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#1 The Halls of Power: A Dark Heresy 40k RPG

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:25 pm
by Thirdfain
Welcome to Subsector Balchia!

Take care, good Pilgrim, for the resources of this subsector are currently engaged in a fierce and holy conflict against the sacriligeous forces of the unclean Alien. The Holy Imperium’s resources have found in Balchia a staunch and observant ally, and all travellers through this region must understand their godly duty to the struggle. All resources and privileges are in the hands of our grand struggle, and travelers must grant all assistance possible to the forces of His Holy Majesty. Requisition of supplies, transport, and munitions must be accepted immediately, and may be levied without warning. As all travelers are godly followers of our beloved creed, no problems are to be expected. Delays, tithes, and inconveniences are merely another expression of our devotion to the Throne! Be prepared to offer whatever assistance is required.

--++ Give of thyself, for thy flesh and life are but tools in His hands ++--

Those looking to travel near the Balchian Front may expect delays. While the resources of the the Holy Battlefleet Calixis are inexhuastible, foul mischance in the aether has lead to certain difficulties which require the requisition of civilian resources for the greater cause of our People and Faith. Do not be alarmed! Should your personal property be tithed in such a manner, one need only inquire with the Luminary Brotherhood of House Balchia to obtain recompense, should one find that faith alone provides insufficient reason for acquiescence. Forms must be filed in triplicate with the Arbitration, the Administratum, and the Ecclisiarchy to ensure a smooth transfer of funds. Since few faithful servants of His Holiness would take such drastic steps, we can assure you that processing, adjudication, and sentencing will proceed in short time indeed.

--++In sacrifice there is no discontent, except in the heart of the Heretic++--

We hope you enjoy your time in Subsector Balchia. May your trade be profitable and your prayers worthy!

-Sinecurias Befram Balchia,
Minister of Immigration, Pilgrims, and Transportees
Subsector Balchia


<<My Friends,

I beg your forgiveness. In all your time in my employ, you must have expected that my summons to this backwater would involve serious conflict; i.e, containing the threat Marghadall the Ripper and his Orkish horders have inflicted on Subsector Balchia and the surrounding environs. However, the matter to which you must attend is not involved with the Front in any substantial way- my problem is far more personal in nature. Do not be alarmed, for I am convinced that conventional forces in the region are more than sufficient to contain this paltry invasion.

In this particular matter, I require the assistance of those closest to me. I am at the Manor of Winds on Bevrian Station, near the edge of the Fornos system. Meet me there, and the details of your assignment will be passed in person.

I thank you as my servants and friends for your discretion on this matter.
<<PS: Worry not; the tax-takers and tithe-theives will provide you with no concerns. Your coming is expected.>>


What is this?

This is a 40k Dark Heresy game, to be played on the forum. I will be GMing; you (if you dare!) will be taking on the roles of acolytes serving the Inquisitor Gudrun Falkenberg. No more than six players will be accepted; although the story will allow for the easy insertion of new players should someone decide to quit or tap out.

What is required of me?

If you want to play, you only need to have a Dark Heresy rulebook- we aren't using any of the expansions or extra materials. There will be a GM post every single day (barring any problems, in which case I will inform you ahead of time.) Players are expected to post at least once a day. Keeping the plot moving is of utmost importance. Dice-rolls will be handled via the honor system- if you make an action which requires a roll, you are expected to roll yourself and report the results to me.

Some combat events may be handled by Skype or AIM chat- depending on the capabilities and needs of the players.

What kind of game is this?

This is a sandbox; you will be presented with an environment, and a problem. The game ends when you, as a team, solve that problem. Simple enough.

How do I start?

This is the thread for planning- just post your interest. Characters all start with 1,000exp- you are not newbies, but experienced hunters of the mutant, the xeno, and the heretic. Once we have 6 characters (or about that many) rolled up, I'll start the game thread.

Character Sheets:

The Engineer (AKA Rust)
Name: Novus Trantor
Age: 34
Home World: Hive World
Class: Specialist
Career: Tech-priest
Divination: "Truth is subjective." +3 Int. +3 Corruption

WS: 35
Rerolling BS:
Dice Roll:
Original Roll String: 2d10+20
10-Sided Dice Results: (9, 1) + 20 (Total = 30)

INT: 41

Wounds: 13
Fate: 5
Corruption: 3

Basic Skills:
Logic (100XP)

Advanced Skills:
Common Lore (Machine Cult) (100XP
Common Lore (Tech) (100XP)
Literacy (Int)
Secret Tongue (Tech) (Int)
Security (100XP)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (int)
Tech-Use (Int)
Trade (Copyist) (Ag)

Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Binary Chatter (100XP)
Electro Graft Use
Luminen Charge
Luminen Shock (200XP)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Quick Draw (100XP)

Mechanicus Implants

Las carbine and 2 charge pack
Las pistol and 2 charge Pack
Metal staff
Data slate
Flak Vest
Glow lamp
Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good quality clothing)
Spare parts 7
Vial of Sacred Machine Oil

Original wealth:303 Thrones
1 charge pack (basic) and (pistol) 25
1 lascutter 65
1 microbead 20
1 Stummer 25
Wealth: 168 Thrones

XP Expenditure Total=1000XP:
Common Lore (Machine Cult) 100
Common Lore (Tech) 100
Binary Chatter 100
Logic 100
Willpower (Simple) 100

Luminen Charge 100
Luminen Shock 200
Quick Draw 100
Security 100
The Gentleman Priest (AKA Preach)
Nikostratos Ephesion Manorov Kibal, of the House Merrne.
Background: Imperial Noble
Career: Cleric
Rank: Priest
Gender: Male
Build: Svelte
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Age: 32
Quirk: Aquiline nose
Lineage of Renown: House of Iron Spires
Divination: Sins Hidden In the Heart Turn All to Decay
Starting XP: 800
Starting Package: The Great Chantries of Tarsus

Weapon Skill: 24*
Ballistic Skill: 30* **
Strength: 31*
Toughness: 28
Agility: 38
Intelligence: 36*
Willpower: 34**
Fellowship: 48*

Fate Points: 2
Wounds: 12
Insanity Points: 0
Corruption Points: 3

Traits: Etiquette, Supremely Connected, Vendetta, Wealth

Awareness (Per)**
Literacy (Int)
Deceive (Fel)**
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)**
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (Int)*
Forbidden Lore (Heresy) (Int)**
Charm (Fel)*
Scrutiny (Per)*
Inquiry (Fel)**
Trade (Valet) (Fel)
Performer (Singer) (Fel)

Pistol Training (SP)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)**
Peer (Nobility) (Supremely Connected)
Peer (Government) (Supremely Connected)
Peer (Ecclesiarchy) *

(*- starting package, **- XP spent)

Autogun (90m S/3/10 1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 30 Full)-100
Hecuter Pistol (30m S/3/6 1d10+3 I Pen 2 Clip 15 Full Reliable) -175
Fire Selector-25
Red Dot Laser Sight-50
100 bullets-5
18 Man-Stopper rounds -15
Sword (starting gear)
Guard Flak Armor (AP 4; All; 11kg)-300
Ecclesiarchy robes (Good Quality Clothing) (starting gear)
Uniform (Combat Fatigues) -10
4 Candles (starting gear)
Backpack- 10
Charm (blessed aquila necklace)
Memento: Silver Curved Chainsword Pendant (symbol of the Drusian order)
42 Throne Gelts

Autopistol- 75
Flak Vest-50

Starting Wealth: 642
Total Wealth: 777
Spent: 735

Spent XP Summary:
Starting Package- 200
BS Advance-100
WP Advance- 100
Deceive- 100
Common Lore (Imperium)-100
Basic Weapons Training (SP)-100
Forbidden Lore (Heresy)-100
The Living Weapon (AKA Buggy)
Name: Camillia Praetia Malva
Homeworld: Mind Cleansed
Gender: Female
Career: Imperial Psyker
Rank: Sanctionite
Start Package: Living Nightmare

WS: 27
BS: 34
S: 25
T: 35
Ag: 39
Int: 35
Per: 34
WP: 52
Fel: 22

Wounds: 10

Fate Points: 4
Insanity Pts: 13
Corruption Pts: 0
Thrones: 1
Starting XP: 1000

Build: Gaunt
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Violet
Age: 30

Quirk: You have long, flowing hair.
Shards of Memory: The Dark Altar
Divination: The wise man learns from the deaths of others.

Engram Implantation
Failsafe Control
Imperial Conditioning
Through a Mirror Darkly
Sanctioned Psyker
Unreadable Mind

Basic Skills:
Deceive (Fel) (Engram)
Intimidate (S) (Engram)
Common Lore (Tech) (Int) (Engram)
Survival (Int) (Engram)

Advanced Skills:
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Psyniscience (Per)
Invocation (WP)
Literacy (Int)
Trade (Soothsayer) (Fel)
Scholastic Lore (Occult) (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Warp) (Int)

Pistol Weapon Training (SP)
Pistol Weapon Training (Las)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Rapid Reload

Psychic Powers:
Resist Possession
Unnatural Aim
Spectral Hands

staff (+10, traded in)
knife (psykana mercy blade)
quilted vest (+10, traded in)
tatty robe (Poor Quality Clothing)
Psy-Focus (intricate network of ribbons, beads, string, barettes, etc in hair)
sword (+15, traded in)
deck of cards (Imperial Tarot)
Palantine compact las pistol and 1 charge pack (direct replace of compact laspistol for equivalent cost)
bag of seeds (memento)
deck plating fragment (memento)

Flak cloak (-80)
Steel Burner (-100) and charge pack (-10)
Bolo Knife (-50)

Thrones left: 1

Starting Package (Living Nightmare) (300)
Awareness (Per) (100)
Scholastic Lore (Occult) (Int) (100)
Simple WP advance (100)
Psy Rating 2 (200)
Rapid Reload (100)
Forbidden Lore (Warp) (Int) (100)
The Barbarian (AKA Lug)
"Lug" <<Real name unknown>>
Guardsman from Dusk (Feral World)
27 years
Dark skin
Grey hair
Blue eyes
2.10 m tall
Supersition "Power of names"
Divination "In the darkness follow the light of Terra" +3 WP

Abilities -

Weapon Skill 34
Ballistic Skill 47 *
Strength 38
Toughness 43 *
Agility 30
Intelligence 30
Perception 34 **
Willpower 37 **
Fellowship 26

Traits -
Bad Blood
Dark Tales
Little Left to Fear
Wilderness Savvy

Skills -

Forbidden Lore [Daemonology] {Basic}
Scholastic Lore [Occult] {Basic}
Navigation [Surface] {Basic}
Survival {Basic}
Tracking {Basic}
Speak Language [Low Gothic]
Speak Language [Dusk Cant]
Common Lore [Dusk Folklore]
Dodge *
Awareness *

Talents -

Melee Weapon Training [Primitive]
Pistol Training [Las]
Basic Weapon Training [Las, SP]
Heavy Weapon Training [SP]*

Misc -

Wounds 12
Fate 0
Insanity 2
Corruption 2

* Indicates increase from XP expenditure
** Indicates change from starting world

Gear -

Las pistol and 1 charge pack
Lasgun and 1 charge pack
Shotgun and 12 shells
Guard flak armour
Stealth gear [Common quality clothing]
1 week corpse starch rations
Mercenary licence
Long las and two charge packs
Red dot laser sight
Gas mask
Bolo knife
4 Thrones

Experience Expenditures -

Awareness 100
BS Advance 100
BS Advance 250
T Advance 250
Dodge 100
Heavy Weapon Training (SP) 200

Background -

"Lug" was born somewhere in the swamps of Dusk, and the fact that he still lives says much about him. An exceptional shot from an early age, he was selected to train with his tribe's only modern firearm to take the place of the previous marksman when that man's time came. Somewhere along the line he left the swamps and Dusk itself with a band of smugglers, eventually coming to work for a band of mercenaries. Dismissed as a primitive, he was typically relegated to hauling ammunition for the band's heavy stubbers. This was what earned him the nickname 'Lug' as he adamantly refuses to reveal his real name. For several years he travelled with them, picking up knowledge of modern las weapons from mandatory training sessions and the operation of the stubbers from observation of the gunners and loaders at work. Eventually it all came crashing down when the group was all but annihilated attempting some piracy on a smuggling gang that had considerably more firepower than anticipated. Taking it in stride, Lug gathered up the few meagre possessions he had along with some choice bits of gear off the corpses of his dead comrades and set out for the next battlefield.

A phlegmatic, pious soul, Lug prefers not to talk when silence will suffice, and many people prefer it that way because he never uses others real names, feeling that to speak of a person's true name in casual conversation is to reveal it to listening daemons. His appearance is also rather unnerving as the skin drawn across his huge frame is frequently marked with intricate tattoos based around abstract geometric designs, interspersed with primitive prayers to the Emperor.
The Lawman (AKA Screw)
Name: Trask
Age: 25
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160
Fate Points: 2
Wounds: 11
Wealth: 56

WS: 30*
BS: 41*
S: 27
T: 41*
Ag: 29
Int: 27
Per: 38*
WP: 31**
Fel: 27

* = xp award
** = Background change

Traits: Hagiography
Liturgical Familiarity
Superior Origins

Speak Language Low Gothic
Speak Language High Gothic
Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites)
Inquiry +10
Common Lore (Imperial Creed)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (War)

Basic Melee Weapons Training
Basic Weapons Training
Quick Draw
Rapid Reload

XP Awards:
Sound Constitution (100)
Rapid Reload (100)
Inquiry +10 (100)
Ballistic skill (100)
Toughness (100)
Weapon Skill (250)
Perception (250)

Shotgun, 46 shells
Brass Knuckles
Mesh Vest
3 stim doses
Arbitrator ID
Flask of Amasec
The Gunslinger (AKA Needle)
Name: Jarsus "Needle" Vrax Age: 22
Height: 1.8 meters Weight: 68kilos

Description: Average height, lean, and pale Needle isn't much to look at if you discount the trophy bedecked coat and the cocky gunslinger's strut. He wears his sandy blond hair shoulder length and there's a ready grin on his narrow face. There's a chunk missing off the bottom of his right ear and he has several fading pox scars on his face.

Ballistic Skill 41
Weapon Skill 28
Strength 34
Toughness 31
Agility 42*
Intelligence 31
Perception 31
Willpower 30*
Fellowship 39

Fate Points: 1

Wounds: 12

Caves of Steel- Tech Use is a Basic Skill
Hivebound- -10 on Rural Survival and -5 on Intelligence tests away from "proper hab"
Knave of Pistols: Can't acquire any more Basic or Heavy Weapon Talents, uses all Heavy and Basic weapons at a -10 penalty
Packing Iron- -5 to all tests if without a usable gun
Wary- +1 to Initiative Rolls
Way of the Gun- +5 BS and +5 to Tech Use with projectile firearms.

Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Speak Language (Metallican Hive Dialect)
Common Lore (Imperium)

Melee Weapon (Primitive)
Pistol (SP)
Basic (SP)
Mighty Shot
Lightning Reflexes

Orthlak Mark IV and 38 rounds
Flak Jacket
brass knuckles
quilted vest

Thrones: 14

XP: 50
Spent: 950


Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:56 am
by frigidmagi
Sounds somewhat interesting, let me see if I have the book.


Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:36 am
by Soontir948
I'm in.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:50 am
by Academia Nut
Oh screw it, I can't stay away from Dark Heresy. I'll throw my hat into the ring. Just stuff from the core book though?


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:23 pm
by Thirdfain
Just the core book, you've got it. It's the only book I have, so I'm keeping it pretty simple. My goal is to have a complex plot and environment with simple rules.

However, if we don't get at least 1 more player, I may have to take this to another forum just to get enough bodies to make the game work.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:56 pm
by fgalkin
I have most of the supplements in PDF form, and can send them to you, if you'd like. Some of the goodies in them are quite cool, although I doubt the game will last long enough for us to get the really cool high-end stuff.

Also, I'm considering joining it, but I might occasionally disappear for a few days, thus interfering with the whole "post once per day" bit. Would that be a problem?

Have a very nice day.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:42 pm
by Thirdfain
So long as you give warning ahead of time, it shouldn't be too big a deal. If you must disappear during a combat action, you may need to entrust your character's actions to a fellow member of your Inquisitorial Investigation, Interrogation, and Execution team*.

*You don't need to call yourselves that.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:31 pm
by fgalkin
Sounds good. Any comments/restrictions/modifications on the characters, or can we roll up pretty much anything we damn want?

Have a very nice day.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:35 pm
by Soontir948
fgalkin wrote:Sounds good. Any comments/restrictions/modifications on the characters, or can we roll up pretty much anything we damn want?

Have a very nice day.
Hey now, are you actually going to be around or are we going to have what happened to the last couple games you were supposed to be in? :lol:


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:09 pm
by fgalkin
One of them died on its own, the other, apparently, died from the absence of my awesomeness. Since I don't actually want this game to die, I'll try to be around, da.

Have a very nice day.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:26 pm
by frigidmagi
Inquisitorial Investigation, Interrogation, and Execution team*.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:49 pm
by Thirdfain
fgalkin wrote:Sounds good. Any comments/restrictions/modifications on the characters, or can we roll up pretty much anything we damn want?

Have a very nice day.
You've got a 1000 exp, so it's not a brand new character. That, and I will warn you that while this game includes some combat, it would behoove you to talk with your team mates and ensure that your group is capable of moving comfortably within all levels of Imperial society and with handling tasks of a variety of natures.
A brave title which is notable in that it's also the sound often made by IIIE investigation targets shortly before their expiration.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:46 pm
by Soontir948
Ok, any objections with me playing a tech-priest?


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:11 pm
by Cynical Cat
Playing DH without using at least the Inquisitor's Handbook is really limiting. Not for the high end stuff, but for the every day stuff ranging from backgrounds to environmental bodygloves to zip guns.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:40 pm
by Thirdfain
Cynical Cat wrote:Playing DH without using at least the Inquisitor's Handbook is really limiting. Not for the high end stuff, but for the every day stuff ranging from backgrounds to environmental bodygloves to zip guns.
Then send a copy of the Inquisitor's Handbook to 1373 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, Apartment 5.

Please, feel free to submit your characters whenever.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:04 pm
by Soontir948
Thirdfain wrote:
Cynical Cat wrote:Playing DH without using at least the Inquisitor's Handbook is really limiting. Not for the high end stuff, but for the every day stuff ranging from backgrounds to environmental bodygloves to zip guns.
Then send a copy of the Inquisitor's Handbook to 1373 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, Apartment 5.

Please, feel free to submit your characters whenever.
If you want, I'll let you borrow it.
Dice rolls for now in this post

Name: Novus Trantor
Age: 24
Home World: Hive World
Class: Specialist
Career: Tech-priest












Wealth with 150 for every 400 exp:

Spare parts:


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:10 pm
by fgalkin
I'm going to hold off making a character until we decide if we're using the Inquisitor's Handbook, as I'd like to use some of the backgrounds there.

Have a very nice day.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:27 pm
by Cynical Cat
Thirdfain wrote: Then send a copy of the Inquisitor's Handbook to 1373 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, Apartment 5.
When I start giving all the game supplements I highly recommend as gifts to people other than my close friends, you'll be on the list. :wink:


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:54 pm
by Soontir948
Name: Novus Trantor
Age: 34
Home World: Hive World
Class: Specialist
Career: Tech-priest
Divination: "Truth is subjective." +3 Int. +3 Corruption

WS: 35
Rerolling BS:

INT: 41

Wounds: 13
Fate: 5
Corruption: 3

Basic Skills:
Logic (100XP)

Advanced Skills:
Common Lore (Machine Cult) (100XP
Common Lore (Tech) (100XP)
Literacy (Int)
Secret Tongue (Tech) (Int)
Security (100XP)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (int)
Tech-Use (Int)
Trade (Copyist) (Ag)

Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Binary Chatter (100XP)
Electro Graft Use
Luminen Charge
Luminen Shock (200XP)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Quick Draw (100XP)

Mechanicus Implants

Las carbine and 2 charge pack
Las pistol and 2 charge Pack
Metal staff
Data slate
Flak Vest
Glow lamp
Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good quality clothing)
Spare parts 7
Vial of Sacred Machine Oil

Original wealth:303 Thrones
1 charge pack (basic) and (pistol) 25
1 lascutter 65
1 microbead 20
1 Stummer 25
Wealth: 168 Thrones

XP Expenditure Total=1000XP:
Common Lore (Machine Cult) 100
Common Lore (Tech) 100
Binary Chatter 100
Logic 100
Willpower (Simple) 100

Luminen Charge 100
Luminen Shock 200
Quick Draw 100
Security 100


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:31 am
by Soontir948
I wouldn't mind using the Inquisitor's handbook too though I don't want to delay the game too much. Then again media mail going south a few miles shouldn't be too bad. :lol:

Oh and yes, I see my fate points should be 2.


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:16 pm
by Thirdfain
Considering the circumstances, and the ease with which I've been able to obtain the necessary files in the past, I think we will be using the Inquisitor's handbook.

So good news

And may we welcome Novus Trantor, trusted machine-acolyte into the service of His Holy Inquisition and the personal confidences of Inquisitor Falkenberg.


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:18 pm
by fgalkin
Rolling up a Noble Born PC:











Have a very nice day.


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:29 pm
by fgalkin
Rerolling BS:



Have a very nice day.


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:49 pm
by fgalkin
*sigh*. Looks like I'll be playing a Noble Cleric yet again.

Rolling Starting Wealth:


Have a very nice day.


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:20 pm
by Thirdfain
A quick aside about Fate Points: Since we are playing this on a forum, not in discrete sessions like a tabletop RPG, resetting your supply of Fate points will be based on completion of "chapters" of the plot. As you progress (by whatever means) I will occasionally announce the start of a new chapter; at which point your fate pool will be refilled.

When the game thread is made, there will be a list of house rules in the first post; this list will be short and will mostly just deal with how we are going to run the game on a forum.