Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Shadows of Altdorf

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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

"It might not be necessary. If someone were to get a boost up, and then help the rest up from there, climbing would be doable. Where we would go from there I dont know, but it is better than being arrested in the post-charge drag net."
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Marcellus mulls over the wizards suggestion for a moment. "Here I can give either one of you a boost. Hopefully we can get our merchant friend over as well without much trouble."

He moves next to the wall and cups his hands to use as a step.
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"What the fuck am I doing..." Dietrich muttered to himself as he took Marcellus up on his offer. He handed Axel his staff, used Marcellus' hand as a step to hoist himself up.

Or rather, he tried to hoist himself up. Instead grip slipped and in addition to falling on his ass he managed to scrape up his hand.

"Now that was embarrassing"
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by frigidmagi »

"Maybe if both of us boost you up?" Axel said coming over.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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"Aye, lets give it a try. I'd rather not be gored by the Emperor's pointy sticks." Marcellus grumbles as he reaches out to grip Axel's hands and make a better platform for Dietrich.
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Axel is able to grab and secure footing around his second story ledge. From here he is able to help his new comrades up.
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Okay, I figure you boost up Helmut and then Dietrich, all 3 of us should be able to get you up here Nijssen and then we exit this sorry scene." Axel said.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Nijssen nods and starts boosting the others up before handing up his spear and grabbing hold of an arm to get hauled up.
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"Thank you" dietrich said as he got up.

"Now the question is, where to go from here?"
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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"How bout a Public House?" Nijssen asks with a sarcastic smile before retrieving his spear. Turning in a full circle he scans the area for a path away from the area.
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Viewing business from up here wasn't easy, but seeing a route away from the riot and the cavalry was fairly easy. A more prosperous, middle class district was to the west, which might be a good place to start.
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Nijssen starts off towards the middle class district, careful to watch his footing and using his spear to keep stable. If they were lucky they might find a spot to eat or get an ale.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Axel follows.

"We should get off the roof as soon as we can. We'll attract attention up here and most guards would believe that honest men have no business on a roof." He said as he walked carefully on the roof of the building. He was a fairly good sized man and the roof... Well he didn't think it was sturdily built as say the temple or the palace for example (not that he ever been to the palace but still!).
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Dietrich also followed

"That presumes my clerical friend, that guards are prone to looking up. Most people in my experience, guards included, will run into a branch that is just above level with their eyes"
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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The adventurers were able to cross over two tenemenent roofs and scurry down the side of a drain pipe to a street that had yet to be engulfed in rioting.

"This way," said Helmut. "There is a good public house just three blocks over. A pitcher of beer is the least that I owe you and it should be safe."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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"Sounds good to me." Dietrich replied. He had never had beer before watered down wine yes, beer no.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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'Beer you say? I ought to get into the business of saving merchants more often!" Nijssen smiles, "I don't suppose they have fish as well?"
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Helmut lead the adventurers to a two storey public house that clearly cattered to the propertied classes. From above large glass windows hung a sign that proclaimed "The Dancing Boar," complete with an illustration of said aniimal dancing with a mug of beer. Inside it was moderately busy.

They were quickly seated at a large table by an attractive blonde with considerable assets. She swiftly brought mugs, a pitcher of beer, and a plate of sliced bread, sausages, and cheese.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Axel took a good long pull on his mug and refilled it. It was pretty good beer all told, stout and dark. He sighed at the taste. Good Beer was not a common thing for a priest.

"So good merchant if you don't mind my prying, what is it that you trade?" Axel asked with the air of an interested man making conversation. Unlike many of his more strict fellows Axel had a soft spot for the merchant classes, seeing them as part of the spine of the empire. He had learned from the rather serious durbing given to him in his first year once not to claim that the Empire would better survive the death of the noble class then the merchant class. Still he retained a somewhat unseemly interest in their doings and practices. At least his teachers considered it a harmless diversion while kept in strict limits.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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"All sorts of things," replied Helmut. "Whatever I can make a good profit on. Lately it has been wine from Bretonnia and guns from Altdorf to be sent up the River Reik." He drained his mug and refilled it, gesturing to the waitress. He ordered another flagon and a pie.

"Actually," he said, "I've been having some difficulties lately. You boys wouldn't be interested in a job, would you? The payment would be generous, of course."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Dietrich wouldn't lie, he could probably use the gold, and was not as if he wouldnt learn things along the way. He took a long quaff and nibbled on the cheese before speaking.

"I could probably be talked into it. It would depend on the nature of the problems and the job of course"
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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"Goods have been disappearing from my warehouse over the last two months. The thefts aren't large, but they have been eating into my profits. This isn't the normal, "oops, I lost a crate" nonsense either. I have had men on watch, men I would have said are reliable, but that hasn't worked."

Helmut stopped for a moment as the waitress returned and deposited the fresh flagon by the half empty one and put down the pie. Helmut cut a large slice for himself. Steam rose from the savory dish, revealing a mix of meat and vegetables inside. "You seem like resourceful fellows who are not easily intimidated. You would be well paid, of course."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Nijssen nods his thanks to the serving girl and drained his ale in one long pull and slammed the flagon down on the table. "Good stuff!" He proclaimed, to no one in particular.

"If it pays, I'm in. What are they taking?"
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"Mostly common textiles, powder, and guns," said Helmut. "The quantity isn't large, but its happened several times. It's like being bled by leaches."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Powder... Guns... Sigmar above. Bandits maybe? A dissent movement? Heretics? The fate of the empire was not at stake. But disappearing weapons always boded ill for someone. Besides he could hardly balk now could he?

"Well I am in as well." He said taking a piece of pie. Escaping the follies of ill content youths and dim witted law enforcers was hungry work.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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