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#1 WOD Werewolf: Appalachia Moonrise

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:17 pm
by LadyTevar
I'm sounding folks out on this. It will be Werewolf: The Apocalypse 2nd Ed rules. I would be using one of the "Rage Across..." sourcebooks, as I'm not that skilled at creating games. It would be Werewolf Characters Only.

I would reserve the right to deny any merit, flaw, or background that seems too powerful. (I gamed with Munchkins. I know what is 'too powerful' since I saw it in action.)

So... is there any interest?


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:18 pm
by rhoenix
Name: Sees-Faces-In-Stars
Concept: Mystic Wolf
Breed: Lupus
Auspice: Theurge
Tribe: Stargazers

Bio: Sees-Faces-In-Stars always followed his inner star - as his tribe would put it. The vast majority of his people have rejoined the Eastern shapechanger court - but there are a few left, here and there, that still cling to the Garou ways, and the Garou point of view. Some elders mentioned that perhaps it was the way of the universe, even in this dark hour for their tribe.

Though a young lupus still, Sees-Faces-In-Stars shows much promise, not only for his dwindling people, but as a true Garou.

Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2

Knowledges: Enigmas 2, Rites 2, Occult 2, Medicine 2, Linguistics 1
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Primal Urge 3, Expression 1
Skills: Stealth 2, Survival 2, Etiquette (Garou Society) 1

Rite of Binding
Rite of Questing
Rite of Talisman Dedication

Advantages (Backgrounds):
Rites 3
Totem 3
Kinfolk 1

Advantages (Merits & Flaws):
Common Sense (-1)
Natural Channel (-3)
Strict Carnivore (+1)

Heightened Senses (Lupus 1)
Spirit Speech (Theurge 1)
Sense Wyrm (Stargazer 1)
Balance (Stargazer 1)

Honor: 0
Glory: 0
Wisdom: 3

Garou Stats:
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 6
Willpower: 5

Freebie points: 20/20
Common sense merit (-1, 19 left)
Natural Channel merit (-3, 16 left)
Strict Carnivore flaw (+1, 17 left)
dexterity to 3 (-5, 12 left)
+2 Rage (-2, 10 left)
+1 Gnosis (-2, 8 left)
Kinfolk 1 (-1, 7 left)
Balance Gift (-7, 0 left)

Common Attacks (reference):
The Shapes of the Garou
Fur Gnarl - dex+brawl diff. 8, extra successes on attack reduce target's soak for further attacks in the current round
Entrail Rend - dex+brawl diff. 7, +1 to damage roll dice

Common Rolls (reference):
Initiative: 1d10+(wits+dex)
WW:tA Wiki

(version 0.01 - beginning)
(version 0.02 - basics)
(version 1.0 - formatting added, freebies spent and accounted)
(version 1.1 - added Bio and Rites)
(version 1.2 - "dwindling," not "swindling." Wow. This isn't Kolth, after all.)
(version 1.3 - added attacks section for reference)


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:19 pm
by LadyTevar
FYI: I just told Nitram "No, you can't be a Mokole."
If I'm going to say that to my dear, wonderful, sexy, loving husband, what do you think my answer will be to the rest of you guys who -don't- sleep with me when you ask for non-Garou? :wink: :lol:


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:22 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
LadyTevar wrote:FYI: I just told Nitram "No, you can't be a Mokole."
If I'm going to say that to my dear, wonderful, sexy, loving husband, what do you think my answer will be to the rest of you guys who -don't- sleep with me when you ask for non-Garou? :wink: :lol:
Its true. i made the exact same request

I need to get the necessary books, but will probably bite


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:25 pm
by Charon
Fucking stupid Mokole...

I hate Mokole...

*goes back to his papers without answering the question at hand*


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:29 pm
by LadyTevar
Nitram and I both have the books on .pdf and I can post a simple Character Creation.


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:33 pm
by Dark Silver
Shadowlord noidea on auspice yet

since you wont let me have a nagah or nuwashi or anansi.


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:23 pm
by Devonie
LadyTevar wrote:my dear, wonderful, sexy, loving husband,
/me chokes

Count me in, but you gotta make my character, sister dear. I've never played a Garou...


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:49 pm
by Cynical Cat
Stormwalker, Shadowlord Ahroun.


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:00 pm
by LadyTevar
So, we have a Stargazer Theurge and a ShadowLord Ahroun so far... :lol:


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:38 pm
by General Havoc

I presume that it might be problematical that I've never opened a Werewolf book nor have I the first idea how the game works?


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:42 pm
by Cynical Cat
General Havoc wrote:Erm...

I presume that it might be problematical that I've never opened a Werewolf book nor have I the first idea how the game works?
It's a fairly noob friendly system and game. Lady T mentioned she has . . . .access to source materials and I'm more than willing to talk you through stuff.


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:05 pm
by Fearghul
I'd be up for playing.


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:16 pm
by Charon
Silent Strider Ragabash. :grin:


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:57 pm
by LadyTevar
Ok... Easy Character Making System. Character sheets may be found here for all tribes as well as the basic Revised Werewolf sheet.

Step One: Character Concept.

Pick your concept, Breed, Auspice, and Tribe
(This one you're on your own, but run it by me at least.)

Step Two: Distribute Attribute Points
*Prioritize the Categories between Physical, Social and Mental. Spent your points (7/5/3) between the categories. All Traits start with 1 dot, then you add more dots with Points. Each 'dot' is one dice you can roll.
*Physical Traits: Strength, Stamina, Dexterity
*Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
*Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits.
(This means if you want a Physical Character, you'd spend the 7 points in Strength, Stamina, and Dexterity, say as 2, 3, and 2. With the starting dot that would give you Str of 3 dots, a Stam of 4, and a Dex of 3 dots total. If you want the physical character to be Social, the 5 points would be spent there, and the 3 points to Mental. Any questions, PM me.)

Step Three: Distribute Ability Points. (Limit 3 dots, unless you used Freebie Points (see below) )

* Prioritize the Categories between Talents, Skills, and Knowledges. (13/9/5) NONE of the Abilities start out with points.
(A partial list of Abilities can be found as a .pdf here, but does not include all that you can have. PM me if you want something special not on this list.)

*Step Four : Advantages

* Backgrounds (5 points, restricted by Tribe)
--Allies (human or wolf friends)
--Contacts (among human society)
--Fetish (A Garou-made magical object)
--Kinfolk (your relatives who are not Garou)
--Mentor (An elder who looks out for you, but may demand favors as well)
--Pure Breed (your Lineage and Pedigree... may add to your status)
-- Past Life (must have PureBreed. You remember you were Garou before)
-- Resources (MONEY! Homid Only)
--Rites (The Rituals of Garou Society you've learned)
--Totem (The Power of your Pack. Points here makes your Spirit Totem more powerful)

One gift from your Breed, your Tribe, and your Auspice
(PM Me if something's not there)

Starting Renown: Honor, Glory, Wisdom
Renown is your status in the tribe, and it determines your rank. It can go up or down based on your actions. You will all start as Rank One Garou, and Renown is based on your Auspice.
*Ahroun : 2 Glory, 1 Honor
*Galliard : 2 Glory, 1 Wisdom
*Philodox : 3 Honor
*Theurge : 3 Wisdom
*Ragabash : 3 of any type

Step Five: Finishing Touches
Record your Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower scores, as below:

*Rage: Your anger and Inner Beast. Usable for extra actions, some Gifts, and also how likely you are to Frenzy.
--Ahroun 5
--Galliard 4
--Philodox 3
--Theurge 2
--Ragabash 1

*Gnosis: Your spirituality. Empowers Gifts, lets you step into the Spirit World, etc.
--Homid 1
--Metis 3
--Lupus 5

*Willpower: Your self-confidence and control. Many uses.
*All Tribes start with Will 3, except for the following:
*Stargazers Will 5
*Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia, and Wendigo Will 4

*Spend your Freebie Points
15 is normal. I will be nice and up that to 20
*Freebie Costs, per dot:
Attributes: 5
Abilities: 2
Backgrounds: 1
Rage: 1
Gnosis: 2
Willpower: 1
Gifts (Level One Only): 7


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:03 pm
by LadyTevar
Merits and Flaws I couldn't find a link for, so ask about them.

Flaws can give you extra freebie points to spend. I have always played by the rule that Merits are only bought with Flaws, and you may have up to but no more than 7 points worth of Merits/Flaws.

Examples of Flaws are Nightmares, Deformities, Forced/Banned Transformations.

Examples of Merits are Ambidexterity, Photographic Memory, Common Sense (good for newbies, as the GM is allowed to give you hints you shouldn't do something).

Silver Tolerance is a 7 point Merit. If you take it, you will be put in the forefront of any battle where there's silver weapons being used.


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:12 pm
by Cynical Cat
Name: Stormwalker Alexander Karolyi
Tribe: Shadowlord
Auspice: Ahroun

Strength 3
Dexterity 4 (Lightning Reflexes)
Stamina 3

Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 3

Perception 2
Wits 4 (Cunning)
Intelligence 3

Rage 5
Gnosis 3
Willpower 5


Alertness 1
Athletics 2
Brawl 2
Dodge 3
Empathy 1
Expression 1
Intimidation 1
Primal-Urge 2
Subterfuge 1


Animal Ken 1
Drive 1
Etiquette 1
Leadership 1
Firearms 2
Melee 3
Stealth 1
Survival 1


Computer 1
Enigmas 1
Investigation 1
Medicine 1
Occult 1
Politics 1

Fetish 5
Kin Folk 1
Resources 1
Pure Breed 2

Glory 2 Temporary: 9
Honor 1 Temporary: 4
Wisdom 0 Temporary: 6
Falling Touch
Fatal Flaw

5 on Social
4 points Background
4 on Knowledges
4 Skills
4 Gnosis
2 Willpower.

Enemy (3pts)

xp expenditure

4 on Perception
4 on Manipulation
2 Primal Urge

2 unspent

An intelligent, brooding young man with too much anger and frustration that makes him blunt instead of diplomatic and who could perhaps do with less planning and more attention to his surroundings.

Grand Klaive(Rank 5, Gnosis 7): Stormtalon (Difficulty: 6 Damage Str+3). It appears to be an ornate broadsword with a thirty inch blade. It is bonded with a Spirit of Pain (AxisMundi) and a StormCrow. When activated it grants two bonus dice on Leadership and Intimidation checks)


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:38 pm
by Charon
Name: Breathes-the-Winds, Homid name "Adahy"
Age: 11
Breed: Metis (Flaw, bison horns)
Auspice: Galliard
Tribe: Uktena


Strength 3
Dexterity 3
Stamina 4

Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 2

Perception 3
Intelligence 2
Wits 3

Alertness 2
Brawl 2
Dodge 2
Primal Urge 3
Subterfuge 1

Etiquette:Garou 1
Drive 1
Firearms 2
Melee 3
Performance 3
Survival 1
Meditation 2

Lore:Uktena 1
Rituals 2
Wyrm Lore 1
Occult 1

Totem 2
Fetish 3
Rites 2
Resources 2

Gifts: Create Element, Mindspeak, Spirit Speech, Sense Magic

Rite of Cleansing
Rite of Talisman Dedication

Rage 4
Gnosis 4
Willpower 5

Glory 2 Temporary: 5
Honor 0 Temporary: 2
Wisdom 1 Temporary: 6
Rank 1

Merits & Flaws
Metamorph -6

Deranged (Paranoid) +3
Dark Secret () +1
Forced Transformation (Crinos on Waxing Auspice) +2

Background: Breathes-the-Winds was born in the Qualla Indian Reservation, and he was born an abomination. The child of two Garou, Breathes-the-Winds was raised by his parents, and for their keeping him close at hand he suffered constant abuses and even attacks from other Garou, making the young Metis particularly careful of others and constantly watching for when the next attack will occur. With his first change Winds amazed even his parents with how quickly he adapted to his new forms and even more with how easy he found the shifting to be. Now that he has been trained and accepted into the ranks of the Garou Breathes-the-Winds faces brand new challenges.

Equipment: Clothing, scented candles, deer-hide drum, .45 magnum, short sword.

Fetish: Lagomorph's Boon. lvl 2, Gno 7
Fuzzy object negates one botch per activation success.

Harmony Flute. Lvl 1, Gno 5.
All aggressive beings hearing the flute must make Rage rolls or cease fighting. They may defend if attacked, but no offensive actions may be initiated.

5 Social
2 Gnosis
2 Willpower
7 Gifts
4 Backgrounds

Increased Brawl to 2
4 unspent.


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:09 pm
by LadyTevar
Cyncat : Approved. Nitram is going to create your Enemies and help me RP them. You poor Bastard.

Charon: Approved now that you've made the changes.


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:22 pm
by rhoenix
Character sheet finished, pending approval.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:34 am
by LadyTevar
rhoenix wrote:Character sheet finished, pending approval.
Approval comes faster when you Post It. (just a hint)


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:37 am
by Cynical Cat
LadyTevar wrote:Cyncat : Approved. Nitram is going to create your Enemies and help me RP them. You poor Bastard.
Excellent. One does not become great by overcoming weaklings.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:21 pm
by LadyTevar
Looks good, Rheonix. Approved.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:39 pm
by Cynical Cat
Firewalker, Willpower 3 or 4 is human average. Character with Willpower 9 are described as being practically superhuman in that regard. You better do a good sales job to Lady T about that 10.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:51 pm
by SirNitram
A Glasswalker.


With Willpower 10.