The Phoenix War: Chapter V

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Post by Ra »

"Yes, there are several people watching us," Galadriel sighed. "The cavern opens up several meters ahead, as well."

The Stormtrooper looked at his instrument in puzzlement, and then saw that his acoustic sensors indeed read an opening up ahead.

Galadriel then came upon the opening, flanked by the 'trooper and Major Grace. Galadriel looked around, and then suddenly put an arm out, stopping the Rebel pilot. Looking down, Grace saw a circle of alien runes inscribed on a stone floor.

"What the hell does that say?"

Galadriel pondered the patterns, and muttered something as she gazed over them.

"Nindol zhah... l' Che'el d' Oloth... Sultha... a dosst ehmtu... ap'za," the Elf read off, looking bitter, as if the words brought a foul taste to her mouth. She then translated, "This is the City of Darkness. Enter at your own fate."

"Well, that's more than enough invitation for us to get out of this damned cave," Ra said nervously.

"I've been in worse places," Leia said cockily.

Ra started to back up, but heard a clattering and rumble far behind that convinced him to step further into the dark.

"We mustn't linger," Galadriel said. "Remain silent, and be on your guard. It is still likely a good way until we reach the city, and what may lie beyond."

Slowly, the company made their way. The path descended deeper into the ground. The air was wet and cold, but in some places hot air would funnel out of cracks and holes that appeared on both sides of the cave. Some larger opening were visible, and in many places, deep, red eyes watched their every move. At one point, Grace even thought she saw a dark body or two cross in front of them, but there would be no further sign.

The path soon descended into another open area, this one an undeveloped cave. It was very dank and cold; the air stank with a pungeant odor. Galadriel remained silent, as did Amiwen, but occasionally they would whisper something in hushed Elvish. Grace then noticed, there were no other red eyes watching them. No more sounds, or whispers. Not even the sound of dripping water. Something was wrong.

"Galadriel?" she whispered.

There was a deep, hideous roar, one that chilled her blood. Looking behind her, Grace suddenly found herself face to face with a Shog-oth, and then to her horror, three. One hurled a Stormtrooper effortlessly aside, while another's blaster shot punctured its blobbling, hideous body, only for it to morph right back. The Shog then looked right at her.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dark Silver »

From behind the Shog-oth's, the dark robed figure appeared to coallease from a hundred shadows coming together. The pale blue eye focused on the Shog-oths, who parted before him, giving a path to the group.

Welcome to Ak-la-beth, so very nice of you to drop in for a visit....
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Post by Ra »

Grace yelled at the top of her lungs as the dark figure loomed overhead. Ra pulled her out of the way.

"Why is he here?" Galadriel pondered. "He doesn't wish for us to reach the city. Something lies beyond."

"You run, and you run, like cowards, but you cannot hide," the Archmage taunted. "Not even in the darkness. You're in my domain. And from here, there is no escape!"

At that, the Shog-oths advanced. More came from the darkness ahead. Ra looked around at the blobbing, hideous creatures approaching, and gulped.

"I don't even have a weapon," Grace muttered. "This is fracked up."

Ra then reached at a nearby Stormtrooper, stealing his sidearm. The armored clone didn't even notice. Ra then handed her the weapon, and said, "This help?"

"Yeah. But what about that thing?"

"We're just pests to him," Ra lamented.

"How right you are, snake," the Archmage boomed. "Die, now..."

His image darkened into shadow, as the monsters advanced. Amiwen's lightstaff switched on, while the hilt of Galadriel's lightsabre flew into her hand.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dark Silver »

Your mortal weapons will not work here, put your toys away. Behave, and perhaps you will learn something...

The voice oozed sincere intent, as the Shog-oth's waited for further command.

Or if you wish to press the matter... the Archmage didn't move, nor did it's minions, as the weapons, from the Imperial blasters, Go'uld Zat and A'milian phasers disappeared. The lightsabers ceased functioning, thier blades flickring out of exsistence, and Amiwen and Galadrial's magickal senses went dark.

Indeed, the Archmage's power over this place, and what resided in it seemed, his will absolute.

You are in Ak-la-beth, commonly referred to as the First City, amoungst those who live here, or know of it's exsistance...and it is here, as with many places, I rule supreme.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Post by Ra »

"Well," Ra muttered, "in that case, we'll be on our way."

Tossing down a small device, he ran. So did everyone else, although the technology-laden Stormtroopers were stumbling around blind. Worse, they were trying to carry the inert Phoenix-Incarnate with them. Seeing this the Archmage laughed darkly. Then, the object detonated, temporarily blinding the Shog-oths. It had no effect whatsoever on the Archmage, but it was a critical second allowed by one of the most low-tech devices Ra would even touch.

"Oh, this is a FINE mess you got us into, Galadriel! You take us right into the middle of the man's lair!" Ra fussed.

"This is not his lair," she answered. "He has more of those than can be counted by mortal minds."

More cryptic talk from the Elf, right in the middle of being chased by Shog-oths in the dark. The sad thing was, Ra realized, he wasn't surprised by it anymore.

"I can't see a damned thing!"

"You are doing fine. Just avoid the crevace ahead."

"What crevace?"

Galadriel pulled at his arm, barely pulling the Goa'uld in time to avoid a fissure. Her "magic" might have been somehow suppressed, but her species' superior low-light vision allowed her to see in the dark nonetheless.

"None of our stuff works," Ra spat, how are we going to escape?"

"All we can do is run."

"STOP THEM," the Archmage boomed. The Shogs ran faster, while two more came up from ahead, charging right for the group.

"Do something!" Ra shouted.

"We CAN'T," Amiwen fired back. "Now, be silent, before I physically break you into mush!"

Then, grabbing a nearby stalagtite, Amiwen threw it at a Shog, piercing it through the gut. Although it wouldn't kill the abomination, the wound and distraction was enough to allow them to slip past it. With a kick of her now inert staff, Amiwen sliced into another Shog's leg, while the lead Stormtrooper, Caleb, took out a knife, and sliced into the beast. It was stunned long enough for the companions to slip past, but the Shog quickly regenerated, and joined a literal mob of the beasts now chasing the helpless group.

"The way out is near!" Galadriel gasped. "Run with all your strength!"

Finally, with so many Shogs chasing them down, Galadriel and the others reached the other side of the vast cave.

"Even if you have escaped this place, you are powerless, Elf. Your weapons are useless. How are you to survive the long journey out? This cave shall be your tomb."

Galadriel ignored the taunt, knowing all she could do at that point was run. Things were cloudy, and she felt literally confused, a feeling that was as alien to the Noldor as the very concept of going below ground. But she had done it, and she was determined to press on.

"How far?" Leia asked, as they worked their way up a slope.

"I cannot say now, but it seemed to be several miles away before we entered the cavern. Our only hope is to reach Che'el d' Oloth."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

"How far?" Leia asked, as they worked their way up a slope.

"I cannot say now, but it seemed to be several miles away before we entered the cavern. Our only hope is to reach Che'el d' Oloth."
The two ladies then notice the Stormtroopers are stopping on their way while putting someone down.

It was Darth Kreshna, awakening from his unconscious state.

Still weak, the Sith Inquisitor tries to stand and inquiries, "wha- what happened? I... I can't feel the Force! What happened? The Force... What happens to the Force??"

Before anyone can explain anything, a formless shape of a Shog-Oths advances menacingly toward the party. Instinctively, Darth Kreshna lits his Phoenix Aura as his body is being shrouded by a bird-shaped, magical flame. The bird swings one of its wings sideways, hitting the Shog-Oths and sends it several feets down the slope. The accursed, blasphemeous, gelatinous creature wails in pain as its formless masses are being burned by the Phoenix fire.

Almost everyone is baffled; they knew they have been stripped by the Archmagus; Lord and Lady Adam don't have access to their magics, while Galadriel and Darth Kreshna cannot use the Force at all.

But the Phoenix stays.

Ra shouts at the Sith Inquisitor, "you still have the power! Use it!! Kill the remaining Shog-Oths, and the Archmagus-"

But Galadriel cuts him, "no. We have to continue our path." She notices how weak Darth Kreshna is, despite the omnipotence which is now an inseparable part of him.

Galadriel now realizes; the Phoenix is no longer a separate entity, using Darth Kreshna as its host.

Now they are one single being.

She then realizes the implications; whoever wants to absorb the Phoenix now must absorb the Sith Inquisitor as well.

However, should Darth Kreshna is killed, then the Phoenix Entity will be perished forever with him; resulting a severe cosmic imbalance that may destroy the entire universe.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Ra »

The company remained on the run for hours, perhaps longer, it seemed. Galadriel had managed to lose most of their pursuers. It was now hot and dark; even Galadriel was having some difficulty seeing, while everyone else was completely blinded by the darkness.

In the darkness, Major Grace noticed several redish eyes watching them on occasion, just like before they reached the Archmage's lair. However, the eyes were becoming more frequent, and closer.

At long last, the path widened out. Galadriel looked around, and saw that they had finally reached the city.

"We've reached the city," Galadriel said. "Even if it is for a brief time, we should find a place to rest."

Just as she started to move on, Galadriel noticed a small group of soldiers approaching, armed with swords, pikes, and crossbows.

"Vel'bol zhah dosst chaon wun l' che'el?" one of the soldiers demanded.

"We are only stopping here to rest," answered Galadriel.

"It is very rare that anyone would come deep underground and brave the horrors along the way, just to stay at the inn, especially a Darthiiri such as yourself," he spat.

Nearby, however, a mysterious hooded figure said, "Ori'gato mina k'lararl."

The soldier bowed his head respectfully, and Galadriel went on her way.

"This place frightens me" Mela said. "I cannot see anything."

"All of you must be careful, and trust no one," Galadriel warned. "I will talk to whom we need."

For several minutes, Galadriel led the group through the city. Now the dark, elegant people that inhabited it seemed to surround them, mulling about their daily business. One of them walked alongside Grace, yet he seemed to mostly ignore her.

"Who on earth would live so far underground, let alone so close to the Archmage?" Leia asked. "For that matter, how do they survive?"

"That, I cannot tell for the moment," Galadriel answered. "Yet some power is at work here, that much is certain. This place is able to survive unthinkable horrors older than most of you can comprehend."

"Great power indeed, or perhaps something else..." Amiwen added.

"Yes. We should not linger here any longer than is necessary," the Elf said.

Later, they reached the inn. After buying rooms for everyone, she addressed the group.

"We have no ability to use our weapons, or many of our abilities," she stated. "In this condition, it is highly difficult for us to move on. Great dangers lie ahead, and even I have lost the way. With no ability to defend ourselves, this quest is beyond any of us."

"I too saw great dangers on the road ahead," Amiwen added.

"We should buy weapons of these folks. Even if they are... primitive... they will have to do," Ra said. "Unless we want to fight the Shogs with stalagtites again!"

"I will meditate on the matter as best as I am able," Galadriel answered. "But all of you must decide, do we go on?"

"Lost in the dark, trapped in another dimension, chased by the Archmage because he thinks it's fun, limited chance of survival? Well, what do we have to lose at this point?" Leia snapped.

"I take it you want to go on," Ra laughed. "Well, I agree."

Just as the group agreed to go on, Galadriel noticed a figure come out of the darkness, and walk up to her. The Drow woman was elegant and beautiful, with deep ruby eyes, and stark snow-white hair that contrasted with her very dark brown skin. She wore a gray garment of some kind, with a round moon-like emblem around her neck. Set in the moon-symbol was a sword.

"Vendui'," she greeted, smiling lightly. "You are on a quest, I see."

"Yes," Ra's voice trailed.

"I am Brizual," the Drow continued. "I had forseen your arrival. You cannot begin to know the danger you face. And as you have said yourself, Light-Elf, in this condition you are all helpless."

"Why should we trust you?" Leia snapped.

"I can give you no reason to trust me. In fact, it is wise to not put trust in anything, or anyone. But I know what your quest is," Brizual said cryptically.

Galadriel nodded. "Who else?"

"Many people, in fact," she answered. "The High Priestess is well aware of your quest. That is why one of her maids allowed you to pass. What she intends to do, I cannot yet say. We have been puzzled by her intent for many months now. But for now, you should get some rest."
Last edited by Ra on Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Post by Ra »

The AV Aurora
Somewhere on Ezizira IV

An A'millian officer walked onto the Aurora's bridge, carrying a PADD in his hand. One of the Imperial crewmen was sitting at her console, reading instruments in a trance-like stare. She'd been scanning, scanning, and scanning more for days, ever since the Alliance leaders disappeared in a "transporter accident". Of course, everyone knew that was impossible with Asgard transporters.

"Anything, Petty Officer?"

"No," she answered. "Still nothing. I think they're dead."

"Now, we shouldn't give up hope on them yet. Scan the surface again."

"Aye, sir."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Post by Ra »

The HIMS Fearless dropped out of hyperspace, coming toward a small planet. Captain Mesoth paced across the bridge, breaking a smile for the first time in days.

"The ship is appearing on sensors, sir," Celtru noted.

"Very well. Arm all weapons, and raise our shields. Crewman, hail the Troll ship."

"Aye, Captain," the man answered.

"This is the Imperial warship Fearless. Surrender at once, or we will destroy you."

The Captain awaits their response.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Ra wrote: "I am Brizual," the Drow continued. "I had forseen your arrival. You cannot begin to know the danger you face. And as you have said yourself, Light-Elf, in this condition you are all helpless."

"Why should we trust you?" Leia snapped.

"I can give you no reason to trust me. In fact, it is wise to not put trust in anything, or anyone. But I know what your quest is," Brizual said cryptically.

Galadriel nodded. "Who else?"

"Many people, in fact," she answered. "The High Priestess is well aware of your quest. That is why one of her maids allowed you to pass. What she intends to do, I cannot yet say. We have been puzzled by her intent for many months now. But for now, you should get some rest."
"Milady, please allow me to express our gratitude for your generousity," Darth Kreshna slightly bows before the female drow, then takes her hand and gallantly kisses it. Despite his exhausted stamina, the Sith Inquisitor still retains his noble charm. Out of her character, Brizual's face betrays a surpressed smile. Ra eyes the two person with jealousy, thinking the worst.

"You are most welcome, noble one," the beautiful drow now cannot hide her smile, but then she pauses while noticing something. "You are the chosen!"

"I beg thee pardon, milady?"

"You are the being of fire. You are the one who was written in the ancient manuscripts. You are the one seen by the High Priestess in her dreams."

Before Darth Kreshna can say anything, Brizual shooks her head. This time she's more amiable, "alas, my wisdom is not sufficient to provide you enlightement. It would be best if you hear from the High Priestess herself. Meanwhile, allow me to show you your quarters. I believe you need to encamp and rest to heal yourself."

She then guides the party to a large pavillion. The party starts unpacking their equipment and tending their wounds. While a Medic Stormtrooper starts diagnosing Darth Kreshna, Brizual stops him. "No," she says, "his wounds are not in his corporeal body but in soul." She then takes Kreshna's hand and looks at him meaningfully, "allow me to replenish your spirit, o being of fire."

The Medic starts objecting, "Sir, with all due respect...."

"It's alright, Lieutenant," the Sith Inquisitor replies. Brizual smiles, then takes Darth Kreshna's hand. Both of them leave the pavillion.

Eventually they arrive on small chamber. The drow lits some incenses and candles while telling Darth Kreshna to sit on a nearby pillow. She then sits in front of him while grabbing his cheeks with both hands, bringing their faces close to each other.

As Brizual stares deeply into the Phoenix's eyes, she speaks slowly, "let me reach into your soul, o being of fire...."

OOC: alright, I just want to remind everyone that the cavern, the elven village, and the whole party are still on another dimension; existing the cavern doesn't mean that they will return to the planet, etc.

And Allen, did you play WarCraft III? Are you well-versed in WarCraft history? I imagine the Archmagus is like Sargeras in WarCraft universe, while the Dark Elves Jon made up is like the Night Elves in WarCraft III. Whaddya' think?

Special OOC: alright, alright! I changed the post! Dammit, Jon. She's only a fictitious character! :shock: And Jon, there's nothing sexual on my post.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Dec 04, 2005 10:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

Share your free D&D character here.

:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Ra »

OOC: The High Priestess is a sworn enemy of Brizual; the LAST thing she would do is suggest that we go to her. This is the classic Lolth (evil spider goddess) worshippers versus Eilistraee (benevolent moon goddess) worshippers conflict. The Lolth cultists despise the others, and their goddess.

Oh, and Adam, you're perfectly welcome to join in here at any moment. :razz:


Several hours passed since the party had run into their new companion. Most of that time had been spent healing Darth Kreshna. Brizual led everyone into her small home in the caverous dwellings of Che'el d' Oloth. The Drow lady lit a soft light, much to the party's surprise. Galadriel looked over in curiosity.

"Drow despise the light, yes, but some of us are able to tolerate the softer lights of nighttime. I often travel up to the surface."

"Is the forest not perilous?" inquired the Elf.

"It is," Brizual said calmly. "But I have not let peril and danger stop me before, not here, or on the surface. Many perils have I faced, many of them here. The High Priestess would just as soon wish that I were dead. The only reason I am not exiled is due to my ability to elude her thusfar."

Galadriel arched her eyebrows. "The High Priestess would not help us?"

Brizual's expression became grave. "No. You must not go to her. If she does not fed you to Lolth first, she has a habit of turning her foes into living statues! Avoid her if at all possible."

"Indeed," the Elf answered.

"How the hell did you get past that thing?" Ra blurted.

"There are more than one way into this city, friend," Brizual answered. "The one you took, unfortunately, is one of his many dwellings. Do not speak his name, it only invites a curse. Even so, you survived. For that, I am very impressed. You have all shown resilience in the sight of his evil."

"But the encounter cost us much," Amiwen sighed. "He took our powers from us, and made all of our weapons useless."

Brizual then said, "I have healed the Fiery One, and restored him, for good or bad. Gather around me."

Amiwen, Galadriel, and the Lord and Lady stood around Brizual, as she chanted an incantation. She reached out, touching each of them on the shoulder. Then, each felt something coursing through their bodies. Galadriel felt her abilities coming back to her, and the ring of Nenya suddenly erupted with white light, coursing with power. Amiwen took up her staff, and twirled it around, the black item also flowing once more with magical energies.

"You have all been restored," Brizual said. "I removed his curse from you. However, it has exhausted me. I must rest for the night, and then I will see to restoring your weapons."

"You have already helped us greatly," Galadriel said, smiling.

"If someone is able to help defeat the evil in this plane, it is all of you," said Brizual. "Now, go and rest. I will show you all to your rooms."

"You're most generous, m'lady," Ra said kindly.

"Thank you," Brizual said. Ra couldn't read anything from her expression. Then, as Brizual walked off, she threw him a look. Galadriel rolled her eyes.
Last edited by Ra on Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:55 am, edited 5 times in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Sick, Twisted Fuck
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Ra wrote:"Thank you," Brizual said. Ra couldn't read anything from her expression. Then, as Brizual walked off, she threw him a look. Galadriel rolled her eyes.
As Brizual walks off the house, she notices someone is standing alone on a small hill inside the cavern.

It is Darth Kreshna. He didn't follow the party visiting the drow's house.

She knew she half-lied to the party; she has healed the Phoenix indeed, but not to the full capacity. It is a cosmic being far beyond her power and comprehension, and all she could do is to restore the its vitality to reach into its own power.

At some extent.

She shudders remembering the ritual, though. The Phoenix being is unlike anything she has encountered before; she almost collapsed in exhaustion following the ritual with Darth Kreshna. She thought she would never be able to recover so quicly.

But during the ritual, the Phoenix -inadvertently and sub-consciously, it seemed- channelled back some of its energy to the drow. Right after she thought she would collapse, she rose back again with more energy than before. A mysterious cosmical power that boosted her healing power, enabling her to heal the other.

But still, the Phoenix is not as his full power.

She approaches the man standing on the hill; the being which is one with the fire; "The Fiery One" as she calls him.

Darth Kreshna stands still, his eyes stares on the distance, although there is nothing but the darkness of the cavern.

"Being of fire," she speaks.

Darth Kreshna notices her, and bows slightly, "milady."

He then continues, "again, I am most grateful for thy generousity."

She shooks her head, "I merely managed that far, Fiery One. You are still not as potent as you have been."

"Indeed. Still, it was thy healing power that saved me from being a physical wreck I was supposed to be."

Brizual says nothing while Darth Kreshna looks at her. She eventually avoids his stare.

The Sith Inquisitor changes the subject; he now then tells the female drow about how the party arrived on this place. About how they arrived on a planet in a corner of the universe, going into a forest, and then finding themselves on a place they should not be; being completely 'out of phase' with their initial surrounding despite the fact they are still on the same forest.

And then their fierce battle with the Archmagus' minions; horrible creatures with unspoken names that eventually drove them to the place.

The drow silently listens; if there's something in the story that disturbs her, she simply doesn't show it. Eventually she commented, "you indeed have gone through many things, Fiery Being."

"I..." Darth Kreshna pauses for a moment, "we are lost, milady. Even now we are not completely sure about our whereabouts and what should we do next."

He then continues, "would you enlighten me more about this place, fair ladi Brizual? Tell me more about this place, about your people... about yourself."

Brizual hesitates for a moment. Even from the very start she sense something... different about this Fiery One. As if he's actually been hiding behind his charm and facade. There is something deeper about the man called himself Darth Kreshna. Certainly deeper than the charming noble persona he has been displayed all along.

And she is not sure whether she dares to explore the depth any further.

OOC: Jon, maybe you wanna' reveal more about the nature of the drow people and their connection with the Archmagus here. Note the part about 'another dimension'. Is she aware all the time, that the drow village is actually on another dimension of the planet? Or is she, being isolated and all, actually not aware that there's actually another dimension out there? Let alone the existence of the planet that Khardeem pointed out?

By the way, remember the Chieftain's daughter is still with the party. Will she play a greater role?

Notice DK is still not at his full power. It is my intention, because otherwise it will be easy for the party to repel any Shog-Oth attacks with a fully powered Phoenix on their side!
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

Share your free D&D character here.

:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
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Post by Ra »

Brizual sighed, and gestured for the Phoenix-Incarnate to follow her. Walking into her den, she took a seat, and lit several dim candles. The den was comfortable and warm, at least for Drow standards. There were many cushions, and even book shelves cut into the carved and chiseled cavern walls. Then, she realized that she did not, in fact, want to know more about the thing inside of Darth Kreshna. But helping her new companions was paramount. She wanted to help them, and she would.

"You wish to know more of us?" she said. "The Illythiiri, what you call the Drow, we are descended from the Darthiiri, the Elves. Lady Galadriel's people. We were taken in by a goddess long ago, known as Lolth. The vile Queen of Spiders. The goddess oppressed us, and enslaved our people, enforcing her will through her many priestesses. It has been this way for ages. Though there was one other goddess that wanted to help us, the benevolent Eilistraee. She has done much try and defeat Lolth and the other evil goddesses, and help to liberate us. While her followers are far outnumbered by those of Lolth, we have lost none of our hope.

But then, one day we realized that Lolth was, in fact, not the only enemy. It was the Nameless One. He came subtly at first, terrorizing and beseiging us with bands of his hideous creatures."

"Shog-oths..." the Sith said.

"Yes. And the Mind Flayers, which we call Illithids. They are his most powerful servants, many turned from the service of Lolth to his design. And there are more ancient, horrible evils, of which I dare not speak. How we are to defeat so many evils... it seems an impossible task at times. He is evil incarnate. And we believe that only the goddesses can defeat him, but many fear that Eilistraee alone is not enough. I did not help you all for the purpose of requesting aid. But if you all will, this is our most desperate hour. You are all enemies of the Nameless One. And from what I can read from you all, you have been somewhat successful."

"I will speak of it with the others."

"As will I," Brizual said adamantly.

"Do you... not know of the outside world?"

"The surface? Of course I know of it," Brizual said with surprise. "We do not all spend all of our lives in holes-"

"No, I mean... we came from a village many miles from here. When we arrived at an alter to evil beings, we discovered that we were not, in fact, in the same place. The same plane."

"You have all accidentally stumbled upon another plane?" Brizual remarked. "That is not unheard of. Some of the Nameless One's trickery, I would expect."

Darth Kreshna then asked more urgently, "But have you been outside this plane? If you walk on the surface, surely you must have!"

"I am afraid I have never walked on other planes, at least that I know of," Brizual said sadly. "I wish that I was able to help you. Though, there are many mysteries in this place. We may yet find a way, given enough time. I will do what I can, and consult my friends."

"Thank you, m'lady."

Brizual then blinked slowly, and said, "I wish to further help you, but I am in need of rest. If you would excuse me, I must retire for the evening."

The Sith nodded, and got up, heading out the doorway. Brizual looked on blankly, before reaching under a nearby cover, and pulling out a gleaming sword, made of adamantine. She examined it for any need of cleaning, polishing, or sharpening. Satisfied, she laid down on her pillows, and went to sleep with the blade by her side.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »

"We're gonna go take a gander at our environs, be back in a bit," Lord Adam proclaims as he and the Lady put up their hoods and walk outside.

The two again powerful beings start to walk around the town, simply looking around, only passivly scanning the magical plane in an attempt to keep a low profile.

They sense ambient evil magics, however the average person here doesn't seem very special. Lord Adam is slowly absorbing the ambient magic powers. The Lady, however, will not touch the evil powers. While evil magics are quite powerful, she doesn't like the risk involved with using them, whereas the Lord is adept in their safe usage in moderation and has no such worries. Still, he would rather not actually use them, but he will close no oppourtinities.

People in town were going about their own business, but despite the duo's efforts to blend in, they still stuck out among the locals. Some people stared, some went the other direction.

"Primitives," Lord Adam thought to himself. A smile came across his face when he thought about how easy it would be to slaughter the lot of them from orbit if he had his mighty Starfleet. The Lady gave him a most dirty look upon reading his thoughts on this matter.

He looks back at her, shakes his head, and walks on, continuing to take in his surroundings.
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Post by Ra »

The next morning, the company woke to see Brizual sitting by a dim fire. It was enough for her to warm up the chilly room, but clearly didn't stay very bright. If there was one thing, Ra noted, it was that the Drow were not very comfortable with light.

"I hope you all slept well," Brizual said. "We should make ready to set out."

Ra got up, and stretched slightly. He despised not sleeping in his sarcophagus, but it wasn't like he had a choice. Brizual walked up to the group. She was dressed in a sexy black outfit. It was strapless, and brought out her elegant, athletic form well. She still wore her silvery necklace, with its emblem of a sword set upon a full moon. Also, there was a belt on Brizual's outfit, with a sword and lethal-looking dagger hanging from it.

Brizual saw Ra looking her over, and said, "Ssinssrigg zhah natha bwael klez, zhah ol naut?"

The Goa'uld smirked lightly, but didn't have any clue as to what she was saying. He then asked, "What of our weapons?"

"I been able to restore them," Brizual said. "Very odd items they are, but they do work. I piled them in the corner."

Galadriel found her lightsabre at the top of the pile, and flicked it on, its white blade humming with power. Brizual regarded the blade, and to Ra's surprise, didn't flinch her eyes.

"A soft light, like that of the stars," Brizual said, smiling.

Ra raised an eyebrow. "You aren't blinded by it?"

"The harsh light of daytime hurts my eyes," Brizual explained, "But I have journeyed during daytime on occasion."

Hours later, the company, including Brizual, went back into the Drow city, soon coming back to the Promenade.

"I must speak to another member of our order. This will not take long," Brizual explained.

"Where are we going?" Leia asked.

"You shall see."

They soon came upon a small booth, where a somewhat older Drow woman was setting up some food to sell.

"Vendui'," the woman greeted. "What is it that you need, Brizual?"

"Duranna," Brizual said, "These are some travellers that entered the city yesterday."

"I see."

Brizual's voice went very low. "Nind ph' ogglinnar d'lil Shaiith Uss."

Duranna regarded the group, especially Galadriel and the Lady of A'millian, and gestured for them to follow.

Entering a small tent, Duranna and Brizual took a seat.

"Is this true?" Duranna inquired.

"It is," answered Galadriel. "I came into this place, led by something that I sensed deep within the world."

"There are many mysteries here, Darthiiri," Duranna smiled.

"What could there be down here?" Ra asked frankly. "Ancient items, weapons, anything to fight... him?"

"The scribes tell of many ancient things deep within the underworld," Duranna answered.

"As myself and Darth Kreshna explained to you this morning, we must find a way to resist the Nameless One's power," Brizual said. "I am taking you into the Netherdelving, outside of the city. It is not far."

"What do you know of this place?" Amiwen asked.

"It is ancient. I have been there before. There are some arcane things within it that may help us in our quest," Brizual explained. "The legendary Tomb of Ilivfryn."

"Tomb?" Leia exclaimed.

"Yes," Brizual said frankly.

"Mela," Amiwen said, looking over to the girl they had rescued.

"Indeed, a tomb is no place for you," Galadriel said kindly.

"Duranna, would you keep her in your care?" Brizual inquired. She then turned to the others, and said warmly, "Though I know you do not know any of us, we will let no harm come to her. You have my word."

Mela somewhat wanted to stick with her companions, rather than stay with the Drow, whom she was somewhat afraid of, but she also most certainly didn't want to be lurking around in ancient tombs. She said nothing.

"Of course," Duranna smiled. "You will be safe in my care, young Mela."

"Very well," Galadriel said. She looked into Duranna briefly, and saw that her intent was indeed good. That confirmed, she had no problem with keeping Mela out of unnecessary harm.

"Be warned, though," Duranna said. "That place is perilous, and the journey is long. It is not without extreme risk. The things within have remained out of our reach for a reason. Do not expect to come in unopposed."

"I understand," replied Galadriel. "But it is what we must do. We will take the most careful road. I thank you and Brizual for everything you have done to aid us."

"Very well," Duranna sighed. "I will assist you in finding a way."

The Drow then got out a rolled up piece of paper, handing it to Amiwen.

"This map will guide you through the darkness."

"Thank you again," Amiwen said.

Brizual then said, "But this quest concerns both of our causes. I will go with you, as I know the best ways through the Netherdelving. It is a day's journey through the labyrinth, perhaps longer."

"We welcome your company," Galadriel said.

"Farewell," said Duranna. "May Eilistraee keep you safe and guide your path."

At that, they bidded farewell to Duranna and Mela, and then set out.

Mela then ran to Galadriel, grabbing her sleeve.

"Lady Galadriel, I wish to come with you," she said urgently.

Galadriel raised her eyebrows. "It would be safest for you here."

"No," she replied. "I am a daughter of the village elder. I know of the archane powers, though I am not as experienced as you."

Galadriel then nodded, "It is your choice. Come."

Finally, the company, now with two more companions, headed out of the city, onward to Netherdelving...
Last edited by Ra on Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dark Silver »

OOC: -taps omtp DK's mind-


As the company set out upon thier journey, they thought themselves at least partially safe, free from the prying, cold eyes of thier perusuer.

But then again, when one was unto a god, could they truly be free of his gaze when he so wished it? On Middle Earth, Sauron was able to see nearly anyplace through his power, and surely he was of lesser stuff than the Archmage.

In truth, they were not, for anywhere they went, though they thought themselves secure, he followed. A small gnat in the back of thier minds, buzzing about, as it where. His gaze was upon them, he knew they met with the Drow, and truly had no concern for it. He wasn't even concerned about the Tomb, his only concern was for the Pheonix.

And as they company set forth, the two powers met, in the planescape of the mind.

Darth Kreshna appeared, robed in his normal attair, with the flaming aura of the Pheonix about him, on the opposite, was the Archmage, dressed in simple black robes, the cowl pulled from his head, revealing the weathered, hawkish human face.

"Finally, we meet without worry of outside interference, Pheonix..." he Archmage spoke, the words were soft, but rumbled like distant thunder.

"Where the hell did you take me fiend!" the Sith Inquisitor yelled, quiet unnessacrily.

"Relax, Sith Lord. I merely wished to open a dialogue with you, which I was unable to do with the Elf-witch and the Snake always so near you. They distrust me for some reason...."

"Because YOUR always trying to kill us!"

The Archmage looked stunned at that, the righr eyebrow raising in question. "Lord Kreshna, if I truly wished to harm any of your party, I would be much more direct. When have I ever attacked any of yours?"

"Over Coruscant! In the Death Star itself, many times in the past!"

"Nay, you misunderstand me. I did not attack any of your party, I merely acted in self defense. As for Coruscant....yes, I did summon the Chaos Bringer to the planet, but again, you misunderstand my intentions. They were not to kill you, or rend the planet, they were acting to take you from those.....barbarians, the Galactic Empire. They had no idea how to properly treat you....they let you lay in a coma. The destruction which lead to that battle, and beyond, are purely the Guardians. You understand, they are my allies, they assist me, I assist them...."

No mistruth could be detected in what the Archmage said, weither he had learned in his centuries of exsistence, to mask a lie so perfectly, as to hide it from even the Pheonix, or that he spoke the truth, Kreshna could not say.

"So....what about back at the Mindflayer city? What about the Shog-oths? What you've done to the Dark Elves?" Kreshna inquired.

"Practicality, my dear Pheonix. Surely you understand this. I search the Multiverse for power, so that I may learn to harness that power. This planet has secrets which would rend assunder even your great order to hide them, I had to control this planet. The Iltthids, were my creation, minions I brought to oversee this planet, to assure Those which Sleep, remains Asleep. They MUST sleep. My attentions where drawn away though, unexpectedly...and my minions became corrupt. Those Which Must Sleep, have degraded them beyond my ability to save, and I am loathe to take thier lives, as I birthed them, in a sense. What has occured here, I'm sorry to say...was nessecity. I have done my best to assure the Drow are not harmed by the Mind Flayers, but they are no longer pure, and sometimes disobey my dictates when I am not about."

The Archmage went into the story, his version of it, just as the Drow and the Mindflayers had thier own version undoubtedly, of thier arrival, and of the War which occured, and the apparent enslavement of the Drow. He even told of Lloth, the Spidergoddess, and how he helped, in secret, some of the Drow to escape thier influence, and refound thier original religion, of the Moon Goddess.

"Of course, Galadriel and Amiwen will deny my words, calling them falsehoods. Saying I am evil Incarnate, but tell me Pheonix, do you sense Evil in me? Or am I merely a man, in search of his destiny?"

Within the mindscape, the two continued thier dialogue, which to them would seemed to last hours, but in actuality, took scant minutes, during which time Kreshna continued to walk with the group, oddly quiet.

Once the Archmage had his say, he departed, disappearing from the mindscape, and unreachable even by the Pheonix.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Dark Silver wrote:Within the mindscape, the two continued thier dialogue, which to them would seemed to last hours, but in actuality, took scant minutes, during which time Kreshna continued to walk with the group, oddly quiet.

Once the Archmage had his say, he departed, disappearing from the mindscape, and unreachable even by the Pheonix.
Darth Kreshna is abruptly awaken. His face and forehead are sweating heavily.

No, it wasn't real. It's only a dream.

The Sith Lord tries to convince himself, yet the dream was so vivid, so real, and even more convincing than the Force-induced dreams Palpatine had taught him to foreseen events.

He washes his face, then heads outside. His more refined human side desires a shower and a full breakfast, but the dream keep lingers inside his head. Besides, such modern indulgences are not provided by the ancient drow village. He eventually chooses to clean up himself using the Phoenix aura instead.

He walks out of his room, then approaches the Stormtrooper Commander. Their blaster have also been restored by the drows, but the Stormtroopers are also brandishing melee weapons they have bought from the local market. Still as not as effective as the blasters, but a Stormtrooper is also well-trained in hand-to-hand weapons. Besides, their white armor also serves well in more primitive forms of combat.

"Where are the others?" the Sith demands.

"Sir," the Commander reports, "the others have left earlier this morning to a place called Netherdelving. Bruzial, the drow healer, said that your condition is still too weak to perform the journey. She said that you should rest for a few days and catch up with the party later. She also left you this," the Commander hands out a letter and a bundle of roots which look like traditional medicines.

That's so kind of her, Kreshna thinks while reading the letter. It says that the party is indeed going for a quest to a city, enclosed with a crude map that shows how to get to the place. In the letter, she also adviced him to stay resting for few days, with an instruction on how to take the medicines.

Yet, the Sith Inquisitor is still worried about the dream. The Archmagus' words are still lingering in his mind.

" assure Those which Sleep, remains Asleep. They MUST sleep. My attentions where drawn away though, unexpectedly...and my minions became corrupt. Those Which Must Sleep, have degraded them beyond my ability to save, and I am loathe to take thier lives, as I birthed them, in a sense."

He is not sure what the Archmagus was talking about.

But despite his own omnipotent -yet not fully accessible- power, the Phoenix Avatar somehow feels an unknown fear creeping through his spine. Some unspoken, peculiar, blasphemous sense of dread that comes from even a very slight knowledge of the horror the Archmagus has told him.

Those which Sleep should remain asleep. The Sith thinks with a feeling of uneasiness.

But I'm not even in full power yet.

Kreshna turns to the Stormtrooper Commander, "the A'millans are carrying communicators. Contact them at once."

"Sir, we have tried since they left, but it simply didn't work. There are simply too much natural interferences that significantly shorten the effective range of our transceivers."

Great. Bloody fucking great. After thinking forawhile, the Sith Inquisitor makes his decision, "Commander, go to the local stable and buy enough horses for all of us, then meet me on the village gate two hours later. We are going to catch up with the party now."

"Sir?" the Commander frowned, "with all due respect, the medic agrees with the village healer; you are still not in the condition for travel and...."

"Just do as I said, Commander!"

The Stormtrooper salutes, then carries out the order. Darth Kreshna also heads to the market, but he is going to the weapon shop instead. After haggling for a while, the Sith gets himself a magical shield and a magical full-plate armor. The price is expensive and almost dries up his gold coins. A universal currency accepted everywhere, standard Imperial procedures dictates military personnel to carry gold coins in infiltration missions -just in case.

Despite its strong material, the magical plate armor feels light when he wears it. As he wears the included gauntlets, the Archmagus' words ring again.

" assure Those which Sleep, remains Asleep. They MUST sleep.

Moments later, the Sith meets the Stormtrooper squad at the village gate. They are all riding horses; their white armor gives impression as if they are medieval knights. Trained in melee combat, each Stormtrooper is holding a metal lance purchased from the drow village. A long sword is hanging from their wrist besides their trusty EE-11 blaster. Their horses are armored with plate bardings.

Darth Kreshna himself is armored in medieval manner; full plate armor with shield and lightsaber. A rider's cloak flows behing his back. He mounts the lead horse; a fine steed with long, flowing mane.

The Sith Inquisitor then leads the group of armored knights out of the village.

Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ra »

The company proceeded down into a deep, seemingly abandoned passage withing the Drowish delvings. Brizual and Galadriel led the group, followed by Amiwen the Black, who kept her staff handy. Coming up behind them were the Lord and Lady, and then Ra and Leia. Making up the rear were Mela and Major Grace, who stayed back at Galadriel's advisement.

Leia navigated mostly by feel, keeping a hand on the walls at all times.

"How long do I have to keep stumbling around in the dark?" she fussed.

"I could easily ignite a torch, at the very least," Ra muttered.

"Remain quiet. We are almost there," said Brizual. "I will guide you on the safest path."

"How well can you actually see in the dark?" Ra inquired.

"Very well," she answered. Indeed, to her it was easy enough to see her way. The dim light filtering in through ancient cracks in the ceiling was more than enough to light her path.

After several more minutes of travel, Brizual halted the group. She then pointed off to the side. There was a stone door, apparently sealed long ago. There were numerous cracks and breaches where people, likely tomb raiders, had attempted to enter. It was apparently not enough.

"OK, let's blow the door," Ra said. At that command, a Stormtrooper advanced, taking out a demolition charge.

Brizual stopped the 'trooper with her outreached arm.

"You cannot simply destroy the door, Ra my friend. However, there are other means of opening the door, if you are patient. We should now bring this mystery into the light."

Amiwen got the message, producing a light from the tip of her black staff. It illuminated the doorway, revealing ancient runes. Brizual took a long moment to read them over. Mela went up to her side, also trying to read them. However, her ability to understand outmoded Drowish runes was close to nonexistant.

"What is this place?" asked Mela.

"Lady Galadriel urged you to stay behind, and with reason," Brizual smiled. "This place is not for the faint of heart."

"That is not me, Lady Brizual," Mela said almost proudly.

"You have a strong heart, Rivvil," said Brizual. She then looked back to the door. "We should not trifle."

Then, the Drow made several motions with her hands. She then said commandingly, "Pahntar ji nindel abbilen xal sultha!"

At that, the door seemed to flash, and raise into the ceiling. A musty, ancient, disgusting scent howled from inside, causing Leia, Ra, and Mela to hack in revulsion.

"Shall we?" Brizual said nonchalantly.

The party entered, coming into a nondescript corridor. Stormtroopers scanned away, while Brizual glanced around, taking in the magical tides around her, letting it guide her direction. She led the group on to the right, and went on. Galadriel didn't need her to guide, as she went on alongside, towering over the shortly-built Illythiiri.

"It is near," the Elf said calmly.

Brizual, Galadriel, and Amiwen came up to a large breach in the floor.

"This is it. We made this breach, as the actual entrace into the Netherdelving is far beyond here. It will, of course, save time and peril on our journey," Brizual explained.

"Then," said Mela, "Let us go down."

She dropped down to the next floor, bravely taking the lead. She then felt something touch her back, and turned around. She realized to her terror that she was face to face with a hideous, rotted skeleton, and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Brizual grabbed her by the mouth, silencing her.

"It is only a skeleton, Mela," she laughed. "Not to be feared, unless someone were to animate it. Come quickly, and none of you make a sound, unless it is needed, so that our way may be unnoticed."
Last edited by Ra on Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »

The party decends into the breach slowly and quietly. The Lord and Lady of A'millian Prime go down in the centre of the group, using their alien sneses to gather all the information they could about their dark surroundings.

The Lady, with her beautiful ears, could hear the sound of small animals moving deeply within the walls.

Adam's senses were not as useful, though. While he can see a slightly better spectrum than a human, it was still too dark and uniform for his eyes to pick up anything extraordinary.

His supernatual senses, however, were a different story. He could sense dark magics swirlling all around this place, seemingly focusing on certain places. One of these places was near.

"Here, in this wall," he reaches out to the Elves telepathicaly, "I can sense a power... no, not life, but a power."

With a flick of his wrist, the masonry of the wall is shed away, revealing nothing to the naked eye, but the magically talented in the group could sense a vortex of magic.

The A'millian Grand Wizard reaches his hand into the vortex and a voice begins to resonate in his head, the voice of the Ancient Guardians.
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Post by Ra »

Mela glanced around in fright at the catacombs around her. The passages were lined with skeletons of Drow long dead. Some were even chained to the walls, for whatever sinister reason she didn't even dare guess.

The breached area opened up into a large, dark room. It was completely bare and empty to the naked eye. However, to Brizual and the other magically adept within the group, it resonated with archaic energies. What it was, none could guess right off hand.

"The tomb is this way," Brizual said, walking onward, letting the energies swirl around her. She heard the voices, ancient and seemingly lost. The Netherdelving wasn't just a tomb of dead bodies, but of also restless spirits, many of which were readily apparent to Galadriel; Guardians.

"This place is home to the Ainur spirits of the Guardians," Amiwen said.

"Yes... But I do not sense dark power here."

"Neither do I," Brizual agreed. "But there is something here. Let us go onward."

"A nexus?" Ra muttered to himself.

The group continued on, but at a slow pace. Even Brizual hadn't been this far into the Netherdelving. No one had, probably not in an age. They didn't get very far before a magical energy swirled in front of Brizual, taking the shape of a shimmering, whisp-like feminine form.

"Danger..." the form said. "It has betrayed us all."

She vanished, replaced by another figure, this one male. He said to Galadriel, "You do not know what lies ahead."

Yet another figure said, "Evils older than the earth..."

The male figure then added, "If he is not stopped, all shall fade..."

The feminine figure reformed, next to Galadriel. "In the Northern Way, take the long road, and there your test awaits..."

"Test?" Galadriel asked.

The figure didn't answer. Then, all of the spirit-like Maiar vanished, returning to their magical vortex.

"We must press on," Amiwen said. "My kin have told us all they can risk to say."

Walking much deeper, the party rounded a corner, walking carefully through the passages and corridors, going deeper into a dark, unknown place. Brizual navigated slowly, still feeling the magical aura of the place. Then, Brizual suddenly stopped the group. Both she and Galadriel heard something ominous.

"What lies ahead," the Drow said.


Galadriel drew her lightsabre, but did not activate the blade. Brizual also drew her Adamantite sword, and stood at a fighting stance. Torchlights could be seen around the next corner.

And more marching.

Then, a perfect formation of soldiers marched around, turning the corner. At least two squads. But something was very wrong with these soldiers. They wore dark armor, and appeared to be Drow; but they were made of stone.

"Who the hell are they?" Leia shouted.

Brizual did not answer, but stood ready to cast a spell. It would be needed to take care of stone soldiers.

OOC: Heh, remember the Terra Cotta Army that guards the Chinese Emperor's tomb? Well this is similar... but the guards protecting Ilivfryn's tomb are ALIVE!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Last edited by Ra on Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »

In the midst of the escalating action, a voice is resonating in Lord Adam's head. It is that of an ancient Guardian ghost.

"Hello, there, male of species 3421532449. Startled you, didn't I?"

"Not at all."

"I am.. oh heck, my name takes forever to say. You may call me Tim. Now, shall I continue referring to you as male of species 3421532449, I certainly hope not; it also takes forever to say!"

A warm smile crossed Lord Adam's countenence, despite the approaching stone soldiers. He has hardly expecting this ghost to be so pleasant.

"I am Sir Adam of the A'millians," he responds telepathicaly while drawing his sword, "It is quite agreeable to speak with you, Tim."
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Ra »

The strange stone soldiers continued their relentless advance. Finally, they attacked, charging at the party with surprising speed.

Ra kicked one, and shot it with a handy zat. However, the creature didn't break or crumble, but attacked again.

"Animated stone these creatures may be," said Brizual, "but they are not invincible."

As the others held off the attackers, the Drow made a series of motions with her hands, and said commandingly, "Sut l' wlalth phor nindolen aterrucen!"

Suddenly, the stone warriors flashed with a pale glow. Brizual took a swing with her adamantite blade, only to be blocked by the statue's own sword. The statue and Drow exchanged several blows, before Brizual knocked the sword right out of the staute's hand. With anther blow, she broke the creature in half.

Galadriel motioned with her hand, casting several of the stone beings aside with a Force wave. Amiwen shattered one into dust with her magical staff.

Two more attacked Mela. She trembled, and backed away. The village elder's daughter had to think quickly. But what was the right spell? Finally, she remembered it. Motioning with her hands, she unleashed several magic missiles that impacted one of the statues, destroying it. The other was unfazed. Its head then exploded as Major Grace fired her blaster.

"Thank you," said Mela.

"Don't mention it, kid," Grace smirked. She then blasted into another statue.

Sapphire blades of energy came from the tips of Amiwen's staff. She then twirled the staff, cutting through two of the statues.

Brizual was cornered by one of the statues, which took a swing with its blade. She parried the blow, and kicked the statue in the chest. It backed up, and charged again at the Drow, thrusting with its blade. Brizual knocked the attack aside, and with a follow-up swing, pushed the statue's blade back more. As the statue raised its arm to make another stroke, Brizual brought her blade down on the statue's arm, severing it. A final thrust went through the statue's chest, breaking it apart.

It was not long before the party defeated the statue guards, reducing them to broken stone and dust.

"Quickly, let us go into the tomb!" Brizual said.

Running on, the leaders came closer to the ancient tomb.

"What is in this place?" Ra snapped.

"I sense an ancient power within the tomb," said Galadriel. "From the Elder Days. This place is an ark for the Maiar that apparently were not corrupted."

"Are you saying we're in the middle of an angelic prison?" the Goa'uld exclaimed.

"I do not know. But clearly the Archmage did not wish for us to find this place. Our arrival in Che'el d' Oloth was clearly something that he intended to prevent."

OOC: The tomb itself is supposed to hold some kind of Maiar artefact that will help the party somehow. In essence, the tomb is going to be a puzzle of some kind, which I will get into in the next post.

The idea is that the tomb holds a key to access another, more deep secret, and possibly some information about the interior of the Netherdelving, like a map. You guys'll see, it'll be fun.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Ra »

Galadriel and Brizual led the group on, deeper into the dark gloom of the Netherdelving. Suddenly the hallway opened up into a large, expansive room. A single slab of stone was in the middle, finely engraved with runes and pictures. Brizual looked over the writings carefully.

"Nindol zhah l' phalar d' Ilivfryn. Vel'bol zhah alurl orn pahntar mzil doboren," the Drow read. She then translated, "This is the tomb of Ilivfryn. What is best will open many doors."

Ra twisted his mouth. "And what the hell does that mean?"

Amiwen pondered for a moment, and then said, "What do you see around here?"

Ra and Leia began searching the walls. Brizual glanced around, and then walked over to the wall. With a touch of her slender hand, seems appeared in the wall.

"A secret door," she smirked.

"Many doors," Ra muttered. "So how does THIS help us?"

"What is best will open many doors," Galadriel muttered.

"Best? Quite a vague term," Leia snapped.

"Well, ma'am, a good blaster seems best to me," Major Grace chimed.

As they spoke, Brizual pondered the situation. She then remembered something that her mentor said.

"Best..." Brizual whispered. She then looked up, and made a motion with her hand. She had it. "L'elend zhah alurl!"

The door cleeked slowly open, and more dank, stale air waffed into the room. Then Galadriel noticed the runes on the tomb suddenly light up. Then with a flash, a hologram appeared over the tomb, outlining many different paths and areas. All of the words were in ancient Cirth runes.

"What does it say?" asked Brizual.

"This is a map of the Netherdelving," Galadriel answered. Just as she spoke, one area lit yellow. Then, a ghostly image appeared.

"There you must go," he said. "Be cautious on the road. For one false step, or the wrong door, will spell your doom..."

The image of Ilivfryn then faded away.

Galadriel turned to Major Grace. "Document this map, so that we may have it at hand."

"Good call, ma'am," Grace answered, pulling out a small device.

Galadriel turned to the others. "We should go on, and do what is appointed to us."

After nearly half an hour, the group had been walking deeper into the abyss of the Netherdelving. It was no longer made of finely crafted walls, nor was the path so clear. They were back in dark caverns. The air was damp and cold.

"By the way," Ra asked Brizual, "what was the answer?"

"Quite simple, actually," Brizual answered. "At least, to a Drow. We have a saying; "The traditional is best".

"Well that was some mystery. It's a wonder half of your town hasn't wandered through there."

"Riddles always seem absurdly easy after they're solved," Amiwen commented.

"Indeed..." replied Ra.

"There is something up ahead," Brizual announced.

They soon arrived at more carved stones, and a set of tall steps. Galadriel and Ra walked up the stairs first, and then stopped. Ahead lie three doors, each identical in appearance.

"Well this sucks," Ra said flatly. "Which way do we go?"

Galadriel remained silent, thinking to herself. Which way was the correct one?

OOC: Alright, KAN, you're turn. Put some puzzle or something up there, too, just for fun. Remember, if we go through the wrong door, we end up with tickets straight to Yog Shothoth!
Last edited by Ra on Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

OOC: I guess it's Allen who's supposed to terrorize the party, isn't it? Or maybe Adam can fill in? Lord Adam got some telephatic message from a mysterious entity named 'Tim', didn't he? Remind me so much of Michael Crichton's Sphere. :wink:

Ra wrote: "Well this sucks," Ra said flatly. "Which way do we go?"

Galadriel remained silent, thinking to herself. Which way was the correct one?

While the party is still deciding which way to take, the voice belongs to a mysterious entity known as 'Tim' echos in Lord Adam's head again.

"Hello again, 'Sir Adam of the A'millans'. Would you play a puzzle with me?"

Lord Adam hesitates for a moment. Certainly they have no time for puzzles, but somehow he feels it would be dangerous to offend the mysterious species who call himself 'Tim'....

Meanwhile, far away from there....

Darth Kreshna and the Stormtroopers are still halfway of their journey, riding on horseback like a group of armored knights. The Sith Lord and the troopers are holding a metal lance on their right hand, enhancing the medieval look.

Suddenly a group of Orcs ambushes them.

A Stormtrooper almost get knocked off of his horse when a pretty large stone hit his helment. Another stone follows as the Orcs start shooting at the party with their slings. Darth Kreshna quickly gains composition. "Charge!" he yells his order as the mounted Stormtroopers start wielding their lance and charging at the Orcs......
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Sick, Twisted Fuck
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

USS Aurora, orbiting the planet.

"Sir, we still haven't found the party."

The ship commander now is cursing his job. In his mind now, the Alliance Leaders are bunch of selfish, overconfidence, adventure-seeking megalomaniacs that should know better instead of going to the planet themselves. Now they are completely missing, the Army of Lights could be as well without leadership at al.

Probably it's Khardem's plan, he thinks.

The ship commander massages his face. He is an ex-Imperial, and he knew well how reckless Darth Kreshna has been; endangering his own person by going into adventures himself -including his epic duel against Luke Skywalker. Well at least it was during the time of the Empire, where the loss of a Sith Grand Inquisitor can be replaced by Imperial High Command.

He never thought other alliance leaders would be a bunch of adventure-mongering as well.

Damn, at least he should have known that.

Shortly after, he makes his order, "send a distress signal to Lord Detritus of the Trollish Imperium."

He then mumbles slowly, " at least he is the only Alliance Leader who's smart enough to stay behind."
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

Share your free D&D character here.

:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
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