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#1 Random Tables: A GM's best friend

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:04 pm
by Hotfoot
Short version is this, I love random generators. They make my life much easier. Coming up with names, lists, random starports, whatever.

As some of you may know, I like to use a lot of NBOS Software when I run games (or plan them), and some of their stuff is actually free. In particular, Inspiration Pad.

I've written a few random generators for it since I've been using it in the Star Wars game, both for making existing tables (like random starport generation), and for making custom generated tables (like my random world and trade generators).

So, I got to thinking. It's pretty easy to put together these files, and NBOS even has a bunch available, but they have limits on what you can find there. With that in mind, what possible tables might GMs here want and/or need? Things from specific games, or just general concepts. It'd be kind of cool to get together a bunch of things that people would want or need for gaming.

For some examples of what I've done, here's some outputs from what I've cobbled together.
The ruling Government is Alliance of Free Planets with loose (x4) control.

The primary species on the planet is Human, with notable minority populations of Gen'Dai, Togorian, Zabrak

The planet is a Poorly Developed World

The following Import Contracts are available:
Processed Goods: Fuel (Good) (36 tons) at 73200 credits per ton at Licensed (x2) availability, Fuel (Superior) (86 tons) at 92800 credits per ton at Illegal (x5) availability, Textiles (Common) (51 tons) at 5900 credits per ton at Common (x1) availability
Luxury Goods: Holovid (Common) (17 tons) at 11400 credits per ton at Common (x1) availability
Manufactured Goods: Tools (Quality) (46kg) at 2400 credits per kg at Military (x4) availability, Armor (Common) (44kg) at 600 credits per kg at Military (x4) availability

The following Export Contracts are available:
Raw Goods: Spice (Common) (74kg) at 810 credits per kg at Common (x1) availability, Food (Common) (94 tons) at 900 credits per ton at Common (x1) availability, Food (Common) (50 tons) at 790 credits per ton at Common (x1) availability, Animal (Livestock) (34 tons) at 3850 credits per ton at Common (x1) availability
Processed Goods: Metal (Common) (84 tons) at 1975 credits per ton at Common (x1) availability, Metal (Semi-Precious) (56kg) at 160 credits per kg at Common (x1) availability, Textiles (Common) (7 tons) at 4650 credits per ton at Common (x1) availability.
The security is Average, 20 credits per day, DC 15 door, 2 (nonheroic 2) attendants on duty at all times, a security guard is on duty at night.

Refuling facilities are Poor, 75 credits per kg of fuel, roll 1d20 each day, on a 1-10, fuel is unavailable.

The restocking facilities are Poor, 15 credits per being per day, roll 1d20 per day, on 1-10, consumables are unavailable.

Mechanic availability is Average, 200 credits per hour by a (nonheroic 3) mechanic, routine only.

Parts availability are Poor, Parts are available for unmodified Licensed vehicles, cost limit 1,000 credits
I can get a few dozens of results like these by pressing a button, instead of sitting down for a few minutes each time. Needless to say, very handy. So, what else would be awesome?