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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Mikly Way Gamma Quadrant, SR-388 system...

Both crew and passenger of the Interdictor-Class Picket Ship Investigator had heard about the recent terrorist attack aboard the Death Star as the Captain announced.

"Ladies and gentlemen, few hours ago a suicide bombing ensued aboard the Death Star. Many Imperial military personnel and civilians alike were killed during the terrorist attack. Let's have a moment of silence for the victims."


Everyone was grieving upon hearing the news. An Imperial scientist burst into tears as she noticed her husband was among the victim. The Imperial flag was displayed in half-mast to denote the grief. From the Holo-TV, everyone could see Darth Kreshna's speech comdemning the attack.

Imperial Sith Inquisitor Darth Kreshna giving his speech

Good evening. Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes, or in their offices; secretaries, businessmen and women, military and Imperial workers; moms and dads, friends and neighbours. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.

The pictures of bomb exploding, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed; our country is strong.

A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of the Empire. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of Imperial resolve.

The Galactic Empire was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.

Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature. And we responded with the best of the Galactic Empire -- with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbours who came to give blood and help in any way they could.

Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government's emergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it's prepared. Our emergency teams are working aboard the Death Star to help with local rescue efforts.

Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured, and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from further attacks.

The functions of our government continue without interruption. Imperial agencies aboard the Death Star which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight, and will be open for business tomorrow. Our financial institutions remain strong, and the Imperial economy will be open for business, as well.

The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts. I've directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them.

I appreciate so very much the members of Senate who have joined me in strongly condemning these attacks. And on behalf of the Imperial people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and assistance.

The Galactic Empire and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world, and we stand together to win the war against terrorism. Tonight, I ask for your Force-meditation for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I meditate they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Sith 32: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for the Dark Side is with me. And may the Dark Side be with you."

This is a day when all Imperials from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. The Galactic Empire has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.

The speech finished. The crew of Investigator did not have much time for grieving, though, for they were assigned in a top-secret, Priority Omega-Omega Clearance Mission. They continued their job of collecting DNA strands from SR-388 system. Experiments being conducted in the Interdictor's makeshift lab. The biological samples they found were cultured and analyzed. The result was very promising, though; Beta radiation exposure actually induced cellular reproduction on a phenominal scale, while Gamma exposure promoted mutation. The samples were being put in Bacta Cloning Tanks to see what they would grow into.

Little did the Imperial Scientist know that they have collected the horror of the universe....
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

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Post by DesertFly »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Jasmine asked again, "so have you done anything regarding to this 'renegade Cerebrates'? Could you tell us further about them, who they are, and why they were attacking Tais II?"
Namtaru sighed. This reporter was starting to get on his nerves with her inane questions. Putting on a cheerful face (or as much of one as he could manage), he answered. "I'm afraid that I am not authorized to tell you much on the Zerg's command structure, but I can tell you that it is set up in such a way that Cerebrates have direct control of their broods. While this situation shows how dangerous such a system can be, in the past this has been far more efficient, and I would not be standing here today if we relied on the more common ranks of most militaries. Why exactly this Cerebrate broke away I have not been told, but I feel that I am authorized to say that some object or technology was being housed on this planet, and this Cerebrate felt that he must have it, at any cost. My leaders have confirmed that there were some interesting signals emanating from Tais II, but they feel that it is a military secret exactly what those signals were. They have confirmed, however, that whatever was lost was most likely extremely valuable, and powerful, and leaving it in the hands of a power-hungry and possibly crazy man (OOC: Yes, I'm providing misinformation on purpose) poses a severe danger to everyone.
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Post by DesertFly »

Above a Zerg world....

Ra's ship floated silently in the void, broadcasting its transmission. Perhaps the intelligences governing the Zerg had been focused elsewhere. Perhaps the thought of a ship appearing in the heart of their space unannounced had just not occured to them. Or, perhaps, the Zerg knew they were coming all along...

Several weeks earlier....

Kar'tan had not been having a good day. Many nightmarish minutes had passed after his colony was overrun by the Zerg and he was wounded. The Hydralisk had ignored him after taking what was essentially a potshot, and had slithered off, allowing Kar'tan to pull himself behind the gate, where his symbiote had labored to heal him. Despite his best efforts, he had dozed off, only to awaken to another nightmare hanging over him. His best attempts to move went to waste, and his screams were unheard, as the creature spat a sort of parasite at him, which quickly burrowed into him. His Goa'uld larvae did its best to fight off the new invader, but it was too young to mount any sort of effective defense, and was quickly killed and ejected from Kar'tan's pouch. He felt his consciousness fading as the creature invaded his brain, much like the Goa'uld he carried would have done if it had grown to maturity, to be replaced by the will of the Swarm. Without knowing why he did so, he dialled the gate, then went to a world he had never heard of. Over the next few days, his body and mind were completely overcome, and he became something...else.

Kar'tan stood before the Zerg equivalent to a communications terminal. Ra's ship had arrived right on schedule, and was broadcasting a message. With a thought, the combat forms that had been screaming toward Ra's ship slowed their speed, and formed into escort positions around it.

Kar'tan triggered the viewscreen, accepting the communication and sending his own feed back to Ra's ship. He stepped forward into the light, wondering if Ra would recognize him. Probably not, he mused. Ra's armies had fought with the forces that Kar'tan was a part of, many years ago, and Kar'tan had even caught a glimpse of Ra once, but that was in the middle of a battle. Kar'tan doubted that Ra would remember a minor Jaffa as he was then.

"Hello Ra. You have come an awfully long way to see me." He smiled. "Not what you were expecting, I imagine, a member of the Jaffa here, on a Zerg planet. I assure you, I am unharmed, and joined of my own will. The Zerg are the new powers in this galaxy, and I was privileged to be in the right place to join them on their journey up.

"I have power now that you wouldn't imagine, even in your wildest dreams of godhood. I have become a cerebrate, a ruler of the Swarm. Hundreds of Zerg obey my every whim. I control armies with nothing more than a thought. This entire planet is populated with creatures under my control.

"You say that you come seeking the Zerg queen. Although I wonder exactly how you have heard of her, that matter can wait until another time. The Zerg do not merely allow visitors to waltz in unnanounced," he said as a note of hardness entered his voice, "not even ones professing a desire for an alliance, especially when they were just attacked by rogue Zerg and may have some futile thoughts of vengeance. What assurance can you give me that it would be safe to allow you to land?" If he was aware of the high explosives that packed the ship, he made no mention of it.
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Post by Ra »

"Hello Ra. You have come an awfully long way to see me." He smiled. "Not what you were expecting, I imagine, a member of the Jaffa here, on a Zerg planet. I assure you, I am unharmed, and joined of my own will. The Zerg are the new powers in this galaxy, and I was privileged to be in the right place to join them on their journey up.

"I have power now that you wouldn't imagine, even in your wildest dreams of godhood. I have become a cerebrate, a ruler of the Swarm. Hundreds of Zerg obey my every whim. I control armies with nothing more than a thought. This entire planet is populated with creatures under my control.

"You say that you come seeking the Zerg queen. Although I wonder exactly how you have heard of her, that matter can wait until another time. The Zerg do not merely allow visitors to waltz in unnanounced," he said as a note of hardness entered his voice, "not even ones professing a desire for an alliance, especially when they were just attacked by rogue Zerg and may have some futile thoughts of vengeance. What assurance can you give me that it would be safe to allow you to land?"
"Now you see what you've done, you dumbass?!" Madar telepathically scorned Ra.

"Holy cow," Ra thought. "I hadn't-

"HADN'T THOUGHT OF THAT?!" Madar screamed into his head. "By Revan's tit, you're a fucking idiot!"

Ra pushed Madar aside out of his mind, and responded with a level voice, "Seeing a Jaffa such as yourself here is somewhat interesting, but not entirely surprising, considering recent events."

"What's more surprising is what the hells they did to him. My god," Madar thought.

"Vengeance is hardly on my mind, Jaffa," Ra continued. "If it was, I could have easily summoned hundreds of Ha'taks to pummel this 'rogue' Cerebrate's army. Vengeance would be swift and final, but it would have also done very little good, in the end. My only vengeance shall be against the Imperials, for the disgrace they have placed upon an old ally and friend. But that doesn't concern you. I only want to discuss this rogue Cerebrate, and find out what his motivations are, and what to do about him."

Ra cleared his throat, and continued in a neutral tone, "Your ambassador says that this rogue Zerg force represents a threat to you. It also represents a threat to us. All I want is to see your leader's face, and I want her to tell me that I can smear his pathetic remains across the heavens. Then I will be satisfied, Cerebrate. Even a visual transmission from her will suffice. But I gave him an ultimatum to leave Tais II, and it has passed."

Ra then finished his announcement by adding, "I can give you no assurances that I can be trusted. I, to be honest, do not trust any of you. But the fact of the matter is, the Imperials are my bigger concern now, and if there is any force in the universe I know not to trust, it is them."
Last edited by Ra on Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by DesertFly »

Namtaru floated in space. (OOC: Dang you Dart, beat me to it. Oh well, I can still use it.)

The press conference had just ended, and Namtaru was heading back to his quarters, when he heard a commotion. Crowds of screaming people started running past him, behind them a Zergling. Namtaru hissed. What were these? Were they from the breakaway brood? With a roar, he shot a full load of spines at the pursuing Zergling, with such force that it was impaled to the floor. Most of the people around him didn't notice, and kept running, but a few looked amazed that he had just killed one of "his own kind". Namtaru grabbed the Zergling and wrapped some strands of special saliva around it, which quickly solidified and glued the faux-Zergling to his back, then turned to the closest person who wasn't running in panic. "What is the meaning of this?" he asked, saw the human's eyes grow in terror, then turn and begin running again. Namtaru was smart enough to realize that the human wasn't running from him, so he whipped around. A wall of flames and debris was shooting down the corridor toward him. Without a second's hesitation, Namtaru leaped toward the nearest viewport, his mighty claws ripping through the transparisteel like it was wet pasta. He had just managed to orient himself with the now gaping hole when the shockwave hit. It hurt. It knocked the breath out of his "lungs". It shoved him out the window into space. But it didn't smash his body against the unyielding metal, and he was mostly unharmed as he tumbled through the hard vacuum. The concussion was enough to cause him to lose consciousness though, and he drifted for some time, until his body finally repaired enough damage for higher thought to re-emerge.

His revolutions finally brought the Death Star into view, the massive damage it had sustained barely visible against its gleaming expanse. Namtaru reached out with his mind. Much to his pleasure, the Overlord's hanger was unharmed, and with a groan, the giant beast eased itself off the deck, and flew to where Namtaru hung in space. Within an hour, Namtaru was back onboard the DSIII. He set off to find Darth Kreshna, the psuedo-Zergling still glued to his back.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

A'millian flagship
System I-1071
High orbit over third planet

As the television kept going on about both breaking news and cutting to recordings of Namtaru's conference, Lord Adam sat, not paying attention to the TV, but instead staring at the Lady.

She has sat there immobile for fifteen minutes now, her long, yellow hair still a mess from the environmental suit, her blue eye staring into nothingness, her other eye not visible from his current vantage point.

The alien voice of the Zerg ambassador came through the television set as the news channel played back a recording of him from earlier in the day.

"I feel that I am authorized to say that some object or technology was being housed on this planet, and this Cerebrate felt that he must have it, at any cost. My leaders have confirmed that there were some interesting signals emanating from Tais II,"

The subtle minutae of what was said slipped past the Lord, but the words themselves did divert his attention for a moment.

"Well that's weird," he said aloud, "we didn't see any interesting signals coming from the planet on our sweep."

He paused a moment, but the Lady remained impassive.

"I wonder what it is he is talking about.... uhh, wtf. You there?"

A half smile formed on the far side of her face as she focused on remaining still on the other side.

"Leila," he said, putting a careful pitch in his voice.

She bursts into a laugh: "Of course I'm here, silly. I'm just doing calculations. And you know your Voice doesn't work on me anyway."

"Bleh. What do you make of this?"

"blarghy I dunno."

"So what have you been calculating?"

to be continued below....
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ra »

Zerg Space - Ra's Al'kesh

As Ra spoke with the Zerg Cerebrate who was once the Jaffa Kar'tan, the strange extra limbs sprouting from the hybrid's back shifting slightly as he listened, Madar registered something else, a tremor in the Force.

"Great evil," some voice said. It barely was felt by Madar, but her senses picked it up. She immediately glanced over to Buscan.

"Did you feel that?"

"I did," Buscan returned. "Is it their Queen? Watching us?"

"I do sense their leader watching us," Madar replied, nodding subtly. "But it was not her. I feel something else. Something..."

"Great evil has been done."

"Something older," Madar added with urgency.

"Who in the hells is it?"

"LIGHTSIDER," Madar hissed.

"Nica," Buscan called.

"He sure was weak," Nica's thoughts rambled. "Old Ra couldn't resist me! Oh, shit. I need to check my stock options! I should have quite the nest-"

"Nica!" Madar roared.

"WHA- Shit, boss, I sense it too, but I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do about it."

"A great evil has been done. And he has set all to ruin."

Madar's eyes widened, and her pupils dilated visibly. She felt it, it was close.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

Flotsam went to Kreshnas suit, he watched him as he went through the motions of his speech on the vid-screen.

Bloody hellfire....

He looks through the varius articules about the damage, and sees there were already rough figures to the energy content of the explosion How the hells did I survive that....?

He switches off the vid-screen, and pulls out his comms unit and presses and button on the side

'Captain Igneous here, how may I assist you?'

Igneous, it's Flotsam, any chance I could have a word with our Lord and Master?

'No can do, Rockafella is in conference with the other Lords back home'

Why the hells is he doing that?

'Hav'nt you looked at the news-vids? everyones calling for blood, even if we were to declare war on the Zerg, what the hell could we do? public opinion will be against us once the testosterone fades away, he wants to ensure that we have some other options first.'

Such as?

'Don't ask me, I'm not the one with a galaxies spanning spy network'

Hah! Good point, I'm in Kreshna's room at the moment, i suppose I'll be having similar discussions

'Have fun'


Lord Detritus's quarters

So, Detritus, do you want any of us to come out there? Several of us have finished with our colonisng missions in the other galaxies.

Thank you for the offer Lazerus, i hope that i won't need to drag you into this, I know your forces are just as exausted as mine.

Mine, however are not, Detritus, I can send three fully armed battlegroups within two weeks

May I ask where you got three battlegroups from, Brist?

Hah, dont worry Detritus, I was'nt planning any coup

I should hope so to. What about you Bluejohn?

I think you will be needing more than your forces there Detritus, I put forward the motion that we each send one of our battlegroups to the Milkyway, more if needed

All in favour say Aye, all against say Nay




Indeed, Aye. The Ayes have it then. When will I be expecting your groups then?

We've been ready to go for the last hour, Detritus, All our forces can be there within two days

Really? My, what a pleasent surprise.

No need to worry Detritus, we have all told our fleet comanders to behave themselves, they will all take your orders, they are good trolls, after all.

My thanks gentlemen, I can only hope that your forces won't need to stay long, Detritus out

He switches off the commscreen and gets a acid beer.

May the gods have mercy upon us all he says, taking a swig
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Picking up where I left off...

"Calculating ways to be sure these people's sacrifices will not be made in vain," she answered, softly and in code.

"Aggregate summary report p-l-z" he said, even more softly.

She swung her head back to the side to be looking at him at a bizarre angle, her strangely captivating smile disappearing as she turned the rest of her body to continue talking: "Kuat drive yards needs to be destroyed in stage three."

"Nuke it?"

"Nuke it. An IGDM loaded with three mark elevens should be able to surprise them, and annihilate the infrastructure before they know what hit them."

"Of course the problem is once we bring in those, the gloves are off."

The look on both their faces becoming more grim with each sentence.

"Which is also why we need to send a device to Coruscant simultaneously."

"They will retaliate in full force."

"I've done the calculations. Imperial first strike, everyone loses. We strike first, everyone loses, but we lose less."

"That's strange. It seems the only winning move is not to play."

"Good quote, but wrong. Imperial strike is inevitable. If we take the offensive, we can make the bleed dearly for every light-year. Eventually, the populace will grow tired of it, and they will fear us."

"Fear can be dangerous. Look at us."

"But once they are brought down to size, and their Sith aspect removed, they will be far more docile; far more manageable. You and I might not be around to see it, but in the long term it will be for the better."

"Are you certain we will get to stage three?"

"No, I also did various permutations of possibilities for stage one and two. I will continue adding to these findings as more data comes available... what were you doing the whole time?"

"err...nothing relevant... it involved pi."

"Pi-off!" she said, no longer in the code they were using.

"3.14159265358979323" Adam began.

"846264338327950288419" she continued and they then kept going from there together, the grim faces again being replaced by jovial looks.
Adam D. Ruppe
Image Oh my hero, so far away now.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Dartzap wrote: 'Don't ask me, I'm not the one with a galaxies spanning spy network'

Hah! Good point, I'm in Kreshna's room at the moment, i suppose I'll be having similar discussions

'Have fun'
The Sith welcomed Flotsam in his office, "ah my jolly good chap. It's a pleasure."

He then explained the whole situation, " you have witnessed yourself, we had a Zergling riot aboard the Death Star. The explosion happened when we were busy handling the riot. Now, I wonder if we have good reason to suspect the Zergs. First, the Goa'uld planet Tais II was attacked by the Zergs, and Namtaru claimed that those Zergs were rogue troops. And now we have Zergling riots aboard the Death Star just shortly before the bombing. Namtaru haven't said anything about this, and I wonder if the Zergs can be trusted."

"However," Darth Kreshna continued, "things are getting more complicated. See, Imperial Security Buerau just identified the bombing suspect." The Sith showed a black-and-white, slightly blurred photograph to Flotsam.


He continued, "the photograph was taken by the Death Star's security camera. Her name is Megumi Kazawa and she holds an A'millan passport, but if she's really the bomber, she could have a hundred of fake names. The problem is that she is not in our terrorist database, so I request a cooperation with the Trollish Secret Service to perform a joint investigation with us. If she is really the bomber, then it indicates that the Zergs is cooperating with the A'millans to perform this terrorist attack. Besides, the bomb is an antimatter bomb --something that the Zerg doesn't have. What do you think, Commander Flotsam?"


OOC: now, can Commander Flotsam do a James Bond-esque spionage works? The Trollish Secret Service, you know. The MI-6. :razz:

OOC 2: oh, by the way, the picture above is the picture posted by Adam as the female android who performed the bombing. I modified the picture a bit so it would look like being taken by a security cam (notice the motion blur).
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

Share your free D&D character here.

:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Ra »

As Ra finished his speach and awaited Cerebrate Kar'tan's response, suddenly the pilot looked over to him.

"M'lord," he said, "I'm picking up a general broadcast message. It's addressed to no one in particular, but it seems to be meant for heads of state."

"Put it through," Ra sighed.

What he saw next chilled him to his bone. On the screen she appeared, in her full magesty and grace. The screen glared with white light shining from her tresses of golden hair, and her piercing blue eyes seemed to look directly at him. Ra felt as much; she knew he was watching him, in particular.

The timeless elf was flanked by another woman, this one with bronzed skin and a harder, bony face. Her bushy eyebrows arched upward, identifying her as a Vulcan.

"Greetings, heads of state," said the Lady Galadriel. "As all of you do know, I left at war's end. Now, the time has come for my return here. Great troubles threaten the very fabric of peace and wellbeing of countless lives."

"Oh shit," Ra muttered.

"It's her, alright," Madar nodded.

"Im tolo ad," her voice beckoned in Ra's mind. Nin lend an Valinor crom pan gwaith nedh iaun a band. Si i sae ned naeth innas dant am men pan!"

"Due to the myriad troubles now falling upon the great nations of these three galaxies, nations that were once united against a common foe and fought bravely side by side, I ask all of you, rulers of the Empire, the Goa'uld-

"Do not think for one instant, Young One, that I am not aware of your misdeeds," she telepathically interjected into Ra's mind. The Goa'uld shifted back in his seat noticeably, getting a glance from Madar.

-the A'millians, the Trollish Imperium, and even the new ones whom have come to this galaxy, the Zerg. I ask not of your ambassadors, but for you - the leaders - to show the limitless bravery and a resolve once seen during the great War; to meet each other on this world, Vulcan, face to face. Let us discuss all concerns that you may have, and work out a solution without the need for barbaric bloodletting. The conference shall be held here in the capital city in three Imperial-standard days. I would wish you all to make your appearance. Coordinates to Vulcan have been included with this message. Namarie, and farewell."

At that, the transmission ended, leaving Ra baffled. It wasn't just the fact that Galadriel was back; he wondered why she was back. Were things in the universe that bad now?

Ra shook his head, and stated, "You were saying, Cerebrate?"
Last edited by Ra on Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Narsil »

OOC: Yellow text and subsilver doth not work well together... that said:


Daroch sighed in resignation... the Inquisitors didn't keep any information on their members - and often renamed them. He would have to find his daughter via a different method. One that would probably get him killed in the process.

As he walked along the streets of Coruscant, he noticed a rather interesting broadcast being played on one of the largescreens.
"Due to the myriad troubles now falling upon the great nations of these three galaxies, nations that were once united against a common foe and fought bravely side by side, I ask all of you, rulers of the Empire, the Goa'uld, the A'millians, the Trollish Imperium, and even the new ones whom have come to this galaxy, the Zerg. I ask not of your ambassadors, but for you - the leaders - to show the limitless bravery and a resolve once seen during the great War; to meet each other on this world, Vulcan, face to face. Let us discuss all concerns that you may have, and work out a solution without the need for barbaric bloodletting. The conference shall be held here in the capital city in three Imperial-standard days. I would wish you all to make your appearance. Coordinates to Vulcan have been included with this message. Namarie, and farewell."
Daroch watched the broadcast grimly, and there were several things that he noticed.

Firstly; his employers - the Commonwealth - were not known about, or were going to be privately contacted. Secondly; she was a powerful entity in the Force, as were the Zerg. But unlike the Zerg, she felt like a powerful presence in the lightside, almost like a mirror to the Zerg's dark nature. But if an entity as powerful as Master Yoda was interfering with Galactic affairs... it meant that something was wrong.

Very wrong.

"Fear, you should not. Your ally, the Force is."

"Master Yoda?!" Daroch was taken aback.

"Travel to Dagobah, you must," the ancient Jedi replied telepathically. "Time for me to return it is... a great disturbance there is - troubling it is."

"Yes, Master," Daroch replied.

He began a quick dash to his ship, with one resounding thing on his mind.

Yoda was back. Yoda could help him save his daughter. This was a good thing.
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

OOC: Alright, I'm still not sure whether Galadriel's broadcast was directed to Ra alone, or to all head of the states (Detritus, Lord Adam, Darth Kreshna, and even Kerrigan). However, Darth Kreshna is still having a meeting with Commander Flotsam, so Galadriel's message will be received by his Holo-Answering Machine (DK will play the message later).


Meanwhile, while Darth Kreshna was in the meeting with Commander Flotsam....

An email was being sent by Darth Kreshna's secretary to Ambassador Namtaru of the Zerg:

FROM: Sith Grand Inquisitor Darth Kreshna of the Galactic Empire
TO: His Excellency Ambassador Namtaru of the Zergs
CC: -
SUBJECT: Request for Explanation

Dear Sir,

As we already know that a terrorist attack has ensued at the Death Star; a suicide bombing that costed the lives of many innocent civilians.

I trust it already came into notice that prior to the bombing, a Zergling riots ensued at the Death Star's Metro District, which also took a lot of innocent casualties. Some of them are honest, hardworking Imperial citizens, stationed far away from their home in contributing to ensue peace and stability in this galaxy.

Thereby, as the Imperial Sith Lord and the Milky Way Viceroy, I urgently request your explanation on this matter, particularly regarding to the Zergling's mischief prior to the explosion.


Darth Kreshna
Imperial Sith Grand Inquisitor, Prince of Byss, Archduke of Bilbringi, Honorary Baron of Naboo, Honorary Prince of Coruscant, and Imperial Viceroy of Milky Way

The email was titled 'request', but anyone who knew the Empire should know that it was a demand; the Galactic Empire was the most powerful compared to other space-faring nations. With their industrial scale, technological advancement, and military might, the Empire was no doubt a superpower nation. The Empire's closest ally, the Trollish Imperium, could not be taken lightly either. Just like the British Empire from 20th-century Earth, the Trolls had probably the best trained troops in the galaxy, as well as its famous His Majesty Trollish Secret Service intelligence agency. Together, the two nations were virtually unchallenged in Milky Way galaxy.

Still having a meeting with Commander Flotsam, Darth Kreshna actually wondererd how Namtaru would reply.....
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dartzap »

So, we think it's the Zerg then? before this have we even seen[/i ]anything of theirs to compare to this?I know we had those Zerg on the rampage... But I do have one small niggling question... Where the hells did they come from? That ambassaderial ship could hold two, maybe three people at any time, certainly not fifty. If I get a chance, i'll get a few agents keep an eye on our little chitinous friends, the benefits of being a Trollish number two, I suppose...

Flotsam looks down at his Dis-orginiser datapad, which has for the last 2 minutes been going.

Bingley Bingley Beep! with various sound effects

What in the seven hells of the Tax Department do you want?

Hello Insert-Name-Here!I have just had my information updated from your embassy! The Lords of the Home Galaxy are sending 4 more battle fleets to the Milkyway! Lord Detritus has just put the TSS on it's highest alert! All agents are being taken off their current assignments!

Flotsam looks over at Kreshna It looks like I'll have a few more toys then....
Last edited by Dartzap on Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DesertFly »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Still having a meeting with Commander Flotsam, Darth Kreshna actually wondererd how Namtaru would reply.....

Unfortunately for Kreshna, as the email was being sent, Namtaru was not in his quarters. Fortunately for Kreshna, that was because the Zerg ambassador was on his way to the Sith's offices, faux-Zergling still firmly stuck to his back.

Namtaru noticed the funny looks from people as he slithered past, but ignored them all. He was experiencing a curious new feeling, righteous anger, and he had no time for etiquette or protocal. The small, dead animal that even now hung like a birth defect from his sinewy back appeared to the untrained eye as a Zergling, but Namtaru could see several differences, obvious and not so, from the genuine article. Someone had crudely crafted constructed clones of combat casts, and Namtaru was convinced that it was the same group that was responsible for the blast that had almost destroyed him.

He finally arrived at the entrance to Darth Kreshna's office. The secretary tried to stall him, saying that Kreshna was in a meeting, but the Zerg's fury was too great to be stopped, and he pushed his way into the room where Darth Kreshna and his visitor sat, interrupted by their new visitor.

Before either of them could speak, Namtaru pulled the Zergling off his back and dumped it between them, then spoke, his voice a barely restrained roar. "DO YOU SEE THIS? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, THIS--OUTRAGE!" He stopped for a second to gather his faculties, then continued in a calmer voice. "I apologize, gentlemen. My outburst should not have been directed at you. This creature you see before you is no Zerg!"
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Some time later...

"6487479017727412567819055556218050487674699114083997 *inhale*
791937654232062337471732470336976335792589151526" they were still going together, but then Adam dropped off as the Lady continued on her own:
"031561403332127284919441843715069655208754245059895 *inhale*
6787961303311646283996346460422090106105779458151 and that is one million!"

"I can't believe you beat me."

"I can't believe you came so close to a million, and didn't finish it off!"


The com panel beeped. "We'll finish this later," he said then pressed the button: "yes?"

"Preliminary report from 242's exobiology department ready, sir."

"Send it through."

The screen came on, and a slide show with a voice over began.

"We have taken first looks at the footage sent, and have come to the conclusion that these Zerglings are of minimal or no relation to the ones seen on Tais."

"Of course you did."

The slide moves on to side by side slow motion pictures of the Zerglings moving and attacking.

"Who would have thought HDTV news broadcasts would be useful?"

"Take a careful look at how they walk. See the differences with the Death Star ones? The bone structure in the legs is significantly different. Now, watch how their claws move. Again, this shows a significantly different bone structure after careful side-by-side analysis. Moreover, look at how the carapace reacts to staff fire and blaster fire. After adjusting for the different weapons' operation, we were able to tell that the two caraparaces are made out of entirely different material.

"The differences are too great to be simple genetic diversity; these changes are significant enough that there is no way these had a common ancestor. They aren't even genetic clones. They are copies, and rather poor ones at that.

"We will have continue to send updates and a formal report as we have it prepared. That concludes this preliminary presentation."

The screen went dark.

"Nothing surprising there," Adam softly commented in his code.

"Nope," the Lady answered.

The com panel beeped again. "Yes?" Adam answered, same way as before.

"Sir, we received another message. It claims to be from Galadriel, addressed commonly to you and other commanders."

"Patch it through."

"Both sound and picture coming through now..."

The recording of her transmission plays.

"Fascinating." The Lady says, raising an eyebrow, "I wonder what she knows?"

"Probably nothing more than anyone else. But there is one thing she certainly knows that I don't."

"What would that be?"

"How the fuck long an Imperial Standard Day is."

"Approximately 0.975 sectons."

"Well, looky at miss know it all."

"It isn't hard to remember... if you'd go easy on the sauce."

"If you were any other person, I'd kill you where you sit."

"I know. Anyway, we shall be going to Vulcan."

"I can live with that. After our surface expedition tomorrow, we leave, with just one automated ship."


"Computer," Adam said, "Send to commander 242 the following message: 'Full detailed report xenobio report required within two sectons. Step up evacuation drills' end message. Send with full encryption."

The computer beeps acknowledgement.
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DesertFly »

Ra wrote:Ra responded with a level voice, "Seeing a Jaffa such as yourself here is somewhat interesting, but not entirely surprising, considering recent events."

"Vengeance is hardly on my mind, Jaffa," Ra continued. "If it was, I could have easily summoned hundreds of Ha'taks to pummel this 'rogue' Cerebrate's army. Vengeance would be swift and final, but it would have also done very little good, in the end. My only vengeance shall be against the Imperials, for the disgrace they have placed upon an old ally and friend. But that doesn't concern you. I only want to discuss this rogue Cerebrate, and find out what his motivations are, and what to do about him."

Ra cleared his throat, and continued in a neutral tone, "Your ambassador says that this rogue Zerg force represents a threat to you. It also represents a threat to us. All I want is to see your leader's face, and I want her to tell me that I can smear his pathetic remains across the heavens. Then I will be satisfied, Cerebrate. Even a visual transmission from her will suffice. But I gave him an ultimatum to leave Tais II, and it has passed."

Ra then finished his announcement by adding, "I can give you no assurances that I can be trusted. I, to be honest, do not trust any of you. But the fact of the matter is, the Imperials are my bigger concern now, and if there is any force in the universe I know not to trust, it is them."
Kar'tan looked amused. "It seems that we may be able to come to some sort of agreement after all." He paused for a second, as if in thought. "I know that you would never be foolish enough to step foot unarmed on a hostile planet, and although we could afford the loss, I'm afraid that it's not something I can allow. My queen, Kerrigan, has proposed an alternative. She--" Before he could continue, another broadcast suddenly interrupted:
Galadriel wrote:"Greetings, heads of state. As all of you do know, I left at war's end. Now, the time has come for my return here. Great troubles threaten the very fabric of peace and wellbeing of countless lives. Due to the myriad troubles now falling upon the great nations of these three galaxies, nations that were once united against a common foe and fought bravely side by side, I ask all of you, rulers of the Empire, the Goa'uld, the A'millians, the Trollish Imperium, and even the new ones whom have come to this galaxy, the Zerg. I ask not of your ambassadors, but for you - the leaders - to show the limitless bravery and a resolve once seen during the great War; to meet each other on this world, Vulcan, face to face. Let us discuss all concerns that you may have, and work out a solution without the need for barbaric bloodletting. The conference shall be held here in the capital city in three Imperial-standard days. I would wish you all to make your appearance. Coordinates to Vulcan have been included with this message. Namarie, and farewell."
"Well," said Kar'tan, looking even more amused, "it appears that someone else has had the same idea that I was about to propose." He paused for another second, then continued. "Kerrigan has informed me that she intends to go to this meeting. Perhaps a more private meeting can be arranged between our peoples then."
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Post by Ra »

DesertFly wrote:"Well," said Kar'tan, looking even more amused, "it appears that someone else has had the same idea that I was about to propose." He paused for another second, then continued. "Kerrigan has informed me that she intends to go to this meeting. Perhaps a more private meeting can be arranged between our peoples then."
Ra nodded, and allowed himself a slight smile, answering politely, "Excellent. I too will be on Vulcan on the appointed day."

Ra then restrained from sweating, his mind filling with uncomfort at the thought of meeting Galadriel - someone he once respected but now feared, due to his conscious choices over the last three years - once again. Her stare had summed up everything he feared. And worse, what of all the chaos he had caused? It was him that began tampering with Guardian technology in the first place, an act that in and of itself was risky and evil. Then the Imperials found out, and then the Zerg captured Tais II. Ra had the inescapable feeling that he was personally responsible for the next great war, the beating drums of which rung in his ears.

Madar sensed his troubled thoughts, but said nothing.

"I thank you for your cooperation, Kar'tan, and we shall be on our way; out of your space. Good day to you," Ra finished in a calm voice.

As the transmission ended, and Ra glanced at his pilot. That look was enough to tell the Jaffa to turn the ship around, sending the Al'kesh quickly out of orbit of the Zerg world.

"Nicely handled," Nica said in a low tone. "Do you really want to go to that meeting, sir? Your thoughts seem... troubled."

"Lady Galadriel is of no concern to me," Ra lied. He ignored the fact that save the pilot, everyone in the cockpit knew he was lying. "What I do want to do is stop this... what do the Tau'ri say... clusterfuck from getting any more out of hand."

"Well, at least you're using that head of yours now," Madar muttered under her breath.

Moments later, the ship entered hyperspace, leaving Zerg territory behind.
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Post by DesertFly »

Sometime later, assuming he's still alive....

Namtaru sat at some small bar on the DSIII. Although the Zerg did not usually consume resource-bearing materials in the same manner as other creatures, Kerrigan, in one of her fits of humanity, had installed this ability into Namtaru's product specification before he was grown.

In her defense, she realized that commiserating at a bar with a fellow diplomat and an intoxicating liquid could provide far more information than even the most horrible and otherwise effective torture.

Namtaru wasn't taking advantage of alcohol's (or similar substances') influence on other beings, however. He, due to a design "flaw" in his specification, was indulging in its relaxing and giggle-inducing effects (at least on him).

As he noisily slurrped another glass of Romulan Ale, he felt the sudden urge to share his life story with everyone around him. Too bad, he thought, that his life had started only a very short time before he arrived at the gigantic space station that he now called home. Of course, he could always talk about the history of the Zerg, but, even in his drunken stupor, he realized that this was a subject that no-one here needed to know about.

Namtaru took another drink.

(OOC: I sincerely apologize if this makes no sense. I've had a bit too much of the intoxicating liquid myself, and it seems like amazing prose right now. I'll look at it later, and fix any amazing mistakes I may have made.)
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Biosystems labortory, formerly of an ancient civilization
Surface of third planet of I-1071

The Lord, Lady, Meryetre, and a landing party have returned to the sealed door they found on their first trip here.

The small atmosphere filter has made the air in here almost safe, however they still wore environmental suits as a safety precaution.

They have installed a portable power generator, and are about to restore power to the sealed door.

They press the switch, and partial power is restored.

The seal breaks then door slowly starts to swing open.

"Well, that's anti-climatic." Adam said as he looked into the almost empty room.

There was some equipment: test tubes, flasks, microscopes, and one computer. The men move over to recover the computer's data storage units and one of them carries it back up to the beam out point. The rest then return to the door and look down the elevator shaft he blasted when last they were here.

They take the portable generator off the door, and set it up to try and run the elevator.

A half hour later, they succeeded and the elevator car was safely lowered to the bottom floor. After disconnecting their power unit, people are carefully lowered and are able to open the door to the floor below. After setting up a reliable method of getting back up, the entire landing party proceed down to the next floor.

"Sir, take a look at this," one of the men called, pointing at a device in a box.

"Oh wow," Adam said looking at it, "it is a posibolt unit."


"A positron bolt unit. A versatile weapon designed for attacking space fortresses."

"That small?"

"Yeah. It requires external cooling and power units though to be brought to full capacity. This is a very old model, but if we set it up on one of our ships, it could destroy the Fearless above with about a twelve second burst. They can also be carried by combat androids, obviously limited by the android's support systems though."

"But, what would a weapon like that be doing in a bio lab?"

"I don't know. Maybe the answer lies deeper within."

They leave the powerful weapon behind and proceed deeper into the floor, passing more sample tubes, most either broken or filled with gooey ooze. They take samples of the ooze for further analysis and finally come up on a ladder leading down.

Below, they find the computer core, which is in pretty bad shape, but not all lost. The landing party start to recover data units, then go back up and return to the ships, leaving the rest of the damaged equipment and the posibolt unit behind for now.

Hopefully they can learn more about it all from the recovered data units back on the ship.

However, within the next couple hours, the Lord and Lady will be departing for planet Vulcan.
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ra »

Madar leaned arrogantly back in her chair as Ra's ship hurtled through hyperspace. She, Nica, and Buscan were in a back room, out of earshot from the Goa'uld.

She then said, "So, let me get this straight. He really is going to go through with this?"

"As far as I can sense," nodded Buscan. "Ra is going to give this Kerrigan information on the Empire and Trolls' desires to attack Zerg space, especially regarding the intelligence on the Trolls' fleet movements, and I sensed him seriously considering giving Kerrigan all of the naqadriah-enhanced nukes on board this ship."

"Good lord," Madar muttered. "Those bombs would give her the ability to one-shot a small fleet of ISD's. He really is tripping."

"And it would weaken his own defense," Nica added. "Those bombs were only built by the Tau'ri and to an extent Baal's faction, and one force is now an Imperial "protectorate" - what she meant was "occupied" - and the other is in a terrible state now that the Imperials are putting so much pressure on him. I'd say that's a good thing, but Ra's own bomb-building abilities are extremely limited because of Darth Kreshna's enforcement on Baal's weapons program."

"Darth Kreshna was no fool," Madar smirked. "He keeps that superlaser in this galaxy to keep everyone in line, and imposes heavy sanctions on local factions to ensure they couldn't actually threaten his forces, should he feel they stand between him and galactic domination. I expect he only uses the excuse of some slim chance of a Guardian return to justify the thing being here, just like that BS he gave the A'millians just before the recent bombing."

"That may be so, but no number of Mk. IX's could take out a Death Star-class battlestation," Buscan stated flatly. "A station with a shield-generating capactity so great that only another superlaser would take it down could easily shrug off even the most impressive attack the Goa'uld - Ra and Baal combined - could muster. That's why it took fighters and the Will of the Force to take down the first one."

"True," nodded Madar, "but that's come into Ra's mind as well. He's been slaving over that one objective now that war is inevitable, to eliminate DS III from the equation. He'll have to just keep on thinking, but if Ra and Kerrigan are united, it could very well change things. That's about half the galaxy united against the Imperial occupation here."

"Half, but even this whole galaxy would not defeat the Empire," Buscan noted.

"Not our Home Galaxy forces, no," Madar stated. "They would eventually come along and utterly crush Ra and Kerrigan. That, people, is why I'm not stupid enough to sit around and get tagged a traitor. I'm already wanted enough in the Empire, I don't feel like being around when the Goa'uld are facing a show trial at the hands of Darth Kreshna and then the Senate, for a noble but in the end futile effort."

"You're resigning?" Nica asked.

"Not precisely," Madar smiled. "I hate the Empire. Who in this room doesn't? It's a galaxy run by politicians, with a pansy 'Sith' that allows himself to be used by them, rather than using the politicians for his own ends. Politicians are what ultimately brought down the Old Republic; Darth Sidious just took advantage of that.

But I'm not stupid. I know Ra is going to eventually have to pay for this little "galactic self-determination" plot he has brewing, and I'm not going to be involved in it. We were his corporate employees, remember, not his mindless Kull Warrior servants."

"I agree," Buscan nodded. "We need to get out of this while the going is good. We're en route to Heliopolis, and we can steal a ship from there, and return to the home galaxy."

Madar then raised a blaster pistol, smiling sadistically. She cooly said, "It's time we handed in our resignations."

* * *

Ra sat emotionlessly in the cockpit of his Al'kesh as the ship dropped from hyperspace, hurtling into orbit of his capital planet. Sighing, he rose, heading to the Ring Transporter in the back. Suddenly, Madar and her confederates entered the corridor, the cute Dark Jedi standing before him.

"Madar," he nodded.

She nodded back, and then pointed her blaster right in Ra's face. His blood chilled at the sudden action.

"I'm sorry, boss, but I have to tell you something," Madar smirked. She then stepped closer to him, pressing the business end of her weapon right in his chest, and put a hand softly around his shoulder.

"I couldn't just say this without at least expressing my gratitiude, and admiring your audacity, but in the end, I can't go on the same path you've chosen, Ra," Madar spoke into his ear. "I quit."

The words mattered little to him, but part of Ra was disappointed. He had grown somewhat attached to his employee, and to see her like this actually hurt the Goa'uld, even if he didn't show it on his face.

But Madar could see past his face, and see inside of him. She smirked once again, and reached over, kissing him. Ra returned it, and Madar finally broke off, stepping back with her blaster still raised at him.

"And now comes the part where we take our leave of you, sir," Madar said. "Fare well, and try not to get yourself killed."

Nica then used the Force to TK the button activating the Ring Transporter, its multiple rings descending down over the three Dark Jedi. They vanished with a flash of golden light, and the rings rose back into the ceiling.

Ra hit a com panel, and barked, "Trace that!"

"M'lord, I believe they went down to the spaceport in district 5," the operator answered.

"Shit," Ra muttered. "No matter, I can pick up someone elsewhere. I want a detachment of Kulls to meet me planetside, now."
Jonathan McKenzie
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"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Dartzap wrote:Hello Insert-Name-Here!I have just had my information updated from your embassy! The Lords of the Home Galaxy are sending 4 more battle fleets to the Milkyway! Lord Detritus has just put the TSS on it's highest alert! All agents are being taken off their current assignments!

Flotsam looks over at Kreshna It looks like I'll have a few more toys then....
"Excellent. The fleet exercise, of course, will keep proceeding as Detritus and I have planned. If there's anything you need regarding to our military movement, Moff McKenzie will be your daily contact. I have assigned the 471st fleet and 354th fleet to join the Trollish Battlegroups." (OOC: feel free to play with my fleets, especially since I've been kinda busy in real life lately. I know we have agreed to not playing other's character and/or fleet in this game, but like I said, I've been busy, so Dartzap is free to play with my ships.)

The Sith then explained to Flotsam. The 471st fleet was primarily designated for heavy hitting purpose, because although it only had ten Star Destroyers, it also included a Shockwave-Class Star Cruiser and an Eclipse-Class Star Battleship as its flagship --the ESB Constellation .

The 354th fleet, on the other hand, was led by a Sovereign-Class Star Battleship --the Valor, and had ten Imperator-Class Star Destroyers and five Allegiance-Class Star Destroyers. Unlike the all-purpose Imperator (which was often wrongly dubbed Imperial-Class Star Destroyer), the Allegiance is more specialized in large fleet engagement; serving more as a dedicated fleet destroyer instead of general purpose destroyer.

Both fleets, of course, were part of Darth Kreshna's Sith Guard (OOC: I changed the name; it is now not the 'Ceremonial Forces' anymore, but 'Sith Guard'. Since the previous name hasn't been used in IC context, I guess we don't need any retcon.). Just like the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of 20th century Earth, the Sith Guard was separate from, and parallel to, the Imperial Armed Forces. They were a full military force, well equipped with their own navy, space fighter force, Stormtroopers, and special forces. Their rank system was the same with Imperial Armed Forces, but they wore a special badge depicting a firebird. Of course it was not as large as the Imperial Armed Forces --the Imperial Navy, who had more than 25,000 Star Destroyers, already dwarfed Darth Kreshna's Navy. However, the Sith Guard was more than sufficient to maintain the Empire's interest in Milky Way galaxy.

Kreshna then continued, "as regarding to your investigation, I have contacted the CIA (Coruscant Intelligence Agency) and you have their full support." The Sith handed a large datapad, "since many clues pointed to the A'millans, I have exercised the liberty to provide you the full CIA database of the A'millan Star Empire."

As they were having conversation, someone suddenly entered a room. Darth Kreshna automatically groped for his lightsaber, while Flotsam reached his Pulsar Pistol, because the one who entered the office was disturbingly similar to one of the Zergs attacking Tais II. However, they quickly calmed again as Kreshna recognized the alien. "It is Ambassador Namtaru, the Sith sighed with relief. Prejudice was hard to overcome.
DesertFly wrote:He finally arrived at the entrance to Darth Kreshna's office. The secretary tried to stall him, saying that Kreshna was in a meeting, but the Zerg's fury was too great to be stopped, and he pushed his way into the room where Darth Kreshna and his visitor sat, interrupted by their new visitor.

Before either of them could speak, Namtaru pulled the Zergling off his back and dumped it between them, then spoke, his voice a barely restrained roar. "DO YOU SEE THIS? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, THIS--OUTRAGE!" He stopped for a second to gather his faculties, then continued in a calmer voice. "I apologize, gentlemen. My outburst should not have been directed at you. This creature you see before you is no Zerg!"
Darth Kreshna and Commander Flotsam stared at each other at the moment, then they bursted into laughter. All the diplomatic exchanges, the headache, the desperate effort of the Trollish Imperium and the Galactic Empire to keep peace and stability amidst the madness, and all the tension. And now this. "Frankly, that was the most un-diplomatic statement I ever heard, my jolly good chap."

However, Namtaru's word may ring true. The Sith Grand Inquisitor then ordered, "brought the Zergling to the lab... I mean the hospital. Let's see what we can find out from that 'fake Zergling'."

"Excuse me, Sir, but does it have right?" one of Darth Kreshna's security guards asked.

"Didn't you look at what just happened? The Zerg Ambassador disowned it, so as far as we concerned, the Mister Zergling we have here has no citizenship, no rights whatsoever."

"Yes Sir."

few hours later.....

A tiring, yet productive day Darth Kreshna thought. His meetings with Flotsam was over. Now it was time to supervise the recovery effort again. The structural damage was repaired, but the superlaser was rendered inoperational by the bombing. And of course, the lives of Imperial citizens were lost. Honest, hard-working Imperial citizens.

Kreshna tried to surpress his rage. All clues pointed to the A'millan Star Empire, and if Flotsam was successful in proving it, then the A'millans had a hell to pay.

His PDA beeped, "Darth Kreshna, milord? There was a Holo message from Lady Galadriel."
Galadriel wrote:"Greetings, heads of state. As all of you do know, I left at war's end. Now, the time has come for my return here. Great troubles threaten the very fabric of peace and wellbeing of countless lives. Due to the myriad troubles now falling upon the great nations of these three galaxies, nations that were once united against a common foe and fought bravely side by side, I ask all of you, rulers of the Empire, the Goa'uld, the A'millians, the Trollish Imperium, and even the new ones whom have come to this galaxy, the Zerg. I ask not of your ambassadors, but for you - the leaders - to show the limitless bravery and a resolve once seen during the great War; to meet each other on this world, Vulcan, face to face. Let us discuss all concerns that you may have, and work out a solution without the need for barbaric bloodletting. The conference shall be held here in the capital city in three Imperial-standard days. I would wish you all to make your appearance. Coordinates to Vulcan have been included with this message. Namarie, and farewell."
Intrigued, Darth Kreshna played the recorded message. An invitation to Vulcan. Good chance to punch Lord Adam's face, he thought. He ordered to prepare The Phoenix --his personal Executor-Class Star Command Battleship, as well as two Eclipses as escort. An Executor, flanked by two Eclipses. Surely it would inspire awe and fear on everyone who saw the formation.

But what really appealed him to attend Galadriel's invitation was actually something else.

Irene. How he had missed her so much since she decided to follow the Elven Lady.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
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Post by Narsil »

OOC: I'm afraid that this is going to be one of my last posts in the thread for a long while. I'm going to be too busy to post for a few months - give or take a bit (trying to get a new job, and my remaining time will be spent working my way through college), so I'm taking the Commonwealth out of the equation entirely.


The Commonwealth constructor craft looked through all its remaining theories of inter-universal travel and then it finally found something. It was actually part of their temporal theories, but it involved *reversing* the spatial effects in a specific area. It was mainly used to make people younger and capable of having a longer life time. But if it could be expanded upon... it could be used to re-open the wormhole.

Immediately, it began working... and it relayed the information to each and every other craft AI, and informed them to be ready to return as soon as possible. They could go home finally.

And, if we're lucky, it thought. This won't take too long.
Last edited by Narsil on Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

DesertFly wrote: Namtaru wasn't taking advantage of alcohol's (or similar substances') influence on other beings, however. He, due to a design "flaw" in his specification, was indulging in its relaxing and giggle-inducing effects (at least on him).

As he noisily slurrped another glass of Romulan Ale, he felt the sudden urge to share his life story with everyone around him. Too bad, he thought, that his life had started only a very short time before he arrived at the gigantic space station that he now called home. Of course, he could always talk about the history of the Zerg, but, even in his drunken stupor, he realized that this was a subject that no-one here needed to know about.

Namtaru took another drink.
While Namtaru was drinking, a green-skinned Twi'lekkian woman approached him. "You look sure need someone to talk with....." the Twi'lek spoke seductively, playing her fingers on the Hydrallisk's spines.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

Share your free D&D character here.

:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
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Destructionator XV
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Post by Destructionator XV »


The Lord and Lady carry suitcases and their ceremonial swords onto a small, but fast shuttle, one of the hybrid atmospheric models. These are rarely used, but Adam keeps had one on hand in his ship for special occasions.

They sit down in the smallish cockpit that comes to life as Adam flips various switches.

He enters the command code needed for it to fully activate, then presses start engine buttons, hearing the hum of the engines spinning up as he pressed each one as the shuttlebay doors of the mothership open.

The small shuttle leaves the bay, and they set a course for Vulcan that will minimize their passage through potentially hostile space.

He then pauses for a moment to look out the window at an Asgard science ship coming out of hyperspace and joining the A'millian science ships.

"If only all races could be as honourable as those guys," he comments before pressing the execute button, and the tiny ship goes to warp.
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Adam D. Ruppe
Image Oh my hero, so far away now.....
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