Basic Bio:
Name: Melek Ven
Species: Hortek
Occupation: Former Sith Warrior, currently Force Contemplative
Languages (Fluent): Galactic Basic, Hortek, Hutt, Wookiee
Height: 1.98 meters tall
Weight: 60 kg
Eyes: Grey
Hortek Physiology:
Horteks are one of the few sapient predatory species in the galaxy, though relatively recently compared to some other species in the galaxy. However, they have taken an avid interest in learning, and have become on par with others.
They have senses of touch (on their hands and feet, which have much thinner bony plates, but not on the rest of their body) and hearing are equivalent to that of a human's, though their senses of smell and sight are quite a bit better - particularly their low-light vision.
They are bipedal, with four fingers and a thumb on each hand - they can be born left or right handed, and sometimes ambidextrous.
Moreover, they are all somewhat telepathic, though this is in the regard of knowing their prey's next move before their prey can act.
Melek's subspecies primarily hunted the plains and deserts of the Southeast continent, which were typically nocturnal hunters. However, Melek's subspecies only differ from others in habits and coloration. His in particular are varying cloud-like dark grey mainly, with iridescent bluish green stripes.
Force Skills:
Though his abilities as a Force User developed from being a Sith, being left for dead, and subsequently rescued, his personality is changing as time goes on - and along with his outlook on life, so too will his abilities with the Force change.
It perhaps was for the best that he began learning to use the Dark Side, as though he'll never be free from it's grip, familiarity with it has given him great caution in using it, as he knows where it leads now. The real question is how much longer he'll choose to draw upon it.
Dark: Force Slow
Neutral: Comprehend Speech, Force Comprehension, Force Deflection, Force Flash, Telekinesis (Force Pull, Force Push)
Light: Precognition
Lightsaber Forms & Combat
As a Sith, Melek focused on the Sith variant of Lightsaber style 5, displaying notable techniques and skill of both Shien and Djem So to an exceptional degree.
However, he currently lacks a lightsaber, as his original was broken on the grounds on that fateful world where he lost his way as a Sith. Consequently, he has familiarized himself with guns and blasters while he slowly and carefully works on a new one.
Non-Combat Skills:
Skilled: Stealth, Tactics, Mechanics
Proficient: Navigation, Survival, Intimidation
Personal History:
Melek Ven was trained since he was very young to be a warrior, in the hopes of continuing his particular family's long-held tradition of being warriors. He quickly proved equal to the task, proving exceptionally adept at the use of telepathy to predict, counter, and plan for the actions of his prey. After his second year following his achievement of being a true Warrior, a passing Sith ship decided to stop, after having felt his presence.
Appealing to his warrior's love of a good fight, as well as the promise to help him become the ultimate predator he could be, he agreed to join them. When the brutal realities of Sith training soon showed themselves, he rose to the task and redoubled his efforts to become better, become stronger. He swiftly gained in power as a result, even to the point of being chosen to go on a small infiltration mission following several successful outings.
It was during this mission that he was struck by a lucky shot that he couldn't parry in time, and was therefore left for dead by his former compatriots. This made him truly face his own mortality, and he learned to look at it without fear. It also began to make him question what it was he'd been devoting himself to.
His capture a day later by Asarak Set's interrogation unit proved to be an unlikely savior, he thought later. The torture he underwent proved to be more a reminder of his Sith training than an effective tool of extracting information; nonetheless, it led eventually to his unlikely apprenticeship to Asarak, giving himself a cause to devote his passion and attention toward.
The small seed of doubt planted by being left behind eventually blossomed into a true understanding of inner peace. Though he has not abandoned the use of passion, he now views the power derived from passion to be a fuel, which must then be properly channeled to use as it should be.
He currently is reconciling his Sith and the new Jedi beliefs he's come to balance. His passion is still evident, but is now much more a focused laser when used than a flashlight in the dark.
Melek Ven realizes that he walks now a path of his own, and he feels as if he doesn't have a place with the Sith or the Jedi. Instead, he has recently devoted himself to exploring his own potential.
Originally quick-tempered, somewhat sadistic, and methodically destructive, Melek Ven's personality has changed greatly over the past few years with Asarak Set.
He now is contemplative, patient, cautious, and thougtful. Though he has no hesitation when it comes to a fight, he no longer will even try to start or finish one unless he doesn't see another choice. He very much has been unsettled by his experience, and is still trying to find his proper place within himself, as well as within the galaxy at large.
(version 0.01 - begin)
(version 0.5 - Updated languages, edited Force ability blurb)
(version 0.6 - updated format & content)