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#1 Call of Cthulhu

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 5:41 pm
I'm interested in running a CoC campaign, specifically modern day with some involvement of Delta Green. I'd like to know if anyone would like to play.

Edit: Several posts, mine included, deleted. Please, if you have nothing positive to say about the game and don't care to play then don't bother posting the negative comments. If you want to play, please say so.


Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:17 pm
by Jason_Firewalker
I would be more then willing to play, will this be a d20 CoC game or a 6th Ed?


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:15 am
Probably end up being more of a typical freeform game. The upside to that is that without dice rolls character fatality rates will go down drastically. Now if we can get some more players, great...


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:15 am
by Dark Silver
I'll work on a sheet and post one sometime this week man.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:31 am
Actually, I changed my mind. It will be sheet based for the thread. The rampant death level will be decreased some(but hey, it's CoC there will be death) but we will be using stats. Cthulhu 5.6 version, specifically 1990s(though game will take place in the 2000s, prices will be updated accordingly of course)

Here is the character sheet to download and send to me so it can be uploaded to the site.

All stat rolls for the characters need to be made on the board using the board's dice rolling code. The format is the number of dice d number of dice sides +/-modifiers.

Code: Select all

Invalid dice code!
Quick list of stats rolls:
SIZ, INT: 2d6+6 EDU: 3d6+3
SAN: POWx5 Luck: POWx5 Idea: INTx5 Know: EDUx5

Your Damage Bonus is based on STR+SIZ
2-12 -1d6
13-16 -1d4
17-24 0
25-32 +1d4
33-40 +1d6
For every +16 after that, or fraction thereof, it's an additional 1d6.

Remember, you start with no percentiles in Mythos and every point of mythos you gain permanently removes one percentile from your San. So 1% of mythos means you can only ever have a max of 98 points of Sanity.

More campaign information to follow. If anyone else wants to play, speak up and let me know.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:59 am
by Cynical Cat
I strongly object to anything being deleted, especially because for the reason a mod didn't like it. B4, that behavior is unacceptable.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:53 pm
by Jason_Firewalker


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:54 pm
by Jason_Firewalker
Alright I will get this up onto a sheet and then send it to B4

#9 Hi!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:50 am
by Haizu
Hey everybody! Guess who's back? Sorry I haven't been around in a reeeeeeealy long time, I finally have my own computer so I can be on all the time. I'd like to join in on this CoC game if you guys will have me.

#10 Re: Hi!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:50 am
by LadyTevar
Haizu wrote:Hey everybody! Guess who's back? Sorry I haven't been around in a reeeeeeealy long time, I finally have my own computer so I can be on all the time. I'd like to join in on this CoC game if you guys will have me.


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:15 pm
Haizu, get with me later tonight after work and I'll forward you a copy of the main book for character generation.


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:35 pm
by Haizu


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:45 am
For those still need help, here's the core book that's being used for character creation. Refer to the section titled Building your investigator. ... (2386).pdf

Any further questions let me know.

Hopefully at least one person is wise enough to make an academic type.


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 3:56 pm
by Haizu
What era is this in? I need to know so that I can find out wealth and such. Also, where is this APP attribute the book speaks of? Has this been replaced by CHA?


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:13 pm
by Haizu
Nvm about the APP and CHA part, I figured it out.


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:37 pm
Refer to opening post concerning time table. It's modern era so the closest the rules account for is 1990's.


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:05 pm
by Jason_Firewalker
Since I tried to email this to B4 earlier but got a mailer daemon I will post it here:

Name: Sophie Lawrence
Occupation: Parapsychologist
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Nationality: American (Half Russian)
Resedince: Is hiking around the US presently but lives in Arkham MA
Schools: Miskatonic University
Degrees: Bachelors Of Arts: Medievil History concentrating on the Crusades

STR: 16
CON: 14
DEX: 10
POW: 9
APP: 9
SIZ: 12
INT: 12
EDU: 13

SAN: 45 (great, I am going to go nuts so fast)
LUCK: 45
IDEA: 60
KNOW: 65
Hit Points: 13

Skills (If not listed assume base)

Read/Write English 85%
Anthropology 35%
History 80%
Library Use 50%
Psychology 50%
Occult 45%
Archeology 20%
Pistol 30%
Sword/Knife 30%
Spot Hidden 55%
Hide 35%

Background: An intelligent and wise young woman she followed in her father's footsteps at Miskatonic University, which he attended after serving in Veitnam. A tomboy by nature Sophie is more accustomed to dealing in odd ways with people. She grew up in the United States but her mother was a Russian defector from the Cold War era. She is the youngest of six siblings and oddly enough the only one with a college degree.

Kimber 1911 with 2 boxes of ammo and 3 extra clips
Some clothes, nothing austentatious
Bowie knife
6 sets of batteries
50' of rope
field archeology kit
copy of the latest Tom Clancy novel


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:46 pm
by Haizu
B4, since we're on different shifts for the moment, I'm gonna just post my character on here.

Name: Kage Reynolds
Occupation: Archaeologist
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Nationality: American
Residence: Just got back from an archaeological dig in Egypt but lives in Steep Falls, ME.
Schools: Colby College
Degrees: Bachelors of Science in Archaeology and Anthropology

Str: 10
Dex: 13
Int: 17
Con: 8
Cha: 15
Pow: 15
Siz: 14
Edu: 15

Idea: 85
Luck: 75
Know: 65
San: 75
HP: 11

Skills (Assume base if not listed)
Read/Write Own(EDx5) 70
Anthropology (00%) 29
Archaeology (00%) 55
First Aid (45%) 55
History (05%) 25
Library Use (25%) 55
Linguist (00%) 20
Make Maps (10%) 40
Occult (05%) 35
Other Language(01%) 30 (Egyptian)
Rifles (25%) 60
Spot Hidden (25%) 50
Bargain (05%) 34
Credit Rating (15%) 44
Persuade(15%) 44
Dodge (DEX x 5) 65

Background: Growing up traveling the country due to both parents being military, Kage became interested in learning about ancient cultures and ruins. After graduating high school, he went directly into college and quickly completed his degrees in archaeology and anthropology. He has been traveling the world ever since, exploring both new and old ruins.

SPAS 12 w/ 8 slugs loaded, 16 strapped onto stock
KA-BAR Knife - Night Ranger
PHENIX GEAR Bag/Pack - CFP-90 GI Style with Patrol Pack
Couple changes of clothes (jeans, t-shirts, etc.)
Sleeping Pad
Snugpak Sleeping Bag - Merlin Softie 3
MRE's x3
Mess Kit
Emergency Stove w/ Esbit Fuel Tabs x4
American Technologies Flashlight - Javelin J68
First Aid/Medical - Tactical Trauma Kit
550 Para/Military Cord - 100' (Greatest rope on the planet!)
Archaeology Field Kit
CamelBak - Ambush
Jim Butcher Novel
(Questions about gear- go to and look up items)


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:50 pm
Let it never be said that playing CoC with military people is never interesting. We at least actually get to list the actual stats for gear :wink:

Of course most other people wouldn't know what the fuck a Merlin Softie 3 snugpak was...


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:04 pm
by Haizu
Lol, hence the comment about I figured I would be as specific as I could seeing how much detail matters in this game.


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:07 pm
by Haizu
So, what do you think about the character as a whole?


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:45 pm
It works. Now you all need a 'bruiser' of sorts. Or at least someone with enough sanity points to sling some mind-rending spells...


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:12 pm
by Haizu
Shweet! How many people do we have playing so far?


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:30 pm
by Jason_Firewalker
Just you and me Haizu


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:41 pm
DS is suppose to draw up a sheet and another guy from work may be joining up. So hopefully 3 or 4 here soon.