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#1 Into The Storm (Rogue Trader)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:00 am
by Cynical Cat
So I got my hot little hands on Into the Storm, which is the big player's guide for Rogue Trader. It has the usual art and production values, which is to say it looks damn good.

It is the Inquisitor's Handbook of Rogue Trader. It has, in no particular order

-new backgrounds and background packages. The origin paths are greatly expanded, more than doubled in size ranging from homeworld to motivations with a new category called lineages added.

-new gear and weapons. Lots of it, including lots of xenos tech and new ammo. Supercharged flamers are the tip of the iceberg.

-Orks and kroot characters.

-elite advances and careers, including an elite advance package designed for RT characters in Dark Heresy.

-New psychic powers and navigator powers.

-Vehicle rules

-New ships and components. Lots and lots of them. Included are variant engines with more power and extra power cells/generators that will boost the total amount of power available. Lots and lots of good stuff, although no torps or small craft. It made me very happy.

If you're playing RT, you must get this book.

#2 Re: Into The Storm (Rogue Trader)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:24 am
by fgalkin
Cynical Cat wrote: -Orks and kroot characters.

Have a very nice day.


Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:59 pm
by Hawkwings
Kroot? Oh man, awesome! They've always been my favorite filthy xenos.