Tide of Shadows
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- rhoenix
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Though he didn't miss the surroundings or the clientele, and certainly didn't miss the serving wenches, Fehl nonetheless walked directly to the barkeep to answer his question.
"Yeah, we're an odd duo, but we get jobs done. And yes - we need a room, with dinner and drinks for me. For the golem here...probably a good, sturdy chair. How much do you charge?"
"Yeah, we're an odd duo, but we get jobs done. And yes - we need a room, with dinner and drinks for me. For the golem here...probably a good, sturdy chair. How much do you charge?"
- Academia Nut
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Snickering, the bartender said, "Sturdy chair? Yeah, we get that around here a lot, and you're not going to find one. We go through too many damned chairs to get nice ones. Plus sturdy chairs are more likely to actually hurt than the almost kindling we tend to use, and when people get hurt, the guards start snooping around. So no sturdy chairs here your tin man can stand or squat or do a dance for all I care, but he breaks anything you're paying for it. As for lodgings, its about seven pieces of silver for a room, unless you want your 'bed warmed', in which case its fifteen pieces and up, depending on how much you want it heated. Then again, if you just want to collapse in front of the fire, that's just a silver for the right not to be thrown out into the street by Gring or Tahk. Meals are the best prices in town... if you like crevice lizard on a stick. The beer, in my professional opinion, is swill, but it'll get ya drunk and its cheap, which as most of guys in here really care about. So what will you have?"
The bartender then pointed to a roughly cut piece of slate with some crude chalk markings on it that seemed to be a list of items and prices.
The bartender then pointed to a roughly cut piece of slate with some crude chalk markings on it that seemed to be a list of items and prices.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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Looking through the piece of slate that contained a rough menu, Fehl took his time deciding between "lizard on stick" and "usually chicken soup," though he was curious about the "meat on bread with sauce."
Looking up, he counted out the silver pieces to the barkeeper. "Alright, here's fifteen for the warmed bed, here's five for the 'usually chicken soup,' and five for a few beers," he said, handing the innkeeper thirty silver.
Technically, it was overpaying - but it tended to keep the barkeeper happier. Especially if anything like trouble found them - neither would go looking for it unless paid to do so, but both were quite capable of handling themselves. And others.
Looking up, he counted out the silver pieces to the barkeeper. "Alright, here's fifteen for the warmed bed, here's five for the 'usually chicken soup,' and five for a few beers," he said, handing the innkeeper thirty silver.
Technically, it was overpaying - but it tended to keep the barkeeper happier. Especially if anything like trouble found them - neither would go looking for it unless paid to do so, but both were quite capable of handling themselves. And others.
- Academia Nut
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Scooping up the coins, the barkeep checked them over before he grinned and said, "Boy likes to party I see! You'll me a hoot. Okay, go take a seat, Hekka will be right over with your beer."
A few minutes after Fehl found an empty table, one of the tiefling barmaids came over carrying a bowl of thin soup and about a two gallon stein of beer. She then sat down on Fehl's lap, her tail twitching interestingly against his thigh, and said, "Hey big spender, I'm Hekka."
A few minutes after Fehl found an empty table, one of the tiefling barmaids came over carrying a bowl of thin soup and about a two gallon stein of beer. She then sat down on Fehl's lap, her tail twitching interestingly against his thigh, and said, "Hey big spender, I'm Hekka."
Bartel thanked the armsman before ducking inside.Academia Nut wrote:Leading Bartel through the streets and making sure everyone got out of the way for the priest and his carted mule, the man quickly brought Bartel to a low but broad temple to St. Cuthbert, made from large slabs of imposing stone clearly brought in from some distance. The rains kept all but the most heavily engraved embellishments from staying for long, but the symbol of St. Cuthbert could quite clearly be seen above the main entrance.
"You go on inside father, I'll make sure your mule is put away and no one touches your gear," the armsman offered while gesturing to the door.
Inside the temple it was dimly lit and crowded over with people, clearly refugees from Greyknoll, huddled amongst the pews. A man with greying brown hair and a full beard, wearing the vestments of a settled Billet of St. Cuthbert, hustled up and down the aisles, looking over the displaced congregation. Upon seeing Bartlet, he exclaimed, "Ah brother! Your arrival is most welcome and fortuitous, although I must admit that I wish you had arrived at a happier time."
"Father Almos," he responded, clasping his fellow priest's hand. "There is no happier time for help to arrive than when it's needed. I am at your service."
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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At this, he grinned. "Hi Miss Hekka, I'm Fehl," he said, looking her over appreciatively, but without looking like a lout. "Care for some beer?"Academia Nut wrote:Scooping up the coins, the barkeep checked them over before he grinned and said, "Boy likes to party I see! You'll me a hoot. Okay, go take a seat, Hekka will be right over with your beer."
A few minutes after Fehl found an empty table, one of the tiefling barmaids came over carrying a bowl of thin soup and about a two gallon stein of beer. She then sat down on Fehl's lap, her tail twitching interestingly against his thigh, and said, "Hey big spender, I'm Hekka."
- Academia Nut
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Taking the proferred hand, Father Almos shook it firmly while he said, "Well, it would be prefferable if your help were not so badly needed. I would have, for example, been able to give you more hospitality, and let you acclimatize to this part of the kingdom a little better before I started giving orders. Such as it is, there will be much for you to do right off the bat.
"Long term I wish for you to do the job you are already good at, which is to go out to the outlying communities and tend to the faithful while reassuring them in these trying times, but right at this moment it would be greatly appreciated if you would help tend to those who are sheltering within these walls while I take a moment to sort myself out and to figure out where to put you for the night. I am afraid that the temple is currently filled to capacity and I have been so busy that I have been unable to find alternate arrangements for you. Hopefully a member of the faithful will have room for you."
"Long term I wish for you to do the job you are already good at, which is to go out to the outlying communities and tend to the faithful while reassuring them in these trying times, but right at this moment it would be greatly appreciated if you would help tend to those who are sheltering within these walls while I take a moment to sort myself out and to figure out where to put you for the night. I am afraid that the temple is currently filled to capacity and I have been so busy that I have been unable to find alternate arrangements for you. Hopefully a member of the faithful will have room for you."
- Academia Nut
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"Well thank you Mr. Fehl, its always nice when a customer knows how to treat one of us gals," Hekka said while taking a small sip from the enormous stein. "Of course, I wouldn't want to be a greedy girl and take all of this for myself, when its so nice to share. Don't you like to share Mr. Fehl?"
Running a hand across one of Fehl's ears, Hekka asked, "So you're a half-elf are you? I like half-elves. They are the best of two worlds in my opinion. All of the grace and wit and sophistication of the elves, and all the drive of a human but with so much more time to practice their skills. Plus, I find the stamina of elves lacking, don't you? They just can't party like the rest of us."
Running a hand across one of Fehl's ears, Hekka asked, "So you're a half-elf are you? I like half-elves. They are the best of two worlds in my opinion. All of the grace and wit and sophistication of the elves, and all the drive of a human but with so much more time to practice their skills. Plus, I find the stamina of elves lacking, don't you? They just can't party like the rest of us."
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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His smile grew a little wider, and a little softer. "Well, Miss Hekka, I would be grateful for the help in finishing all this beer. However, depending on what one is greedy for, a little greed isn't necessarily bad."Academia Nut wrote:"Well thank you Mr. Fehl, its always nice when a customer knows how to treat one of us gals," Hekka said while taking a small sip from the enormous stein. "Of course, I wouldn't want to be a greedy girl and take all of this for myself, when its so nice to share. Don't you like to share Mr. Fehl?"
"Well, elves usually run off from parties after not very long to go write bad poetry, I hear," Fehl said with a smirk. "That's usually when the fun part starts anyway."Academia Nut wrote:Running a hand across one of Fehl's ears, Hekka asked, "So you're a half-elf are you? I like half-elves. They are the best of two worlds in my opinion. All of the grace and wit and sophistication of the elves, and all the drive of a human but with so much more time to practice their skills. Plus, I find the stamina of elves lacking, don't you? They just can't party like the rest of us."
He put his left arm around her gently as he relaxed into his chair a bit more, taking another sip of his beer before handing her the tankard again. "I've heard many good things about teiflings, good lady - mostly that they're a very curious people. So, what drives your curiosity, Hekka?", he asked with a smile.
- Academia Nut
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Grinning broadly, her tail swishing back and forth excitedly, Hekka said, "You certainly are a kind sir. So few people want to look past the fact that we have the fires of the underworld in our blood that they forget just what that means. We have a fire in us, a passion to go out and do things. Some of us like to indulge in the darker parts of those desires, but most of us just want to let the fires within us burn. That we are hotter than others makes us wicked?"
Taking one of Fehl's hands she set it on one of her legs, up near the thigh and asked, "Do you feel the heat Fehl? We tieflings don't get cold, not unless you bring out the strongest of magic. That makes us wonderful at warming people up."
Picking up the stein once more, she raised it to Fehl's lips and said, "But for now, here's to putting some fire in your belly... for later. Then we'll see just how greedy... and curious... you are."
Taking one of Fehl's hands she set it on one of her legs, up near the thigh and asked, "Do you feel the heat Fehl? We tieflings don't get cold, not unless you bring out the strongest of magic. That makes us wonderful at warming people up."
Picking up the stein once more, she raised it to Fehl's lips and said, "But for now, here's to putting some fire in your belly... for later. Then we'll see just how greedy... and curious... you are."
"If need be, I can simply pitch my tent, Father," Bartel answered. "Now then," he continued, looking more closely at the huddled refugees. "Let's get some light in here." He invoked Cuthbert's power momentarily and the end of the cudgel he carried was suddenly ablaze with light. "What needs are most pressing?"
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
- Academia Nut
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"Ah, most excellent. I fear I have been expending most of what St. Cuthbert deigns to give me ensuring that his flock remains hale and healthy, so I have been unable to keep the temple properly. Your light shall definitely be an inspiration to all," Father Almos said happily, glancing about at how the refugees seemed immediately cheered up by the fresh light.
"As for what you can do, well, I have already healed those in need of it today, so fortunately that has been taken care of. We could use food and water, but more so I am only one man at the moment and I cannot tend to the spiritual needs of everyone in here who needs it all at once. Just listening to those who need an ear would be immensely helpful."
"As for what you can do, well, I have already healed those in need of it today, so fortunately that has been taken care of. We could use food and water, but more so I am only one man at the moment and I cannot tend to the spiritual needs of everyone in here who needs it all at once. Just listening to those who need an ear would be immensely helpful."
"Water I can manage," Bartel said with a smile. "Where can I get some buckets? I'd rather not drench them all conjuring it in the middle of the room."
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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This caused Fehl to smile a rueful smile, as if reminded of something himself. His answer was more thoughtful that flirtatious. "All have the fire in the blood, but everyone acts differently about their passions. As for you, good lady Hekka, I would say that how you choose to follow your passion is what would show whether or not you're wicked. So far though," he smiled at her, "I'm not worried, only interested."Academia Nut wrote:Grinning broadly, her tail swishing back and forth excitedly, Hekka said, "You certainly are a kind sir. So few people want to look past the fact that we have the fires of the underworld in our blood that they forget just what that means. We have a fire in us, a passion to go out and do things. Some of us like to indulge in the darker parts of those desires, but most of us just want to let the fires within us burn. That we are hotter than others makes us wicked?"
Somehow, he managed to keep a mostly straight face. "In that case, I'll consider it my honor to tend the fire. Wouldn't want anyone to freeze, after all."Academia Nut wrote:Taking one of Fehl's hands she set it on one of her legs, up near the thigh and asked, "Do you feel the heat Fehl? We tieflings don't get cold, not unless you bring out the strongest of magic. That makes us wonderful at warming people up."
Though he deeply enjoyed being given the sip, Fehl wasn't done flirting. "Good lady Hekka, I can assure you that I'm both greedy and curious already, but I also enjoy taking my time on a good journey," he said, as he raised the tankard to her lips again.Academia Nut wrote:Picking up the stein once more, she raised it to Fehl's lips and said, "But for now, here's to putting some fire in your belly... for later. Then we'll see just how greedy... and curious... you are."
- Academia Nut
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"Buckets... buckets... ah yes. We should have some some barrels down in the cellar that should work for you. Hmmm... yes, yes. If you would follow me I can show you to where we keep them," Father Almos said, gesturing for Bartel to accompany him into the back of the temple where a small, inconspicuous trap door led down into the earth. By the light of the cudgel, they descended a set of narrow stone steps.
It was dark and somewhat musty smelling down there, although strangely enough the stonework changed, transforming into a much thicker, more primitive, cyclopean style.
"Ah yes, here we are. The barrels. Fresh water will be much appreciated here, although do not be surprised if people tell you it tastes funny," Father Almos said, gesturing to a set of barrels sitting in a small alcove.
It was dark and somewhat musty smelling down there, although strangely enough the stonework changed, transforming into a much thicker, more primitive, cyclopean style.
"Ah yes, here we are. The barrels. Fresh water will be much appreciated here, although do not be surprised if people tell you it tastes funny," Father Almos said, gesturing to a set of barrels sitting in a small alcove.
"Well, we'd best get one upstairs before it's filled. Lighter that way," he said with a smile. The younger cleric hefted one of the barrels, which he estimated would be capable of holding all the water he could manage to bring forth, and lugged it back up the stairs.
"Out of curiosity, Father, what was in these that would make it taste funny?" He started the incantation and the barrel nearly instantly contained twelve gallons of pure water - or what would be pure if there was nothing in the barrels to contaminate it.
"Out of curiosity, Father, what was in these that would make it taste funny?" He started the incantation and the barrel nearly instantly contained twelve gallons of pure water - or what would be pure if there was nothing in the barrels to contaminate it.
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
- Academia Nut
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Father Almos chuckled as the barrel filled with water and he said, "Nothing. Which is the point. It's the water that the people here usually drink that has the impurities in it, the scholars of alchemy in this region all say that it has to do with the volcanoes, but suffice to say that the water here is somewhat odd. The thing is that any water conjured by magic is purer than what falls from the sky, is drawn from the wells, or is flowing in the river, and people taste that. Of course, since they're used to the impurities, pure water tastes funny."
Turning to the congregation of refugees, Father Almos said, "Come, come everyone, our brother in the faith Father Conaghan has provided this blessing for us all. Please come forward those of you in need of water and we shall distribute a share."
Turning to the congregation of refugees, Father Almos said, "Come, come everyone, our brother in the faith Father Conaghan has provided this blessing for us all. Please come forward those of you in need of water and we shall distribute a share."
- Academia Nut
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Leaning in close, Hekka whispered into Fehl's ear, her lips and tongue just avoiding brushing across his skin by a hair's breadth, "Oh, but maybe I am wicked. Maybe I am one of the bad ones. You'll just have to see during the journey, now won't you? To the journey, may all of your explorations be fruitful."
Hekka then raised the stein up and took a big gulp, a touch of the beer running down her chin and towards the top of her cleavage. "Whoops! Don't want to let that go to waste now do we?" Running a finger along the line of pale brown liquid, she drew up the wayward beer and licked it clean, smiling, "All better! Or do you think it needs to be cleaned more?"
Hekka then raised the stein up and took a big gulp, a touch of the beer running down her chin and towards the top of her cleavage. "Whoops! Don't want to let that go to waste now do we?" Running a finger along the line of pale brown liquid, she drew up the wayward beer and licked it clean, smiling, "All better! Or do you think it needs to be cleaned more?"
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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At this, Fehl smiled. "The fruits of one's journey are almost as great as the journey itself, or so the saying goes. Sitting where I am, I can certainly see the wisdom in that. And besides," he said with a grin, "I think there might be more fun involved if you're a little wicked."Academia Nut wrote:Leaning in close, Hekka whispered into Fehl's ear, her lips and tongue just avoiding brushing across his skin by a hair's breadth, "Oh, but maybe I am wicked. Maybe I am one of the bad ones. You'll just have to see during the journey, now won't you? To the journey, may all of your explorations be fruitful."
"Good lady," he replied with a smirk, standing with her in his arms, "I think there's some dirt there that will only take some good hot water and elbow grease to clean."Academia Nut wrote:Hekka then raised the stein up and took a big gulp, a touch of the beer running down her chin and towards the top of her cleavage. "Whoops! Don't want to let that go to waste now do we?" Running a finger along the line of pale brown liquid, she drew up the wayward beer and licked it clean, smiling, "All better! Or do you think it needs to be cleaned more?"
"Barkeep?" he called as he was walking toward his room with Hekka in his arms, "would you mind sending a washbasin and hot water to my room? I think washing off the dirt of the day sounds like an excellent idea right now," he said, casually dropping three more silver pieces on the bar as he passed it on the way toward his room.
Eight had moved aside and watched the bar, paying no real attention to Fehl's being a fleshbag. It was something he was used to, but it took much of the constructs will to not burst out laughing at the completely ridiculous ritual that these squishy creatures insisted on going through. A fire in the blood indeed, and talk of dark acts. Eight found it hard to believe that either of these creatures knew of the truly dark things that could be inflicted.
But for all his disdain, that did not mean Eight did not want to have some fun with this. The almost featureless head turned to follow Fehl's movements. Then moved to follow the Half-elf and his Tiefling companion up the stairs. Obviously the stupid construct still believed it was under orders to follow it's owner.
But for all his disdain, that did not mean Eight did not want to have some fun with this. The almost featureless head turned to follow Fehl's movements. Then moved to follow the Half-elf and his Tiefling companion up the stairs. Obviously the stupid construct still believed it was under orders to follow it's owner.
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- Academia Nut
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Glancing over her shoulder, Hekka asked somewhat nervously, "Uh... does that thing like to watch or something?"
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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Without slowing his stride in the least, Fehl chuckled. "Don't mind him - consider him our 'Do Not Disturb' sign.
As he reached the door to his room for the night and opened it with his knee, he moved backward to make way for the other serving wenches bringing in the large washtub, filled with steaming water.
After they left, Fehl face Eight directly, and gave him a conspiratorial wink when Hekka had her head turned. Fehl then spoke with a stern and commanding voice. "Golem, in the name of Eight I give you an order. Watch the entrance to this door, and allow none to enter. If you hear screaming inside, don't come in. If I hear screaming outside, I'll come out."
With that, he carried Hekka inside the room, and closed the door with his foot.
As he reached the door to his room for the night and opened it with his knee, he moved backward to make way for the other serving wenches bringing in the large washtub, filled with steaming water.
After they left, Fehl face Eight directly, and gave him a conspiratorial wink when Hekka had her head turned. Fehl then spoke with a stern and commanding voice. "Golem, in the name of Eight I give you an order. Watch the entrance to this door, and allow none to enter. If you hear screaming inside, don't come in. If I hear screaming outside, I'll come out."
With that, he carried Hekka inside the room, and closed the door with his foot.
Eight stared at Fehl, and then nodded slowly, as though understanding his 'masters' command. When the door closed, Eight waited about fifteen minutes before turning and leaving the door and heading back downstairs. "In the name of Eight? What was that even about? Flesh-bags..." As he went down the hall the construct got 7 silver coins out of his own wallet and kept them in his hand.
The construct lumbered, gently, down the stairs back to the main tavern and walked over to the barkeep. "My master requires the bedwarming services of a man as well. Strong." The construct placed the coins down on the counter. "My master would also like to purchase or rent rope which will be brought to him." The construct was stoic in it's request, obviously simply relaying a message from his master.
The construct lumbered, gently, down the stairs back to the main tavern and walked over to the barkeep. "My master requires the bedwarming services of a man as well. Strong." The construct placed the coins down on the counter. "My master would also like to purchase or rent rope which will be brought to him." The construct was stoic in it's request, obviously simply relaying a message from his master.
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- Academia Nut
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Shrugging, the bartender took the coins and said, "Gring should be off his shift in a few minutes, I'll tell him that."
Bartel passed out mugs of water along with Father Almos until either the refugees were done with it or the barrel was out of water.
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton