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Post by Charon »

Eight had spent the night walking around town, getting used to the streets alignment and where things were. He'd searched out the blacksmith first, and once that was found had simply scoured the streets, listening to the rumor mill when he could. During the later hours when almost everyone was asleep, the Construct had maintained his weaponry and made certain his hopper was full. With daybreak came new rumors of trouble in another village, and so the construct made his way to the mayor's and stationed himself outside, waiting for more news, as that was where it was most likely to come from.
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Post by Academia Nut »

With all of the chaos, no one noticed the seven foot tall construct for a time, until of course someone pointed out the silent giant and then there was a scramble to figure out where it was from. Fortunately, good bookkeeping paid off and it was noted that a member of the Freeman's Military Alliance had arrived in the town the day before and was accompanied by just such a creature.

Considering the situation, it was decided that perhaps a mercenary with a golem-thing tagging along might be useful for the current situation and a guard was dispatched to the Spanked Tiefling.

While the guard did not go in, one of the bouncers, a particularly burly looking human, did head over to where Fehl was attempting to deal with the post-fight ringing in his ears and said, "You Fehl? 'Cause the mayor's office is looking for you. Something about your metal man and a possible job."
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Post by rhoenix »

Since Fehl was not yet awake, watching him react to the guard's message at each part took its time.

When he was addressed by name by the bouncers, he turned slowly, and blinked owlishly at him. As he was told that the mayor's office was looking for him, he immediately tensed up and looked quite a bit more awake, as well as world-weary. This look only seemed to gain strength when told that it was about "his metal man," but paused for a moment before deflating visibly, at hearing the magical word of "job."

Taking one more sip of his "anti-hangover cure," Fehl walked slowly out of the bar, and up to the guard. "I hear you're looking for Fehl?" he asked, sounding much less weary than he felt.
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Post by Academia Nut »

"Yes. The town has a... concern. If you would come with me, all will be explained by the mayor," the guard explained, gesturing for Fehl to follow. "Also, if you could bring your golem in with you as it is creeping out some of the people for just standing outside the town hall."


Within the mayor's office of the town hall hushed conversations were taking place, with the mayor asking, "And they'll be here soon?"

"Father Almos has been summoned, and it is suspected that he will bring that new priest with him. We also sent someone out to fetch that Alliance member with the golem. We are also looking for where the knight who came in late last night ended up staying, there was no official record taken, just a display of identification to the guards at the gate, who were understandably distracted at the time," the secretary explained.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Academia Nut wrote:Turning to Bartel, Almos said, "Brother, come with me quickly, as I feel this will concern you quite quickly. Come, we should speak outside."

While having both priests suddenly rush out of the temple did little for the frayed- near ready to snap in some cases- nerves of the refugees, it was better than the alternative. Once the doors were closed, Father Almos said, "A travelling merchant arrived early this morning, only he was a good two days ahead of schedule and missing his cart. He has ridden bareback from the tiny community of Blackdell in a panic. According to him, everyone with is dead. Or at least that is what I have been told. We are going to meet him and the mayor right now."
"Right," Bartel said tersely, drawing his cloak (which he had been using as a blanket) around him. "The Cudgel's retribution shall be swift if this is true." He followed Almos and the guard as they walked towards the town hall.
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)

"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark

"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Ceridwen had known by the tone of Garxon's voice that he had found new trouble to get into. She had no doubts he was going to go out that minute and find a way to reach Valhalla. When a man like that made an oath, he generally kept it.

She wished the Guardian of the BiFrost Bridge best of luck with him. She took her ward and got a room for the night.


The next morning went the same as ever other morning -- dragging Volemack out of bed and out into a clearing (this time the corral beside the end stable) to train him. Calisthenics to get the muscles warmed up, then sword katas to remind him of how to move the blade, then starting combat with heavy padded wooden swords that started at 1/2-speed before heating up to full-on combat.

It only felt like an excuse to beat on Volemack. He was actually getting very good at blocking and riposte.

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A member of the city watch approached quietly while Ceridwen and Volemack were sparring before he coughed politely and asked, "Lady Ceridwen? Your presence is requested before the mayor at the town hall at your earliest convenience. It is a matter of potential military ramifications, so it was decided that perhaps a knight such as yourself should be present."
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Post by rhoenix »

"Golem," "town hall," and "mayor" were the primary things that registered in Fehl's rather tired mind. Shrugging, he walked back into the bar to finish a few biscuits, along with a tankard of beer. Going back to his room, he noticed that Hekka was gone. Shrugging after a moment, he gathered his things from his room, walked downstairs to toss the barkeeper another two silver for the breakfast, and walked out into the seemingly very bright morning sun.

Making his way to the town hall, he looked at Eight for a few moments with semi-curious, but mostly annoyed look before speaking to him from a few feet away. "Okay, I'm not going to ask right now. Come on, we've a meeting with the mayor."

(EDIT: Half the first paragraph only partially made sense - fixed)
Last edited by rhoenix on Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Academia Nut wrote:A member of the city watch approached quietly while Ceridwen and Volemack were sparring before he coughed politely and asked, "Lady Ceridwen? Your presence is requested before the mayor at the town hall at your earliest convenience. It is a matter of potential military ramifications, so it was decided that perhaps a knight such as yourself should be present."
Ceridwen lowered her practice blade and looked over at the watchman, then over to Volemack. "Very well, we will end here today," she told her squire, then looked back to the watchman. "We have not yet had morning-meal. Please inform the mayor we will join him shortly after cleaning up."

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Post by Charon »

The large construct had looked at it's "master" as he came closer. The creature could not make facial expressions, so it's own mood was a mystery, but it nodded at Fehl when he finished speaking and followed him into the mayor's office.
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Post by Academia Nut »

The inside of the mayor's office of the town hall was a scattered mess of paperwork, although it seemed that the primary cause was a large number of documents being shoved to the side to make way for a large and detailed map of the region. Sitting behind the desk was the mayor, as evidenced by his fine quality clothing and the fact that he clearly had access to more food than most people. He was wearing a large frown exaggerated by his large, droopy mustache.

Sitting next to his desk at a small table was a thin looking man with a quill in hand an a sheet of parchment already laid out, obvious a clerk of some sort.

Standing behind the mayor and looking down at the map was a military sort of man wearing the tabard of the Ashvale town guard there was a plumed helmet set nearby, clearly indicating that he was in all likelihood the Captain of the Guard.

And then, standing across from them, sort of trying to blend into the background of one corner of the office was a rather nervous looking man whose clothing had once been quite nice, but they were now mud spattered and looking quite worn.

As Father Almos and Bartel, and then Fehl and Eight, entered the office, the clerk looked over at the mayor and said, "We are still waiting for Lady Ceridwen to join us, but she was sparing with her squire when the guard found her and thus requested some time to clean up. Shall we wait for her to show up?"

The mayor nodded and said, "This issue can keep for another few minutes at least, and I would prefer to answer all questions then, although I suppose since all of these gentlemen..." the mayor glanced at Eight before continuing on, "... have shown up, we might as well fill them in on what exactly is happening."

Turning to those assembled, the mayor said, "Fathers, freeman Fehl, I have some grim news. According to Mr. Steinman," the mayor gestured to the nervous looking man hiding in the corner, "He arrived at the hamlet of Blackdell around late afternoon yesterday, and..."

"They were all dead," Steinman said in a twitchy, dull tone. "They were lying in the streets... lying in their rooms. All of them... just dead. I ran."

"Yes..." the mayor said. "Mr. Steinman is clearly in need of spiritual attention after witnessing such horrors. In any case, this is of considerable issue for us as Blackdell lies to the east, and thus we have no idea who could have done it as we would have hopefully noted a barbarian incursion sufficiently large to ambush the entire hamlet..."

"No blood, just death..." Steinman noted.

"...right. In any case, this demands immediate investigation. Any questions so far?" The mayor asked.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

"Bloodless death? The whole town at once?" Bartel grimaced. "Poison, foul sorcery, or even worse. I shall leave today, with Father Almos' leave," he said. "There's no time to lose. Whoever - or whatever - did this is unlikely to stop."
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)

"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark

"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."

"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
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Post by LadyTevar »

Lady Ceridwen walked in just as the Priest made his guesses, followed by her squire. "Please forgive our tardiness, Lord Mayor," she said, bowing slightly. Her hair was still slightly damp, as if she'd washed hurriedly. Her squire looked a little drowned, as if a bucket had been poured over him before he was quickly dressed in appropiate manner.

"I overheard a little... all the townsfolk killed? Were there no survivors seen before the witness came to warn us?" she asked -- a polite way of saying the man ran like a scared rabbit, without checking for survivors.

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The nervous merchant grimaced and said, "When I saw the people lying in the streets, dead, I immediately ran to go get help, but the first house I cam upon was similarly... quiet. Then I ran for the little church... oh gods... he were hiding..." the man trailed off, clearly traumatized by what he saw.

The captain of the guard coughed slightly and said, "From what he's told us, any other survivors would have immediately sent up warnings similar to his. We obviously need to check... which is where all of you come in. I quite expected a member of St. Cuthbert's priesthood to immediately want to investigate this, but I would not have felt right sending you alone, which is why I requested the presence of Lady Ceridwen and Freeman Fehl to assist in scouting Blackdell. I would send a party from the town guard, but with all of the refugees from Greyknoll we are already stretched to the limit. If this is some sort of barbarian trick we might end up stripping our defences just in time for a major offensive."

Nodding, the mayor said, "Thus we would like to ask if those of you assembled here would examine Blackdell and confirm the story we have heard here today. We are of course willing to compensate you for your time and any troubles you might encounter."

Nodding, Father Almos said, "I will have to decline your offer for I fear that if I leave now the potential panic in the congregation could be catastrophic in these troubled times, but I will most certainly authorize Brother Bartel to go. In fact, I am ordering him to go."
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"I also will go. Something of this nature is a threat to the Kingdom and her people," Ceridwen added, then eyed her squire. "Is there any use in telling you not to go?" she asked retortically.

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Post by SirNitram »

"No ma'am!" Volemack grinned like a fool, drawing himself up to all his great, pre-pubpescent height.
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"Go get Hurin saddled and ready to go... and see if there's a pony that will let you ride it," Ceridwen said. She doubted it, as most horses and ponies do not like the smell of Dragon. Maybe a mule. Either way, the price would come out of their share of the reward money, with some to tithing and the rest to his 'hoard'.

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"Excellent. And you Mr. Fehl?" The mayor asked as the squire raced out of the room.
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Post by rhoenix »

Still blinking owlishly, the events of the past half hour had served to wake Fehl up, at least more so than he was. He smirked at the question, though didn't make a comment about being formally regarded by his first name. Maybe that's how they did things here. "It certainly sounds interesting. What sort of compensation would we be expecting for such an enterprise?"
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Post by Charon »

Eight had turned impassively towards each speaker in turn, digesting the information. Three of the others present had been at the Spanked Tiefling the night before, they were mediocre companions, probably of the same skill level as Fehl. Though the squire was no doubt weaker, that meant four capable warriors, with several who had magical ties. That was an acceptable proposition.

The construct's head turned towards the mayor, awaiting his response as to the matter of pay.
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The mayor looked over at the clerk, who examined each member in turn before jotting things down. "Hmmm... well, it is a fairly simple affair, just a day's travel there and another back if you do not wish to break your necks, but there is a degree of danger involved. So... three of you, plus half each for the construct and the squire, over two days... hmm... yes..."

Thinking for a moment, the clerk pulled out some books and looked over a few things before handing over a sheet to the mayor, who looked it over, nodded, and said, "Judging by your ranks within your respective organization, how does a pound of gold each day for a minimum of two days sound, with an additional half share to Lady Ceridwen for her squire and Mr. Fehl for his construct? A further bounty would be paid if you discover the cause and or culprits for what happened at Blackdell."
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"That is acceptable."

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Looking thoughtful at the mayor for a moment, Fehl nodded at last. "Very well. I accept."
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Nodding, the mayor said, "Very good then. Now, we'll need you to leave as soon as possible. If you head out within the next two hours and make a good pace you should be able to reach Blackdell before night falls. My clerk will provide you all with promisary notes to be redeemed upon your arrival back here, and a map that will lead you to where you need to go. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go tell the town that we are investigating what is happening."

The mayor then got up and, with the captain of the guard in tow, exitted to go reassure a frightened populace while the clerk started writing up everything that was necessary.

Nodding, Father Almos added on, "I too must return to the congregation. I leave this mission in your capable hands Brother Bartel."
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Post by Charon »

Deep within the bowels of the construct the sound of stones grating against one another began. It lasted a few seconds before finally coming to an end, the construct was looking from the clerk to Fehl, and for a small moment it seemed like the construct wanted to take one's head and shove it up the other's ass.
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