The Glitch V: Taste of Fear (Episode 1)

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Post by Agent Fisher »

Windswept wrote:"It's okay, Thomas," said Seth as he got to his feet, and moved into the lit area of the alleyway. "I remember them from earlier," he added to Thomas to reassure the old man.

Turning back to the gathered group, he wiped the sleep from his eyes before facing them directly and asking the question foremost in his mind. "Why do you seek me out?"

Jack sighed in exasperation at Lizbet and then looked at Seth. "Well, to put it simply, we've been charged with a mission. We're not quite sure who put us up to it. But we'd like you to tag along."
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Post by frigidmagi »

When the pair entered his office, he minimized the windows he was looking at. There was no need to let everyone know what he was up to. He stood and offered out his hand to them.
"Hello, I'm James Poe."
"Jeremy Ackers. Nice office, been here long?" Jeremy said shaking James' hand.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by B4UTRUST »

"Been kicking around here a couple of years. Came over awhile back," James commented. He let out a half-chuckle.
"As for the office, it's a perk of being one of the few people willing to do work in Old Town. Now, how can I help you? My secretary said an acquaintance sent you both to me?"
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"As for the office, it's a perk of being one of the few people willing to do work in Old Town. Now, how can I help you? My secretary said an acquaintance sent you both to me?"
"Yeah, rather powerful gent. I only met with some employees of his who go by the Guide and the Negotiator. Said we should get together to solve a running problem. The running problem that's eating people if you get me?" Jeremy said.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by B4UTRUST »

"Power is all relative," murmured Poe as he considered Jeremy's words.
"Alright, so he sent you to me to work on The Cannibal case. You all are actively involving yourselves so I can safely assume you're not with CCPD. So what do you all know about our strange friend with the funny eating habits?"
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Post by SirNitram »

"Nothing, myself." Malkamar admitted. "Stepped off the icebreaker not long ago. Spotted the scene briefly. But it seems to be another product of the intelligent races' tendency to occasionally vomit out total evil."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Alright, so he sent you to me to work on The Cannibal case. You all are actively involving yourselves so I can safely assume you're not with CCPD. So what do you all know about our strange friend with the funny eating habits?"
Jeremy shrugged.

"I'm still not completely clear on where I am, only arrived here today. So my knowledge is nil." He said.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by B4UTRUST »

James looked from one man to the other, not quite comprehending. This mysterious acquaintance sent these two men, both fairly new to the area and with no real clue what was going on to help him solve this case. He tried to recall if he owed anyone any favors that included babysitting FNGs that he had forgotten about. Still, there had to be a reason they were here. And they were here, which put them miles ahead in his book of most of the people whose job this was. So he gave them the benefit of the doubt and decided to press this a bit further and see where it got him.
"Alright, so neither of you are familiar with the Cannibal, at least not in great detail. Okay, then did our... acquaintance... give you anything that might help this case?"

James opened a drawer in his desk and took out a folder. He tossed it on the desk and then looked back up at the pair.
"If you're interested in playing catch up, theres all the available information I've got on The Cannibal. Press releases, news reports, and my findings so far from the scenes I've been to and people I've talked to. Because I want to believe that whoever sent you guys had a reason to do so and knows something I don't. Though I would really love to know who this acquaintance is."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Alright, so neither of you are familiar with the Cannibal, at least not in great detail. Okay, then did our... acquaintance... give you anything that might help this case?"

James opened a drawer in his desk and took out a folder. He tossed it on the desk and then looked back up at the pair.
"If you're interested in playing catch up, theres all the available information I've got on The Cannibal. Press releases, news reports, and my findings so far from the scenes I've been to and people I've talked to. Because I want to believe that whoever sent you guys had a reason to do so and knows something I don't. Though I would really love to know who this acquaintance is."
"I didn't get a name. Hell he had people pick up right at the edge of this... place. I did get this paper from him and you're welcome to it if you like." Jeremy said handing Poe the paper he had been given and taking the files from him. He sat down to read up on the cannibal.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by B4UTRUST »

Poe took the paper from Jeremy and scanned it over. When he first took the paper, a large section had been blank. As he held the paper the section filled in with text, apparently revealed by his touching it. He read through it
This missive are for the eyes of James Poe, Private Investigator only

The gentlemen you are currently meeting, one Malkamar of Azeroth (a.k.a. the Light of Dawn), and Mr Jeremy Ackers, are currently under My employ. Malkamar is a Death Knight, recently arrived to Old Town in his own hunt for Evil, and thus the Cannibal, and Mr Ackers is a newly arrived Ascended, though his story is not so simple but I believe he will be a asset in your current search.

You see, Mr Ackers was a policeman of some value back on Earth. Several months back, his wife was pulled through the Warp Gate, and ended up a resident of our fair dimension. She was not meant to do so. I have reason to beleive she was pulled through on someone else's accord. Mr Ackers spent most of his waking time since her disappearance, locating her. Unfortunately, he found himself, also, pulled through to our current place of residence. He arrived outside of Old Town, not through the Warp Gate at the Crystal Palace - as you well know all Ascended arrive through.

How he crossed over, and why he appeared outside the city limits, I do not know, but rest assured, I will be doing my best to find out how. For now, he is a asset to us both - a Ascended who the Council is not aware of - a Ace in the Hole, you can say for us.

Unfortunately, until he is adjusted well enough to the conditions here in the city, he needs guidance - and I do not trust Malkamar to give him the necessary guidance. You, sir, on the other hand, I would trust for that. You've a fine reputation amongst the citizens of Old Town, and I know you to be of excellent morale character....not to mention you may have common bonds neither of you are aware of yet.

I would be most gracious if you would take him under your wing, and help him get the "lay of the land" as it where, while you both hunt for the Cannibal. Rest assured, I will see to it that you are adequately compensated for your time and troubles, I do not allow my friends to go unrewarded.

James had to reread it twice more before it all sunk in. The initials drove him nuts for a moment, because it didn't make sense. He wasn't expose to really exist, he was just something that was used to scare people. James had to laugh bitterly. He had looked for proof of this guy's existence for ages and had only ever found circumstantial evidence. He tossed the paper onto his desk, the text disappearing as it left his hand.
"Well, Malkamar, Jeremy, congratulations are in order. We're working for one very interesting man. Goes by the moniker of the Shadow Don. Sort of a mix between a myth, a legend and a local boogeyman in Old Town. Spent a while trying to track him down, myself. Only ever got the friend of a friend of a friend did a job for him once sort of thing. Kinda reminds me of that guy from that movie. What was it? Something Suspects... that Soze guy.

"Now, speaking of interesting, Mr. Ackers, you didn't tell me you hadn't come in through the Warp Gate in Crystal Palace. You just showed up here on the edge of Old Town without passing through the Warp Gate first. And that makes you very interesting too.

"So lets all catch up on what we've got with The Cannibal right now, then if you both have questions about Old Town and whats going on around here, I'll try to answer them."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Now, speaking of interesting, Mr. Ackers, you didn't tell me you hadn't come in through the Warp Gate in Crystal Palace. You just showed up here on the edge of Old Town without passing through the Warp Gate first. And that makes you very interesting too.

"So lets all catch up on what we've got with The Cannibal right now, then if you both have questions about Old Town and whats going on around here, I'll try to answer them."
"What's a warp gate and why should I have passed through one? This is everything on the Cannibal you can get I'm assuming, do we got a map? We can mark out the attacks and when they occurred and get a feel maybe for where he hunts." Jeremy said.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by rhoenix »

Agent Fisher wrote:Jack sighed in exasperation at Lizbet and then looked at Seth. "Well, to put it simply, we've been charged with a mission. We're not quite sure who put us up to it. But we'd like you to tag along."
After looking at the gathered folk, Seth nodded after a few moments. "Do you know anything else about this mission?"
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by B4UTRUST »

"Map is on the wall. Did that already. And it's not everything. I'm still working on something I just got today. The bodies."

Poe pulled the coroner's report out and laid it down on the desk for Jeremy as well.
"The symbols you'll find carved are from something called Alchemy. Never heard of it either. It's some sort of magical psuedo-science that lets someone who uses it change one thing into another. The symbols are part of what is referred to as a transmutation circle. So The Cannibal, or whoever is working with or for The Cannibal knows Alchemy. There's not too many people with the knowledge or ability to use it. In fact, in Old Town there's only one."

Poe chuckled softly, knowing what else was in the report.
"And pay attention to the tox report. See if you can figure it out too.

"A Warp Gate, or rather in this case THE Warp Gate is what we all come here through. And by we, I'm talking about us normal humans who wind up here. You use to be a cop, right? And then all of a sudden one day, boom, here you are. Someplace totally new and different. You got transported, somehow, from what I'll call the 'real' world to this one. And up until now the only one one of us comes through is through the Warp Gate in the Crystal Palace. It's, hell, I don't know what it is exactly. A tear, a rip, a hole, whatever the hell you want to call it. It lets us go from our world to this one. Everyone comes through it because that's where the magic happens, so to speak. Except for you. Somehow, you came through without the Warp Gate. Thats not suppose to happen or be possible. And like I said, that makes you very interesting indeed. It also marks you as what we call an Ascended. Basically a normal human who somehow ended up here and was changed because of it. Sure, you think you're the same, but you're not. You've changed in ways you've probably not even thought of or are aware of yet. Or hell, maybe you haven't even gone through all the changes. It took me awhile before I even realized it for myself. And since you just got here...

"Anyway, lets focus on The Cannibal and we'll do Old Town trivia later. My two ideas right now are go back through the crime scenes and see if we can find anything and track down the only Alchemist in Old Town. Guy named Jack. Was some big hero from the last big war this place had."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"And pay attention to the tox report. See if you can figure it out too.
"I don't know these... Wait a minute... I know that one and it's... Cooking? It's... spices and flavors? That's... new. Very, very new. He's seasoning them before he eats them. Ugh. Most ritual killers don't do that..." Jeremy literally shook himself. He let the Warp Gate explanation past without comment just nodding seriously to show he was paying attention. This place got weirder by the moment.

"Right, we need the attacks marked by date and time. There may be a pattern in his movements. May tell us a general place to look." Jeremy began paging through looking for a list of victims.

"Let's go find your... Alchemist. Maybe he can ID the symbols if nothing else. He was in a war you said? PTSD?" Jeremy asked.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Windswept wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote:Jack sighed in exasperation at Lizbet and then looked at Seth. "Well, to put it simply, we've been charged with a mission. We're not quite sure who put us up to it. But we'd like you to tag along."
After looking at the gathered folk, Seth nodded after a few moments. "Do you know anything else about this mission?"
Jack shook his head. "I figure it's got something to do with working for the Shadow Don and probably the Cannibal." The Alchemist shrugged. "Either way, it promises to be far more interesting and rewarding that living in an alleyway behind a trash can."
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Post by B4UTRUST »

"Yeah, I think we found the Colonel's original recipe in this one. Hmm, we can go through the reports again. That should tell us when and where and that could give us a rough idea of how it's moving, if it's moving."

James nodded in reference to the Alchemist bit.
"The thought had occurred to me as well. Not sure yet on him, honestly. A few rumors have him having a small alcohol problem but they're rumors at the moment. Yeah, records have him being a part of the last big war that happened around here. Ended up wiping out quite a large chunk of habitable space and the people along with it. Was rather nasty, by my understanding.

"Either way, we need to talk to him. He's either a person of interest or a possible good source of information on this. Unless Malk, you know something and you're not fessin' up?"
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Post by rhoenix »

Agent Fisher wrote:Jack shook his head. "I figure it's got something to do with working for the Shadow Don and probably the Cannibal." The Alchemist shrugged. "Either way, it promises to be far more interesting and rewarding that living in an alleyway behind a trash can."
This prompted a grin from Seth, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Oh, I don't know - life can be pretty rewarding in an alleyway."

Walking back to his normal sleeping spot, he grabbed the blankets he used as his bed, and handed them to Thomas without another word. The two men exchanged a nod, Thomas not saying anything else.

Once that was done, Seth stood before the gathered group once more. "Alright, lead the way."
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Jack turned, leading the group out of the alley, activating his omni-tool. "Alright, got another stop before the last one." He said, heading down the street.
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Post by LadyTevar »

LizBet rolled her eyes. "Uncle Jack... maybe we should introduce ourselves?" she hinted... with a verbal baseball bat. She stepped close to Seth, smiling. "I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me LizBet.. This is my Uncle, known to some as Jack the Alchemist. And the short one is Gregory, another Ascended."

Thomas frowned slightly, the woman's looks and name bothered him, but Jack's name was certainly recognized, making Thomas edge away slightly.

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Looking at the others one at a time, Seth memorized each face before introducing himself. "My name is Seth Gabriel, and I've been called a Sage," he said. "Pleased to meet you, LizBet, Jack, and Gregory," he continued with a respectful nod of his head to the others.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by General Havoc »

This was not how Gregory had anticipated spending his day.

"Good to... meet you too," he said hesitantly, unsure as to why they had suddenly recruited the services of a random homeless man, but polite enough to hide it, or at least to try.

"I'm Gregory Colwell," he said, introducing himself slightly more formally than Lizbet had. "I'm an ascended commander." He did not attempt to explain what that meant. He wasn't so sure of what it meant himself.

"Does... anybody know what we're supposed to be doing?" he asked. The others seemed to be taking this "quest" thing on faith. This was one of the reasons why Gregory had always preferred strategy games to RPGs...
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Jack looked back at Gregory. "Yep. We picked up this guy so we could go as a group to get the next guy and then go meet a Private Eye." Jack said. "I don't feel like walking, follow me." He said, leading them down a couple blocks to where he was parked.

Jack climbed into the modified Warthog, the back area featuring a trio of forward facing seats where the gun would be. Once everyone was in, he started it up and pulled into traffic, his omni-tool telling him what turns to take.

A twenty minute drive later, he parked, looking at the apartment building. Heavy doors, steel bars. Looked like it was ready for a siege. Jack climbed out, looking at the others. "Anyway wants to stay and watch my 'Hog, that'd be real nice." He said before walking up to the correct door, ready for nearly anything. The alchemist looked around and raised his hand, knocking on the door.
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Post by Charon »

Matt blinked and looked up from his book. "What?"

There was more knocking. Matt set his book aside and got to his feet. "Who the hell would knock on my door?" He waited, maybe they were at the wrong door, or would give up. The knocking turned to pounding and the heavy metal door reverberated.

Matt gingerly went down the stairs, his eyes looking carefully around to make certain nothing was waiting to pounce on him. Grabbing his shovel Matt finished the trek over to the door and unbolted the locks, apparently they were extremely heavy since the people on the other side of the door could hear them.

Slowly, the door slid open just a little bit and part of a head peaked out to look at the group.

The hazel eye stopped and stared at Jack for several seconds, then looked down at Liz. His gaze was considering them. Looking at the other two, it was more of an examination, judging their threat potential.

Eventually, the man sighed and the door opened more, revealing a rather large, badly scarred, and oddly white haired man. He smiled a little at them and then turned around, walking away, a battle shovel held delicately in one hand.

"Should've figured this would happen one day. Come on in. You want something to eat? I made some blueberry pancakes a little while ago. A couple other leftovers." Matt didn't look back as he spoke.
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Jack's mouth went slack when he saw who it was. He stepped in, eyes wide.

"M-Matt?" He asked in shock. After all, it wasn't very often you find the man you fought and bled with, stood shoulder to shoulder against some of the most horrifying things known to man with, a man you thought dead for years, insane before that, the closet thing to a brother you had, was leading you into their apartment in a run down section of town, talking about pancakes.

"Is that really you?" He asked lamely.
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SirNitram »

"No, I don't. But I've encountered this sort of thing before. I'd say he's getting more distant from his.. Lair.. with each attack. After all, no one found him and put torch to him. He must think he's good enough to sneak further. We just have to catch him out far enough that he can't retreat.." A nod. "But that's all I can offer. I'm a warrior, not a constable."
Half-Damned, All Hero.

Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.

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