"Rampart and Urquhart, huh," Jax stated, looking at the man who appeared slightly less than all there in the head. There was something about the eyes. But, Jax, knew, that wasn't necessarily the truth. There were lots of possibilities here. The man could be speaking the truth, he could be lying his ass off, planning on him or his friends jumping him if Jax went to investigate that area, or he could be honestly mistaken. Or completely off his rocker and was making shit up that he only thought he knew. Jax knew he could find out, but that would cost him time that he could use to talk to other people here. He had street names of areas the guy might have been. If the homeless guy was telling the truth or was at least halfway credible, someone else may be able to corroborate. Plus, the mountain man wasn't doing much to make him feel safe in this situation. That was another thing you picked up quick in the streets. You learned to listen to gut instincts.
"Thanks fo da help, chief," Jax said to the man, taking the picture and putting it back in his pocket. Glancing at the others around the fire he nodded respectfully.
"Imma check it out, though. Thanks guys."
Jax, for once listening to the inner voice, went with his instinct and prepared.
[Rote: Spidey Sense - Correspondence 1, Entropy 1, Mind 2
B4UTRUST rolled 2d10:
8, 8
Letting the effect spread out around him, and paying attention to anyone who may be wanting to cause him harm, he began to leave the area to find another group of homeless to talk to.