Poe took the paper from Jeremy and scanned it over. When he first took the paper, a large section had been blank. As he held the paper the section filled in with text, apparently revealed by his touching it. He read through it
This missive are for the eyes of James Poe, Private Investigator only
The gentlemen you are currently meeting, one Malkamar of Azeroth (a.k.a. the Light of Dawn), and Mr Jeremy Ackers, are currently under My employ. Malkamar is a Death Knight, recently arrived to Old Town in his own hunt for Evil, and thus the Cannibal, and Mr Ackers is a newly arrived Ascended, though his story is not so simple but I believe he will be a asset in your current search.
You see, Mr Ackers was a policeman of some value back on Earth. Several months back, his wife was pulled through the Warp Gate, and ended up a resident of our fair dimension. She was not meant to do so. I have reason to beleive she was pulled through on someone else's accord. Mr Ackers spent most of his waking time since her disappearance, locating her. Unfortunately, he found himself, also, pulled through to our current place of residence. He arrived outside of Old Town, not through the Warp Gate at the Crystal Palace - as you well know all Ascended arrive through.
How he crossed over, and why he appeared outside the city limits, I do not know, but rest assured, I will be doing my best to find out how. For now, he is a asset to us both - a Ascended who the Council is not aware of - a Ace in the Hole, you can say for us.
Unfortunately, until he is adjusted well enough to the conditions here in the city, he needs guidance - and I do not trust Malkamar to give him the necessary guidance. You, sir, on the other hand, I would trust for that. You've a fine reputation amongst the citizens of Old Town, and I know you to be of excellent morale character....not to mention you may have common bonds neither of you are aware of yet.
I would be most gracious if you would take him under your wing, and help him get the "lay of the land" as it where, while you both hunt for the Cannibal. Rest assured, I will see to it that you are adequately compensated for your time and troubles, I do not allow my friends to go unrewarded.
James had to reread it twice more before it all sunk in. The initials drove him nuts for a moment, because it didn't make sense. He wasn't expose to really exist, he was just something that was used to scare people. James had to laugh bitterly. He had looked for proof of this guy's existence for ages and had only ever found circumstantial evidence. He tossed the paper onto his desk, the text disappearing as it left his hand.
"Well, Malkamar, Jeremy, congratulations are in order. We're working for one very interesting man. Goes by the moniker of the Shadow Don. Sort of a mix between a myth, a legend and a local boogeyman in Old Town. Spent a while trying to track him down, myself. Only ever got the friend of a friend of a friend did a job for him once sort of thing. Kinda reminds me of that guy from that movie. What was it? Something Suspects... that Soze guy.
"Now, speaking of interesting, Mr. Ackers, you didn't tell me you hadn't come in through the Warp Gate in Crystal Palace. You just showed up here on the edge of Old Town without passing through the Warp Gate first. And that makes you very interesting too.
"So lets all catch up on what we've got with The Cannibal right now, then if you both have questions about Old Town and whats going on around here, I'll try to answer them."