark said, firing at him. The man dodged, and put a hand to his forehead. Suddenly Mark's coat burst in flames, causing him to go down in agony. Selene didn't miss a beat, pulling the triggers on her twin Berettas. Rather than letting off one shot apiece, the pistols let out a spray of automatic fire, ripping into the man. He fell down in a pool of blood.
Selene advanced forward, checking both ways. The other scientist was cowering in a corner, too afraid to move. Demi helped Mark up, who seemed well enough despite the odd attack he was subjected to.
"What the hell was that?" he gasped.
"He was a psionic," Demi said. "We have to go!"
"This way," Selene ordered. She strode forward, with Vincent right behind her. They stopped at the corner, and Selene reached under her ankle-length leather coat, handing him a .45. Mark's Elven hearing resistered footsteps approaching. Lots of them.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:59 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
"Psionics! Damn! What did I tell you about the unarmed ones?"
"Gorak dul vokane" Alvarius whispered as he heard the footsteps about to round the corner. He lept out from behind the corner and released the last word
"BELKAT" from his outstretched hand a blue line of lightning flew forth with a clap of thunder. It raced all the way down the hall covering it from wall to wall in its lethal power.
The combat armor of the guards provided them with some insulation, but for many of them where were hit directly by the lighting bolt, it was not enough to let them survive. They perished as their bodies were wracked with electricity. Others managed to move out of the way and hug the wall. They lived, but their screams could be heard clearly through their melted facemasks.
The plastic composits which made up their armor resisted the lighting and instead absorbed its energy and melted to their skin. They would need medical attention quickly if they were to survive.
"This hall is clear"
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:15 pm
by Ra
The group made their way past the dead or immobilized soldiers, many of which were on the ground, writhing in agony. Mark took the lead again, and swept a corner. Two more soldiers were advancing, which he dropped with several well-placed shots.
"They've probably locked the entire place down," Vincent said. "We'll be lucky to find a way out of here."
"I always find a way out," Mark replied.
"Who are you, anyway?" asked the Vampyre.
"Mercenaries, hired by your Master Kraven," Mark explained.
He then advanced, only to drop to the floor as more troops advanced. They pinned the group back around the corner, much to Mark's chagrin.
"Demi," he muttered.
The Half-Elf made a slow, precise motion with her hands, and chanted an incantation.
Suddenly her image appeared right behind the soldiers.
"Hi, looking for me?" she chimed.
The soldiers looked back, and took aim.
"Oh, but I'm right here," another copy said, further down the hall.
"What the fuck?" one of the soldiers uttered.
"Stay where you are!" another yelled. The next thing leaving his mouth was a cry, as a round from Mark's G36 went right into his throat. Bleeding profusely, he fell down and died.
Mark felled another with a full-auto burst, while Selene unloaded the rest of her clips into two more men. Reloading quickly, she led the group on.
"We're not out of this yet," said Selene.
Just as she said that, two more psions approached from around the next corner, eyeing the group fiercely.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:28 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Alvarius made a series of complex gestures with his hands and a arcane phrase A black figure rose from the floor like a malevolant ghost. It widled a scythe and was gowned in the guise of the reaper.
It slashed down on one of the psions, who screamed in terror and agony before falling to the illusory blade with a dull thud.
Soon, he would be Alvarius' servant.