Dark Heresy: Harpers World

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Post by fgalkin »

The tech priest across from him began to retch and Severus sighed inwardly. Some mission this is going to be, if his team members could not even keep their breakfast during landing.

The assassin woman spoke. Severtus was surprised she heard him over the din of the engines, but, he supposed, that was part of the job description.

"If that was the only thing at stake, you would have had a point," he responded to her. "But it's too late now. Try not to talk, it would be easier."

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As the craft plunges into the atmosphere the vomit makes it's way around the compartment with increased velocity, finally settling near the hatch to the pilots compartment. The rumbling of the engines grows into a high pitched wail and the craft shakes like a boat in a storm, the noises are occasionally interrupted by brief status updates from the pilot.

Finally after what seems like hours, the noise and vibration fall to a level where normal speech is possible and the pilot's voice comes over the compartments vox-unit informing you that the landing filed is less then fifteen minutes away.
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Post by LadyTevar »

As serene as ever, untouched by both the sickness and by the evidence of the others upset stomachs, Kyona was shuffling cards. It was a calming thing, but she was not doing this for the relaxation. She was finally giving in to the urge to See what was being missed.

Another jolt of turbulence, and three cards fell in her lap. The shuffling stopped as she looked down, her hazel eyes gone white as she Saw what these three Tarot cards, dropped by the Emperor's Will, had to say.

The 10 of Wands -- a man burdened by the bundle of wands he carries upon his back. It lay reversed upon her lap.
The Moon -- Dogs howl and sea creatures rise up, focusing on the moon shining brightly above, as shadows stretch out behind.
Over the other two, the 2 of Wands -- A man looks out over the sea, a globe in his right hand, a staff in his left. The second staff is affixed in a ring nearby.

Her eyes white, as if rolled up in her head, Kyona speaks into the sudden silence. "The rod of war is but a disguise for those the moon's shadow hides. Now that the rod is in his hand and at his command, he will own the sea, the sky and the land.."
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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A few minutes after Kyona's reading the lighter settles onto the pad with a mild bump and the engine noise quiets. The two ratings unfasten their restraints and rise, donning heat gowns.

"Stay here until we're finished", one says as they depart into the cargo bay, leaving the hatch slightly ajar. You can hear the cargo bay door opening and clang on the ground, followed shortly by a freezing draft through the open hatch. There is the sound of a vehicle engine, shouting and the sound of cargo being moved interspersed with the barking of a dog.

An hour or so after the ratings depart, they return and collapse into their seats and an immense man fills the hatchway. He is clothed from head to toe in a myriad of different furs, the hood of a fur poncho obscuring his eyes. He addresses you and though is voice is distorted by the mask of his rebreather his words are clear enough.

"You lot coming or what? It's bloody cold out here so the faster you move the quicker we're done!"

He then heads back into the cargo bay, leaving the hatch wide open. You can see him head over to an immensely shaggy dog who is standing by a vehicle at the edge of the cargo ramp.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Her cards packed away again, Kyona had taken the hour to get into the provided cold-resistant clothing, dressing in front of the men as if they were not there. Perhaps, to her, they were not.

When the large man came to get them moving, she was the first to take the steps outside into the frigid chill.
Last edited by LadyTevar on Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Cpl Kendall »

As Kyona steps out side the man is rummaging in a large crate next to his vehicle, which you can now see was once an Imperial Guard Trojan, now festooned with all manner of bins, cages and fuel cans.

He straightens and heads back into the shuttle, his arms loaded with a large bundle of clothing. He nods at Kyona as he passes. Entering the passenger bay he dumps the bundle onto the seats and addresses you.

"These are for you. They'll keep you alive outside for some hours or until rescue comes should we get stranded. Enjoy"

Upon closer inspection the bundle consists of a fur poncho similiar to the mans, the outside a tanned hide, dyed a collection of off-white, light brown and grey, which when worn falls slightly past your knees. The inside a soft and thick fur, evidently from some local animal. The second item is an environmental body glove, complete with rebreather and glare goggles.

The items are definitely old and show signs of going throw several owners but are completely servicable, the air tanks of the rebreathers reading as full.
Last edited by Cpl Kendall on Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Academia Nut »

Scurrying from the ship and trying not to notice the glares the ratings were sending him for being the first to sully the interior of the lander, Serghar immediately wrapped his robe about him in a futile effort to keep the cold at bay. Upon the soonest prompting he leapt into the vehicle, and when presented with the new clothing he gratefully threw the fur poncho on to help keep away the shivers that had sunk into his bones. He would change properly later, but first he had to ask, "Where are we going?"
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Kadis had unlimbered her rifle upon landing, since the local cover of "security" allowed her to openly carry a long arm. Then she waited.

The huge man's arrival prompted her to get up. She rose and walked to the edge of the cargo ramp, surveying the area. Her bodyglove had temperature control systems but was not up to withstanding the bitter cold. She quickly grew chilled.

She retreated to the interior now that there was no sign of immediate ambush and donned one of the fur ponchos. A bodyglove that was approximately her size.

She laid her weapons aside and stipped off her current bodyglove, leaving her clad only in briefs and a halter top. Few scars and no tattoos marked the golden skin that covered iron hard muscle. Her build was lean and pantherish, with small, high firm breasts and long limbs.

She was not unaware of eyes lingering on her, she simply was not bothered by them. Training had almost obliterated any physical self consciousness. She placed her old bodyglove in her duffel bag and reattached her weapon harness. The poncho and the rifle went over that, as well as her sword.

She then walked out, heading towards the Trojan.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Kyona was staring at the large fuzzy canine that guarded the Trojan, as if she'd never seen a dog before. As the assassin walked up, the psycher looked over to her.

"You never did say the name you use," Kyona said over the blowing of the chill wind. "The Page of Swords is far too unwieldy to say." To Kyona's eyes, the match was there -- a lithe, active figure walking quickly while carrying a sword. On the card, the sword was unsheathed, held upright, yet the Qualities, the Meanings, were there: Service in secrecy and Vigilance.

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"Kadis," the assassin replied.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

The man looks up as the party approaches, giving his dog an affectionate pat.

"Her name Iska." He says to Kyona and then offers his hand to each of you. "I'm Leyon Gakumba, come in out of the cold."

He turns and ducks into the Trojan, followed by Iska, who pauses to sniff at each of you before hopping through the hatch.

Leyon heads into the back of the old armoured vehicle and sits down on a cot placed in the corner, above which you can see what appears to be a gleaming musket and four laspacks on a mount. He motions everyone to find a spot where they can. There isn't much room in the vehicle, the cargo area has been crammed with crates of weapons and ammo, leaving only a narrow path between the area where Leyon has his cot and assorted effects and the drivers compartment. Though he has at least stacked the crates near his cot only two high, forming an ad hoc bench.

He turns to Serghar and removes the mask of his rebreather before addressing his question, "we go where you want to go. I'm only here to keep you alive and provide some extra firepower, I'm supposed to be retired and whatever thoughts your master has on that I intend to remain so. But I suppose you'll be wanting to see the closest site."
Last edited by Cpl Kendall on Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

"I am Kyona," the psycher smiled, stepping up into the Trojan. "What is your view on witches?" The Arbitor had made his views clear.
Last edited by LadyTevar on Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by fgalkin »

"The Emperor be praised for granting us this safe landing" Severus said as soon as the ship touched down. Then, as the bronze-skinned assassin got up to see outside, he followed her, scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger. Satisfied that none was forthcoming, he walked back to his seat and spent the remainder of the hour looking over the material downloaded to his dataslate by the Adept.

Then, as the man delivered winter gear, he thanked him kindly, and, following the example of the assassin, stripped to his underwear and changed into it. He felt a lot more secure, now that he could move outside. "Severus Lucien," he introduced himself to the trader as he shook his hand, making sure his companions heard it too. Names were immaterial to the mission at hand, he could call them by their occupation, or "you there," in the case of the witches.

The trader, Leyon, led them to the back of the vehicle they would be using.

He turned to Serghar and removes the mask of his rebreather before addressing his question, "we go where you want to go. I'm only here to keep you alive and provide some extra firepower, I'm supposed to be retired and whatever thoughts your master has on that I intend to remain so. But I suppose you'll be wanting to see the closest site"

"I supposed that is a good enough place to start as any," Severus nodded.

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"Right, well lets get this over with then." Gakumba replies, standing up and pulling off his poncho, revealing an older pump action shotgun. He lays it on his cot along with the poncho and flak coat he had been wearing underneath, leaving him in just his bodyglove and vest.

He pulls the lid off a nearby crate and peers in before retrieving a few objects. He tosses a box of shells to Severus, "you might enjoy these. Use them sparingly, I could only get eight." He hands Kyona, Kadis and the Tech Priest each a pistol laspack and grunts "hot shot pack" before turning to the remaining psyker and passing him a small box of stub rounds, marked Dum Dum's.

As heads to the drivers compartment he closes the sponson hatch and calls back, "it'll be a few hours to get there, have a bite to eat or sleep. There are a couple hammocks in that box back there. Call me on the intercom if you need me."

He disappears into the front of the vehicle, Iska lets out a low whine and settles at the foot of his cot. A few moments later the vehicles engine changes from an idle to a higher pitched rumble, there is a lurch and then the sensation of motion.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"My views are the valuable ones are to be retained and the liabilities liquidated," Kadis whispered to Kyona.

She accepted the hot shot pack and added it to her weapons harness. Extra ammunition was valuable, especially since resupply would be limited. With the departure of Gakumba that her left her team alone in the back of the vehicle with a number of weapons and other supplies.

She went prowling. Resources were limited. Knowing what the Gakumba had stored in his vehicle could be the difference between life or death.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

A cursory investigation of the cargo compartment reveals that the majority of the crates are packed with muskets and blunderbusses, with a couple of crates of stub revolvers and old style lever action rifles thrown in. There is plenty of ammo for all the weapons, stored in sealed metal cans and a maintenance kit for each. Clearly these are intended for trade to the locals, the three crates closest to Gakumba's cot however appear to be for his use.

The one he had retrieved your items from contains an assortment of Guard rations, alcohol, salt, fire bombs, survival equipment, clothes, a sword and several personal vox's still in there packaging.

Behind Leyon's personal crates is a large collection of meat and vegetables, dried or preserved with salt in transparent plastek containers. The man clearly hunts and preserves his own food.
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Post by fgalkin »

Severus caught the box of shells, nodding in gratitude to the trader. He opened it and began transferring the ammo to his harness.

"Blazer shells," he explained to no one in particular. "I've put in a request while on the ship. Good for scaring horses and other beasts of burden. Can be used to start a fire in a pinch."

After putting all the ammo away, he got up and walked over to the crate, taking a look inside. He sighed.

To think that I have to work with this lot...but what choice do I have?

"We will need to do an inventory of that, and distribute the supplies. Then, we need to make a plan of action for this mission."
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Post by Karrick »

Raltus, now kitted out with glare goggles, body glove, and parka, exited the lander in time to catch a hot shot pack from the trader. He stuffed it into a pouch and fell in with the rest of the group. Raltus shared the arbitrator’s interest in the rest of their supplies, and when the man suggested they take inventory, he nodded. “Allow me.â€
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Post by LadyTevar »

"My views are the valuable ones are to be retained and the liabilities liquidated," Kadis whispered to Kyona.
This seemed to come as no surprise to Kyona, merely lowering her eyes and giving a slight nod.

The laz-pistol and ammo packs taken with thanks, and packed where they could be reached when needed. Like their host she stripped out of the heavy poncho and other outside gear since the Trojan was heated to a point. Only after the Trojan had started on the move and the others started inventorying their gear did Kyona speak.

"The mutants are being used as a cover."
No one had commented on her prediction earlier. Now was the time to make sure her companions understood what it meant.

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Post by fgalkin »

Severus suppressed a shudder. The witch could see the future and the nature of things. Such things were...unnatural. Dangerous. But, at least, her reason for being here was clear at last.

He hated the idea of asking her advice, but what choice did he have? The Inquisition deemed her presence necessary, thus her cards might hold answers that none of them might get otherwise. The success of the mission depended on him knowing every piece of information. He sighed.

"The thought had crossed my mind. But a cover for what?"

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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Speculation with insufficient data is pointless," said Kadis. "We need to acquire evidence and interrogate subjects." The assassin settled back to take a nap.
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Post by LadyTevar »

"The cards were unclear, but it is someone who is unhappy with what they have and desires far more. That is what the Emperor revealed to me, through the cards," Kyona replied, looking to the Arbiter. "I see only if He Wills."

It was best to try to be as pious as possible around the Arbiter

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Post by Karrick »

Raltus echoed the lithe woman's sentiments. "Divination is notoriously... imprecise. Nevertheless, it is sometimes correct. We will need evidence of such a ruse, if one exists. Such evidence would likely turn up in the course of our investigation. A contact or middle man, perhaps."
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Post by fgalkin »

Severus barely suppressed a smile at the witch woman's sudden piety. The divination itself, though, left much to be desired. "Someone who is unhappy with what they have and desires far more" could describe anyone in the system from the planetary governor down.

"Is that it? Was there nothing more?"

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Post by LadyTevar »

"There were only three cards," Kyona replied, as if that answered everything. "They were hints to lead us, not answers for our problems."

Did the Arbiter think the Emperor would simply drop the answer in their laps?

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