The Omen of Majesty (RT Ship & Crew)

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#1 The Omen of Majesty (RT Ship & Crew)

Post by Hotfoot »

For sake of ease, I figured I'd make a new thread for everyone's characters, since I like having all that information in one place, so please, no non-character sheet posts please. I'll start off with the Omen of Majesty herself, and then post Ravion. The worksheet for power and space for the Omen of Majesty can be found here.

Omen of Majesty

Hull: Light Cruiser
Class: Modified Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser
Dimensions: 4.5 km long, 0.5 km abeam at fins approx.

Speed: 8 (13)
Detection: +25
Armor: 19
Space: 2 (60)
Maneuverability: +12 (+22)
Hull Integrity: 55 (55)
Turret Rating: 1
Void Shields: 1
Port: Sunsear Las-Broadside (S6 1d10+2 Crit 4 Range 9) (90 degree arc)
Starboard: Sunsear Las-Broadside (S6 1d10+2 Crit 4 Range 9) (90 degree arc)
Prow: Sunhammer Lance Battery (S2 1d10+3 Crit 3 Range 9) (270 degree arc)

+5 to Command
+5 BS on all ship weapons
+5 to Detection (Already counted)
+1 to Speed (Already counted)
+5 to all defending boarding actions
-1 Morale loss (min 1)
No penalties to moving through light stellar debris
+10 to Warp Navigation, best of two rolls on Warp problems
-1d10 days from any warp transit
Can shunt power from other systems to increase speed by up to +5
+20 to hit and run attacks, removes piloting check from the extended action
+10 to Maneuver when close to planets
+50 Achievement for Trade or Criminal Objectives

-1d5 structure (Already counted)
If Plasma Banks are damaged, the ship takes 1d5 damage and the drive is set on fire
-3 Maneuvering (Already counted)

Morale: 100
Crew: 100 (10 on Footfall)

Small Craft (Limit 16 E):
3 Argus Lighters (1.5 E)
3 Chiopteran Scouts (1.5 E)
3 Gun Cutters (3 E)
5 Heavy Lifters (5 E)

Total: 11 E

Current Complement of Support Equipment:

Heavy Haulers, Power Lifters (Sentinels)

Additional Fleet Ships:


Command Crew Roster:

Lord Captain Ravion Karakan (May apply Rogue Trader special ability to anyone on the ship once per strategic round, +10 to HOLD FAST!)

First Officer Phelan (Command as Trained Basic Skill for Crew of Omen of Majesty)

Enginseer Prime Lucius Scapio (+10 to Emergency Repairs)

Master Helmsmen Severus Xanatov (+10 to Evasive Manuevers)

Master at Arms Sarvus Xanatov (+10 to Repel Boarders)

Master of Ordnance Torian "Cutter" Voltaius (+5 BS when Lock on Target)

Choir-Master Telepathica Cornelius Alessaunder (Range of Signal +1 Step)

Warp Guide Sebastion Xan'Tai (+5 to Warp Navigation)

Chief Bosun Harlon Swole (+5 to ship crew ratings, ignore penalties to command from morale when on board)
Last edited by Hotfoot on Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Here is my current Rogue Trader, I'll be working out the details shortly, but here is the basic character sheet with the important number bits as they stand. A reference of my work can be found here.

Ravion Karakan

Weapon Skill 46 + 5 + 5 (100 + 250)
Ballistic Skill 50 + 5 + 5 + 5 (250 + 500 + 750)
Strength 30
Toughness 40
Agility 40 + 5 + 5 (250 + 500 )
Intelligence 50 + 5 + 5 (100 + 250)
Perception 40 + 5 + 5 (250 + 500)
Willpower 50 + 5 + 5 (250 + 500)
Fellowship 70 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 (100 + 250 + 500 + 750 )

Corruption: 1 + 2
Insanity: 3 + 3 + 3
Fate Points: 5 (5)
Wounds: 20 (20)

Unspent: 1150
Earned: 22,700 / 23,000 (Don't ask)
Total: 27,700

Origin Path:

Homeworld: Battlefleet
Lure of the Void: Seeker of Truth
Trials and Travails: Dark Voyage
Motivation: Prestige
Career: Rogue Trader
Lineage: Prominent Ancestry


Command (Fel)
Commerce (Fel)
Charm (Fel)
C.Lore (Imperium) INT
Evaluate (INT)
Literacy (INT)
S.Lore (Astro) INT
Speak (High Gothic)
Speak (Low Gothic)
C.Lore (Navy) INT
Speak (Fleet War Cant)
Navigation (Stellar)
S.Lore (Tactica) INT
Dodge (AGI)
C.Lore (Rogue Trader) INT
Awareness (PER)
Speak (Trader's Cant) INT
S.Lore (Archaic) INT
S.Lore (Legend) Basic (Untrained) INT/2
Secret Tongue (RT) 100 XP
Ciphers (Rogue Trader) 100 XP
Deceive (Fel) 200 XP
Barter (Fel) 200 XP
Command +10 (Fel) 200 XP
Scholastic Lore (Imperial Warrants) INT 200 XP
Charm +10 (Fel) 200 XP
Blather (Fel) 200 XP
Dodge +10 (AGI) 200 XP
S.Lore (Heraldry) INT 200 XP
Inquiry (Fel) 200 XP
Command +20 (Fel) 200 XP
Pilot (Space) AGI 100 XP
Carouse (TOU) 200 XP
F. Lore (Xenos) INT 200 XP
C. Lore (Koronus Expanse) INT 200 XP
Charm +20 (Fel) 200 XP
Secret Tongue (Underdeck) INT 200 XP
Dodge +20 (AGI) 200 XP
Commerce +10 (INT) 200 XP
Speak Language (Eldar) INT 200 XP
Acrobatics (AGI) 200 XP
Decieve +10 (Fel) 200 XP
Awareness +10 (Per) 200 XP


Air of Authority
Pistol (Uni)
Melee (Uni)
Void Accustomed
Officer on Deck
Ship Bound Fighter
Resistance (Fear)
Talented (Charm)
Renowned Warrant
Ambidexterity 200 XP
Jaded 200 XP
Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) 300 XP
Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) 500 XP
Quick Draw 200 XP
Iron Discipline 200 XP
Leap Up 200 XP
Sound Constitution 1 200 XP
Gunslinger 500 XP
Decadence 200 XP
Foresight 200 XP
Into the Jaws of Hell 500 XP
Double Team 200 XP
Sound Constitution 2 200 XP
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Shuriken Pistol) 500 XP
Sound Constitution 3 200 XP
Rapid Reaction 200 XP
Master and Commander 500 XP
Sound Constitution 4 200 XP
Sound Constitution 5 200 XP
Light Sleeper 200 XP


Legendary 1000 XP
Paranoia 100 XP
Watchful for Betrayal 500 XP
Lightning Reflexes 200 XP
Talented (Dodge) 200 XP
Talented (Command) 200 XP
Hip Shooting 600 XP
Master Orator 600 XP
Sound Constitution 200 XP
Sound Constitution 200 XP
Step Aside 500 XP
Hard Bargain 500 XP


Plasma Pistol (Common) BS 50 Range 30 S/2/- 1d10+6 (2d10+6) Pen 6/8 Clip 10
Plasma Pistol (Best) x2 BS 50 Range 30 S/2/- 1d10+6 (2d10+6) Pen 6/8 Clip 10
Eldar Shuriken Pistols (2) BS 50 Range 30 S/3/5 1d10+2 Pen 4 Clip 40
Inferno Pistols (Good) x2 BS 50 Range 10 S/-/- 2d10+4 Pen 12 Clip 3
Bolt Pistols (Best) x2 BS 50 Range 30 S/2/- 1d10+5 Pen 4 Clip 8

Power Sword (Common) WS 46 1d10+8 Pen 5 Power Field, Balanced
Power Sword (Best) WS 46 1d10+9 Pen 5 Power Field, Balanced (+10 WS)

Micro Bead
Void Suit
Fine Clothing
Xeno-Pelt Cloak
Storm Trooper Carapace (Best Quality, AP 7)
Calculance Array (+10 to Commerce)
Mefonte's Orthodoxy (+10 to Charm wrt Religious, inspiration for Imperial Audience)
Eldar Shimmerstone (+ 20 to WP vs. Possession)
Cameleoline Cloak (Taken from Augurs Armory)
Good Maccabien Rosarius (50, 1-5)
Airtorch Ammunition

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Post by Soontir948 »

W00t, no more trying to finagle my way to page 2 in the other thread. I'm going to make future updates here.

Name: Lucius Scapio
Homeworld: Forge world - -5ws/+5int/Common lore (tech, machine cult) untrained basic/technical knock talent/+3 any one/-10 test imperial creed/-5 interacting ecc
Birthright: Scapegrace - Sleight of Hand/+3 Per/1d5 Corruption
Lure of the Void: Hunted by crime baron: +3 Per/Enemy (Underworld) Talent
Trials and travails: Calamity - Light Sleeper and Hardy or Nerves of Steel
Motivation: Fortune - +1 Fate
Career: Explorator
Ship-Role: Enginseer Prime
Wounds: 21
Fate: 4
Corruption: 1

WS 05 35 (25+5-5+5(Simple)+5(Inter))
BS 05 40 (25+5+5 Simple + 5 Inter)
S 15 60 (15+5+10 (Array)+5 (Inter))
T 20 73 (25+20+3 [Forge]+5 (simple)+5(inter)+5 (trained)+10 (Array) )
Ag 05 25 (5-5 Array)
Int20 65 (25+20+5(Simple)+5 (inter)+5(Trained)+5 (Forge) )
Per20 51 (25+20+3+3)
WP 05 35 (25+5+5(Simple))
Fel05 25 (5-5 Array)

Awareness +10
Chem Use +10
Common Lore (Machine Cult, Tech)
Dodge +10
Drive (Ground Vehicle)
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech +20, Adeptus Mechanicus)
Medicae +20
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy, Chymistry)
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader, Tech)
Speak Language (Explorator Binary, Low Gothic, Techna-lingua)
Sprint [good bionic legs]
Tech-Use +20
Trade (Armouror, Technomat)

Sleight of Hand [basic trained]

Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Binary Chatter
Concealed Cavity
Electro Graft Use
Enemy (Underworld)
Feedback Screech
Ferric Lure
Light Sleeper
Logic Implant
Luminen Blast
Machinator Array
Maglev Grace
Master Enginseer
Mechadentrite Use (Utility)
Nerves of Steel
Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus)
Rapid Reload
Sound Constitution x9
Talented (Tech Use)
Technical Knock
The Flesh is Weak 3
Total Recall

Mechanicus Implants

Hellgun [Best-craftsmanship, Cadian, Targeting Scope] (50m 1d10+4 E Pen: 7 Clip: 30 Rld: 2 Full)
Boltgun (90m 1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 24 Full)
Omnissian axe 2d10+4+SB
Baleful Eye R:10m D:1d10+4 E Pen: 7 Ammo: 40 S/2/- [Right Eye]
Servo-skull Familiar w/ Auspex
Cameleoline cloak
Storm Trooper carapace (Best Quality)
Void suit
Sacret unguents

Bionic Arms [Good-craftsmanship]
Bionic Legs [Good-craftsmanship]
Bionic Respirator [Common-craftsmanship]
Gastral Bionics [Best-craftsmanship]
Internal Power Cell
Medical Mechadentrite [Best-craftsmanship]
Memorance Implant [Left Eye?]
MIU Good Craftsmanship
Optical mechadentrite [Best-craftsmanship]
Utility mechadentrite [Best-craftsmanship]

Clip/Drop Harness
Grenade (Smoke) [1]
Grenade (Frag) [3]

XP Left: 0
XP spent: 15200
200 Bionic Arm [Good-craftsmanship]
500 Mechadentrite Use (Utility)
100 Trade (Armouror)
200 Autosanguine
400 Sound Constitution (x2) (Rank 1)
100 Awareness
" Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)
" Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader)
" Simple Toughness
" Simple Intelligence
" Simple Strength
" Drive (Ground Vehicle)
" Secret Tongue (Tech)
250 Intermediate Intelligence
" " Toughness
Rank 2
200 Tech Use +10
" Awareness +10
" Binary Chatter
" Dodge
" Electro Graft Use
" Forbidden Lore (Archeotech)+10
" Prosaguine
" Total Recall
500 Maglev Grace
250 Simple Ballistics
" " Willpower
400 Sound Constitution (x2)
Rank 3
200 Feedback Screech
200 Tech-use +20
200 Dodge +10
500 The Flesh is Weak
500 Trained Toughness
300 Scrutiny (Elite Advance)
200 Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +20
200 Chem Use
200 Sound Constitution
200 Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus)
200 Ferric Lure
Rank 4
200 Talented (Tech Use)
500 Flesh is Weak 2
200 Concealed Cavity
200 Luminen Blast
400 Sound Constitution x2
200 Chem Use +10
250 Simple Weapon Skill
" Intermediate Strength Skill
500 Intermediate Weapon Skill
" Machinator Array
600 Medicae (+10, +20)
500 Intermediate Ballistic Skill
200 Scholastic (Chymistry)
Rank 5
500 Master Enginseer
500 The Flesh is Weak 3
200 Rapid Reload
400 Sound Constitution x2
500 Trained Intelligence

Gained XP:
500 Beginning XP (4.5k to 5k)
500 Bonus
G1: 400 (900)
G2: 500 (1400)
G3: 400 (1800)
G4: 500 (2300 total)
G5: 400 [-100 due to missed game]
G6: 400 (3100 total) 1/3/11
G7: 400 (3500) 1/17/11
G8: 500 (4000) 1/24/11
G9: 400 (4400) 1/31/11
G10:500 (4900) 2/7/11
G11:500 (5400) 2/21/11
G12:500 (5900) 3/14/11
G13:400 (6300) 3/21/11
G14:500 (6800) 3/28/11
G15:500 (7300) 4/5/11
G16:600 (7900) 4/26/11
G17/18: 1000 (8900) 5/16/11
G19: 500 (9400) 5/23/11
G20/21: 900 (10800) 6/7/11
G22/3/4: 1600 (12400) 6/27/11
G25: 500 (12900) 7/11/11
G26: 400 (13300) 7/18/11
G27: 500 (13800) 8/9/11
G28: 400 (14200) 8/16/11
G29/30: 1000 (15200) 8/29/11
Last edited by Soontir948 on Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:53 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Post by Marcao »

Name: Severus Xanatov
Homeworld: Noble Born (+1 profit)
Birthright: Heretek (+3 int. Tech-use and Medicae skills. 1d5+1 corruption)
Lure of the Void: Renegade/Dark Visionary (1d5+1 insanity, dark soul and forbidden lore (archaetech)
Trials and Travails: The Hand of War/The Ashes of War (Heavy Weapon Training (launcher) and Hatred (Orks), -10 to all fellowship tests when dealing with Orks)
Lineage: A proud tradition (Heir Apparent)
Motivation: Pride (Saint Drusus Blessed Carapace Armour)
Class: Void-Master (1-4)/Xenographer (5)/Legend of the Expanse (6)/Arch-Helmsman (7)
Rank: 7
Ship Role: Master Helmsman
Wounds: 20
Insanity: 8
Corruption: 7
Fate Points: 4
Initiative: 1d10+14
Initial Experience: 5,000 xp + 500xp (bonus)
Experience Gained: 23,700 xp
Experience Used: 22,150 xp
Experience Remaining: 1,450 xp
Total Experience: 28,600 xp

Weapon Skill: 40
Ballistic Skill: 60
Strength: 40
Toughness: 40
Agility: 60
Intelligence: 40
Perception: 43
Willpower: 45
Fellowship: 40

Air of Authority
Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
Bulging Biceps
Dark Soul
Die Hard
Double Team
Exotic Weapon Training (Eldar Las Blaster)
Exotic Weapon Training (Dark Eldar Blaster)
Hatred (Orks)
Heavy Weapon Training (Launcher)
Hip Shooting
Hotshot Pilot
Light Sleeper
Lightning Reflexes
Mastery of Space
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Peer (Imperial Navy, Military, Nobility)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Rapid Reload
Resistance (Fear)
Sound Constitution 8
Sovereign of the Stars
Talented (Pilot - Space Craft, Dodge, Forbidden Lore - Xenos, Tech-Use)
True Grit
Two Weapon Fighting (Ballistic)
Vendetta (Valloon Dynasty)
Watchful For Betrayal

Awareness +20 (Per)
Charm (Fel)
Command +10 (Fel)
Common Lore (Imperial Navy, Koronus Expanse +20, War) (Int)
Deceive (Fel)
Dodge +20 (Agi)
Drive (Ground Vehicle, Skimmer/Hoverer) (Agi)
Forbidden Lore (Archaetech, Pirates, Xenos +20) (Int)
Inquiry (Fel)
Intimidate (Str, Int or Fel)
Literacy (Int)
Medicae (Int)
Navigation (Stellar) +10 (Int)
Pilot (Flyers +20, Personal +10, Space Craft +20) (Agi)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy, Tactica Imperialis +10) (Int)
Scrutiny +20 (Per)
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader, Underdeck)
Speak Language (Eldar +10, High Gothic, Low Gothic, Stryxis) (Int)
Tech-Use +20 (Int)
Trade (Armourer) (Agi)
Trade (Voidfarer) (Agi)

Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) [Good Quality]

Piloting Tests
Pilot (Space Craft): 60 (Base) + 20 (Skill) +10 (Talented) +10 (MIU) +10 (Hotshot Pilot) = 110 + Maneuver Rating (+12 or +22) = 122 or 132
Pilot (Flyers): 60 (Base) + 20 (Skill) +10 (MIU) +10 (Hotshot Pilot) = 100 + Maneuver Rating
Pilot (Personal): 60 (Base) + 10 (Skill) +10 (MIU) +10 (Hotshot Pilot) = 90

Secondary Tests
Scrutiny: 43 (Base) + 20 (Skill) + 25 (Sensors): 88
Tech-Use: 40 (Base) +20 (Skill) +10 (Talented): 70
Forbidden Lore - Xenos: 40 (Base) +20 (Skill) +10 (Talented): 70
Awareness: 43 (Base) + 20 (Skill): 63


Power Sword
Quality: Common
Pattern: Mordian
Class: Melee
Range: ----
Damage: 1d10+5E (1d10+9)
Penetration: 5
Special: Powerfield, Balanced (+15 parry)
Weight: 3kg
Availability: Very Rare

Chain Sword
Quality: Best (+10 to WS, +1 damage)
Pattern: Hecate
Class: Melee
Range: ----
Damage: 1d10+3E (1d10+7)
Penetration: 2
Special: Tearing, Balanced (+15 parry)
Weight: 6kg
Availability: Average

Bolt Pistol
Quality: Common
Pattern: Ceres
Class: Pistol
Range: 30m
ROF: S/2/--
Damage: 1d10+5X
Penetration: 4
Magazine: 8
Reload: Full
Special: Tearing, Red Dot Laser Sight
Weight: 3.5kg
Availability: Rare

Missile Launcher
Quality: Common
Pattern: Locke
Class: Heavy
Range: 250m
ROF: S/--/--
Damage: 2d10X (Frag) or 3d10+10X (Krak)
Penetration: 4 (Frag) or 10 (Krak)
Blast: Frag (6), Krak (1)
Magazine: 1
Reload: Full
Special: Red Dot Laser Sight,
Weight: 12kg
Availability: Scarce

Grenade Launcher
Quality: Best
Pattern: Voss
Class: Basic
Range: 60m
ROF: S/--/--
Damage: 2d10+4X (Krak), 2d10x (Frag), 1d10+3E (Inferno), 2d10+3R (Geode), 2d10+4R* (Filament), 1d10+3 (Bloodfire)
Penetration: Krak (6), Frag (0), Inferno (6), Geode (4), Filament (6), Bloodfire (0)
Blast: Krak (-), Frag (4), Inferno (2, Flame), Geode (3), Filament (1, Tearing), Bloodfire (10, Special Toughness Test @ -10)
Magazine: 6 (18)
Reload: Full
Special: Red Dot Laser Sight, Fire Selector, Cannot Jam
Weight: 12.5kg
Availability: Scarce
Standard Loadout: 9 Filament, 6 Geode, 3 Bloodfire
Errata: *

Eldar Lasblaster
Quality: Common
Pattern: Unknown
Class: Basic
Range: 120m
ROF: S/3/6
Damage: 1d10+4E
Penetration: 4
Magazine: 90
Reload: Full
Special: Twin-Linked, Reliable, Motion Predictor.
Weight: 3.5kg
Availability: Near Unique

Shuriken Catapult
Quality: Common
Pattern: Unknown
Class: Basic
Range: 60m
ROF: S/3/10
Damage: 1d10+4R
Penetration: 6
Magazine: 100
Reload: 2 Full
Special: Reliable
Weight: 2.5kg
Availability: Very Rare

Dark Eldar Blaster
Quality: Common
Pattern: Unknown
Class: Basic
Range: 60m
ROF: S/-/-
Damage: 2d10+10X
Penetration: 16
Magazine: 18
Reload: 3 Full
Special: Felling (4), Proven (3), Red-Dot Sight
Weight: 4.0kg
Availability: Unknown

Carapace Armor (Heirloom) + Helmet
Quality: Best
Locations: All
AP: 7
Weight: 7kg
Availability: Very Rare
Special: Inbuilt microbead or voxcaster, Heightened Senses (Sight), Dark Sight. Always make an awareness roll against a hidden target as a free action.
Background: An exquisite set of armor which was at one point allegedly blessed by St. Drusus himself, this armor chronicles a detailed instance during Drusus' crusade rather than a general narrative of the Saint's beliefs. It is rumored that six such sets of armor exist, each belonging at one point to one of the Saint's most devoted (and fanatical) followers. it is said that once all six unique sets of armor are gathered together, a singular cohesive narrative will be able to be decoded. The exact nature of the narrative has been widely speculated within various circles. This particular armor has the number III etched near the collar.
Special: Hexagrammic Wards

Grapplehawk "Megaera" - Xanatov Pattern
Attributes: WS= 40, BS=**, S=35, T=35, Ag=50, Int=20, Per=40, WP=30, Fel= --
Movement: 2/4/6/12
Wounds: 8
Skills: Awareness +10 (Per), Dodge (Ag), Concealment (Agi), Silent Move (Ag)
Talents: Fearless, Hip Shooting, Flame Weapon Training (Pistol)
Traits: Armor Plating, Dark Sight, Flier 20, Machine 4, Size (Scrawny)
Armour (Machine): All 6
Weapons: Best-Quality Cadence "Destroyer" Hand Flamer (Mouth) [1d10+5, Pen 2, Clip 5, Pistol 15m], Shock-Pulse Claws (1d10+3E, Shocking)
Gear Auspex, Inbuilt Vox and cogitator, Grapple units (can carry things at SBx2), Shock-Pulse Claws (1d10+3E, Shocking), Stummer, Cameleoline Coating, Good Quality-Conversion Field (Rating 50), Leg Dispensers allowing each leg to carry up to 3kg of ordnance.
Death From Above: For the purposes of dropping ordnance from its leg dispensers the Xanatov pattern grapple-hawk counts as having BS 40.
Bombing Run: As a full action, the Xanatov pattern may make a bombing run. It may fly up to its full movement and make a single attack (as per hip shooting) at any point during its movement. If possible, the Grapplehawk will seek to activate its stummer as a free action prior to attempting the bombing run. An enemy that is attacked in this fashion and is not aware of the grapplehawk's presence may make an opposed awareness test against the grapplehawk's silent move skill (+30 counting the Grapplehawk's stummer). If the opponent is successful, it becomes aware of the Grapplehawk and does not count as surprised. If the opponent is not successful, he counts as being surprised for the purposes of this attack.
Notable Kills: Ork Warboss.
Dispenser Loadout: 3x Geode, 3x Bloodfire

1x Guard Flak Armor
1x Eldar Shimmerstone (+20 vs Possession)
3x Frag Grenades
3x Smoke Grenades
1x Micro-Bead
1x Void Suit
1x Blessed Ship Token
1x Rebreather
1x Imperial Navy Uniform
2x bottles of amasec
1x Pict-recorder
1x Vox-caster
1x Medikit
1x Combi-Tool (Common)
1x Dark Eldar Blaster (Common)
2x Eldar Las Blaster (Common)
1x Eldar Shuriken Catapult (Common)
1x Eldar Jewelled Brooch [Power Field] (Rating 75, Overload 01-05)
1x Cameleoline Cloak
1x Mind Impulse Unit (Good) [+10 to communicate with machine spirits, tech-use, pilot, drive, logic, inquiry and ballistic skill tests when interfaced with MIU systems. Experience the senses of any familiars controlled as if owner were present]
1x Grapplehawk
1x Best Quality Chainsword
1x Holo-Suit (35 Rating Power Field that cannot overload)
1x Shifting Fabric (Good Quality)
1x Flip Belt (Hover 6, re-roll dodge tests)
1x Inferno Pistol (Good Quality)
1x Recoil Gloves (Best)
1x Hexagrammic Wards
Krak Grenade/Missile Supply
Frag Grenade/Missile Supply
Egerian Geode Grenade Supply
Inferno Grenade Supply
Xeno-Filament Grenade Supply
Bloodfire Grenade Supply


Alpha: 1x Eldar Lasblaster, 1x Dark Eldar Blaster, 1x Voss Pattern Grenade Launcher, 1x Bolt Pistol. Standard Defenses.

XP Purchases

+5 Ballistic Skill (Simple): 100xp
+5 Agility (Simple): 100xp
+5 Willpower (Simple): 100xp
Dodge: 100xp
Awareness: 100xp
Drive (Ground Vehicle): 100xp
Scrutiny: 100xp
Trade (Voidfarer): 100xp
Heir Apparent Lineage: 100xp
Heretek Birthright: 100xp
+5 Agility (Intermediate): 250xp
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader): 100xp
+5 Ballistic Skill (Intermediate): 250xp
+5 Willpower (Intermediate): 250xp
+5 Perception (Simple): 250xp
+5 Agility (Trained): 500xp
Pilot (Space Craft) +10: 200xp
Quick Draw: 200xp
Scrutiny +10: 200xp
Paranoia: 200xp
Intimidate: 100xp
Common Lore (Koronus Expanse): 200xp
Pilot (Flyers) +10: 200xp
Drive (Skimmer/Hover): 100xp
Command: 200xp
Dodge +10: 200xp
Forbidden Lore (Pirates): 200xp
Secret Tongue (Underdeck): 200xp
+5 Willpower (Trained): 500xp
Awareness +10: 200xp
Hardy: 200xp
Basic Weapon Training (Universal): 500xp
Pilot (Space Craft) +20: 200xp
+5 Weapon Skill (Simple): 250xp
+5 Strength Skill (Simple): 250xp
Inquiry: 200xp
Deceieve: 200xp
Charm: 200xp
Command +10: 200xp
Die Hard: 200xp
Rapid Reload: 200xp
Double Team: 200xp
Pilot (Personal): 200xp
Dodge +20: 200xp
Trade (Armourer): 200xp
+5 Fellowship (Simple): 500xp
Jaded: 200xp
Talented (Dodge): 200xp
Peer (Imperial Navy): 200xp
+5 Strength (Intermediate): 500xp
Resistance (Fear): 200xp
Pilot (Flyers) +20: 200xp
Hotshot Pilot: 500xp
Hip Shooting: 500xp
Pilot Personal +10: 200xp
Marksman: 200xp
+5 Weapon Skill (Intermediate): 500xp
True Grit: 200xp+100xp
Speak Language (Eldar): 200xp
Sound Constitution 1: 200xp
Awareness +20: 200xp+100xp
Forbidden Lore: Xenos +10: 200xp
Sound Constitution 2: 200xp
Polyglot: 300xp
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Eldar Lasblaster): 200xp
Speak Language (Stryxis): 200xp
Sound Constitution 3: 200xp
Forbidden Lore: Xenos +20: 250xp
Speak Language (Eldar) +10: 250xp
+5 Ballistic Skill (Trained): 500xp
Sound Constitution 4: 200xp
Air of Authority: 200xp
Sound Constitution 5: 200xp
Sound Constitution 6: 200xp
+1 Fate Point: Free
Sound Constitution 7: 200xp
Sound Constitution 8: 200xp
+5 Ballistic Skill (Expert): 750xp
Lightning Reflexes: 200xp
Light Sleeper: 200xp
Watchful for Betrayal: 500xp
Scrutiny +20: 200xp+100xp
Talented (Forbidden Lore - Xenos): 300xp
Two Weapon Fighting (Ballistic): 500xp+100xp
Tech-Use +10 (Elite Advance): 300xp
Tech-Use +20: 200xp
Talented (Tech-Use): 300xp
Ambidextrous: 200xp
Sovereign of the Stars: 800xp
Bulging Biceps: 200xp
Common Lore (Koronus Expanse +10): 100xp
Common Lore (Koronus Expanse +20): 200xp
Exotic Weapon Training (Dark Eldar Blaster): 200xp
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis): 200xp
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis +10): 200xp
Navigation (Stellar) +10: 200xp

Fear/Madness Addition
+4 insanity points and +2 corruption points (roll of 108) upon seeing a 1.5 meter creature of the ruinous powers phase through a closed bulkhead.

1x Relic Boltgun [Near Unique]
1x Harlequin's Kiss (Best Quality) [Extremely Rare]
1x Combi-Tool (Best Quality) [Rare]
1x Aetherflare Grenade Supply [Near Unique]
1x Haywire Grenade Supply [Near Unique]
1x Jump Pack (Best Quality) [Rare]

Last edited by Marcao on Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:13 pm, edited 191 times in total.
The Peddler of Half Truths.
"Not OP, therefore weakest." - Cynical Cat (May 2016)
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Post by Charon »

Torian "Cutter" Voltaius

Weapon Skill 40
Ballistic Skill 60
Strength 40
Toughness 50
Agility 50
Intelligence 30
Perception 45
Willpower 45
Fellowship 43
Wounds 13
Insanity 4
Fate Points 3

Origin Path
Homeworld: Battlefleet
Birthright: Stubjack
Lure of the Void: Crusade; Call to War
Trials and Travails: Calamity
Motivation: Pride
Career: Void-Master
Lineage: Heir Apparent

Common Lore (Imperial Navy)
Common Lore (War)
Common Lore (Koronus Expanse)
Common Lore (Tech)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
Forbidden Lore (Pirates)
Navigation (Stellar)
Pilot (Space Craft) +10
Pilot (Flyers)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)
Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant)
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Dodge +10
Intimidate +10
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader)
Secret Tongue (Military)
Scrutiny +10
Trade (Voidfarer)
Command +10
Tech Use

Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
Nerves of Steel
Light Sleeper
Void Accustomed
Talented (Intimidate)
Peer (Military)
Hatred (Kroot)
Officer on Deck
Ship-Bound Fighter
Die Hard
Sound Constitution

Power Sword (Common)
Bolt Pistol (Common) w/ Fire Selector
Hellgun (Common)
Guard Flak Armor
Void Suit
Blessed Ship Token
Imperial Navy Uniform
Amasec (2 bottles)
Ancestral Seal
Last edited by Charon on Mon May 09, 2011 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Karrick »

Sarvus Xanatov
Rogue Trader

Weapons Skill 70 (4 advances) 1600 xp
Ballistic Skill 40 (1 advance) 250 xp
Strength 50 (2 advances) 1250 xp (Unnatural + 4)
Toughness 40
Agility 50 (2 advances) 750 xp
Intelligence 50 (4 advances) 1600xp
Perception 35 (1 advance) 250 xp
Willpower 39 (2 advances) 750 xp
Fellowship 50 (2 advances) 350xp

Corruption: 1
Insanity: 5
Fate Points: 3
Wounds: 16

Origin Path
Homeworld: Noble Born
Birthright: Fringe Survivor (Pit Fighter, 200xp)
Lure of the Void: Hunter (Xenos Hunter, 200xp)
Trials and Travails: Dark Voyage
Motivation: Exhilaration (Thrill of War, 250xp)
Career: Rogue Trader
Ship Role: Master at Arms (+10 to "Prepare to Repel Boarders")

Acrobatics (Ag)
Awareness +10 (Per)
Charm (Fel)
Ciphers (Rogue Trader) (Int) 100xp
Command +20 (Fel)
Commerce + 10(Fel)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Dodge + 20 (Ag)
Evaluate (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos, Archaeotech) (Int)
Intimidate (Str)
Literacy (Int)
Pilot (spacecraft, personal) (Ag) 100xp
Search (Per)
Security (Ag)
Scholastic Lore (Astro, Tactica) (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader) (Int) 100xp
Speak (Eldar, High Gothic, Low Gothic, Techna-Lingua) (Int)
Tech-Use (Int) +10
Tracking (Int)
Trade (Voidfarer)

Air of Authority
Ambidextrous 200xp
Apostate Mechanic
Binary Chatter
Counter Attack
Crushing Blow
Double Team
Heightened Senses (Smell, Sound)
Infused Knowledge
Iron Discipline
Leap Up
Legacy of Wealth
Luminem Desecration
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Nerves of Steel
Peer (Nobility, Administratum)
Physical Perfection x 3
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Rapid Reaction
Resistance (Fear)
Sound Constitution (x6)
Sprint (from legs)
Subversive Programming
Swift Attack
Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee)
Unnatural Strength x2
Wall of Steel

Rogue Trader:
Best Craftsmanship Inferno Pistol (10m, S/-/-, 2d10+8 E, pen 13, clip 3)
w/ airtorch (5m, s/-/-, 2d10+8 E, pen 13, clip 3, scatter)
red dot sight, in MIU shoulder mount

(L)Best Craftsmanship Mordian-Pattern Power Sword (1d10+10 pen 5, power field, balanced, extra +5 to parry )
(R)Best Craftsmanship Mezoa-Patter Power FIST (2d10+15 pen 9, power field, unwieldy)
(R)Good Craftsmanship bolt pistol w/ red dot sight, motion predictor, and forearm weapon mounting (1d10+5, pen 4, clip 8, range 21m)

Exteroccidor, Best craftsmanship chain axe (+10 to hit, 1d10+17 damage, pen 2, tearing)

Common Craftsmanship Ryza-Pattern Plasma Pistol (1d10+6 pen 6/2d10+6 pen 8, 30m/40m)

Micro Bead
Void Suit
Fine Clothing
Xeno-Pelt Cloak
Best-Craftsmanship Storm Trooper Carapace (7 AP)
Eldar Shimmer stone
Clip/Drop Harness
Lamp Pack
Pict Recorder
2xFrag Grenades
1xInferno Grenade
1xSmoke Grenade
Stub Automatic
Acquisition Roles:
Good Craftsmanship Bionic Locomotion (+20 to jump or leap, Sprint talent)
Best-Craftsmanship Mind Impulse Unit
MIU Weapon Link (Shoulder mount, inferno pistol w/ red dot sight)
Holo-suit (field rating 35 power field, does not overload)
Good-Craftsmanship Conversion field (field rating 50, overload 1-5)
Flip Belt (Ignore difficult terrain penalties, reroll failed dodge tests)
Best-Craftsmanship Synthetic Muscle Grafts (provide Unnatural Strength +2, -10 to all agility-based tests)

Ship Role statistics:
Command test for the "Prepare to Repel Boarders" Extended action: 50 (Fel) + 20 (Command) + 10 (Role bonus) + 5 (if test is made on the bridge) = 85

Opposed command test for boarding actions and defending against hit-and-run attacks: 50 (Fel) + 20 (Command) + 5 (clan kin quarters) + 5 (If test is made on the bridge) = 80*

*additional modifier from the "Prepare to Repel Boarders" action may also apply

Grapplehawk, "Turkina"
Weapons Skill 40
Ballistic Skill -
Strength 35
Toughness 35
Agility 48
Intelligence 18
Perception 40
Willpower 30
Fellowship -

Awareness +10 (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Talents and Traits
Swift Attack
Armor Plating
Dark Sight
Flier 20
Machine 4
Size (scrawny)
Grapple units (can carry things at SBx2)
Cameleoline Coating
Upgraded Shock-Pulse Claws (1d10+6E, Pen 5, Shocking)
Cadence "Destroyer" Hand Flamer (Mouth) [1d10+5, Pen 2, Clip 5, Pistol 15m]

XP buys from sessions 1 and 2 bring me up to 6400 spent
XP buys from session 3 (Basic Per and BS for 250 each) bring me to 6900 spent.
Spent 450/500 after session 4 (Basic WP for 200 and Jaded for 250) total: 7350
Spent 450/500 after session 5 (Intermed WS for 250 and Sound Constitution for 200) total: 7800
Spent 300/400 after session 6 (Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee) for 300) 100 xp left over. Total: 8100
Spent 400 from session 7 and leftover 100 from session on a Trained WS advance. Total: 8600.
Session 8: spent 500 on intermed Agility. Total: 9100.
Session 9: spent 400 on Iron Discipline and Command +10. Total 9500.
Session 11: spent 500 on basic Str (total to 10,000), then 200 on Dodge +10. Total spent: 10,200 spent, 300 left over.
Session 12: gained 500 xp. Spent that + 250 leftover on Intermediate Strength. 50 xp remaining. 10,950 spent.
Session 13: gained 400 xp. Spent 400 on Sound Constitution (x2). 11,350xp spent, 50 left over.
Session 14: gained 500 xp, spent 250 on Intermediate Fellowship, 200 on Command +20. Spent 11,800, 100 left over.
Session 15: Gained 500 xp, spent 200 each on Forbidden Lore (Xenos), and Acrobatics. Spent 12,200. 200 left over.
Session 16: Gained 600 xp. Spent 200 each on Intimidate, Security, Search, Scrutiny. Total xp spent: 13,000, none left over. Rank 4 Attained.
Session 18: Gained 1000 xp. Spent 500 each on Counter Attack and Swift Attack. 14,000 spent, none left over.
Session 19: 200 on Commerce + 10, 200 on Awareness +10. 14,400 spent, 100 left over.
Session 20: procured holo-suit, cameleoline cloak, best-craftsmanship MIU.
Session 21: Spent 500 on Crushing Blow, 200 on Double Team. 15,100 spent, 300 left over.
Edit: Melee weapon damages adjusted for Crushing Blow.
Edit: Listed two paid for skills under Skills section, added Holo-Suit.
Session 24: Gained 1600xp. Spent: 400 on Sound Constitution (x2), 200 on Speak Language (Eldar), 200 on Tech-Use, 200 on Rapid Reaction, 200 on Catfall, 200 on Dodge +20, 200 on Trade (Voidfarer). Total Spent: 16,700. 300 xp left over.
Session 25: Spent 500 on Intermediate Willpower, unlocked Rank 5/Augmenticist. Spent 200 on Autosanguine, 100 on Heightened Senses (Smell). 17,500 spent, no xp left over.
Session 25: Gained 400 xp, none spent. 17, 500 spent, 400 leftover.
Session 26: Gained 500 xp. Spent 500 on Physical Perfection, 200 on Binary Chatter, 200 on Mimic. Total Spent: 18,100. No xp left over.
Session 27: Gained 400 xp. Spent 250 on Intermediate Intelligence. Total Spent 18,350. 150 left over.
Sessions 28-30: gained 1200xp. Spent 400 on Pilot (Personal) (Elite advance), 500 on Physical Perfection (II), 300 on Infused Knowledge, 100 on Heightened Senses (Sound). 19,650 spent, 450 left over. Acquired a Best Craftsmanship Thunder Hammer for Frigid.
Mid-Season Break (+1500): 750 on last WS, 500 on Physical Perfection (III), 500 on Prosanguine. 21400 spent, 200 left over. Rank 6, Arch-Heretek.
Break+1 (+800): Tech Use +10 (Arch-Heretek, 400), Wall of Steel (Rogue Trader 6, 600). 22400 spent, 0 left over.
7/23/2012 (+700): Nothing spent. 700 left over
7/30/2012 (+500): Nothing spent. 1200 left over.
10/1/2012 (+2000 missed): nothing spent yet. 3200 saved up.
10/8/2012 (+300 from previous session, +500 this time): 1000 Apostate Mechanic (arch heretek), 500 3rd intelligence, 200 Forbidden Lore (Archaeotech) (arch heretek), 300 Speak Language (Techna-Lingua) (Augmenticist), 500 Subversive Programming (Arch Heretek), 600 Blademaster (RT6), 300 Sound Constitution (RT5), 600 left over. 25800 spent.
11/26/2012 (+900): 750 on Luminem Desecration (Arch Heretek), 750 on 4th Intelligence advance. 27300 spent, 0 left over.
Last edited by Karrick on Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:24 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Name: Phelan
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170
Career: Missionary
Starting XP: 5,500
Earned XP: 22,300
Total XP: 27,800
Unspent XP: 2050

WS: 58
BS: 30
S: 40 (50 with cyber arms)
T: 51
Ag: 45
Int: 40
Per: 40
WP: 61
Fel: 51

Wounds: 16
Fate Points: 3

Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +20
(Imperium) +20
Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +15
(Inquisition) +10
Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10
Speak Languages High Gothic
Low Gothic
Scholastic Lore (Essleiarchy) +20
Rogue Trader (Radonese)
Literary +10
Dodge +20
Deceive +20
Charm +20
Medicae +20
Awareness +20
*Command (for crew of the Omen of Majesty only)
Blather +20
Climb +10
Chem Use

Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Flame Weapon Training (Universal)
Pure Faith
Unshakeable Faith
Leap Up
Sound Constitution
Sound Constitution x2
Sound Constitution x2
Resistance Psychic Techniques
Hatred (Ork)
Cleanse and Purify
Armor of Contempt
Hatred Pirates
Crushing Blow
Cleanse and Purify
Divine Ministration
Talented Medicae
Unarmed Warrior
Inspire Wrath
Purge the Unclean
Resistance Fear
The Emperor Protects
Swift Attack
Peer (Worker)
True Grit
Die Hard
Furious Assault
Take down
Strong Minded
Last Man Standing

ChainSword Good Craftsmenship
Flamer Good Craftsmenship
Heavy Flamer
Guard Flak Armor Best Craftsmanship
Ecclesiarchal robes
Aquila pendant
censer & incense
mircro bead
Medicae Kit +20

Power Armor (good quality)
included photo visors, micro bead, internal aspect +20 perception, helmet allows survival in hostile environment.
+20 to Str
+1 Move
Armor 8
Size increased one step

Chain Sword range: melee, damage: 1d10+8 (10 in pa), Pen: 2 tearing, balanced
Flamer: Range: 20 meters, Rate of Fire: S/-/-, damage: 1d10+4, Pen: 2, clip of 6
Heavy Flamer: Range: 30 meters, Rate of Fire: S/-/-, Damage: 2d10+4, Pen: 4, Clip of 10
Best Quality Thunderhammer range: melee, 2d10+4, Pen 10, power field, unwieldy. (total damage in powered armor 2d10+18)

Toxic ammo for heavy flamer: Target must after reductions for toughness bonus and armor take a toughness test at -5 for every pt of damage taken. failure leds to 1d10 pts of impact damage to target.

Conversion Field (good quality) 50%

Imperial World +3 WP, Blessed Ignorence -5 to Forbidden Lore, Hagiography Common Lore Imperial Creed, Imperium, War
Liturgical Familiarity Literacy, Speak Language High Gothic, Starting Wounds double toughness bonus 1d5 wounds, 1d10 to determine Fate Points

Child of the Creed +3 WP, -3 WS

Warrior +5 WS, +5 Ag, -5 Fel, Mediate (250 XP)

Hand of War Leap Up

Pride, +3 T

XP Rank 1
Charm 100
Dodge 100
Speak Essleiarchy 100
Awareness 100
Agility 250
Fellowship 100
Sound Constitution 200
Flame Weapon Training (Universal) 500
Common Lore Essleiarchy 100
Willpower 100
Perception 250
Strength 250
Weapon Skill 100
Toughness 250
Secret Language Rogue Trader 100 (1st session)

Rank 2
Medicae (+10) 200
Fellowship 250
Blather 200 (2nd session)
Armour of Contempt 200 (2nd session)
Resistance Psychic Techniques 200 (2nd session)
Weapon Skill 250 (2nd session)
Hatred (Pirates) 200 (5th session)
Cleanse and Purify 500 (5th session)
Awareness +10 200 (5th session)
Orthoproxy 200 (5th session)
Sound Constitution x2 200 (5th session)
Dodge 10 200 (5th session)
Deceive 200 (5th session)
Charm +10 200 (5th session)
Crushing Blow 500
Cleanse and Purify 500
Int 500
Divine Ministration 500
Talented Medicae 200

Rank 3
Medicae +20 200
Sound Constitution x2 200
Toughness 500
Willpower 250
Awareness +20 200
Unarmed Warrior 200
Inspire Wraith 200
Purge the Unclean 500
Resistance Fear 200
Intimidate 200
The Emperor Protects 500
Swift Attack 500
Fellowship 500
Forbidden Lore: Heresy +10 200
Inquiry 200
Peer (Worker) 200
Inspire Wraith 200

Rank 4

True Grit 200
Die Hard 200
Hardy 200
Furious Assault 200
Blather +10 200
Charm +20 200
Deceive +10 200
WS 500
WP 500
Heresy +10 200
Inquisition 200
Agility 500
Climb 200
Dodge +20
FL: Inquisition +10
FL: Mutant

Rank 5
CL Eccelsiarchy +10
FL Daemonlogy
Bather +20
Climb +10
SL Imperial Creed +20
Sound Constitution
Chem Use
Strong Minded
Last Man Standing

Background: Phelan was born on the world Cashel-Augha. A green pleasant world of forest and meadows and calm blue seas. Given over to the Essleiarchy schools at an young age he studied diligently for a career in the priesthood. Then the Orks came. Phelan was 15 years old. His school burnt down, his teachers murdered and the local settlements destroyed, Phelan fled and joined a guerilla band battling with the Orks across the world. The Imperial Guard did arrive and scour his world clean, but the damage had been done. During that time Phelan served with the IG proper gaining valuable experience. After the campaign however Phelan felt the need to return to his Clerical roots and was allowed to join the Office of Missionaries.

Notes: Due to combat losses Phlean's left arm is now cybernetic. This totally isn't the Captain's fault.
Phelan now has 2 Cyber arms... He didn't ask for this.

Rules of the Omen:
1: Yes, we're going armed.
2: No, we're not trusting them.
3: Of course it's a set up.
4: No more costume parties.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:22 pm, edited 26 times in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Name: Cornelius Alessaunder

HHomeworld: Void Born
Birthright: savant
Lure of the Void: duty bound-to throne
Lineage:Proven to be Pure
Trials and Travails:Dark Voyage
XP Spent:26850
Unspent XP:100

Weapon Skill: 50 (2 upgrades)
Ballistic Skill: 37
Strength: 30
Toughness: 32
Agility: 42(2 upgrades)
Intelligence: 52
Perception: 50
Willpower: 73
Fellowship: 27

Insanity 4
Corruption: 1
Fate Points 1d10--3
Wounds 9+10=19
Initiative +6
Armor: 9(legs, right arm) 7 head, 13 (left arm, torso)

Talents, including background stuff

Class: Telepath
Armor of Contempt
Combat Sense
Duty to the Throne
Heightened Senses (Sound)
Psychic Technique x14
Resistance Fear, Psychic
Rite of Sanctioning
See Without Eyes
Total Recall
Void Accustomed
Sound Constitution x10
Blind Fighting
Dark Soul
Psy Rating 7
Talented (Psyniscience)
Favored by the warp
Warp Sense
New Psychic Discipline: DIvination
Sure Strike
Bastion of Iron Will
Basic Weapon Proficiency (Universal)

Skills, target number in brackets []
Awareness +10 [60 {70} ]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica [52], Administratum [52])
Deceive [27]
Dodge [32]
Forbidden Lore(Psykers +20 [72], Warp+20 [72])
Invocation +20 [103]
Literacy [52]
Logic +10 [52{60}]
Psyniscience +20 [90]
Scholastic Lore(Cryptology +10 [62], Occult +20 [72])
Scrutiny [50]
Secret Tongue(Rogue Trader) [52]
Speak Language (Low and high Gothic, Ship Dialect) [52]

Horrible Psychic Powers
Astral Telepathy
Mind Link
Minds Eye
Mind Probe
Sensory Deprivation
TK Crush
Mind Scan
Psychic Scream
Telekinetic Shield.

Best Craftsmanship Stub Pistol
Best Craftsmanship Monosword
Force Sword (1d10+10 Pen 8, +1d10 per psy rating after focus power, and opposed willpower)
Archeotech Laspistol-red dot laser and motion predictor
Best Quality Stormtrooper Carapace (7 All)
Void Suit
spirit stone
Micro Bead
Psy Focus
Cameleoline Cloak
Good Quality Conversion Field
Psy Focus
Archeotech Laspistol
Best Quality Subskin Armor
Suppression Shield
Flash Grenades
Hallucinogenic Grenades (given to men, need to restock)
Nadush Force Axe
Best Quality Cyber Eyes
Best Quality Storm Bolter (single shot, 2 round burst, Full Auto --each hit generates 2 additional hits)
--Range 90 m, 1d10+5 pen 4, tearing, storm.

Misc Bonuses
+10 WS vs Daemons
+20 to resist interog or mind control
+10 against fear and psychic powers (+30 against psychic mind control)
+20 WP vs daemons (presumably +50 against psychic mind control by daemons, need to check that)
Re-roll to resist psychic techniques
+10 ballastics skill for auto and semi-auto fire.
+15 to parry with shield.
+10 to parry with sword (these are mutually exclusive)
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:55 pm, edited 28 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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Post by rhoenix »

Long ago, the Navigator house Xan'Tai utterly foreswore their planetary holdings, choosing instead to travel in the spaces between stars. They became nomads, though with fleets of starships plying the void, and the Warp - calling both their home.

They did so, according to the elders, due to wanting to never lose sight of why the Navigators are what they are - born to travel and explore, to map the unknown spaces for the Emperor, and see what few others have seen.

Though most of the house Xan'Tai are, generations later, uncomfortable even being on a planet now, they feel completely at home within the spaces of a ship - perhaps more than most.

It is for this reason that Sebastion's travails in his earlier years would be hair-raising and even frightening for most, but for a Navigator of the House Xan'Tai, nearly par for the course - though with some variations. Nonetheless, his experiences have shaped both him and his outlook on the galaxy, as he views it through sensor logs and ship's portholes with satisfaction.

He now seeks to travel in the dark places between stars, exploring and learning for knowledge's sake for the Emperor, as is his birthright - seeking to do full justice to the ethos by which his House operates.

(View character sheet)

Name: Sebastion, of house Xan'Tai (Nomadic house)
Homeworld: Void Born (-5str, +5WP, Speak Language: [ship dialect], Charmed talent, Ill-Omened [-5 to Fellowship tests with non-Voidborn humans], Shipwise [Navigation: Stellar & Pilot: Space treated as untrained if not bought], Void Accustomed [Immune to spacetravel sickness, zero & low-G environments are not treated as difficult terrain])
Birthright: Scapegrace (+3 to PER or INT, +1d5 to Corruption or Insanity)
Lure of the Void: Renegade (Dark Soul talent & 1 Forbidden Lore, +1d5+1 Corruption or Insanity)
Trials and Travails: Dark Voyage (1 Forbidden Lore or Resistance: Fear, +1d5 Insanity)
Motivation: Knowledge is Life, Life is Knowledge (2 Scholastic Lore skills as trained & Total Recall talent, costs 300xp)
Class: Navigator

Weapon Skill: 30
Ballistic Skill: 40
Strength: 25
Toughness: 45
Agility: 35
Intelligence: 60
Perception: 60
Willpower: 60
Fellowship: 28
Corruption: 2
Insanity: 3
Fate Points: 4
Wounds: 11

Navigator (makes Navigator powers available)
Pistol Weapon Training: Universal (universal proficiency with all pistol weapons)
Dark Soul (take only 1/2 penalty for Malignancy Tests)
Resistance: Fear (+10 to all Fear tests)
Total Recall (May use INT test to remember obscure info, otherwise has eidetic memory)
Talented - Psyniscience (+10 on all Psyniscience tests)
A Taste for the Warp (Can spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed in using a Navigator power; success rating (if applicable) is by 1d5 degrees)
Scorn of Dirt Dwellers (When on a planetary body, character is -10 to all Fellowship tests and skills)
Initial Mutation (gain Regeneration trait, rolled 92 for Mutation)
Sound Constitution 2 (2 extra Wounds)
Warp Sense (using Psyniscience as a half action)
Improved Warp Sense (can use Psyniscience as a free action)
Resistance: Psychic Techniques (+10 on all tests vs. psyker stuff)
Meditation (spend 10 uninterrupted minutes, remove 1 level of Fatigue)
Jaded (Outrageous events do not cause Insanity Points or Fear tests)
Disturbing Voice (+10 bonus to all Interrogate or Intimidation tests, -10 to all Fellowship tests)
Hardy (can recover from damage as if Lightly Wounded)
Foresight (spend 10 minutes, gain +10 on next Intelligence-based test)

Interrogation (Will)
Command (Fel)
Dodge +10 (Agi)
Psyniscience +20 (Per)
Awareness +20 (Per)
Navigation: Stellar +10 (Int)
Navigation: Warp +20 (Int), (gain extra +5 from position, +10 from ship)
Trade: Astrographer +10 (Int)
Speak Language: High Gothic (Int)
Speak Language: Low Gothic (Int)
Secret Language: Rogue Trader (Int)
Secret Language: Navigator (Int)
Common Lore: Navis Nobelite (Int)
Common Lore: Imperial Navy (Int)
Scholastic Lore: Astromancy (Int)
Scholastic Lore: Legend (Int)
Scholastic Lore: Archaic (Int)
Forbidden Lore: Daemonology (Int)
Forbidden Lore: Navigators (Int)
Forbidden Lore: Warp +10 (Int)
Literacy (Int)

Navigator Powers:
Foreshadowing (Novice rank, see RT RPG p.179)
Lidless Stare (Adept rank, see RT RPG, p.180)
Void Watcher (Novice rank, see RT RPG, p.181)
Tracks in the Stars (Novice rank, see RT RPG p.181)

Other Traits:
- Regeneration (Each round, at the start of each turn, test vs. Toughness to remove 1 point of damage. Gained by Navigator Mutation table)
- Pale & Hairless
- Disturbing Grace (Agility bonus is doubled, +10 to all Agility tests, and if test is successful, adds 2 to margins of success)

Initiative: 1d10+8
Wound Rating: 9

Armor: (Best-Quality) Carapace (armor: 7)

Shield: (Good Quality) Conversion Field (roll under 50 on d100 to activate, on a per-hit basis - will only overload on a roll on a 5 or less. Can be used after a Dodge attempt)

Gear & Items:
- Best-craftsmanship hellpistol (range: 35m, dam:1d10+4E, clip40, RoF s/2)
- Best-craftsmanship metal staff
- Best-craftsmanship xeno-mesh armor (cover:arms/body/legs, AP 3)
- Emperor's tarot deck
- silk headscarf (grey & blue weave, house colors of Xan'Tai)
- Nobilite robes
- charm
- micro-bead
- Navis Prima (standard quality, no bonus)
- Shimmer-stone (+20 bonus vs. Warp creatures)
- Common Las-blaster
- Common Shuriken Catapult
Last edited by rhoenix on Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:26 pm, edited 18 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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General Havoc
Mr. Party-Killbot
Posts: 5245
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:12 pm
Location: The City that is not Frisco


Post by General Havoc »

Name: Septimus Xanatov

Weapon Skill 24
Ballistic Skill 55
Strength 27
Toughness 30
Agility 50
Intelligence 60
Perception 60
Willpower 30
Fellowship 65

Corruption: 0
Insanity: 1
Fate Points: 3
Wounds: 16

Lifepath Choice
False Man
Dark Voyage

XP Total: 26700
XP Spent: 26700

Awareness (Per)
Awareness +10 (Per)
Barter (Fel)
Barter +10 (Fel)
Barter +20 (Fel)
Blather (Fel)
Charm (Fel)
Charm +10 (Fel)
Chem-Use (Int)
Climb (Agi)
Command (Fel)
Commerce (Fel)
Commerce +10 (Fel)
Commerce +20 (Fel)
Concealment (Agi)
Concealment +10 (Agi)
Concealment +20 (Agi)
Contortionist (Agi)
Cypher Rogue Trader (Int)
Cypher Underworld (Int)
Deceive (Fel)
Deceive +10 (Fel)
Deceive +20 (Fel)
Demolitions (Int)
Disguise (Fel)
Disguise +10 (Fel)
Dodge (Agi)
Dodge +10 (Agi)
Evaluate (Int)
Evaluate +10 (Int)
Inquiry (Fel)
Inquiry +10 (Fel)
Language (Low Gothic)
Language (High Gothic)
Language (Trader's Cant)
Literacy (Int)
Logic (Int)
C. Lore Imperium (Int)
C. Lore Koronos Expanse (Int)
C. Lore Underworld (Int)
F. Lore Archeotech (Int)
F. Lore Daemonology (Int)
F. Lore Heresy (Int)
F. Lore Inquisition (Int)
F. Lore Pirates (Int)
F. Lore Xenos (Int)
S. Lore Archaic (Int)
Performer: Musician, Violin (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)
Search (Per)
Secret Tongue: (Ravionese)
Security (Agi)
Security +10 (Agi)
Security +20 (Agi)
Shadowing (Agi)
Silent Move (Agi)
Silent Move +10 (Agi)
Sleight of Hand (Agi)
Tech Use (Int)
Tracking (Int)
Trade: Archaeologist (Int)
Trade: Linguist (Int)

Basic Training Uni
Deadeye Shot
Exotic Weapon Training: Digital Weapons
Infused Knowledge
Hard Bargain
Mighty Shot
Pistol Training Uni
Peer (Nobility)
Peer (Mercantile)
Quick Draw
Rapid Reaction
Rapid Reload
Resistance (Fear)
Sound Constititon x6
Step Aside
Talented (Barter)
Talented (Commerce)
Talented (Dodge)
Talented (Inquiry)
Total Recall
Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic)


Nomad Rifle "Atlas" (250 range, 1d10+5, Pen 3, Accurate, Reliable)
Hyper-Density Penetrator Shells (+2 Pen, Tearing, Halves Range, enemy makes a Toughness check or falls)

Good Quality Bolter Cane (30 range, 1d10+5, Pen 4, Tearing, One shot)
Solo Boltgun "John Galt" (100m range, S/-/-, 1d10+5, Pen 4, 8 shot clip, Accurate, Tearing, Reliable)
2 supplies of Organgrinder Rounds (Make a toughness test at -10 per damage point or 2d5 damage with no armor or toughness)

4x Good Quality Inferno Pistol (10m, 2d10+8, Pen 13, Single Shot Only, 3 rounds)
Inferno Pistol (10m, 2d10+8, Pen 13, Single Shot Only, 3 rounds)
Airtorch Canisters (Scatter, Overheating, Halves Range)

Best Cr. Hellgun (110m, 1d10+4, Pen 7, S/3/-, 30 rounds)
2x Digital Needler Rings (3m, 1d10, Pen 0, Toxic, Single Shot)
5x Red Dot Sights (+10 to hit when single shot)

Blind Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Syn-Skin (2 AP, +10 Move Silent/Concealment, immune to Preysense/Darksight)
Good Quality Conversion Field (Protection 50)
Good Quality Archaeotech Mirror Shield (Covers arm and torso, Protection 60, reflects energy on Agility test)
Best Quality Caskrin Armor (AP 7, Auspex, Rebreather, Photo visor, Microbeed, Grav Chute attachment, Hexagramic Wards)
Best Quality Stormtrooper Carapace Armor (AP 7)
Best Quality Light Carapace Armor (AP 6)
Xeno-mesh Armor (AP 3)

Chameleoline Cloak (+20 Concealment, +1 range category)
Nightcloak (+30 Concealment in Dark)

Best Quality Ostentatious Clothing
Best Quality Noble Clothing
Best Quality Merchant Clothing
Best Quality Common Clothing
1000x Poor Quality Common Clothing (Shut up!)

Stummer (+30 Move Silent)
Recoil Gloves (Fire 1-handed without penalty)
Prey-sense Targeting Monocle (No penalties in darkness, +20 Perception tests at night)
Telescopic Targeting Monacle (No penalties for range)
Ancestral Seal (+10 Interactions with Imperial citizens)

Autoquill (Pen)
Dataslate (iPad)
Microbeed (Earbud)
Multikey (+30 Security when picking locks)
Chrono (Watch)
Detcord (Obvious)
Nephitic Acid (2d10+10 damage or melt a square meter of Adamantium)
Poison Sniffer

Stimm (Immune to Stun and Damage effects for 3d10 rounds)
Best Quality Ploin Juice (Wine)
Venom Ring (Obvious)
Best Quality Disguise Kit (+30 Disguise)
Flakspray (Turn cloth into flak armor for 3d10 rounds)
Melta-Bombs (6d10 Pen 12. Satchel charge)
Firewater (Potassium Nitrate)
Attention Spanner (+30 to Intelligence tests for 3d10 rounds)
De-Tox (Remove all drug/gas effects and stun for 1d10 rounds)
White Void (+20 WP for 2d10 minutes. DO NOT USE MORE THAN ONCE/WEEK)

Good Quality MIU (+10 Tech Use, Pilot, Drive, Logic, Inquiry, MIU-capable Balistics. See through Grapplehawk)
Calculus Logi Upgrade (+10 Literacy, Logic, Scholastic Lore)
Bionic Respiratory System, Best Quality (+20 Toughness vs. Airborne toxins)
Good Quality Augur Array (Full Auspex, and reroll all Perception tests)

Grapplehawk "Ultravigilator". Upgraded with Best Quality Flamer, Chameleoline Coating, Conversion Field, and Stummer.


Kreosis, excavation foreman from Naduesh. Business links established. Expeditionary funds for two year ruin exploration submitted. Check back.

Thousand Sons. Fuck.
Last edited by General Havoc on Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:26 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...

Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
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